10:31pm Sep 6 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
And I shall post him with Zylvan and Whitefire since we already started posting intros. o3o
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:04pm Sep 6 2012 (last edited on 4:42pm Sep 7 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 827
She was laying on the forest floor, where the green grass grew the brightest, thickets, and softest. Her grey eyes were watching clouds move, and the sun was hugging her body. She felt like part of the forest and her joints felt like rusty iron, urging her to stay put. And she didn't oblige the desire away.
Annette just enjoyed the nice Autumn day, feeling like today was a day to savor. She closed her eyes and let her thoughts fill her mind. She was thinking of the stories - or the legends as she likes to think of them as - of the Knowers. The history and adventure that had taken place many a years ago. She thought of the depth of the world, how so many myths and legends have been overlooked and stepped on without a care in the world if they were true or not. I wont be oblivious to life. Annette had promised herself a little less than a decade ago. But with limited freedom, she can only observe life in a boundary.
However, Annette was determine to do something big in life, and make a mark on history like her ancestors before her did. The ones with the blood of the Knowers shall never disappoint. She thought again. She thought she felt a smirk pull up on the corners of her lips, though she wasn't quite sure. Her body felt distant, but her mind subsided the warning and she kept thinking.
Or more like dreaming. Annette had her sword in hand. It was whistling in the wind as she cut through the air beside her in a 'x' motion. Her eyes gave an illusion of being translucent, but the emotion of bravery sparkled in them. Her lips were tugged up into a playful grin and she was wearing her big leather jacket. In her dream, she was looking in on the scene. She had no control over her body or the surroundings. Annette was in the forest, but not the forest that was near her house. Oh, no. This forest was more sinister, more dark and the atmosphere felt heavy. She was approaching something, or some one, hidden in the shadow. And as the body of Annette got closer voices started to spark up everywhere around her. Mumbles, even whispers, they were, so she couldn't make out the words. But as she approached the shadow covered person, the voices got louder and louder and more stared to chime in. Fear started to creep into Annette and her face was full of vulnerability. Her hands started to shake and the air around her was getting heavier and heavier. Majik, her instinct told her. But she didn't care about her instinct at the moment, she felt like she was going to pass out but she couldn't. She wanted to run or stop or take out her sword and flail it around, but she couldn't. Her body - the scene she was looking onto - seemed to be moving with out her, and just as a sharp and shiny dagger lunged for her chest - Annette collapsed on cement. Cement? She was confused and her eyes were adjusting to the light.
bl[injection]ink. Colorful dots were all she could see. bl[injection]ink. Darkness started to creep in the corner of her eyes. bl[injection]ink. A transparent blue haze stained her eyes for several more bl[injection]inks, but she started to realize where she was. She was in the North of town, and she was still sitting on the cement. Annette looked around at people staring a gave them a blank look as they went on their way. How did I get here? She wondered as she clumsily picked herself up from the ground. She looked down to balance herself and realized she was wearing her big leather jacket, like in her dream. How did I...? I was just in the forest. I was, I was - Annette's had flew to touch her back. The familiar ivory handle was sticking out of its case and she let out a relieved sigh. She didn't know what she would do if she lost it, but luckily she didn't.
Annette scanned her surroundings. Only once had she ever been to the North of town, and she never anticipated coming back, but here she was. It was strange to just end up in a place, against her will but then again, she was the one who had walked here. Sleep walking. She safely assumed, remembering all the nights, recently, her parents have caught her wandering the house. However, as strange as sleep walking is, and how new it is to her, Annette was still baffled by the thought of walking North.
She turned and started walking south, trying to exit the scarcely familiar zone, only to be invited to stay longer by a warm patch of wind that blew by her. Annette accepted the invite, for some unknown reason to her, and spun on her heels back around, only to be welcomed by the sight of one guy dragging another guy into an ally way by his hair. The scene was a block away but curiosity spiked in her. Distance. She told herself, taking precaution to the action in the North. Distance.

7:59pm Sep 7 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( I'm glad you've both figured it out, guys. ;)
On a personal note, I forgot something in last night's post, so I made an edit to the writing to better it. Sorry 'bout that, I was being rushed by parents and was tired. xD ))
1:30pm Sep 9 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 827
[[Bump^^ It's funny how RPs hardly move on the weekends.Anyways I just wanted to let you all know, I'm going to be gone Friday-Sunday next weekend.]]
2:02pm Sep 9 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 322
I am so lurking here. >:U
-sets up camp- ))
2:32pm Sep 9 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Haha, noticed the same, Unique. xD And that's alright, it seems like weekends are our days off anyway~
-watches Silent- Well alright then. C; ))
2:41pm Sep 9 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4,754
(( When do we do the ceremony thing that gets us our eggs. I am kinda thinking now would be a good time. ))
2:50pm Sep 9 2012 (last edited on 2:51pm Sep 9 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( We really need to get a few more posts in for things to settle between some of the characters, but before too long they'll be collected and the ceremony will begin. Keep in mind that some players haven't even been able to make intros.
In fact, I was thinking [this part mostly for Dragon, Tiger, and myself]. At this point Mitt would probably be about to beat some serious pudding out of Luffy, or at least give it a try. Perhaps Zakeru could come along and kinda break it up and eventually take them both to the place where the ceremony will be held under a bit of a truce? Just throwing an idea out, lemme know what you guys think. P: ))
2:51pm Sep 9 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4,754
(( Can your character already know where the ceremony is being held? If so, I have another post. ))
3:04pm Sep 9 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( The characters at this point don't even know about a ceremony, much less the coming of age or the quest they are about to undertake. Sorry, but there will be someone that basically comes and captures them all when the time comes.
You can do a sort of idle post or prepare something for the capture, but we really need to wait a little while. Have your character hear something or be lured somewhere quiet, perhaps. ))
3:10pm Sep 9 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
Zakeru breaking up a fight? Sounds like fun. Lizard is going to have a fun time.
Also, if I seem a bit slow in post, I'm watching Dexter.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:26pm Sep 9 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4,754
(( Kk, idle post time XD ))
Leanna looked at her parents and sighed. They just seemed like they were passed out, and they didn't really seem like they were hurt. They should be safe if she locked the door when she left. She needed a little bit of time to think out in her clearing.
She walked out the door and securely locked it behind her, double checking to make sure nothing could get it. She jogged down the empty streets, looking inside each of the small, family owned shops that she passed. Finally, she came to a halt outside of the forest. Hopefully no one would notice her. Coming back two times was always a risk, it wasn't normal for someone like her to be in the forest. She pushed through the greenery until she came upon her small river. Everything was the exact same, nothing had changed.
She sat down on her stump again and started drawing the same scene she had drawn countless times. Her sketch took on the exact replica of the scenery around her. It was almost as if someone had taken a picture of it and printed it onto the paper. She even added herself sitting on the stump drawing. Once she was satisfied she sat back and thought of what had happened that day. It would have been extremely unusual for anyone else, but it was just another normal day for her. Nothing ever stayed the same in her life, from her friends to her family, to even her pets, except for her little clearing. Her little oasis away from all the trouble of life.
She searched around in her backpack and found her canteen. She took a few nice long gulps, than ate some of the jerky she had packed. It had been almost three hours since she had left, and she was very tired. Instead of going home, though, she found a soft spot of grass and curled up under a blanket she had packed. Nothing would disturb her here, and she would get a better nap here than in her bed. She shut her eyes tightly and drifted into dreamy reverie.

9:13pm Sep 10 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Bump for the new week. o3o ))
8:55pm Sep 11 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,248
((Sorry for the absence. Got my net taken for two days. Just got it back today. Uh, is it my turn to post?))
9:09pm Sep 11 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 827
[[I think it is your turn Tiger. Neither Lacortori or Dragon can post till you do ^^]]
10:21pm Sep 11 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4,754
((Yeah, I am done with time killing posts. I have to just wait till you guys come get me :P ))
10:31pm Sep 11 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Yeah, looks like you're up, Tiger. And not a problem with the net thing, I've had it happen for weeks at a time before. ^_^ Welcome back everyone~ ))
11:11pm Sep 11 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
I've got interweb privileges taken away in the past. Doesn't happen now that I live on a college campus...
And I should prolly be doing homework...
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:11pm Sep 13 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,248
((Really sorry for being gone, things just kept popping up.))
The guy yanked me out of the thugs grasp and I nearly trip and fall. The guy puts himself between me and the other guys and starts fighting them. Watching these idiots beat each other up was very amusing. However, not so amusing to actually make me laugh, just make a small grin grow on my face. I would of just left, but one of the thugs came up behind me. He grabbed my shoulder, which was an immediate mistake... for him. I grabbed the thugs hand, using my weight, I leaned forward and flipped the guy onto his back. He struggles for a breath and I would of stomped on the thugs stomach, but I was being pulled away.
"Ack, hey, let go of my hair!" I yelled. I reach back and grab his arm, making him let go. I back away from him, giving him a full on glare. "What the heck was that for? You didn't have to grab my hair!" I rub my now sore head. Seriously, what's with this guy? Grabbing me by the hair...
9:05pm Sep 13 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Are you okay, or do you want me to put in one more before you go, Drag? ))