6:56pm Oct 11 2012
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Posts: 1,652
|[ Anyone can post a bit of something, I'll wait this time around. ;3 ]|
1:42pm Oct 21 2012 (last edited on 1:42pm Oct 21 2012)
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Posts: 1,248
((Sorry I was gone so long. Had surgery on my right hand and have been unable to type since. My hand has gotten better and has allowed me to type this little bit.))
"Ok, so now what? There's got to be a reason we all met up like this." I looked around at the others, wondering who they all were and questioning myself if I was gonna be able to stand any of them.
((Sorry it's so short, my hand is starting to hurt.))
2:36pm Oct 21 2012
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Posts: 1,652
|[ Aww, I hope your hand gets better soon Tiger, don't pressure yourself for anything <33 I look forward to having you back!
And once again, anyone feel free to add. ]|
2:46pm Oct 21 2012
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Posts: 4,754
Leanna looked around at the little group of people.
Well, since we are here for a reason, we might as well introduce ourselves. My name is Leanna.
Leanna looked in the direction of the boy who was obviously older than the rest of them. She supposed he was the person who had organized all of this. This was way beyond her, and she needed an explanation.
I think I speak for all of us when I say I would like an explanation. You don't just stumble across an ally of people like us by fate. I know something is up, and I would love it if you explain any of this, even if it is just a small little tidbit of information.
5:09pm Oct 21 2012 (last edited on 5:10pm Oct 21 2012)
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Posts: 1,652
|[ Hey guys, I'm sorry to interrupt, but I want to throw an idea at you all.
Thanks to Dragon, I recently came upon the means of creating a website, and I was thinking of things to do with it.
I wanted to talk to you all about me making a comic that follows this RP.
I could really use the practice with my art, and have been looking for an opportunity to start something like this forever. The idea would be just for me to make a bit of a comic strip every week or two that can visually depict everything that happens here.
I understand if someone is not entirely open to the idea, I promise. I would be asking permission to draw all of your characters interacting with one another, but would only draw them as doing specifically what is stated here. In turn, I think I know a way of making you all partial-owners/runners of the site, if you so wish.
The idea is a new one. It's a bit off for me to ask this of you guys I think, but I want to offer it to you all.
Would you be willing to rMail me your opinions? If everyone is willing to consider letting me do the fancomic, I can work out details on how it would work. And please, please understand that you're not going to offend me if you say no. ]|

5:18pm Oct 21 2012
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Posts: 1,248
((I personally love the idea. So I'm fine with it.))
7:07pm Oct 21 2012 (last edited on 8:04pm Oct 21 2012)
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Posts: 827
[[Okay, so on Thursday I had something typed up and right when I was about to press post, my computer died. No biggy. I was a little irritated but I retyped it after doing homework. I pressed post and the screen turned white and at the top it said something along the lines of 'Sorry, Rescreatu is down till Friday, 19th'!! I got so irritated. Haha, so I am glad that I got on today and saw that you guys posted something :)And About that idea LaCortori.... I think that is a great idea!!! Seeing what we rp in picture form would be great and I think it will be really helpful towards this rp. Once we get further into the rp, the pictures would be great references of what we have done and if we decide to recap something it would be so much easier to reference.]]
7:38pm Oct 21 2012
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Posts: 4,754
(( I'm certainly not opposed to it. Personally, I have no idea how to make a comic strip, so my opinion really doesn't matter, but I am fine with it. ))
8:04pm Oct 21 2012
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Posts: 827
English danced with the language of the Knowers in the mouths of these strangers that surrounded her. It was strange to hear such languages intermingling. Though the sound of them together were sweet and comforting, and confined to the walls of this alley. The oblivious people that continued about their day and walked just a few feet away from the mouth of the alley seemed distant. More distant than they usually felt. Annette knew why she felt disconnected from the world at the moment, and that was because her dream at the moment was becoming her reality.
A playful smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as people were claiming that they were Yerjin and speaking as little of their blood language as possible. Her smile tugged bigger as the medic girl said the word "Knowers" softly, and got scolded for it. However, her smile disappeared and a neutral and bored ex pression took its place. As the eldest spoke, Annette could hear a life time of wisdom in his voice, although she wasn't sure if that was the truth or years of story telling just getting to her. Though, that wasn't the thing that made her smile disappear. It was the fact that he had spoken in a language that was foreign to her ears, and that sounded way to comfortable dripping from his tongue.
But before Annette could think too much on it, other voices rang up in the brief moment of silence. A dominate question filled the air. Why are we here? But wasn't it obvious? Didn't their parents tell them the stories? It was more than fate, as the eldest had said, what more did they want? Time would answer all their questions. And plus, they were in an alley. A little sketchy and a little too public to discuss something of such high importance.

9:40am Oct 27 2012
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Posts: 1,652
As Mitt listened to the exchange between them all, his eyes wandered out of the alley into the street. All those strangers seemed so different now that he could separate himself from them. How long had he been as simpleminded and ignorant as them?
He moved to look away, but the moment before he did his eyes narrowed. A girl stood out among the others, and even as her hair drifted over her eyes, he could tell where her attention lay.
"We're being watched," Mitt warned the others, shoving his hands in his pockets.
|[ Sorry for the delay, everyone, life has been overwhelming lately. ]|
12:48pm Oct 27 2012
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Posts: 5,310
[[ Cortori's life, stop being overwhelming. o3o ]]
He watched their conversation. It was obvious they didn't know very much on why they were here so their parents did their jobs in keeping their traps shut about the whole thing. But it also meant he had to talk more. Great. His mental frowned soon turned into a somewhat smile as he remembered Kasiem. The old man could help him explain things. Especially the part about the eggs they were too receive.
Admittedly, he had spaced out when a girl -- Leanna; hey one name down, four more to go if the other one decided the show up -- addressed him; asking to an explanation. Though it seemed a bit more like a demanded. It took him a few seconds to recall what she had said before mentally replying with a You'll get your explanation soon enough.
When the boy he had previously pinned against the wall spoke of them being watched, Zakeru followed the boy's gaze to see a girl with her hair in her line of sight. She took a step back, probably feeling his eyes on her, but she froze and took another step forward.
"Yerin ier valat?" he called out to the girl observing the group after making sure that their was nobody else watching or listening.
Zylvan would not be intimidated by this male. Her eyes narrowed behind her veil of hair and she stood her ground. But she was not expecting to be asked if she was friend or foe in the language her parents had taught her. That ancient tongue that survived through the millennium. Cocking her head to one, she considered the question.
She could be a friend. She could also be a foe. With a shrug, she responded with a lazy "Axlot." [[ Translation; Depends ]]
The male seemed to consider this before he waved her closer. She cocked her head to the other side before moving to join their little group. As she did, she ran a hand through her hair, the digits cutting the strands. Her hazy, light blue eyes took in all of them.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:57pm Oct 29 2012
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Posts: 827
[[Filler Post ^^As for Cortori~ It is fine :D, although I do agree with dragon...]]
Annette's dark eyes didn't know where to look at the moment, so it studied the ground as she thought. Though when a males voice sounded warning, her head shot up and her red hair bounce once before being weighed down once more. Her eyes looked at the boy who had just spoken, and then she followed his gaze.
By the time she spotted the intruder, the eldest had asked; friend or foe. It sounded so casual, but she knew that he was taking precaution. Still, her chest tightened and her breath held for a moment before the stranger answered. Obviously, there was no threat even if this girl in front of her didn't share the same ancient blood. If she didn't, she would probably think he was talking gibberish or a strange language that public school hadn't had the privileged to teach.
But Annette didn't have to worry about the outcome of that situation, if it did indeed lead down that path, because this girl who, now approached the group, had spoken in the language that their ears could understand. However, even though these people seemed to deem each other to be trustworthy, Annette felt like she wasn't being fooled. All of this seemed too easy, so she was taking her time to trust them.

7:05pm Oct 31 2012
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Posts: 827
[[Happy Halloween Everyone! Bump~]]
11:40am Nov 6 2012
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Posts: 1,652
|[ Well, back from another gap. Hope you all had a happy Halloween <3 ]|
1:09pm Nov 10 2012
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Posts: 1,652
|[ Bump. ]|
9:25pm Nov 14 2012
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Posts: 5,310
Zakeru let is orange eyes run over the assemble of fifteen-year-olds. They wanted answers. Answers he wasn't very inclined to tell. But this new girl just watched them all with eyes hidden behind locks of black and red. She seemed so much more on the quiet side like the boy who almost got his face re-arranged than say, Leanna, who openly demanded answers and "spoke" for all the kids assembled.
"I, personally, cannot give you the answers you seek," he spoke, glancing at Leanna as he did. "But I can take you to a male who does. He is... an old family friend." His head tilted slightly in one direction, causing his black bangs to fall in front of one orange orb. "Though, since I do not have your names, I would like to hear them since Leanna had the right idea. I am Zakeru Tokage."
The girl with her hair in her eyes stirred slightly. "Zylvan Stormfeather," she said. Zakeru inclined his head in acknowledgement and turned his attention to those who had yet to say their names.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:44pm Nov 14 2012
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Posts: 1,652
Mitt listened in silence as the boy spoke, watching him carefully. As the names rose he committed them to memory. Somehow it seemed to make each one of them a little more complete, a little more defined. He looked each one over, and looked around for a moment when the pause came. Figuring to fill it, he said, "Mitt Cyress."
10:26pm Nov 14 2012
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Posts: 1,248
An annoyed sigh escapes me as Mitt says his name. My hand reaches up to my head, where my fingers pass through my black and oddly curled hair. I once again sigh before I say, "The name's Luffy Altier." I didn't particularly like my first name. My Mom was absolutely obsessed with anime and one in particular, where the main character was named Luffy. She said I was the happiest baby ever and I reminded her of him so much, she decided to name me after him. My Dad, not being around at the time, wasn't able to complain.
10:32pm Nov 14 2012
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Posts: 827
The idea of an introduction was thrown into the alley air. Annette pondered the dreadful thought of introductions. It wasn't a bad idea, actually. She would actually like to know the names of these kids since they were all going be together for a while. However, it was a double end deal, meaning, she would have to speak. Annette hated speaking, and only spoke for important things. Stating whether she was a friend or a foe, earlier, seemed to be important, but her name? She didn't know if it was necessary for them to know. The whole time she was standing there it didn't seem like anyone really noticed her all that much, and if they did, they didn't show it. Annette was going to try to see if she could sneak out of talking, but she knew it wasn't right. They had the right to know who she was, for they all shared the same ancient blood as her. To Annette, her lineage was something she was very passionate about, and if that was her reason for talking then so be it. Her passion didn't give her much of a choice. With a silent inhale, Annette looked down at the alley floor. Her ex pression was emotionless as she forced herself to say "Annette". Her voice was sweet and child-like, but it was soft and quiet and it didn't finish her last name. For if she had said Rose at the end of the sentence, that would just be another word - another useless breath taken.

2:53pm Nov 18 2012
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Posts: 1,652
|[ Bump for Mega. ]|