_The Knowers || Dragon and Rider RP_

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10:41pm Sep 4 2012

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Wait... What is the time period? o3o

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


10:51pm Sep 4 2012

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Posts: 1,652
(( My time zone or the roleplay time period, Dragon? ))


10:55pm Sep 4 2012

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The roleplay. I'm too tired to type up an appearance. I'm gonna use a picture instead. o3o

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


11:27pm Sep 4 2012

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(( The roleplay is set in modern day, or more specifically the current date. And that's fine, I did the same. xD ))


11:36pm Sep 4 2012

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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


11:58pm Sep 4 2012 (last edited on 10:53pm Sep 6 2012)

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Name: Zylvan Stormfeather
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Personality: Zylvan is probably unlike any other girl her age. Instead of worrying about boys and make up and a very popular social life, Zylvan has all her focus on… other things. She is a rebel, hence the tattoo at an early age, and will often do things if they make sense in her mind. Very outspoken, she will not sugar coat the truth. She just won’t use it subtly. Like… at all. When she fights, she is fierce as anything… which has gotten her into more than enough trouble at her school.
Appearance: Zylvan has extremely hazy, light blue eyes that are specked with light hazel in certain lights and it makes her look like she is blind, but she is not. Her hair reaches her waist and the red dyed part reaches just under her bust. She stands at six feet tall, which is tall for her age. Curved around her belly button and inked in black, is a tribal phoenix. Her ears are just pointed slightly. Zylvan also as a jagged, white scar running across the left of her collar bone. It's origin is not something she discloses to just anybody. [xXx]
Talents and Weaknesses: She is extremely skilled in swordsmanship, dagger- and staff-play. Give her any of those weapons and she will beat you back and make you beg for your life. Though, she prefers swords and daggers over the staff. Zylvan is also highly skilled in the Martial Arts and often mixes what she knows about swordcraft into her forms and techniques. All those are talents. Weaknesses are an entirely different matter. She can be very susceptible to caving into rage... which makes her very dangerous, but also makes her extremely vulnerable since she is prone to leaving an opening that would normally be well protected.
Bond: Whitefire
Other: Her nicknames are Zyl, Storm, and Fae. And she has always been fascinated with fire and lightning. -hint hint-


Name: Whitefire
Gender: Male
Base Species: Dragon
Personality: Whitefire is quite the opposite of his bond. Which is good. Since he might actually keep her in line if she goes astray. He is quiet and reserved, only speaking his mind when he must.
Egg Appearance: A pure white egg, perfectly round and without any physical flaw. It also sports crimson markings.
Physical Appearance: Whitefire has pure white scales with medium darkness red strips all over his body about a couple feet apart. His tail goes out a long ways, almost as long as his body, and ends in several la[injection]yers of feathers that has a red half-circle near the bottom and a large red dot in the center of the half-circle. Whitefire’s neck is a half-yard long a smallish triangular head. Silver horns sprout from the back of his skull and go out about a foot away from his head, ending in a sharp point. On the bottom of both sides of his cheeks, he has one frilled membrane with three pure white ‘fingers’ and an iridescent white membrane that attaches itself to the fingers. From the middle of his forehead sprouts a white spike five inches tall and starts to change into a crimson red halfway up. From behind his ice blue eyes is a ten-inch spike that abruptly changers from white to crimson a few centimeters before the tip. Right behind the spike on his forehead, silver spikes go down his neck and back, before ending at the ba[injection]se of his tail. Sprouting from behind his shoulder blades are white wings with iridescent membranes in between pure white fingers. Whitefire has long legs that have foot long paws with three inch silver claws attaching to each paw-finger. The claws are retractable like a cat’s claws are. Whitefire is extremely thin, but his is also healthy at the same time; that is just how he was born. Right above his hocks are two inch long white spikes. [xXx]
Other: Nope.


Name: Zakeru Tokage 
Gender: Male
Age: Eighteen
Personality: Zakeru is that silent leader type. But he doesn’t let others walk all over him. It’s more of that firm, commanding silence that can be worn as a jacket that everybody knows and respects. He talks, just not as often as most people would like. And when he does speak, people pay attention to it. Zakeru is very calm. All the time. Sure, he may put on a mask of some other emotion, but he is always calm. And he isn’t quick to anger, but he is a touch impatient. When he snaps, it isn’t something visible. More something internal, but it shows in his eyes and his tone. Despite that, he is extremely protective and often gets himself hurt to protect those he cares about.
Appearance: Zakeru has light gray hair that looks white in certain lights and the locks have two black stripes that frame his face. His hair ends at his jawline. His eyes are somewhat strange. Light orange irises with a dark red circle around his black pupils. And people often make fun of him for them. Zakeru is tall, standing at six foot three, has dark tawny skin, and can move quietly as the wind, despite his frame. He is also muscular, if that counts for anything. His clothes are something most people would not expect him to wear. Black fishnet covers his torso and it ends at his hips and his wrists as it circles around his neck in a T-shirt like collar. Covering the fishnet is a tight black t-shirt with a slightly stretched collar and the crimson anarchy symbol on the back. The shirt ends at his waist. Starting just below the fishnet are tight black jeans that end at his ankles. The knees are ripped slightly and he has two chains on his left side. One is slightly smaller than the other. Covering his feet are black converse. Also, Zakeru always wears black eyeliner around his orange eyes and will sometimes wear black polish on his fingernails.
Talents and Weaknesses: Despite being more learned in the majiks than the ones he will be teaching, Zakeru is also skilled with a compound bow. And he always carries two quivers on him at all times; one carrying light-weight metallic arrows and the other carrying traditional ones. He is also a black belt in several Martial Arts disciplines, mostly Tae Kwon Do and Karate. Although he is not super skilled with a sword or a firearm [pistol/revolver/rifle/shotgun], he does keep two, blue-steeled daggers on his person. Talents? Check. Weaknesses would have to be his healing mutation takes a while if the wound is deep enough, and if he expends too much majik at any given point, he will need a lot of sleep and food to recover his strength.
Bond: N/A
Other: Zakeru has a very, very rare genetic mutation – that unfortunately as no name – that allows him to heal a little faster than the average human. For example, a deep cut would turn into a scar in around four days when it would take the average human a lot longer. Zakeru is also a chain smoker. His nickname is the translation of his last name; Lizard. He is also half-Japanese so he can speak that language fluently.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


5:06pm Sep 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
(( Forgot to add my girl loves water and ice [hint, hint] ))


8:26pm Sep 5 2012

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Posts: 1,652
(( Haha, sounds great, both of you. :D

Alright, now I think everyone is just about ready, but we need one more thing before we start. Would anyone like to volunteer to add a character to fill the role of the Guide? Now hold on, if you're not interested that's perfectly fine, kay? Nobody feel obliged to speak up if you don't want to. But for anyone who is interested, just let us know.

If nobody is really interested, we'll add another player to the group or we'll find a way to improvise. No sweat~ ))


8:32pm Sep 5 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
((I'll make a guide, but it is a shame he can't use majiks, I really like his character.))


8:37pm Sep 5 2012

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Posts: 1,652
(( The Guides can actually use majiks, they're the ones who do the majority of the teaching in the subject to the others. The only thing different is that 
1) He is older than the others
2) Although he must return on memory alone, he has before been to the City
3) He doesn't have an animal bond
Other than that he is just as talented, and far, far more learned than the others. If everything is good with you, I'll send you an rMail later on and give you briefings as we go on environment/spells/ect that they will be encountering on the way. Your character will be the lead of the entire group, so you'll have a bit more in-depth involvement with the RP.

Get it got it good? ;D ))


8:38pm Sep 5 2012

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Posts: 5,310


What's the age limit for the guide?

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:40pm Sep 5 2012

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Posts: 1,652
(( Eighteen. ))


8:41pm Sep 5 2012

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Posts: 4,754
(( Got it. His picture will look younger, but just ignore that, I really like the picture. I'll post his bio in a few minutes. I am on from around 3:30 to somewhere around, 10, 11, or 12 res time each day, so I kinda have no life outside of res. Except on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I have Taekwondo then, so I can't be on as much. Just giving you times I'll be on around. ))


8:43pm Sep 5 2012

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Posts: 5,310



I was going to ask, then I had a fcking fire drill in the dorms.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:44pm Sep 5 2012 (last edited on 8:45pm Sep 5 2012)

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Posts: 827
[[Well I am done with my bio just to let you know. I intended on getting done with it earlier but I had pre-cal homework to get done (on the first day too D:).

EDIT: Oops I mean almost done -.- I have to finish the weakness/strengths thingy]]


8:50pm Sep 5 2012 (last edited on 8:58pm Sep 5 2012)

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Posts: 4,754
((Here is my guide, everything is subject to change))
Name: Kyle Petra
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Personality: He is very good at commanding attention. He is a natural born leader, and he is great at all types of majicks, which he can get a little cocky about. Generally, he is kind and sweet, caring for everyone that he gets close to. He is responsible and quite smart, relying on his instincts is not something he normally does. He has to think on problems for a while, and then he can decide. He can make choices quickly, but he prefers not too. He is kinda quirky too, and has a bunch of things that can set him off.
Appearance: linky
Talents and Weaknesses [optional]: He is very skilled with majiks, and especially in the simple elements, like water, earth, ice, and fire. He has never been a great technical fighter, but he can do well with a sword if he must.
Other: He is the guide XD


8:52pm Sep 5 2012 (last edited on 8:53pm Sep 5 2012)

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Posts: 1,652
(( Ouch. Dragon. D;

The BIO checks out great, Unique. The clothes are fine too, but one thing to keep in mind is that they're going to be trekking cross-country through the forest for perhaps hundreds of miles and several months. She might just need a second outfit for when her current one gets torn to shreds, and she'll need something to keep her warm at night. Not going to enforce anything, but it's just a thought. xD 

And that sounds great, Mega, I think that'll make for a very neat leader. ))


8:54pm Sep 5 2012

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Posts: 5,310



And I really wanted to be the guide as well. But I didn't have time to say so.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


8:56pm Sep 5 2012 (last edited on 8:57pm Sep 5 2012)

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Posts: 1,652
(( Dragon, the best I could say would be to send Mega a private message and see if she wants to change things. If she is set on the position, though, it might be too late.  'm afraid if she got there first, even though something kept you, I won't take the chance away from her. ))


8:58pm Sep 5 2012

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Posts: 5,310



Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.

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