name: Dusk
gender: Female
age: 18
power (you can make up your power): Controls the water to her will and can make floating objects sinkable.
personality: Mysterious-Hard-headed
crush: Open
mate: Open
merchildren: None
other: Around her neck is a pearl necklace, the the pearls are black. On her head is a glowing blue star and her wrists are covered in blue glowing tatoos that she was born with.
Name: Feyth
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Power: Can control fire and it is blue because of the water. It doesn't get put out by water. She can shapeshift into see creatures.
Personality: Giddy and always excited if a bit childish.
Crush: Open
Mate: open
Mercildren: No
Other: She wears matching perals to her sister, except they are red. There are tatoo like markings that run all long her back and tist and turn as the get to her shoulders. The pulse red. On her forehead is a glowing red sun. As you can see, she is Dusk's twin...