9:48pm Nov 1 2009
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Posts: 993
((Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot. Aw, mine's similar to paigecam's. :P Two eggs walked into a bar. The third one ducked. Just wondering, is Clarisse accepted? :O And I'm adding in her gift now, ok?))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
10:14pm Nov 1 2009
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Posts: 993
((Alright, her power is posted and I've made a slight alteration in her apperance, since this more fits her character. Just because I had a character of her before.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
7:11pm Nov 2 2009
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Posts: 993
((I apologize for posting three times in a row, just thought this could be bumped up so it's easier to find.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
10:13pm Nov 4 2009
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Posts: 372
((God, sorry guys! School has been out of control! Yea Winter, she's accepted! ^3^))
10:20pm Nov 4 2009
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Posts: 993
((I totally understand Fo. May we start soon? Oh, and is the whole oracle/possible witch thing okay too? And if so, does oracle go well enough with witch to keep? Sorry for so many questions.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
6:12pm Nov 6 2009
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Posts: 372
((The oracle thing is okay, but the Oracle of Delphi cannot come from the book. She can be a regular oracle, but in Greek myths, the Oracle possessed someone, without help. So she can become an oracle, just no spirit of Delphi, if that's okay. I totally don't want you to change the character too much, though. It's good! :D And all female Gifters are witches, all can give Gifts, only a few can actually keep giving multiple Gifts though. I don't understand your second question very well, sorry! And keep asking away! I think we can start in a couple days, by Monday hopefully.))
6:29pm Nov 6 2009
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Posts: 993
((Do witches lose their power when they become witches? That's fine. :3 The whole delphi thing. I just know Delphi ecause of Percy Jackson and the Olympians~ ♥))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
10:19am Nov 8 2009
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Posts: 372
((That was a good series huh? x3 When a female is turned into a person with a Gift, she becomes a Witch, or a Gifter. If a Witch without the ability to keep giving Gifts gives someone a Gift, she looses all of her powers, but her knowledge. Witches with the ability to grant more than one Gift are still called Witches, they just can give more Gifts.))
5:25pm Nov 8 2009
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Posts: 993
((Yush~ Did you read it? Okay. So would Clarice keeping her power and still Gifting be the second form of a Witch? I think I understand.))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
1:20am Nov 11 2009
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Posts: 993
((D: Do we start yet? *excited*))
school's out and I'm back for the summer~
3:37am Nov 11 2009 (last edited on 6:53pm Nov 14 2009)
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Posts: 281
(( can i join? this sounds awesome!! hmm.. the eggs hatched into chickens in the bar because they time warped forward! Can one of mine be young? if not i will change the age)) Here is my Bios: Name: Syrene Shellow Age and Birthdate: Syrene is 7, she was born on the 17th of May Gender and Sexual Orientation: Female; Straight Gift: will get one soon. Im still not sure of it though Good or Bad?: hasn't been pulled into either yet. Personality: Syrene is not shy, but keeps to herself. She is well mannered and very friendly, always greeting people with a smile. Syrene can get scared easily and listens carefully, taking note of everything said to her. She is not the average seven year old. Looks: ((this is kinda also my intro, i couldn't think of anything else...))Syrenes soft light skin was dressed in night robes that night, the cool nights breeze blew her golden blonde hair backwards through the whispering autumn leaves. One hour ago, that same night she was in her bed, sleeping soundfully, undisturbed. As she stood, infront of that house, the street light above her started flickering, and then blew out. Her eyes opened, without blinking and she stood there silently, her slender hands, tucked inside the sleeves of her robes, the tiny figure of a seven year old, motionless on a dead street. The lively green eyes, staring, emptily, to the house infront. Past: Syrene, although only seven, holds memories of past lives, lives from when the witches were young. She remembers the black plague and the starvation of so many people. She is the seventh child of the seventh child. Her mother died when giving birth to her. Other: She is Faithe Miare's Niece ~~~ Name: Faithe Miare Age and Birthdate: Faithe is 30, she was born on the 24th of November Gender and Sexual Orientation: Female; Straight Gift: NONE Good or Bad?: Good Personality: Faithe has a very happy and warm hearted personality. She is very lively and loves to go out and do stuff. Her favorite place is the beach. She is very opened minded and on the spiritual side, because of past occurances. Looks: Faithe has warm blonde hair. She has long eyelashes with stunning bright and big Brown eyes, she wasn't as lucky as her sister, who got the green eyes, She has tanned skin and a warm smile, that would only make you smile aswell. Faithe has an hour gl*censored* figure. Past: Faithe's twin sister Carrie, died at the age of 23, when she gave birth to Syrene. Every night she would cry in misery for the loss of her sister. Neither of them ever knew their mother, she left them with their father for another man when they were only two. Faithe's father used to tell them tales of witches in the past and of mythical creatures but Faithe belives that they were only stories. Her father, George Miare, is a good man. In the past they were very close, but he is very old and now in a home, where he rests. Faithe visits him every now and again, although there is not much point as he has lost his memory. Other: She is Syrene's Aunt ((Is this ok??))
11:13pm Nov 11 2009
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Posts: 281
4:37pm Nov 12 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((Wait.... I change my answer.... Two eggs walked into a bar, the first one got drunk, and the second one did not. O_o))
5:09pm Nov 13 2009 (last edited on 5:10pm Nov 13 2009)
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Posts: 372
((Hehe Nice Fullmoon, and Missy, is Syrene going to have a Gift? If so, please explain it, even if she doesn't have one yet. And guys, I am so, so sorry I couldn't get this posted when I said, but here it is. I'll post as much as I can this weekend.)) Light filtered in, gloomy and gray. Jake opened his eyes, sight slightly fuzzy until he rubbed them, everything becoming clearer. He was still in the kitchen, on the floor, but something had happened. The drapes were torn, and claw marks had ripped the floral, brightly colored wall paper. Looking over to his side, Jake noticed the book, teal ink still on the pages, blossoming out like fresh blood. What was interesting, though, was that it had formed shapes. A clock, the hour hand at twelve, the minute hand at four. A cat on a fence, and an old looking window. But in the midst of all the confusion on the paper, what drew Jake’s storm gray eyes was the writing in the middle. Curvy, gothic looking letters spelled out the word, “Oracle.” Oracle? What is that supposed to mean? It is a future-seer, but why is it on a piece of paper, in an ancient book? He thought, getting off of the linoleum tiles. Gingerly picking The Gift up, a strange feeling came over Jake. Something bad was going to happen, soon. With this sense of sudden urgency, he grabbed his school bag, dumped its contents out on the floor, and pounded up the stairs. Stuffing about three days worth of clothes, a tooth brush, his wallet, and The Gift, he grabbed his cell phone off his bed. Yet this time, as he looked down the dark wood banister, Jake spotted something dark, thick looking. A small trail of it led from the kitchen to the door, which was cracked slightly open. It was blood. Jake realized his mother was not there. “Mom! Mom! Mother!” He called desperately. There was no reply. The house was eerily quiet, all of a sudden, and the feeling washed over him again. Adrenaline took over, and Jake sprinted out of the house, and jumped into his old Cadillac. After driving a couple miles, he stopped at a park in some town. Laying his forehead on the steering wheel, Jake shut his eyes, his dark hair tickling his cheeks. His mother was gone, he was apparentaly some "Oracle," and The Gift was real. What next?
5:13pm Nov 13 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((Oh, wait, how do i start? And how does my char get a gift?))
5:19pm Nov 13 2009
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Posts: 372
((If they want one, you have to tell me when you are ready. Roulette will come to them. And they can come and talk to Jake, like "Oh, are you okay?" "No <,..,<" Except Jakey will be nicer ^3^ xD))
5:23pm Nov 13 2009 (last edited on 5:25pm Nov 13 2009)
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Posts: 6,296
Shai sat on the park bench, her eyes staring out into the trees. A pair of squirrels ran on the gravel-path road, chattering exitedly. She sighed, they had so much to talk about. Her eyes swiveled as a truck parked in the park. "Hey, no parki-" She stopped as she saw the boy's face. "Are you okay?" She asked.The boy looked miserable.She could tell. She politely kept her distance, and stepped five feetaway from the car/truck.
5:24pm Nov 13 2009
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Posts: 6,296
((I would like to have Shai have the gift, like soon, but not RIGHT this second.))
5:51pm Nov 13 2009
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Posts: 372
((Tell me when then! :D The font is different on this post than the last because I didn't copy and past this one)) Jake looked up. A girl was standing there. He suddenly realized he must be looking like a predator or something, just sitting in his car at a park. Quickly burying his backpack inside some of the mess in his car, Jake stepped out. "Yea, I'm okay. It's just been a...tough day." Tough didn't even cut it, but what was he supposed to say? No, I'm not okay. I just found out some story was real and my mom might be dead. Like that would help at all. "I guess I've kinda been kicked out of my house." Jake murmured. The wind blew, knocking some of the leaves off the trees. He shuddered slightly and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his hoodie and looked up. The sky was blue, and the birds were flying around in the cold air. How could the rest of the world be so calm now? Jake didn't understand the meaning of calm at the moment. ((Let's say it's November there too, eh? x3 Oh, and I forgot to put this, but Jake changed since the funeral o.o lol))
5:59pm Nov 13 2009
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Posts: 6,296
"Oh, well..... sorry to hear that." She shuffled her feet in the ground. "At least you HAVE a home." she muttered under her breath, a stream of cold air rushed from her mouth. She looked at the boy again. "Ummm.... no parking in the park, you have to park in the parking lot(Wow, I used 'Park' alot)." She said sheepishly. She looked up at the brunches of the pine trees. Her sharp eyes spotted something. "Look! a birds nest!" the boy forgotten, she hoisted herself up the pine's trunk. she was nkown for her strong legs. She peered into the nest. "Five little______." She murmered.(whats a bird that hatches in November?) Then, she remembered the presence of the boy, and flushed. ((Can Shai crush on Jake?))