10:54pm Sep 13 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
Go on and post.
Sorry about the late reply. I was watching The Expendables.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
12:02pm Sep 14 2012
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Posts: 1,652
A very simple look of "what the heck?" crossed his face. Mitt was slightly surprised that the boy had managed to break his grasp for one, but the question was another thing entirely. He paused for a long moment, then almost cocked his head to the side at the other. Did this guy have some sort of brain damage, or could he simply not comprehend the fact that Mitt was about to beat the pudding out of him?
He stared the kid down for a while, starting to consider whether or not throwing a punch at him was even worth it. Then he snapped in return at the long-waiting question, "Why the hell did you pick the fight with me? You seemed awfully intent on getting your face caved in before," he snarled, taking a step towards the other. Fists still clenched, he half considered knocking the other to the dirt just to prove a point.
1:10pm Sep 14 2012 (last edited on 1:11pm Sep 14 2012)
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Posts: 5,310
Small white tendrils of smoke coiled upwards from the end of a cigarette. They coiled in on themselves and faded as they reached higher into the sky. Just a normal day in a normal way. Or so he thought, as he heard loud voices ricochet and echo around the buildings. The content of what the voices were saying wasn't made out, but the male could hear anger in them. With a sigh, he placed the f@g back up to his mouth where he took in another drag before tossing the tobacco stick away.
Odd orange eyes blinked once before he dismounted the custom, steampunk chopper he was sitting on, leaning against the handle bars. He stretched out his stiff back before sliding his hands into the pockets of his jeans before going to investigate where the sound... voices... where coming from. Though, it didn't take extremely long to find a group of school thugs on the ground, holding various body parts and moaning low in pain. One brow cocked up. This was interesting.
"Why the hell did you pick the fight with me? You seemed awfully intent on getting your face caved in before."
He glanced up when he heard a snarl. A quick glance around told him where it was coming from. One of the side alleys. Fitting for another... more private reaming. This time, his eyebrows furrowed as he drew closer. Two boys stood facing each other and they both looked roughly at the age of fifteen. Unless his age predictor was off or malfunctioning. Which he knew was not. One boy took a step towards the other. His fists were clenched and it look like he was ready to raise some Hell.
"Tesutosuteron wa tawagoto no chīsana sakuhin o aotta," he growled to himself before making sure he was well hidden behind the corner of the building. Before he made a move, he wanted to see what this other boy would do. Then, he would intervene if necessary.
[[ Just to let you guys know, before you rip me a new one, "f@g" is another name for cigarette in the context I am using (Its British. o3o). It will only be used that way.
Zakeru translation :: Testosterone fueled little piece of sh!t. ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:47pm Sep 14 2012 (last edited on 1:47pm Sep 14 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
LOL. I like this guy, Dragon~ ;D
That word is fine with me as long as the staff would feel the same.
And a note on my word use, if I'm putting anything in my RP replies that you guys aren't up for, just let me know through here or rMail, I won't bite you. ))
2:32pm Sep 14 2012
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Posts: 5,310
Awesomesauce. I don't usually have a problem with words, unless they try to make my life difficult by not getting spelled correctly.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:48pm Sep 16 2012
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Posts: 827
As if pulled by an invisible force, Annette took a step forward once she saw the two guys disappear into an alleyway. She stopped herself before she could take any more forced steps. It wasn't like her to follow the crowd, it was like her to stray away. But it wasn't curiosity that pulled her closer to the commotion, not like she thought. It was - it was something different. Something stronger. Something that willed her to take another step. Something that felt a lot like instinct. But it couldn't be. Her instinct wasn't to follow strange thugs into an alleyway, it was to practice and practice (and over practice, like she usually does) for that one day that she will get to prove herself and prove her blood.
For some reason, however, she wasn't practicing, she wasn't training herself for that moment she has been dreaming of since her parents told her she had the blood of The Knowers running through her veins. No. She was in the North looking like a space, still standing a few steps away from where she awoke.
Annette looked around at the people passing, most of which avoiding her blank stare. She thought that breaking the contact between her grey eyes and the dark, mysterious alleyway would dim this strange instinct that only burned more fierce and wild with the thought of leaving it in the dusk.
She couldn't forget the instinct, though. It was like it was scorched into her soul. Like it was something she would have to fulfill. It was mocking her with a darkness that presented itself as something passionate. The feeling felt like the presence in her dream. No, it felt like the fuel for her dream. It was eerie yet refreshing. Her eyes locked backed onto the alley and saw a dark figure pressed against it. Her heart jumped forced again by the instinct. Distance. She told herself again, wondering what she is going to do.

9:04pm Sep 16 2012
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Posts: 4,754
Leanna woke up in her little forest clearing, and sighed. How she wished she could stay forever, but she needed to leave. She picked up her bag and scurried around after her scattered art supplies, then hurried out of the forest before she would be missed. She wouldn't want that.
She ran through a field, sprinting back to her home. Hopefully her parents were awake now, and they could tell her what happened. When she was off the field, she slowed down to a walk. These were some of her favorite little streets, all the quaint little shops with large windows at the front to encourage people to come in. She saw a few people that she knew, and she waved slightly at them. She was never really great at talking to people, and even though she knew them, she was still nervous around them.
She walked out of her favorite streets, and she realized she was lost. She hadn't been in this area before, and they didn't look like the kind of neighborhood that liked her parents. She walked forward, sure that she would get out just by going on. She came upon a small street, with an even smaller ally. Down the ally, she could see a fight going on, and she gasped. This was definitely not the type of neighborhood she should be in. She tried to move her feet, but she seemed glued to the spot with fear. All she could do was reach up and grab her bow. At least if anyone came near her, she would be prepared. She saw another girl who appeared to be the only other person who had noticed the fight. Leanna hoped it would be over soon, her eyes wouldn't remove themselves from the scene of the fight.

9:02pm Sep 17 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4,754
(( bump ))
8:13pm Sep 18 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( Bump. ))
10:13pm Sep 19 2012
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Posts: 1,248
Anger burned at the back of my head. "You got in my way when I was ditching those guys, that's why." I paused for a second and added, "I could of taken those guys down without getting as beaten up as you." A simple taunt, but I was in the mood to fight now and this guy has it coming to him. Not just because of what happened, but this guy... I don't know, he just getting on my nerves. Bad day for him I guess.
"That's it..." I muttered under my breath. My eyes stared into his, anger burning in them. "You wanna fight or what?"
((Once again, sorry for lateness. Internet has been wigging out and I'm actually a bit sick at the moment. My family kinda caught a bug and everyone has been passing it around. I just happen to be its latest victim. So sorry if my post if fail, a bit hard to think strait.))
11:02pm Sep 19 2012
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Posts: 1,652
(( It's more than fine, Tiger, don't worry about it. I hope you get better soon, dear. <3 ))
11:09pm Sep 21 2012
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Posts: 827
1:37pm Sep 23 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,248
((Haha, thanks. I'm pretty much over my cold now.))
9:31pm Sep 24 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( I'm glad. <3 Think we're ready to continue? ))
9:52pm Sep 24 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,248
((I'm totally ready to go! Feeling much better today. ^_^))
10:08pm Sep 24 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( I'll poke Dragon one way or another, then. :D ))
10:09pm Sep 24 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 5,310
Dragon is lurking. o3o
Go on ahead, Cortori. Zakeru is lurking as well.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:28pm Sep 24 2012 (last edited on 10:29pm Sep 24 2012)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,652
(( Lol I thought that was as far as Mitt was going to go, but I'll add more. |3
I've never been in a fight, or even seen one. This is hard.
if i can even think that up.
okay starting now.
...now... damnit this is hard. ;-;
....maybe now....
NOW. ))
(( Okay. Okay for real this time. > 3< ))
(( ...fffff. ))
In his way? This guy had to be kidding. Then beat up? If this was that little twit's standard for 'beat up', he had a storm coming for him. Very soon after that was about when Mitt completely ceased reasoning.
The other boy was on the ground in a second flat, Mitt slinging a leg over his torso to straddle the one beneath him. He fell a blow onto the other's cheek, letting scraped and bruised flesh crush mercilessly into flesh. Complete rage overwhelmed his mind, and he came very, very close to literally seeing in red. There was no pain when he hit, there was no hesitation in movement or decision. There was one thought; to make this kid regret ever having laid eyes on him.
(( ...LOL. MY BRAIN. My brain is tired. ))

11:03pm Sep 24 2012
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Posts: 5,310
"Ā, kuso kuso kuso kuso kuso!"
It didn't take long for the eighteen year old to shoot forward and yank the kid (Mitt) off the boy he had fell. Orange eyes narrowed as he pinned the boy in his hand against a building with one hand up high on the kid's neck. The muscles in his arm bulging. Seriously? He hung back for a second too long and this other boy was a few more seconds away from having his entire face re-arranged by some testosterone fueled brat.
He sighed slightly and turned his attention to the kid on the ground. Odd eyes showing a bit of concern. "You alright kid?" he asked. His voice sounding like a stereotypical biker, a husky baritone. Zakeru often thought that if he stopped smoking -- that was extremely doubtful -- the huskiness in his voice would vanish.
[[ Zakeru translation :: Oh, sh!t sh!t sh!t sh!t sh!t! ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:32am Sep 25 2012
Normal User 
Posts: 4,754
This can't be happening.
Leanna tried as hard as she could to turn away, but to no avail. She had to run... every fight she had ever witnessed always somehow ended up involving her.
Go. You need to go now.
But she couldn't. She was draw to the spot, and the harder she fought it, the more it took hold. Finally, she just gave in. She started walking into the ally, her breaths stinging at her throat.
Why am I doing this? This is idiotic, I'll get myself killed. You can't get hit once without every bone in your body breaking, you know that. Stop walking, please...
She kept slowly moving forward, her bow in one hand and an arrow in the other. She saw a strange person knock one of the boys off the other. Hopefully he was ending the fight, not trying to start another one. Finally she arrived very close to the spot where the fight had happened. He saw one of the boys cheek scraped and bloodied. That was going to get infected. She knew it, she had actually been through medical training, just in case. She looked at the other boy who had stopped the fight.
That cut is going to get infected, and by the looks of it, badly so.
