4:37pm Jan 3 2012
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Posts: 375
Dying quietly is obviously no fun. Not to me, anyway. BD I want to gather around your spasmodic body Euc;
Are you a zombie? D< // pitch fork.
I\'m starting to do profile commissions. I can do simple codes so care to Rmail me?
4:37pm Jan 3 2012 (last edited on 4:40pm Jan 3 2012)
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Posts: 72
B-b-but! That's not fair! I just did what you said, like a good Tron. Besides, why would Mr. Zombie even want to poison us? We're just kings and queens of a barbaric kingdom without citizens. Big whoop! I bet Mr. Zombie has better targets to poison.
I'm not going to pass up cake from a kind wanderer. Pfft.
Also you know as well as I do that I am incapable of making and keeping friends, so why would you even think I was in cahoots with Mr. Zombie?
4:41pm Jan 3 2012
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Posts: 304
IT'S ANOTHER INTRUDER. /cough hai Euchre cough/
State your business and name, please. I require this of every new person. I need to know that you can be trusted. I probably won't trust you regardless, but do not let that deter you from becoming a possible member of this disarrayed kingdom! :D
We have the highest taxes afterall! Not to mention mead mondays!rn
"These little contradictions are in all of us. They’re in me at least. And so I forgot that I had been awake for 30 hours and kept walking, grateful to be a little boat full of water, still floating." — John Green
4:41pm Jan 3 2012
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Posts: 375
Are you accusing to me that this kingdom is not worth poisoning? D<
I would banish you, but that wouldn't be a good enough poisoning.. also I'm pretty sure I banned that in my little speech I made.. that would be contradicting.
If I recall correctly, and I do recall correctly, you reported for duty quite later than you should have. Thus, you owe quite a large fine.. which you have yet to pay, am I right? Yes. I am right. I am always right..
You may be visiting the council very soon. Beware.
I\'m starting to do profile commissions. I can do simple codes so care to Rmail me?
4:44pm Jan 3 2012
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Posts: 304
Oh, and let us not forget that Tron is indeed in charge of walking the rabid-infested hounds. They need their walkies.
Besides, Tron, everyone knows that you do not need to be friends in order to be in cahoots with someone. You simply need the plan and the know-how.
"These little contradictions are in all of us. They’re in me at least. And so I forgot that I had been awake for 30 hours and kept walking, grateful to be a little boat full of water, still floating." — John Green
4:45pm Jan 3 2012
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Posts: 5,578
Um...everything...It is an Everything cake after all.
4:47pm Jan 3 2012 (last edited on 4:47pm Jan 3 2012)
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Posts: 375
Oh, yes, of course! I don't plan on feeding the hounds too much tonight. We want them to be hungry in the morning, so that they rip apart Tron willingly, and savagely. Sound like a good plan?
Judgement day for Tron is coming. c: I'm sure we can all find nice little trinkets from Tron's body to collect. I call her ears.
Mr. Zombie;
List everything that is on the everything cake. ;D
I\'m starting to do profile commissions. I can do simple codes so care to Rmail me?
4:50pm Jan 3 2012
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Posts: 5,578
Hmm...Pillows, chocolate, goat, barbies, Justin Bebier, Janga blocks, tree bark, flour, sugar, eggs, water, milk, ice cream,.....*lists ingrediants*
4:53pm Jan 3 2012
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Posts: 304
As it should be, Lydia. I don't disagree. I actually encourage that we keep them on minimum feeding so that their rage builds between the moment of judgement and Tron's actual disembodiment. I would say no food whatsoever, but then the dogs will attack in a much too great fury and we'll hardly get a show. Shows are nice and things are far more fun that way. owo I do believe I shall take everything under Tron's name. Possession wise. I also hear human organs go for quite a bit on the black market, so I'll be taking those. And her tongue. I need a pincushion.
"These little contradictions are in all of us. They’re in me at least. And so I forgot that I had been awake for 30 hours and kept walking, grateful to be a little boat full of water, still floating." — John Green
4:54pm Jan 3 2012
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Posts: 754
*is prodded with pitchfork. is not happy* *cough cough hi Lyd, hi Petz cough cough* I'm a travelling groom. I care for animals, hunting dogs, hawks, horses... I was wondering if you were to hire me.
Always on the lookout for ardurs!
4:54pm Jan 3 2012 (last edited on 4:54pm Jan 3 2012)
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Posts: 375
WOAH WOAH WOAH. Justin Bieber? Petz, maybe you should have been more specific. ;o;
What position are you requesting?
I\'m starting to do profile commissions. I can do simple codes so care to Rmail me?
4:54pm Jan 3 2012 (last edited on 4:55pm Jan 3 2012)
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Posts: 304
... I knew that cake couldn't be trusted. Tron, you served us... utterly pathetically. I'm glad you ate that and not us. C8
I was not specific because finding out what should have gone in was part of the trial.
"These little contradictions are in all of us. They’re in me at least. And so I forgot that I had been awake for 30 hours and kept walking, grateful to be a little boat full of water, still floating." — John Green
4:55pm Jan 3 2012
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Posts: 754
Lyd: *bows very low* Merely to care for your... animals or future animals. I specialise in caring for zombies as well.
Always on the lookout for ardurs!
4:55pm Jan 3 2012
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Posts: 5,578
Well you did say Everything.
4:59pm Jan 3 2012
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Posts: 375
Euc, By taking care of, I hope you mean savagely murder.. because that would mainly be my mood right now. Can you savagely murder this zombie in a suitable way? Also, I would like to know where our sheep went. Last I've known of them was when I left them to play with out cute, cuddly, rabies-infested hounds.
Fair enough, Petz. what do you suggest of this imposter zombie? D<
Mr. Zombie, prefer to die! .. Again. ouo;
I\'m starting to do profile commissions. I can do simple codes so care to Rmail me?
5:00pm Jan 3 2012
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Posts: 754
*goes over to Darkmith* See here, at this Mr Zombie? *examines* It could do with a lot more sunshine and nutritious meals that do not contain any Bieber ingredients... *coughs* I am a fully qualified expert.
Always on the lookout for ardurs!
5:00pm Jan 3 2012
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Posts: 5,578
First of all I'm not actually a Zombie....second of all...Whay you kill me?
5:01pm Jan 3 2012
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Posts: 754
Lyd: Of course. as for your sheep... *embarassed cough* One thing you should know about me is that I am a werewolf. savagely murdering and looking after animals is my strong point.
Always on the lookout for ardurs!
5:07pm Jan 3 2012 (last edited on 5:23pm Jan 3 2012)
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Posts: 304
I like you Euchre...and I totally do not say that solely on the basis that you are a werewolf. That would be highly foolish and I am not. Durr. eue I'm also not humored by your irony. Yes I am. Everyone knows I favor irony.
We welcome you, Euchre. But do not take this welcome lightly. The concil is always watching. Always.
As for our zombie.
I do not care for most of the ingredient choices. The only one I want you to suffer for is the goat. Because goats have feelings too, you know! D< Perhaps our werewolf can teach you some manners.
>> Also! For future reference, everything cake does not actually have /everything/ in it. You only place what you deem worthy to be in an everything cake and what you placed was certainly not worthy. Psshhhtt. Being killed is nothing new to you, right, Dart? It's just like a re-run of your non-existence. You shall have another chance at gaining our approval. Maybe. If we feel like it. Euch, I require a savage schedule. So we know when you will be...er.. less compliant and we can take precautionary measures for that.
"These little contradictions are in all of us. They’re in me at least. And so I forgot that I had been awake for 30 hours and kept walking, grateful to be a little boat full of water, still floating." — John Green
5:20pm Jan 3 2012
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Posts: 754
*bows down to Petz* I am honoured. *hands Mr Zombie a tablet* Eat it =l
Always on the lookout for ardurs!