3:44pm Jul 4 2011 (last edited on 3:03pm Jul 12 2011)
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Posts: 243
Time's Up 6 " 6 Time's up for us, we have no other option but to watch the world be created crumble before our very eyes. There is no other road to take, no more second chances. This is it. The end. But some still stand, undefeated and strong, I hope they make a better place of this world than we did. New things are appearing every day, new things are taking over. Time's up for the old world, time to make way for a new one... 6 " 6 In the year 2039, scientists in Tokyo began conducting a series of nuclear experiments, mixing reactants to try and create a totally safe form of power with no dangerous waste products or harmful radiation. But someting went very, very wrong. On the night of April 19th, 2040 a terrible explosion wiped out the whole lab, save for one scientist, Mikami Fugioka. A great mind to say the least. Only he knew what was going to happen and he tried to warn people but they shrugged him off as delusional or crazy. They should have been listening to him for little more than a week later, after Mikami had come to an untimely death, high levels of radiation were being detected around all of Japan, particularly near the site of the explosion. People started to feel the effects right away, nearly everyone began losing hair and braking out in a raw red and very itchy rash, feeling weak and vomiting blood before dying in the space of about two days. The Japanese govornment began an immediate evacuation plan but, after the first plane load went out, they noticed one of the passengers had been affected by the radiation and was carrying particles on him, thus spreading them to everyone he came into contact with. They had just caused the world's worst and most dangerous pandemic. By 2041 99.99% of the human race had been wiped out. But new species of plants and animals began to appear, the old ones mutating and cross breeding too. Some even developing our characteristics. Becoming smarter. Becoming human. Things on earth have changed. Flowers cascade down huge tower blocks, giant butterflys and birds flutter around them. Down on the ground, many animals walk on two legs. They talk to each other like humans. They read and write. They have made our cities theirs. Some people survived the disater though, they live alone, hiding in fear of a new world they don't understand. A chosen few have been affected by the radiation, but not in a negative way. They have... abilities so to speak. They can bend metal at will, create illusions in the mids of other distort reality, read minds even. The only catch it, they're all under the age of eighteen. Let me tell you, trying to contol supernatural abilities and go through puberty at the same time isn't exactly the easiest thing... 6 " 6 Rules - Please be literate, two paragraphs minimum. One paragraph being 5-7 sentances. - No Mary-Sues, Gary-Loues or the like. - No Powerplaying or Godmodding. - No spamming, though bumps are appreciated. - Post the name of your favorite animal so I know you read the rules. - Try to keep the gender ratios even, if you have two chars, one must be a by and the other must be a girl. You may only have one charater. - You may have any power, but you may have ONLY ONE! - You may have pets and you may communicate with them. This a basic power all charaters will have. - Try to use proper spelling and grammar AT ALL TIMES. A few errors will be excused but capitalisation is a must and don't make a habit or making mistakes. - You may paly an anthromorpic animal if you like but no quads. - You can have as many characters as you like, as long as you can keep up with them all. - Fill all feilds in the bio. No 'doesn't like to say' for History or 'will RP out' for Personality. - Gay/Bi/Les characters are allowed and encouraged. 6 " 6
Bio skelly Name:
Gender: Species:
Breed: (if anthro)
Old Lifestyle:
Power: (if human) Pets:

3:49pm Jul 8 2011 (last edited on 5:16pm Jul 15 2011)
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Posts: 243
Name: Ashley Kalten
Nickname: Ash
Age: 19
Gender: Male Species: Human
Breed: N/A
Looks: Asley is tall (around 5.11) and lean in build, a little on the skinny side of healthy but not a twig in any sense. He has porcelean white skin and sandy blonde hair, his fringe hanging over his eyes. He can see you, but you can't see he's looking at you. He has wide, doe-like slate grey eyes surrounded by long eyelashes. His legs are long and muscular, built for sprinting and, true to form, he is very fast. He has a burn covering most of the left side of his body, starting at his fore head, snaking across his shoulder and down his back and chest to just above his hip, from and accident in his teens. The burn is mearly superficial and he can still see from his left eye. The burn doesn't touch his arm and can only be seen on his face and neck when he wears a shirt.
His normal attire consists of ripped blue jeans, a pair of beat up black converse and a grubby white T-shirt. He sometimes wears a baggy dark purple hoodie over the top. Personality: Ash is sarcastic and often seemingly cruel. He likes to pick fun at people but can't take abuse and will retaliate verbally or even violently if he's in a bad mood. He's very short tempered, quick to anger yet quick to cool, but he tries not to snap at people too much, even if he hardly ever suceeds. He has a closet love of music and dance, if you catch him alone he will probably be playing his acoustic guitar and/or singing. He's often reculsive and antisocial but he does have his moments of being 'Mr popular'.
Despite prefering his own company to that of others, Ash is quite a ladies man and a serial flirt when he comes out of his shell. He isn't shy in the least and always speaks his mind. People are often vying for his attention but he is a self-made hermit. He can't stand idiots or people who think they know it all. He's very good at reading people and knows when some one is messing him around, another thing he despises Old Lifestyle: Ash worked part time in a small time music store and occasionally booked a gig at the local pub, this is what he loves most. History: Ash was always a self-made recluse, even when he was very young he never played with other kids. He always achived well in school and his mum was always proud of him, his dad having left when he was only one. When he was six, his mother got married to his step-dad, Ed. Then, only a year later his little sister Molly was born, he doted on her, playing the part of big brother to a tee. They were inseperable from day one and he only ever spoke to her. She recently turned 15 but died six months later, along with his mother and Ed.
He didn't leave his apartment for over two weeks and when he did he was shocked to say the least. He wonered around the city for a few days, looking for any signs of life and discovered his power when he found none. Power: Ironically, Ash's power is that when he gets extremely angry, depressed/ditraught, anxious, scared or frustrated he can create fire at will. His whole body becomes engulfed in flames and his eyes go white with heat. The fire can be shot from any part of his body at random it's not really in his control. He tries to prevent it at all costs as it is so ditructive. Tell tale signs he's going to explode, literally, are smoke coming from his nose and mouth, his eyes getting paler and a rise in his body temerature. Pets: Ash has a female raccon named Smokey. Smokey is bubbly and exitable, she's always grinning and chittering about something or other. She's really cheeky, always planning a new devious scheme for food. She's very social and not afarid of any strangers but she's snappish and easily annoyed.

Other: N/A Name: Tanna-Alois
Nickname: Tanna-kin, Al
Age: 18 human years
Gender: Female Species: Anthro, Canine
Breed: Australian Sheperd dog
 (c) Spotty @ Chickensmoothie.com
Personality: Tanna is a curious and adventrous tomboy by nature. Normally acting long before she begins to think of the concequences. Her life is a constant adrenaline rush, thrill after thrill after thrill. She loves being 'bubbly', as she calls the feeling. She's generally a sweet girl with near endless patience with others, but if you push her enough she will blow her furry top. When doing activites, all of that patience is gone, she gets bored in about ten minutes. The only thing that really interests her is Parqour and Capoiera. (Free-running and dance fighting)
She's not the sharpest knife in the draw but she doesn't like people patronising her or calling her stupid. She's feircly loyal and will do anything for a friend, which is anyone who will talk to her for more that a minute. She's lovable and easy to like but hyper and often irritating. Tanna is a bit of a show off but not to any large extent.
Old Lifestyle: A loved family pet.
History: She lived with the same family all her life. They loved her and treated her well but were all killed in the first waves of radiation. Tanna turned anthro and lived on her own since.
Power: N/A Pets: None
Other: She never wears toursers, always shorts.

11:02am Jul 9 2011
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Posts: 243
11:18am Jul 9 2011 (last edited on 11:18am Jul 9 2011)
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Posts: 7,283
OOC: My favorite animal is a rabbit <3 And, are you expecting alot for bios? I am 'sorta of' new on Rescreatu, so I haven't gotten my charactars fully done. So I usually ask people if its alright if I put 'RP it out' on my personalities, and histories. But, since you require it, I can try to put something together quickly. But, it won't be much. D: Is that alright? Oh, and if more people join, and there are mostly 'gays' in the role play, I may drop out. But, I'll let you know a head of time before things go too far. :)
Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!
4:31pm Jul 9 2011
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Fav. animal - wolf
Name:Fang Nickname:blackstar (note: NOT blackstar from souleater, i thought of my character long before i saw that anime and only those who have seen fang's dragon form would call her this)
Age:14 gender: female
appearance: 6" long dark brown hair, white skin with a little bit of tanning visible from exposure to the sun, various minor scratch mark scars on arms, very vivid blue eyes, a few freckles, nothing else notable
personality: can seem cold and maybe even a little mean at first, but will defend friends.
old life: animal-loving book worm, nothing special
history: after the disaster fang began to travle, hoping to meet any old friends that had survived, not long after she had started travelling, she met Kaze
power: the ability to turn into a black dragon with a white diamond marking on her for head, can stand on two or four legs (most always two though) when standing on two legs she's about as tall as the average full grown man, strong, faster, and more attuned to danger in this form, she usually stays partly transformed, though nothing obvious or visable. The dragon form looks like a european-style dragon with an arrow head tail and rather plain whit cone shaped horns, arms resembling a human's in structure, and hands that can be used like a humans, but look like a cross between hands paws and bird talons. hind legs resembling a wolf or dog's in structure. (sorry i got kind of detailed)
pets: a white wolf named Kaze (ka - ze) he doesn't talk much, and everyone but fang seems to have a difficult time understanding what he's saying, especially those who don't know him well. he seems to be aware of bad natures in people as well as lies, almost like the second half of fang's ability to sense danger. other then his pure white he has a dark grey marking on his fore-head. those who have known him a long time say it wasn't there before. those who spend a long time around him claim the marking is getting darket. Perhaps they imagined it?
tell me if theres something i need to change about the bio, great story by the way, i think it would make an awsome book
2:56pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 243
[CH, sure thing! You seem more than literate enough to join. I'm sorry my reply didn't come sooner, Res has been down on my computer for the past two days. And also, that's fine. You do need a certain amout of straight couples to make an RP work. xDD Dragon393, not accepted. I don't think you're literate enough. maybe try a lower level RP?]
3:02pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 1,338
((I personally love most animals. c: But, If I had to pick for certain, I would have to say Giraffes. <3
This Rp looks really interesting. :) I'll be sure to join. ^^ If I can, of course.))
3:05pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 243
[Sure you can join Shaste! You're by far literate enough. ^^]
3:06pm Jul 12 2011 (last edited on 2:04pm Jul 20 2011)
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Name: Paradise Hill
Nickname: I don't think there is one. One could be made up through out the role play, if you require this. :D
Age: 17
Gender: Female Species: Human
^^Except for whatever that tattoo thing is on her arm. D: *Hates tattoos*
Personality: Roleplaying this out.
Old Lifestyle: Since the Smith family were a rich bunch, she never had to have a job.
History: Roleplay this out.
Power: Mind Reading Pets: Making one throughout the role play.
Other: If I think of something, I'll say it. :D ((Oh yes, I should warn you. I have never done a plot type role play before. So this will be new to me.Roleplaying isn't new to me, I assure you. But, I'm sure I'll be able to keep up once we get going on this. :D))
Back from hiatus. Open to more roleplays!
3:30pm Jul 12 2011 (last edited on 9:30pm Jul 12 2011)
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Name: Kyle Brunt
Nickname: Kyle, 'The King' {used by old friends, when the world was normal.)
Age: 17
Gender: Male Species: Human
Looks: Kyle is... Muscular, to say the least. He isn't the tallest, standing at a short 5' 8", but what he lacks in height, he makes up for in girth. Kyle has olive colored skin, and his face is blemish free, minus a few dark freckles that spot his nose and cheek bones. Though few, they are noticable. Shawn isn't ridiculously toned, he's not like, body builder gross muscular. You can just tell he works out a lot. He isn't all that defined, just big. Kyle has a rather soft looking face: He has a rounded, square jaw and perfect teeth, courtasy of five years with braces. Kyle has high cheek bones, which accent his pale gray-blue eyes. His olive colored skin tone fits well with his jet black, and short, 'normal'-cut hairstyle. Kyle is usually seen wearing long, dark blue, jean pants and running shoes. He wears loose-fitting T-shirts, with no writing or pictures or anything, and doesn't tend to wear much else. Well, socks and underwear if you didn't already know that. -.- Kyle also has a bracelet on his wrist that says the names of his siblings, a blue bead seperating each name: Shelly-Peter-Alisha. He never leaves it anywhere, and if he lost it, Kyle would go nuts over it.
Personality: Kyle is the 'player' type of guy. He doesn't like showing his true emotions, because he knows he will be considered weak from it. Shawn is not afraid to flirt... With everyone, and anyone. The teen is also kind of a jerk, to those he doesn't know. He will make up his mind about you in the first 5 minutes that he meets you. Either he will love you... Or not so much. Dislike, a word he uses a lot to describe how he feels towards some. Kyle, when he starts to feel emotionally attatched towards someone, will suddenly break away, severing all contact. He doesn't like to get hurt in any way, emotionally. Don't expect to come close to Kyle, because it most likely will not happen.
Kyle likes to keep his 'reputation' up. He is smooth, and charming, and knows what to say, and when to say it. He can be hot headed some, well, MOST of the time, and isn't quite afraid to show it. Some might say Kyle is much too opinionated, blunt, and probably needs some anger management, though Kyle would, disrespectfully, disagree. Kyle thinks that he is perfect the way he is. Anyone who doesn't agree, well, they don't matter in his eyes.
Old Lifestyle: Kyle was a normal teen, with a normal life. Two parents, married, with three other siblings: two younger sisters, and one younger brother. Kyle considered himself the 'shepard' of his flock. Kyle used to live a pretty good life, having the luxary of getting to buy what he wanted, when he wanted. Etc~
History: Kyle was born in a normal, middle-upper-class family. He was the oldest of four children, and he much acted like their guardians. Kyle was often known for his protectiveness over his little sister, and her boyfriends. Kyle was in the dog park one day, when he caught some of the radiation, though he didn't know about it quite yet. When he came home, his father caught it, passing it to his mother, which transferred it to the rest of the kids. Kyle was the only one strong enough to resist the radiation in those amounts. Sadly, he blames himself for his familys' death. Kyle did an old fashion burrial in their back yard and visits them as much as he can, even in this new world. He still lives in his old home, staying hidden as much as he can. Though, Kyle is hard not to notice because of the way he is.
Power: Kyle has super human speed. -Like, 'flash of light' type speed- Pets: Kyle has a pet Husky; it's still a puppy. It was his youngest sisters. Her name is Princess Shelly, after the sister. Though, Kyle just calls her 'Shell'.
Other: None really, nope.
Name: Jessica Sorenson [Soar-en-son]
Nickname: Jess, and Bird. (Because her last name... -points-)
Age: 16
Gender: Female Species: Anthro, feline
Breed: Red fox anthro
Looks: But, instead of that blue color, Jess is red-ish. o.o Like.. Ya know, a Red Fox. o.o

Personality: Jessica is one of my newest characters, and I'm finding it hard to describe her at the moment. Would it be alright if I just RP'ed her out?
Old Lifestyle: Jessica was a fox before... So... o.o
History: Jessica is one of the antrhos that evolved since the radiation poisonging. She used to be just a normal red fox, playing in water and being sneaky, like most foxes are. Then, one day she found herself changing, for the good. Now, she is the way most creatures are.
Power: Pets: She kinda is one, so... None. xD
Other: Nope. c:
Well, could you please tell me if I need to change anything with these? Especially with Jessica, I was having a hard time figuring, and writing down, her in full. -.- It's been a long day.
3:48pm Jul 12 2011 (last edited on 3:55pm Jul 12 2011)
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Posts: 243
[Shay, it means they cannot walk on four legs. ^^ CH accepted, since you just made her up off the top of your head.]
4:12pm Jul 12 2011
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OOC: Thanks for being lenient with me <3 And, is old life style and history the same thing?
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4:55pm Jul 12 2011
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[Haha, it's okay. And no, lifestyle is like if you had a job or whatever, what you enjoy etc.]
4:59pm Jul 12 2011
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Ooc; Current favourite animal happens to be the spotted hyena. Also, I'm literate (I suppose) but I'd like to point out that I need to fix my spelling, and being Canadian I put u's in my words. o_o I'm not spelling them incorrectly, as some friends I have believe. ...just throwing that out there. xD So, may I join? :D
5:04pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 243
[Deathneth, since I'm British, colour is splet with a u for me too. So to me, your spelling will be poifect. Haha. xDD Join away.]
5:07pm Jul 12 2011 (last edited on 6:13pm Jul 12 2011)
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Ooc; Death...lol. Call me Det please. :D It's easier. And I'll join with a female if that's alright? I only have one male role-play character and his powers don't suit this rp. D: Name: Jeannette Rivers
Nickname: Jenna
Age: 18
Gender: Female Species: Human Breed: N/A
Looks: While Jeannette is by no means a giant, she is rather tall for her gender. Averaging at about 5'8" Jeannette has a wiry build, most of it due to natural skinniness with some being muscles due to her atheletic inclinations. Her hair is black and silky, curling in somewhat wild corkscrews that she doesn't try to straighten. Due to the sleek nature of her hair Jeannette's curls are not slightly matted or thick, but rather smooth and you can comb your fingers through it easily (though this is no reccomended for health reasons). Her skin is Caucasian pale, faintly tanned due to time outside and her face is smattered with pale brown freckles, mostly sticking to her nose and some on her cheeks. Jeannette's eyes are deep amber in color, with golden highlights. They are slightly deep-set and narrow in width. However, the dusky color of her eyes lends a feral quality to them, aided by full eyelashes and a small slant to them.
Jeannette usually wears an amaranth pink tank-top and casual coal gray shorts. On her feet she has sturdy running shoes. For cold days and nights Jeannette has an off-the-shoulder navy sweatshirt, which she managed to snag somewhere. It isn't particularly sensible, due to the whole off-the-shoulder thing, but Jeannette makes do. Personality: Jeannette can be fierce when she is riled, but mostly keeps her comments and remarks to herself when engaging in casual conversation. However, if it so happens that she gets into a heated argument she certainly isn't shy about opening her mouth and giving it her all. Those who have seen her at these moments know her as fiery and strong-willed, someone who never backs down from what she believes in. In other words, Jeannette is an extremely convicted girl who remains passionate about what she wants or believes in, usually doubting whatever someone else thinks. She takes change and new ideas with difficulty and it is hard to convince her that they're better than her ideas. She enjoys being right and with all the knowledge she's absorbed from the books she's read, it isn't hard for Jeannette to come up with some sort of obscure knowledge just to prove her point. Old Lifestyle: Worked part-time in an old bookstore in one of the older parts of her hometown. She was the only assistant the owner had so she did most of the stuff around there. The owner was an elderly woman named Ms. Jenkins who had hip troubles, so Jeannette fetched the books, worked the cash, etc. History:
Power: Jeannette can manipulate ink. She's not quite sure if this was due to her immense love of books and literature, but she doesn't dwell much on the how or why. Her ability means that she can form weapons from this ink, as it is a tangible ob ject, as well as write with her fingers. Jeannette only has a limited amount of ink and will eventually run out unless she destroys one of her current creations. Pets: A pet European asp named Viral.

6:27pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 7,283
OOC: ...Wow, everyones bios are making me look all...Horrible D: And, I don't know when you will be starting, but I won't be here much tomarrow. As in, I'm waking up at 5 in the morning, and won't be back until around 3 in the afternoon. Going to this writing class thing. (YAYFORME<3) So, I know I'm not in charge, but could you... not go to far? D: Mail: Omg, why didn't I get that? Haha, alright, let me fix the bios haha :P
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7:00pm Jul 12 2011
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Ooc; Darn, this just came to mind. I go off to camp on Thursday, so I'll have a day of role-playing (assuming this starts tomorrow) and that's it. Would you mind if I stuck Jeannette on hold and then I sort of pop in when I get back?
7:28pm Jul 12 2011
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Posts: 7,283
OOC: Oh yes, and Mail. Sorry but I had one more question in my bio? About my power? :D
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9:30pm Jul 12 2011
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((Mkay, I edited my bios. c: Please inform me if I need to change anything. ^^))