9:49pm Jan 2 2010
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Silentkit ignored Falconwing, as he usually did. Slinking into the medicine cats den, he stopped quickly and sneezed, unsure about the odd scent. Bscking away, he decided he'd ruther sleep in the nursery. Glancing around again, the kit spotted a warrior watching him, eyes shining in curiosity, he slowly padded up to Flashflood, remembering the hostile glances him and Falconwing got the first time they entered this camp. Even thought most seemd to accept them, now the looks were all to real in his young mind. Stopping a few tail lengths from the warrior, he looked up, and up. He wondered if he would ever get as big as some of the warriors. "Who are you?" He asked curiously.
9:50pm Jan 2 2010
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Dreamsplash purred and went along with Dustrouge's little 'game' ((im WAYYY more interested in the Sb at this pount xD crim just got banned by teh Pitchspork xDDD))
9:55pm Jan 2 2010
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Flashflood flicked his tail, "I am Flashflood, I'm suprised you do not know me yet, When I was a kit, I was ALWAYS getting into trouble with the warriors." he laughed, remembering those days from so far back in his past.
9:57pm Jan 2 2010
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Silentkit stared up at Flashflood, whiskers twitching in amusment. "Diddn't your mother tell you to stop?" He asked curiously, tying not to remember his own mom. "Falconwing freaks out if I do something bad."
10:04pm Jan 2 2010
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Flashflood shook his head, "my mother died, so I had no parents, the clan raised me. And beides, I meant me and the warriors got in trouble together." he winked and sat up, yawning.
10:27pm Jan 2 2010
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11:15pm Jan 2 2010
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11:25pm Jan 2 2010
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((Nyuuu! Full! *flies away on ice cream airplane*))
11:27pm Jan 2 2010
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Silentkit blinked up at Flashflood, curious. "Sounds a lot like me. My mom died, but the warriors back in Runeclan were stiff and did not like kits running about." He ignored Falconwing's sudden stiffness and smiled grimmly. "If the clan raised you then did you know who your father was?" He asked, wondering. "Did he try to kil-." He could not go on, Falconwings tail covered his mouth. "Sorry he's bothering you Flashflood." Falconwing meowed soflty. "Kits will be kits." Silentkit protested as Falconwing nosed him back towards the nursery, fur fluffing up. "Please keep that to yourself Silentkit." She whispered, hoping no one heard. Turning back to Flashflood, she forced a smile. "Do you know when Dustrouge will be back? I'l like to talk to him about getting Silentkit apprenticed. "She asked, trying to change the subject.
11:35pm Jan 2 2010
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Flashflood shrugged, "Didnt see him at all, by the way, tell Silentkit that my father died trying to save my mother when she fell in a river, it was partially flooded. Ironically, my name is Flashflood." He shook his head, sighing.
11:50pm Jan 2 2010
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Falconwing flicked his shoulder with her tail in sympathy. "Im sorry about your parents, in sure their watching you, proud, somewhere." She meowed gently, then turned and trotted to the nursery, giving Silentkit a quick bath while telling him what Flashflood said.
11:59pm Jan 2 2010
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Flashflood felt a pang of jealousy toward Silentkit. At least he wasnt alone at night, he didnt shiver in the middle of the desert as visions of his pparents struggling in the water flashedin his head. Silentkit would never have to learn the rules of life by himself. He had Falconwing. She wasnt his mother, but at least he had something.((I LOVE THIS SONG! Vanilla Twilight by Owl City Tis on mah profile xD))
12:10am Jan 3 2010 (last edited on 12:14am Jan 3 2010)
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Falconwing sighed in delight as Silentkit finally fell asleep, his small body curled around tightly. After her nap earlier in the day, she had no intrest in sleeping. Slinking quietly from the den, she padded into the clearing and looked around, still mildyly surprised to not see the camp she grew up in. But it did not matter, Duneclan was her clan now and she tended to serve it loyaly till she spoke with her sister once more. Stretching, she could not wait till she became a warrior once more, not a queen sitting in the nursery all day. "But at this rate im going to need a mentor to show me where im going in this territory." She muttered to herself in amusment, whiskers twitching. ((I'v never heard that song, to bad my computers to slow to load that kind of stuff XD ))
12:16am Jan 3 2010
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((Reacap, please?))
![](http://l-userpic.livejournal.com/104398685/1000320) "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
12:34pm Jan 3 2010
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OOC: DustRogue has taken Dreamsplash out to breed, and Flashflood, Falconwing, and Silentkit were learning about each other, I guess... BIC: Not really knowing better and not really caring, DustRouge began to rub his fore paws upon Dreamslpash's stomach and licking on her ears. ((FAILFAIS=Nanny ;P ))
12:41pm Jan 3 2010 (last edited on 1:18pm Jan 3 2010)
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((nanny?? wow lol *doesent know what to post* xD can we skip to after they mated? if that makes any sense xD))
1:22pm Jan 3 2010
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Brushfire sat near the lake in SaphireClan camp, enjoying the way the lapping water felt on his paws. The sun's rays bore down on his back and he was uncomfterbly warm. He saw a fish and purred, pouncing into the water after it, enjoying the cooling wetness it brought. He laughed when he realised he had actually caught the fish.
1:26pm Jan 3 2010
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((Sorry, but this I really want to join. Too late?))
Just make it green, blue, white, and swirly. :D
1:47pm Jan 3 2010
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OOC: *shrugs* BIC: Five minutes later, DustRogue crawled off of Dreamsplash. "Do you want to go back, or shall we further explore?" he asked, his eyes sparkling in a new way and his smile more sly than ever.
1:54pm Jan 3 2010 (last edited on 2:21pm Jan 3 2010)
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Dreamsplash shrugged, "Doesent matter to me." She purred softly and let her tail drape across Dustrouge's shoulders. ((UGH! epic fail, snoweh ish ubertired! only 12 hours of sleep! xDDDD))