10:34pm Aug 3 2010 (last edited on 9:19pm Aug 4 2010)
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((sure, but she doesn't know what it is.)) Tysol tested the weight of his sack, it felt lighter. He opened it up and peered inside, all of the Spirit Stones were in their place except for the black stone. He looked around frantically for it, retracing his steps. Finally, when he thought all hope was lost, he found a girl holding it. He sighed, and walked up to her. "I believe you have something of mine..." he started to say, his small tweleve-year-old hands reaching for the stone. Suddenly he stopped mid-grab."No wait, it is yours. Keep it. You must come with me though, we haven't much time." the boy's hands grabbed hers, his tiny fingers curled around her hand. Whenever a stone is not touching it's connector it gives off a small humming noise that only special humans can hear, humans ears are not strong enough, but when they are touching the humming stops. That is how Tysol knew the stone belonged to her.
11:09pm Aug 3 2010 (last edited on 5:49pm Aug 4 2010)
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Sunlight filtered through a covering of leaves that hung overhead, barely clinging to the tree. The corrupted rays were dappled across the floor below, and the figure that sat against the tree's thin, spindly trunk, which bent slightly under her weight.
The tree didn't mind though; the girl had been sure to ask it. It was still young and healthy and strong. The way it acted, though, made it seem as if it was trying hard to prove itself. The girl smiled.
She had alway seemed to have a special connection to plants and animals. She couldn't actually hear them speak or anything, but she pretended she could. And she was fairly sure her understanding of them was accurate.
And animals. A grey squirrel chittered above her on a small branch, it's tail twisting and curling as it demanded more sunflower seeds.
"I'm all out. Besides, if you eat too much, you'll get fat." She squirrel seemed to stiffen indignantly as she said this. "It's not autumn yet."
The girl, named Demi, pushed lightly off the ground and stood upright. She smoothed down her simple white tank top and started walking, giving a last small wave to the squirrel.
She emerged in to the sunlight, her pure white hair seeming to glow in the brightness, and after less than a minute she was back on the crowded street. She started heading home, hands in her pocket, listening to the rustling of distant leaves.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
1:46am Aug 4 2010
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OoC: Oooh, okay. ;3 We'll just pretend that Phoebe didn't have it in my first post. xD Phoebe walked for a few seconds but looked up to see a boy who was about twelve, holding a girls hand. She shrugged and kept walking. But an odd humming started to annoy her, and she wondered where it was coming from. It seemed louder when she walked towards the boy, and quieter when she walked away from him. Just to make sure it was coming from him, she walked calmly to a nearby tree and stood next to it so she was hidden from the boy, and shifted into a small sparrow. She hopped for a few feet before flying into the air. Her ears weren't as good as when she was human, but she could still hear the humming easily. She swooped down to the tree next to the boy and listened carefully. She went a little closer and realised they humming was coming from the boy's bag. It was really starting to bug her, and she wondered what was inside the bag. None of the other people walking around seemed to hear it, so Phoebe felt like she was crazy. After a while she decided to talk to the boy. She flew to a bush and shifted back to human, and walked over to the boy. "Um, hello," She said when she was under the shade of the tree. "I'm just wondering what that buzzing noise is inside your bag? It's kind of annoying me, to tell you the truth." Phoebe internally hit herself. She was too talkative and always seemed to blurt out what she was thinking. She hoped she hadn't offended the boy in any way.

11:02am Aug 4 2010
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Dusk pulled away, having just toppled into the other girl. "Why thanks, but no thanks. One, its my rock and two it keeps me calm." Dusk started to leave, but heard him say that he needed her. She lifted an eyebrow and rolled her sightless eyes. "Fine." She grumbled, letting the boy lead her away...
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5:49pm Aug 4 2010
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(( Bump? o3o ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
9:56pm Aug 4 2010 (last edited on 9:59pm Aug 4 2010)
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Tysol stopped leading Dusk when the other girl approached. He could tell by the humming in his sack and by her question that she was a Connector, someone who owns on of the Spirit Stones. He opened his sack and pulled out a shiney white stone, though it looked more like a gem. "Your stone is calling to you. And no you have not offended me." the small boy replied. He handed her the stone with a twinkle in his eye, although he did not smile. He could tell that there was one more Connector nearby other than the two girls. His bag was still humming even after he handed the two stones to their owners. He reached in his sack and pulled out the humming green stone and held it away from his body. Tysol turned around in different directions to see which one led to the other Connector. Finally the stone hummed loudly when pointed east. Tysol walked in that direction in search of the owner to the stone. ((he is looking for Demi))
9:59pm Aug 4 2010
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How old are you, 12? Dusk smirked as she thought about this, feeling the tiny hands of the boy.l She sighed and let the wind toss her black hair around her face and her cloak whip at her body. She wondered mildly, if her marks were showing. She didn't care now however because if anybody had seen them, they would try to kill her. Death was the least of her worries...
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6:06am Aug 5 2010
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OoC: I'm not going to be on as much as usual anymore, sorry if I don't reply much. DX
12:09pm Aug 5 2010 (last edited on 12:10pm Aug 5 2010)
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((I guess it is too late to join. *sighs*))
Twig is ONLINE!
1:56pm Aug 5 2010
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((Momo: you can be the dark force if you want. and milo it's all right I have to leave on sunday for camp and I won't be able to post for a whole week.but that is in three days.))
12:05pm Aug 6 2010
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1:00pm Aug 6 2010
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Demi blinked and she stopped walking, glancing around her. There was a buzzing noise in her ear, and she couldn't get rid of it. It was getting louder too, as if it was getting closer...
Finally Demi spotted a boy, only a few years younger than she, walking towards her. He had two girls with him, and was holding out a beautiful green stone in the direction he was walking, as if it was the thing leading him. Demi basically froze in place when she saw the stone. Her eyes were wide and, as the boy and the stone drew nearer, she felt her body flooded with warmth. She didn't know if the boy had spotted her yet. Instead of waiting in the middle of the street, being pushed around by walking people, she went towards him.
When she was a few metres away, she spoke. "That stone is calling to me." She said simply. Her eyes were curious. "Were you trying to find me?"

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
10:28pm Aug 6 2010
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"Yes. This is your stone." the boy replied then added in a whisper,"Three down, two to go." he sighed and handed her the green stone, as soon as she touched it the stone stopped humming. Tysol pulled out another stone and did the same thing as he did to the green one, so he could find it's owner. This time the humming was louder to the north. He carried the sack and the stone and headed in that direction, taking the three girls with him.
2:48am Aug 7 2010
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Demi followed him without question. She was a bit odd, to trust him so easily, but honestly she had nothing better to do, and was simply curious. Her parents wouldn't be worried; they were used to her getting distracted by some animal and wandering off for hours.
As they walked, Demi could barely keep her eyes off the green stone. It was slightly translucent and was brighter at the centre, as if it glowed from within. Twice, she stumbled over a root because she had not watched where she was going, instead staring unblinking at the stone. With a quick apology to the tree she moved on.
She could have sworn she heard the tree speak back, acknowledging and accepting her apology, though she didn't quite hear any noise. It was just that her understanding of plants was deeper, somehow.
With the stone in hand, her step felt lighter, as if she could run as fast as she wind if she wanted to. She was curious about what it did exactly, and why it was hers, but she shrugged off the questions. She would find out soon enough, probably.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
11:38am Aug 7 2010
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(( Bump. ;3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
11:45am Aug 7 2010
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8:21pm Aug 13 2010
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((I am back guys! we can continue!))
10:27am Aug 14 2010
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(( Yay! X3 ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
12:13pm Aug 14 2010
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9:05pm Aug 15 2010
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(( Bump? :D ))

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe