8:47pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 9:46pm Jul 28 2010)
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Three Years Ago
There are three types of shifters; Air Shifters, Water Shifters, and Land Shifters. The Water Shifters were greedy, they wanted more land. They attacked the Land and Air Shifters until they were no more. Now the Water Shifters live everywhere but what they don't know is that there is two land shifters and a air shifter still alive. They were told to hide by their parents and they were never discovered. Water Shifters They lived by the ocean, to be close by water, until they attacked the other two Shifter species. Now they inhabit the world, living anywhere they please. They are able to shift into any water creature, mythical and real alike. They are able to decieve others and are better at telling lies then the other Shifters. They can breathe underwater and are extremely good swimmers.
Land Shifters They lived anywhere that was not too high and not near the ocean. Mostly in the jungles and plains they inhabited. Three years ago most of them were killed, only two survived. They are good swimmers like the water shifters but they can't breathe underwater. They are faster than any creature or shifter on land and fight extremely well when the ground is beneath their feet. They can shift into any creature that walks on land or climbs in the trees.
Air Shifters They lived on the tops of moutains, wanting to get as close to the sky as possible. Now only one is alive and he/she can shift into any creature that flys, both mystical and real alike. They are deathly afraid of water, mostly the ocean. They are light-spirited and happy most of the time. Setting It takes place where the forest and the ocean meet. In between the trees and water is a little sand and an Academy where young water shifters learn fighting and survival. There are water shifters everywhere, guarding, protecting, and watching. Some water shifters are paranoid thinking there are air and land shifters still alive. The others think the paranoid ones are foolish and weak.
Rules 1 be literate 2 listen to me 3 ask me to be the other land shifter or to be an air shifter 4 I got this idea while watching Avatar: the Last Airbender, but I try to make it as different as possible 5 post which cheese you like better to join: American or Chedder. 6 listen to my co-owners, I will post them when they join Air Shifter 1 Tribecka Land Shifters 1 Charles Bond, me 2 Dragonstar
Water Shifters 1 Co-owners
1 Dragostar 2 Tribecka Bio Name Gender Age Personality Type of Shifter History Looks Pet (if any) Other
8:52pm Jul 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Aw... I love both cheeses. Join as a LAnd shifter?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:53pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 8:54pm Jul 28 2010)
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Posts: 12,418
((Chedder! Join as an air shifter?))
 (Banner made by Kina)
8:53pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((sure Dragon!))
8:54pm Jul 28 2010
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((yep Tibe!))
8:57pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// I'm going to bring in Ariskye if that is alright with you. But I have no clue on the skeleton structure, so I'm going to wait.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:01pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((Ok, and I just posted the bio. Sorry I forgot about it...my brain is turning to mush...))
9:03pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// It's alright, Kake-chan. My mind is current;y fried. I'm trying to work on another roleplay while listening to music [Breaking Benjamin] and roleplaying on Res. It's hard... T-T
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:07pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((I know what you mean, I am currently listening to "sick of being lonely" by field mob XD))
9:09pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 9:10pm Jul 28 2010)
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Posts: 5,310
X- Name -X Ariskye Siome
X- Gender -X Female
X- Age -X Twenty
X- Personality -X Ariskye is mysterious in her own ways. It is because of that, some people are drawn to her; thinking that they can unravel the mystery behind her. Because she is rather hard to befriend and/or “tame,” she has very few people she can actually call her friends. To those select few, she is loyal and protective. Not to mention, if anything were to attack her friends, she would ultimately give all of herself to save them from impending doom. When caught in a corner, she will fight to escape it. And she can get a small amount of blood lust when in the heat of battle. X- Type of Shifter -X Land But her shifts are usually larger than normal, have black fur with crimson markings, and sometimes have an extra tail.
X- History -X When I asked, she growled at me... ^^' X- Looks -X Ariskye still has her crimson eyes, but this time, they are confined into two small circles surrounded by white. The crimson irises are hazy and clouded, but the pupils seem to be non-existent. But when she gets angry, her pupils fade into being in the form of narrow slit-like pupils. Her hair is still hip-length with its blue-black strands that seem to reflect crimson in certain light. When she has her hair up in a ponytail, part of her bangs covers the left side of her face and a jagged, white scar that runs from her hairline to her lower jaw. Ariskye is dressed in all black which is totally out of whack against her pale white skin tone, but the white scar is a bit darker than the rest of her skin. Her shirt ends at her waist while it curves around her neck, it is skin-tight, and the shirt is sleeveless. Her pants start at her hips and does down long, muscular legs until it reaches her ankles. The pants are also skin-tight. Her shoes are black boots with silver skull fastenings. The boots also have two-inch heels. Black scales start at her shoulder blades and curl down her arms until it ends around her wrists, looking like a long tattoo. Her fingernails resemble claws and they are tapered to a pretty sharp point. Her canines are slightly longer and she looks animalistic when she smiles. Her hair covers the tips of her pointed ears. Ariskye stands at six one.
X- Pet -X None
X- Other -X None
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:11pm Jul 28 2010
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Name Akila Monteik Gender Female Age 17 Personality She is sweet and very bubbly. She loves meeting new people Type of Shifter Air History She never talks about it. But, you never know if she will Looks  tle="View Full Size Image" width="198" height="250" /> Pet (if any) A Pomchi named Rodeo Other Nope Pet looks:  tle="By ldysw357 on Flickr" width="242" height="250" />
 (Banner made by Kina)
9:45pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 2,895
Name: Charles (Charlie) Bond Gender: male Age: 12 Type of Shifter: Land Personality: He may look small and innocent but he knows a lot more than some people give him credit for. He is just as skilled in battle and has the knowlege of a normal twenty year old. People respect him, thinking him wise beyond his years. History: His mother told him to hide in a cave during the attack three years ago. The wateer shifters couldn't see him but he could see them and his people at war. He saw his mother, father, and two older brothers get killed. Looks: Pet: Kvior 
10:06pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 2,895
10:26pm Jul 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,141
[[May I join as a water shifter? (I think that's the only ones left, lol) I don't like either P: But I eat american on cheeseburgers.]]
10:26pm Jul 28 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 776
(( American. And Join as a water shifter with a pet panther? And well this will be a little hard because I am not a big fan of water. lol. So I have no clue what lurks in that big black ocean. ^.^ ))
10:29pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 5,310
OoC:// Sure, you guys can. -ponders about new roleplay- -talks to self- Should I post it tomorrow? Hurrr. Maybe not... Don't know many people who like Dragon Booster...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:29pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((sure zombie and immortal!))
10:29pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 11:00pm Jul 28 2010)
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Posts: 98
American Cheese = Yum! x3 Name Amanda (Mandi) Batchelder Gender Female Age Nineteen Personality She's particularly nasty for a water shifter, so don't let her diminutive appearance fool you. She uses her particularly young appearance (about that of a fourteen-year-old) to fool others and attack when they least expect it. She seems like a kind girl at first, but she'll attack if she discovers her opponent has something she likes. Type of Shifter Water History Nothing much interesting happened in Amanda's past, she grew up normally in an average family. Pet (if any) An otter named Niko. Other She prefers transforming into an otter and often leaves the ears peeking out from her hair when in human form.
10:46pm Jul 28 2010
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Posts: 776
Name: Azreal Amidaya Age: 15 Gender: Female Type of Shifter: Water Personality: She can be nice and caring to others, but if you piss her off she'll turn her back on you. She will not make friends unless she knows a full background check on them first. She has learned to watch who she trusts because of past issues and vowed never to make that mistake again so she is very skeptical. If it seems like she doesn't like you, she probably doesn't, but don't take offence to it, she doesn't like a lot of people. History: She doesn't talk about it Looks:  Pet: A black panther named Sanga.  Other: She thinks of Sanga as her daughter and friend. Her favorite water creature is a sea dragon. She beleives hey are magical.
10:56pm Jul 28 2010 (last edited on 10:57pm Jul 28 2010)
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Posts: 3,141
Bio ~Name~ Lock Enzai ~Gender~ Male ~Age~ Seventeen ~Personality~ In his chosen human form, Lock acts like he looks, quiet and mysterious, but also a bit sharp tongued. However, whenever he takes on another form, he gets a very, very cruel and violent streak. His favorite form to take on is a Hydra. This combined with his personality, makes some believe he is the son of The Lernaean Hydra herself. ~Type of Shifter~ Water ~History~ Lock keeps those kinds of things to himself. If anyone asks, he'll usually just stares at them with a rather blank ex pression, causing them the retreat after a few moments. It's this kind of attitude that started the belief of his mother in the first place. ~Looks~ ~Pet~Fleck ~Other~ Fleck is the only creature that he appears to show affection for.