{The Spirit Stone} Powered People RP {gives you power.}

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10:14pm Jul 31 2010

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((I guess I will be the dark force too since no one is claiming it.))

Name: Tysol
Gender: male
Age: unknown
Stone: none
Personality: he is wise and helpful. He will do anything to help the four humans with the stones to defeat the Dark Force.
History: It is a long story. XD I will put it in my posts, let's just say he used to be human. . .
Looks: his human form:
Other: none

Name: is known as the Dark Force
Gender: male
Age: unknown
Stone: none
Personality: he has many personalities, most of them fake. He can pretend to be people he is not and he is full of deciet.
History: *growl*
Looks: most people never see him, and when they do they don't realize it. He can look like anything or anyone.
Other: he is the dark force that haunts the forest.


10:19pm Jul 31 2010

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OoC: When will we start?


11:11pm Jul 31 2010

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Posts: 2,895
((now, I will post my intro.))


11:26pm Jul 31 2010

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It was about mid-morning when the young boy set out to his town. The place was bustling with people of all shapes and sizes. The town had always been busy, even when he lived there. People usually moved there becuase money was easy to make there, that's why so many people live there and why it is busy all of the time. He was almost there, he just had to go down the hill he stood on and he would be at the entrence. When he saw the town a single silver tear rolled down his cheek and he quickly wiped it away with the back of his hand.

He hasn't been there for two years and he doesn't want to go back. All of the bad memories he had and all of the burdens he had to carry there is too much. Remebering the day Ayuin found him when he was almost dead brought tears to the boy's eyes. But that seemed like ages ago rather than two years. Back when he was human.

The boy had no choice really. He was commanded by Ayuin to get the Spirit Stones, which he already did, and give them to the ones they connected with. The stones led him to his town, obviously the special humans all lived in the huge town for the stones never lie.

Sighing, he walked down the hill, carful not to drop the stones that he held in a small sack. If he dropped even one stone all would be lost. After about five minutes he came to the entrence. Once he arrived he just stood there for a while, memories of the past filling his head. He shook his head to clear his mind, his dark brown hair fell in his eyes. Brushing his hair to the side with one hand he strolled into the town, looking for the humans the stones connected with.


12:13am Aug 1 2010 (last edited on 10:55pm Aug 3 2010)

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Posts: 4,093
(( Ack, my bio is late. I'm sorry. ;O; ))

Mr. Bio

va:void(0);" ti
tle="Click to zoom out."> Houri.jpg Hou Ri image by Mahkena

Name Demi.

Gender Female.

Age 14.

Stone Green.

Personality Demi is a totally content person. Whatever situation she is in, she's pretty much incapable of being miserable- ever since a few years ago when she attempted suicide, she's valued life even more. She cherishes life in all it's forms- even pain. She's calm and never feels pressured or cornered.
Besides that, Demi is a genuinely sweet girl. She's pretty social and is absolutely loyal to her friends. She's easygoing and doesn't like to argue.
That's all I'll say! >O

History Demi grew up pretty normally, and though both her parents were drunks and chain smokers, they raised her with love. When she was ten they got divorced, but Demi got over it.

When Demi was thirteen, the bus she and her friends were riding to a concert had an accident. She was the only one to survive- even out of all the other people on the bus. Demi was absolutely traumatized and tried to commit suicide the next day. She slit her wrist and let it hang in a tub of hot water, quickly bleeding to death.
They say it was a miracle she survived. In fact, she had been dead when they found her, but the doctors managed to get her heart beating again.

Looks See above. Waaay above.
Yes, Demi is a full-blown albino. :)

Other Nooope. I don't think so.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

11:14am Aug 1 2010

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Posts: 4,093
(( Bump. :3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

11:24am Aug 1 2010

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Posts: 6,948
ooc: Can there be a black stone too for me. They would control Darkness?))

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5:10pm Aug 1 2010

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Posts: 5,310


A girl of about twenty sat in the park with her back leaning against a tree with her legs folded at the knee. A sketch pad was propped against her legs and a rough sketch was already on the white paper. In her hands was a pencil, a piece of charcoal, and a red pencil was placed behind her ear. In her ears were a pair of headphones that led to an iPod in her pocket. The song currently playing was Liberate by Disturbed.

Bobbing her head to the beat of the music, she let her pencil move across the paper as she darkened the image on it. Moving the pad slightly, she added shading to it before smuging the shadows with a thumb. Cocking her head, she glanced up when a group of kids ran pas-sed as the kicked a soccer ball between them. Sighing, she shook her head and returned to her drawing.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:39pm Aug 1 2010

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Posts: 2,895

((sure Feyth, and that's all right dust.))


10:30pm Aug 1 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Ok, my charrie is Dusk, I will post her bio tomorrow.))

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4:53am Aug 2 2010

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Posts: 2,036
Phoebe sat on a large branch on a plain tree, overlooking the park. She was in her bird form, an eagle. She could see a girl underneath another tree, drawing something. A group of kids ran past her, playing soccer. Phoebe loved people-watching, it kept her calm, even though she was always calm. Quickly she flew down to the next branch, and then further down. She was bored, and wanted something to do. It wasn't that fun being alone. She flew behind a bush on the ground and shifted to her human form. She walked out quickly and then sighed. There wasn't much left to do in the world without adventure. Then she remembered her stone, and smiled slightly, while putting her hand in her pocket instinctively to hold it. She was going to have adventure, one day.


10:13am Aug 2 2010

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Posts: 6,948

Name: Dusk Lunara
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Stone: Yin-yangPersonality: Rp out
History: Rp out

Looks: Rp out
Other: She is blind


As Dusk sat quietly underneath a tree, she felt a prescence near her. She quickly finished the page of the book she was on by rubbing her fingers across the brail writing. She closed the leatherbound book and put her hand on the ground; she heard a branch landed on. It was just a bird, she decided. 

Dusk rubbed the onyx-black stone in her pocket, feeling its smoothness. She leaned back and thought of what she had been told:

I can shapeshift into a black dragon and a white dragon. I lose control if I shift into the black one. She shuttered, remembering what she had done to her friend and then continued the thought. I can feel emotions. If I am still, or barely moving, I can becomre invisible.

She sighed and rubbed it again as she heard footsteps. The bird had gone, but this human had appeared. A scowl set on her pale face, she wandered up to the place where it was coming from and stayed perfectly still. She breathed a heavy sigh as she felt the foosteps go away. She cursed the wind for blowing her purple, almost black, cloak off of her. She ran to pick it up, stumbling. She tripped over a rock and the top of her kimono-like shirt ripped, revealing a black dragon marking curled up. The rest of the marking was covered. As Dusk tried to get the shirt up again, the other side fell. This time, the sleeping dragon was white. Dusk knew that the tails of the dragon intertwined down hre back in a yin-yang symbol type thing, but she hated it, it had gotten her deserted by her parents. She felt the footsteps again and tried to run, bumping into a girl as she did so...

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9:10pm Aug 2 2010

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Posts: 2,895
((*growl* milo and Feyth, how can your charries hold the stones when I didn't give them to them yet?))


2:55am Aug 3 2010

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Posts: 2,036
OoC: ... What? O-O That completely recks my post. ;c She was all shapeshifting and such. ;o You didn't tell us you hadn't given them to us.


9:27am Aug 3 2010

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Posts: 6,948
ooc: Yes, you didn't say that and plus, I was figuring that nobody knew about Dusk's power.

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12:49pm Aug 3 2010 (last edited on 12:51pm Aug 3 2010)

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Posts: 2,895
((they have their powers, I guess I didn't explain it good enough. The people are born with their powers no matter if they have their stone on them or not they will have their powers. Tysol found them and is giving it to the people they connect with so they can protect them so they don't break,if the a stone breaks the person it connects with dies.))


1:20pm Aug 3 2010

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Posts: 5,310


I thought they didn't actually get their powers until they got their respective stone...

Looks like I was wrong.

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


1:26pm Aug 3 2010

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Posts: 2,895
((I'm sorry if I didn't explain it well enough. Sometimes I have an idea in my head and I write it down but then I read it later and it doesn't make any sense.))


6:08pm Aug 3 2010

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8:53pm Aug 3 2010

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Posts: 6,948
((Can we pretend that She found the stone. Tyson had dropped it and hadn't gone back because he forgot?))

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