4:04pm Sep 4 2012 (last edited on 9:29pm Oct 7 2012)
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Posts: 1,652
T h e K n o w e r s
p l o t
The world as you and I know it is far deeper than one could ever realize without being where we stand now. The majiks and sorcery of long forgotten ages have been ignored and 'disproved' by the knowledge and technology of the time, and that's the way generations of our kind have fought to keep it. But there is far more than they teach us in the modern world, from the creatures that we share our lives with to the places we seek to protect. We live among the Unknowers, pretending to have a typical life in the cities and dwellings they call theirs. We live in silence. We live in secret. But every now and then those of the new generation will rise and leave this mask of deceit behind to seek out the places where their ancestors dwelled and dwell still. Here they learn the ways of the majiks, and seek out who they really are. Traveling in packs they search the lands, peering hopefully through the trees until the towering spires of the City of Lyscena greet them home.
The characters will compose a group of those on the quest to find the City, gathering by instinct brought on by the coming of age: 15. These adolescents must work together to break free of the society in which they were raised, then lead one another to the North. Through woods and forests they all must endure the long journey, learning to hunt and gather to survive. As they grow nearer to the City they will be faced with new challenges: attacks from the beasts native to Lyscena, phenomenons of both majik and fate, and a series of tests designed to delve into their deepest thoughts and intentions, physical endurance, and will to live on. Out of those that take on the journey only those with quick reactions, bravery, courage, and the skills taught to them by their parents will ever make it to their goal.
At the beginning of the quest, all of those that wish to partake in the voyage will attend a ritual in which they will receive an egg. These eggs they will carry with them as they go, and on the way they will eventually hatch into one of the many bond species. These creatures are combined in thought and mind with their humans, and are a companion for life. As intelligent as their human counterparts, together both will learn to fight, help, and learn from one another.
There will be a single, bondless guide that will help to keep the group together and will teach majik, bonding, and more along the way.
Lol all of this and my plot just plain sucks. XD
r e g a r d i n g c h a r a c t e r s
Each pla[injection]yer [that's you] is allowed one or two human characters, as well as that character's bond. Keep in mind that throughout the story, the bond may become just as much if not more of an im[injection]portant character than your humans. Try not to bite off more than you can chew.
Also keep in mind that your human character is originating from the modern world. Please do not look to have a different humanoid species to replace your human, and to not attempt to give your character any extra powers besides those that will be taught along the way. Human characters should be ba[injection]sed on someone that could fit into the modern world.
There are many types and endless variations of bond creatures, but with two ba[injection]se roots: dragons and gryphons. Try not to give either of your characters over-done powers or specialties, we'd like to keep this mildly fair between them all. You are allowed to judge what is reasonable and what is not for yourself. Bonds do not learn any kind of majiks, and are not supposed to have anything but physical specialties or skills. Although very intelligent, these are nothing but fantasy-ba[injection]sed animals.
Use your imagination with your bond characters. You can make them into whatever you like as long as you keep them mildly similar to either a dragon or a gryphon, but let them express yourself in their design and personality. They can be just as unique as you.
Feel free to be diverse in your characters, it makes everything so much more fun. ;D
r u l e s
The basics.
1. Follow all Rescreatu rules. 2. Respect other users. 3. No power-playing, god-modding, or anything related. 4. Please make your posts reasonably long and quite detailed. This is for fun, there is no big rush to get somewhere in the plot. Brain-fart periods are understandable. Feel free to let us know if you need a little bit of help, and feel free to suggest any changes you feel should be made. 5. You do not have to participate in romance or anything of the sort if you do not wish to, yet you are free to do so if you choose. All orientations are acceptable. 6. This roleplay is meant for semi-literate to literate pla[injection]yers due to the fact that some of the material can become complex, and to many it makes it difficult to understand if you do not use adequate punctuation and grammar. Though please, no offense to anyone who does write this way. 7. A reasonable amount of time will be given, but if you post BIOs and do not keep up with the roleplay, we will give a warning and then continue without you. Please be prepared to stay with us. 8. Last but not least, have fun guys. This roleplay may last a very, very long time, but all you need to do is say something if you'll be on a trip or unable to reply for a while. We'll wait until you get back. This is to be for the enjoyment of all, don't worry about little things. I look forward to writing with you!
b i o a n d j o i n r e g u l a t i o n s
There will be pace ques as we progress with the story, so we'll keep this moving at a reasonable pace. Do expect it to take forever for the RP time to progress a little ways, though, there is no limit on how long this can last. Regarding the Guide character, feel free to send me an rMail to request the position. If accepted I'll give you briefings over the general flow of things as we go, but go ahead and make up a few rules of your own to keep the story interesting.
Feel free to ask any questions. :D
Name: Gender: Age: 15 Personality: Appearance: Talents and Weaknesses [optional]: Bond: Other:
Name: Gender: ba[injection]se Species [dragon or gryphon]: Personality: Egg Appearance: Physical Appearance: Other:
p l a y e r s
Dragon Mega Tiger Cortori Unique
Lolandthenourstalkers. < ;D
u p d a t e s
This section will be updated with any new ideas or rules as the roleplay progresses. Feel free to post!
Kay guys, I think we've reached just about the perfect number of pla[injection]yers. Any new recruits feel free to speak up, but otherwise we just need the Guide position filled and we'll start.
Moving the entire group to Kasiem.
No longer accepting new applications. Sorry guys.

5:41pm Sep 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:43pm Sep 4 2012 (last edited on 5:46pm Sep 4 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 4,754
((Can I join? Here be my characters. I am Semi-lit to lit))
Name: Leanna Parks
Gender: Female
Age: 15 Personality: She is very sweet once you get to know her, but she is hard to get to know. She pushes people away because she was never liked when she was little and that is what is easiest for her. When you do get to know her she is gentle, kind, and caring, but before that she is blunt and uncaring.
Talents and Weaknesses [optional]: She is an extremely skilled archer, and she can hit a target that is extremely far away right in the center. She is also very smart and clever, thinking of many ways to do things and get things accomplished. She is absolutely terrible at any type of fighting other than a bow and arrow though. You could give her the best sword in the world and she would most likely loose to someone with a butter knife.
Bond: Sapphire
Name: Sapphire
Gender: Female
ba[injection]se Species [dragon or gryphon]: Slightly Gryphon I think. Horse instead of lion.
Personality: She is outgoing and fun, much the opposite of Leanna. She often tries to get Leanna to socialize with other people, and she sometimes is successful. Sapphire is also like Leanna's apprentice, and Leanna teaches her how to read, speak, and fight.
Physical Appearance: linky Other:
(( Everything can be changed ))

6:10pm Sep 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,248
((Can I join?))
6:30pm Sep 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( You don't even have to ask, Dragon <33
Sounds great, Mega! Welcome to the Knowers~ :D
And there are few people I'd rather have, Tiger <3
Haha, my own BIO will be up in just a second, you guys can edit your posts in. Can't wait to see what you guys have got. ;3 ))
7:08pm Sep 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
I'll be my bios up soon. o3o
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:40pm Sep 4 2012
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Posts: 5,310
I hate the stupid backspace button. I'll get them up tomorrow when I am feeling better from loosing all my creativity.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:29pm Sep 4 2012 (last edited on 1:43pm Oct 2 2012)
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Posts: 1,248
Name: Luffy Altier Gender: Male Age: 15 Personality: Luffy is very secretive and has never been much of the talker. He's often seen as detached from the world. Even though he keeps a cool and composed look all the time, he actually has a short fuse and goes ballistic on people if they anger him. Even with the negative perks, he has a nice side, which it seems only Ojike sees. He has a bad habit of sneaking up on others. He's also said to be a bit dark. Appearance: Luffy has messy, medium length hair that is pitch black. The ends of his hair is curled. His eyes are two shades of green, a brighter green color around the pupil that turns into a darker shade, which is on the edge of his iris. Luffy stands at 5'5', he slouches usually so he looks a few inches shorten then he really is. He has darkly tanned skin, but has and odd paleness to it. He's thin, but has a slight muscular build. He wears black dress shoes, a white tank top, a black jacket with a silver dragon insignia on the back(Link) and a pair of black jeans, which are shredded on the hems and the knees are torn. He wears a black beanie hat, with this symbol on the side of it. He wears a black backpack with multiple symbols, the same as the one on the hat, covering the backpack. He puts a pair of finger-less(except for the thumb), black leather gloves on whenever he fights. Talents and Weaknesses: He's skilled in hand-to-hand combat. Most of what he learned is street fighting and his moves have a sort of rough grace to them. Bond: Ojike Other: *Glare* ...He rides a skateboard on occasion... He's also able to deal a nasty death glare. Will later take an interest in shadow majik. No one is sure if he's gay or strait. Doesn't get along well with people who have bright personalities. A lot of people think he's a bad guy, he doesn't really deny this either. He has a pale birthmark on his lower back that resembles an X. He has a small scar below his left eye.
Name: Ojike Gender: Female ba[injection]se Species: Dragon Wolf Personality: Ojike is very mysterious and generally only shows her true self when around Luffy. Even if she's with him, but around others, she's still defensive. She's very calm, calculating, smart, tenacious at times and can be out right vicious if she feels she or Luffy is threatened. Egg Appearance: The egg is incredibly soft and has an appearance of being made of marble. The egg is slightly oval shaped and is more rounded like a sphere. Physical Appearance: Ojike's coat is almost silvery and her body is covered in long and thick la[injection]yers of feathers. The belly is covered in soft down feathers, which is dotted with grey flecks. Her mane is thick and long and is a misty grey with black flecks. There's a mass of feathers at the end of her tail and they stick up at odd angles and have black flecks. She has black, jagged markings below her eyes, on the muzzle, ears and cheeks. Her horns are small, pointy stubs and are colored white. Her claws are black and are close to two inches long. Her fangs are a beautiful white and the canines are three inches long and poke out of her lips. Her eyes are like opals and change color with her moods, but tend to be a pretty teal color the most. Her pupils are slit like a dragons. Her wings are covered in feathers like a birds, but have the customary dragon shape to them. The wings are white and are dotted with grey flecks. Her kind have physical similarities to a wolf, however not being related. The ears are long, but still resemble a wolf. Her facial structure resemble a wolf, including a bit in the body, legs and her short neck. Ojike stands at 5'9' and is 9'5' in length, which is mostly her tail. Her wingspan is close to twenty feet. Other: Another reason they are called Dragon Wolves is because their fondness towards the moon and that they howl.
((Yayz, hope this is ok and tell me if I need to change anything.))

8:36pm Sep 4 2012 (last edited on 9:35pm Sep 4 2012)
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Posts: 1,652
Name: Mitt Colen Gender: Male Age: 15 Personality: More of the serious kind, Mitt naturally appoints himself as a guardian and a leader. He is very stand-offish and has an attitude that gets him into countless loads of trouble. He considers all his equal, but puts it up to himself to watch everyone's back, with the exception of those he is attacking himself. He's stubborn and prideful, and is a bitter looser. Mitt is a fighter, and will stand with others or on his own as independent and stubborn. He is proud, one to stand up against what he believes in, and a courageous fool. Talents and Weaknesses: Mitt is a quick and strategic thinker, and has a strong will that pushes him to his limits. In the field of fighting he prefers a down-to-bare fistfight, but in any other field would have severe trouble holding his own. He has trouble getting along with other dominate figures, and can be very insubordinate and rebellious. Both his greatest strength and most crippling weakness: he is reckless when he is on his own. Bond: Sorden Other: Mitt has a severe patch of white-skin scars on his right shoulderblade from a dog attack a few years back.
Name: Sorden Gender: Female ba[injection]se Species: Dragon Personality: She has not a shred of innocence in her unless she is playing a part, and is self-willed and fun loving. She has a very disarming personality, and is sassy and sweet. When in a bad mood she does a complete turn around, and grows snappish, and stand-offish like her human counterpart. Sorden is loyal, however, and once she has found those she cares for she will never let them push her away. Egg Appearance: A polished shell that shifts through every color between chocolate-charcoal to a glowing amethyst when the light catches the surface at a perfect angle. Physical Appearance: [lolyupIdrewit] Sorden has a slender, serpentine body with far-set legs and a rather formless profile. Her neck is approximately a third the side of her torso, and her tail nearly double the torso length. She is eyeless, and relies completely on hearing, taste, smell, and touch for sensory movement and interaction. Her tongue, instead of running up the throat, is actually an exterior/interior organ that originates on the outside of the throat about midway down the neck. From there, it coils up through a soft slit in the underside of her jaw, proceeding into her completely white-skinned mouth like a normal tongue. She has no teeth, but instead crushes and swallows any prey whole [thus the need for the previously described alteration]. Because of this she also relies almost completely on her claws for self-protection and hunting. In addition to the normal four limbs, she also has a set of arms that extend under the membrane of her wings and double as the start to the support bones. In addition to the entire mouth area, another alteration is that she breathes almost exclusively through a series of four vents on each side of her ribcage. Positioned just behind her front legs, these vents are a direct passageway to her lungs, which are quite long throughout her chest cavity. This allows for faster and more efficient breathing, and gives her an edge when it comes to endurance. Sorden is very fine-scaled, and if one were to have to compare the two they might say it felt more like a hide of skin. Only on her mane, the end of her tail, and the joints in the backs of her rear legs is there the presence of fur. Adjoining to her wings there are a set of three feathers a side, which flare up over her shoulders to give the slight enlarging appearance meant to counter her otherwise slim and small fr[injection]ame. These serve no purpose other than display. When it comes to her front walking legs, she has a five-fingered foot, including a clawless thumb. Her index fingers both are tipped with long, sharp, curling talons that measure about five inches in length. Because of this she tends to curl her index finger under her palm so that the talon protrudes between the ba[injection]se of her index fingers and thumb. This allows her to walk more easily, without such risk of impaling things or getting caught as she walks. Overall her torso is approximately the same size as that of a horse, though thinner and not as round in the ribcage. This makes her unable to bear more than one passenger safely, and also makes an impact on who or what she can hold her own against in a fight. Overall, she is designed in body to flee and evade more than attack head-on. Other: Sorden has mild hydrophobia.
I congratulate all who read this. o_o;

8:45pm Sep 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( I know how that one goes, Dragon, and I feel for you. See you in the morning, good luck re-writing. <3
And Tiger, everything checks out but one point. Luffy won't be able to have his ability to control the shadows and still be able to fit in the plot, given that the only unnatural abilities are the majiks that will be taught to him. If you wish he could take a special interest in the manipulation of shadows later on, and could master a version of the described powers through majik.
And guys, just a so-you-know, "majik" is just an old-time way of spelling "magic". The concept is the same with a few alterations, you'll get to be more familiar with it all later on. ))
8:47pm Sep 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 827
[[ I absolutely love the plot and the whole Idea of this role-play ^^ Can I join with a female? ]]
9:34pm Sep 4 2012 (last edited on 9:37pm Sep 4 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Sounds fantastic! 8D
Kay guys, I think we've reached just about the perfect number of players. Any new recruits feel free to send out a BIO, but otherwise we just need the Guide position filled, and we'll start it all up. Current players can feel free to make recommendations and refer a partner here, by the way~ ))
9:40pm Sep 4 2012 (last edited on 9:41pm Sep 4 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 778
Ooc: Can iPod join this RP? I am semi-literate to literate. I don't know you all that well so I understand if you prefer to know the person c:
EDIT: I was late xD. Sorry.
"If you had a chance to change your fate, would you?"- Disney Pixars Brave
9:42pm Sep 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Haha, no iPod, one more won't hurt~ I'll shoot you a quick rMail just incase. ))
10:02pm Sep 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,248
((K, I fixed that and added a bit more to Other for him as well. I may add more feature stuff to Ojike in the future.))
10:06pm Sep 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Looks great, Tiger, thank you <3 ))
10:13pm Sep 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,248
((Yay, thanks!))
10:17pm Sep 4 2012 (last edited on 8:47pm Sep 6 2012)
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Posts: 827
Name: Annette RoseGender: FemaleAge: 15 Personality: Soft spoken she is, but shy she will never be. Annette is brave and courageous willing to do whatever task she is handed, and always ready to prove people wrong. However she barely talks only leaving you with gestures or looks that overly convey her intentions. Words are something she sees as unnecessary, hence being soft spoken, but there are is a completely different reason for her use in emotions. You see, Annette doesn't convey emotions she feels, instead she conveys emotions that are brave, playful, sly, or no emotion at all. Emotions other than that are considered showing vulnerability, something that you will very rarely see in this young, bright girl. Along with being soft spoken, and never vulnerable, Annette is very observant and doesn't have a temper. She can stand up for herself and will never back down from a challenge. But if there is anything you should know about this child, it is that she is not afraid to spill blood. Appearance: Thick scarlet red hair spews from Annette's lightly tanned skin with the color of copper to compliment it. Her hair falls long and straight down to her knees, that is usually kept in a loose, light pink scrunchy, that ties at waist length. Her thick, silky hair, puffs up around her diamond shaped head making her face look small. Her big grey eyes almost seem transparent in the sun, making her personality more believable. As for her body, she is lean, skinny (though has lots of strength in her arms) and stands tall at 5'6". Annette usually wears dark blue clothing with splashes of light pink. She wears silky dark blue gloves that ties around her middle finger and wraps around, down her wrist and covers up to her mid-forearm. The glove actually stops a inch or two above her elbow and unravels loose and wavy ruffles the rest of the way. On her gloves a half inch width of ribbon twines up her gloves, splashing light pink on the dark color. Along with the gloves, on her right wrist, she wears a thick golden bracelet with a strange silver design engraved around it. The bracelet also had a little charm dangling off of it in the same golden color. The charm circular and has the design of a little girl, that is supposed to be her, carved in the center. Now, back to her attire. Annette wears a silky dark blue T-shirt that cuts close to her neck and has a triangle cut out that starts slightly below her collar and shapes down into a sweet heart cut above her bust. A inch of silver lining follows the sweet heart neckline and where the neckline dips before starting the other half of the heart is a small heart design that follows the dip. As for the rest of her shirt, there isn't much. Her shirt stops right below her bust and sticks tight to her skin with an elastic hold. Down a little further, Annette ties a ribbon, similar to the ones on her gloves, around the small of her waist. The silky pink fabric ties fittingly around her and the bow ties neatly in front. Now a few inches below her bow, dark blue silky fabric (again) fit to her lower half figure in a similar design of high waist shorts, though starting a little under the waist line and stopping a little higher than mid thigh. Silver lining fr[injection]ames the bottom of the shorts, but this time in a swirly motion and as if they were buttons, there are two small sized-light pink hearts heading south from the top of the shorts. And under where the shorts stop, a sliver of skin is revealed before her thigh high socks and thigh high boots stop. For a change, Annette's socks are made 100% out of cotton and her boots, purely out of leather. Her socks are a light pink color and her leather boots, which have heels, are a dark brown, but like ever other thing Annette has on, a splash of pink ribbon spiral down her boots and tie in a neat bow at the ankles.|x| Now as delicate and tear-able her clothes may seem, Annette actually has a huge leather jacket that is the same dark chocolaty brown her boots are, that she wears often and when it gets cold out. The over sized leather jacket is puffy due to its fuzzy lining inside and it hangs down to mid thigh, being the same length of her shorts. Talents and Weaknesses: Annette is very talented with sword. She has practice swordsmanship for as long as she can remember. Her dad had taught her everything he knew in swordsmanship, and that's a lot considering that his dad taught him and his dad's dad before, and so on. But that wasn't enough for Annette, so she often practice in the woods behind her house by herself and improves her skill, speed, swiftness and strength. But before, when her dad was still teaching her, Annette showed a real passion for the sport, so her dad went out and had made a ivory sword that stood up to her waist. The trim of the blade was made out of steal and a bit of iron so that it could cut fast and neatly, just like any other sword, only better. Annette adored the gift from her father and since the day she got the sword, it had never left Annette or the fitting leather glove she had for it up in her room. If it were up to her, it would never leave her side. But aside from her talent, the weakness she is determined will never reach her is venerability or emotions or more im[injection]portantly, Love.Bond: Deke Other: She is home schooled
Name: Deke Gender: Male ba[injection]se Species: Dragon Personality: Deke has a very strange personality. There are times he has a very bad temper and times where he seems as wise as an old owl. He could be as mean as your worst nightmares and as gentle as a butterfly. You are always guessing with Deke and his war raged personality that is a tangled mess within him. Though one thing that is very clear is that he is protective over Annette and although you never really can understand him, he really seems to understand Annette and her limited words. The two of them really get each other, for some odd reason. Egg Appearance: This egg is the same color of Annette's eyes; grey. In the sunlight it seems almost transparent, like Annette's eyes, although the egg has colors of the rainbow glittering illusions in, what seems to be, inside the egg. In the moonlight the egg seems as dark as night, and as transparent as in the morning, although this time there is a hint of blood red glittering through the egg. The eggs shape, is a tear drop with Other:

10:36pm Sep 4 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4,754
((Thanks for letting me join. I have drawn a little obsession to role plays. Pft, little? Big obsession, and this just adds another place where I can waste my life getting obsessed over an awesome plot ))
10:38pm Sep 4 2012 (last edited on 10:39pm Sep 4 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Haha, I know the feeling, Mega, and it's a pleasure.
Alright everyone, everything sounds perfect. I don't think we expect to do much until the evening with everyone in some sort of school [or something of the sort], but we'll finish up everything and see about starting tomorrow. Anyone who needs to can finish up BIOs, we'll wait up until we're all ready.
At that, I'll be off to bed. See you guys soon <3 ))