3:02pm Feb 21 2011
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"Let wait until the time is right," she said. "Right now, the pups would be born in winter. That would give them low chances of survival." Clarin looked up and licked his neck. "I just don't want our pups to grow up in hiding. I want them to have a normal life. Where they can play without worrying about who's watching..."
Love is all we need~
3:04pm Feb 21 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Sabine stood up and went to find her pack. No- even better. Let's have the pack find me. She howled, trying her best to sound like an enemy wolf.
3:07pm Feb 21 2011
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Posts: 2,264
"I know I just... I..." He turned his head hearing a howl. He howled to the other wolves who were eating. "Follow me! Clarin you stay I don't want you getting hurt" He said as he ran off.
3:08pm Feb 21 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Sype followed. Sabine rolled over onto her back. perfect. I got the howl perfect.
3:16pm Feb 21 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Clarin huffed and sat down. She hated being treated like she was helpless. She didn't want to anger Zaruma, so she did as he said and stayed out of it.
Love is all we need~
3:23pm Feb 21 2011
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Posts: 2,264
Zaruma saw that it was Sabine when he got there. "You fool! Why would you howl like that. What happened?" He said angrily "I know when you are hurt and when you arn't. If you are going to keep pulling these tricks I am going to kick you out of the pack!". He looked at her with anger in his eyes.
3:24pm Feb 21 2011
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Posts: 3,371
"I wouldn't do that."Sabine said calmly. "You'd regret it. And besides, you'd miss me." She sighed. "Of course, I could just go to the other pack." She shrugged. "Your choice."
3:28pm Feb 21 2011
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Posts: 2,264
"Fine" Zaruma said. He didn't want her going over there and telling them their plan. OOC: We aren't really doing anything with the other clan.
4:34pm Feb 21 2011
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4:56pm Feb 22 2011
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"Good." Sabine snapped. She would probably use that excuse again. "Now," She stood up," You're in my way. Move." She shoved him aside, showing no respect, then walked away, tail raised high- the way that some alpha wolves walked.
9:01pm Feb 22 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Clarin looked to Sabine and huffed. "Why do you always try to play alpha? One day, Zaruma will teach you a lesson. Or maybe I will," she said, only loud enough for her to hear. That was it. She was going to put Clarin in her place if she didn't stop. The next time that she showed no respect for alphas, Clarin had a bone to pick with her.
Love is all we need~
4:47pm Feb 24 2011
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Posts: 3,371
Sabine saw Clarin as she walked. She turned and looked for a moment, then turned away, and continued walking. (She's taunting you. XD)
10:39am Feb 26 2011
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Zaruma growled. "Thats it! They wont let you in anyways!" He ran after Sabine about to bite her tail.
3:50pm Feb 27 2011
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OOC: Bump!
5:01pm Feb 27 2011
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Clarin got up and said, "Don't fight! We need all the wolves uninjured for the enemy's attack." She looked up at Sabine and Zaruma, her eyes pleading.
Love is all we need~
5:22pm Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 2,264
Zaruma froze. He was on two paws 3 inches from biting her tail. He looked at her. The only thing that moved was his eyes. "Yea I guess you're right." He said ashamed.
5:24pm Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Clarin sighed, relieved. "Save the fighting for when they attack. No use in wasting energy. But, Sabine, don't be so cocky. I will put you in your place."
Love is all we need~
5:31pm Feb 27 2011
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Posts: 2,264
OOC: Brain dead. Lets wait for Kupala.