1:00am Jul 17 2011
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Mail: I don't think I should, since I have no idea where to start. Dx So, just put me in a random part in the order, I don't care. xD
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7:39am Jul 17 2011
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[That's fine Loki. ^^ CH, I'll put you in the middle somewhere. At the moment it'll go: Shaste Mail CH Anthro Detneth Say if you have any objections]
1:59pm Jul 17 2011
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OOC I'm cool with that^^ Bahaha xD
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5:55pm Jul 17 2011
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((I go first? xD Alrighty, but, it may be awful. Just a forewarning. c:))
12:09pm Jul 18 2011
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3:17pm Jul 18 2011
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[You'll be fine Shay, I just drew it out at random, since no one volenteered to go first. xD Shall we begin?]
3:16pm Jul 19 2011
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4:30pm Jul 19 2011
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[Yes we should begin.. IFSHASTEWEREHERE D: Just kidding Shaste, you know I love you... <33))
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4:57pm Jul 19 2011
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[GETYOURBUTTHERESHASTE lol, joking. We love you really. <3]
7:18pm Jul 19 2011
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((-Shot- Sorry... I didn't know how to start. >.>))
"Shell!" A sharp voice called out to a barking dog. "Stupid husky, shush!" The dog whined and stopped barking, hiding it's head in it's paws. Immediately, the boy felt bad about insulting his dog. "I'm sorry Shell," Kyle whispered to the husky. He paused and scratched her behind the ears. "I can't have you giving up our position!" The dog licked Kyle's hand as if to say 'I understand'.
Kyle then exited from behind the alley him and Shell were hiding in. There weren't any animal.... things around, that he could see. He had to be extremely cautious now, since his kind were the 'endangered species' now. And, they weren't protected like in the old days.
A scraping sound made Kyle jump, disturbing him from his trance. "Shell!" He scolded, looking angrily at his puppy. She had just dragged the lid of a metal garbage can across the cracked asphalt. The dog gave him an innocent look before dropping the lid. "Oh god... You're going to be a peice of work..."
It didn't take long for Kyle and Shell to get noticed. They weren't exactly the quietest pair there was.
"Who are you?" A voice shot out in the silence.
Kyle stood there for a moment, looking around him for people. He did not expect an anthro to be speaking to him, though one was. "I'm Kyle." He said simply.
"Kyle," The voice repeated. "Get out of here. You are not welcome."
Kyle balled his hands into fists. No, the thing was wrong. IT was not welcome here.
The animal then stepped out of the shadows. She was a fox anthro, as far as Kyle could tell, and wasn't the world's worst looking. "Get out." She repeated, her eyes cold and unforgiving. "I will give you five minutes to reach the saefty of your home... Don't expect me, or anyone else, to be as... kind as this. I'm Jessica... Remember that name."
Kyle glared at the girl. She was not joking. He let out a noise somehwhat resembling a growl. "Shell, come." He said sharply, patting his leg for emphasis. Shelly immediately went to his side. And, together, the pair walked back into the alley way, never taking their eyes off the anthro.
9:19am Jul 20 2011 (last edited on 9:21am Jul 20 2011)
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[Starting with Tanna, 'cause I can. >w<] Tanna watched the boy quietly from her rooftop perch, sensitive nose twitching. She could smell his anger, the hot metalic smell that was so familiar to her now. They were always angry. Not like they used to be. Because their pets had become suddenly intelligent, formidable opponents in combat and wit.
The humans were always fighting a war against nature and right now the score was Nature: 1 Humans: 0. She smiled as the thought crossed her mind. She continued to stare as the boy began to move away and, without really thinking, she began clambering down to greet him. She jumped on to a thin sliver of a window-sill before grabbing the drainpipe and sliding silently the rest of the way down.
But Tanna had anticipated her landing wrong and she hit a dumpster dead center. She cried out, her ankle twisting under her awkwardly, before she managed to clamp a hand to her mouth. He had heard her for sure and now she couldn't move if he was to attack.
This was not her lucky day. [Total fail post. Herp Derp.]

2:28pm Jul 20 2011
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[[I also had NO idea how to start, is it alright if I do first person, Mail? I'll change it if you say no... D: I'll also change it if it isn't night. I didn't see any words that stated if it was day or night in your posts, so I just guessed. I'll change if wrong D: ]] As I walked with only the moon as my light source, my exhaustion was starting to take over me. After things changed in my world, I had to run away, and where I ended up wasn't the best. It's been so long in these woods, flowers as high as trees, and trees even higher. I felt like just a small, worthless speck compared to it all. My imaginations were getting the better of me. It was so sinister at this hour, I felt that anything could pop into sight at any moment. Every noise made me jump. Even the sound of rabbits scurrying away, for they feared me just as much as I feared the whole scene. Finally, with my eyelids begging to be shut for good, I went to a flower to lean on. Exhausted, famished, parched, lonely, and cold. The only thing that could take me away from this painful nightmare was sweet dreams. ~ Those sweet dreams quickly faded away as a small footsteps rang in my ears and I jolted up. I was a light sleeper, seeing as any small noise woke me up. Instintively, I jumped up from where I was sleeping, franticly looking around for the source of the noise with my flashlight I had always by my side. I noticed it was still night, I couldn't see any trace of the suns rays pouring through branches that tried to hide me from it. I heard the padded foot steps again, and finally brought up enough bravery in my gut to say, "Who's there?" Though I tried to sound firm and commanding, my voice instead was quiet and shaky. As I took a couple steps forward, I could see something strange in the distance behind some bushes. A silhouette of something I couldn't make out because the second I took another step, and my flashlight blinded it, it scurryed away. Frightened, my feet wouldn't take more steps. Though I was curious at who was watching me, I wasn't brave enough to keep going. Seeing as I knew I wouldn't be able to fall back asleep with what just happened, I sat back down, my eyes wide on the bushes straight ahead of me. If the one I saw before came out again, this time I would be prepared.
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3:49pm Jul 20 2011
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[There's no paticular time of day so that's fine. You'll have to make your way to the city to find us though.]
4:03pm Jul 21 2011 (last edited on 4:22pm Jul 21 2011)
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[[Bumps for Anthrooo :D And, okayy I will. xD Sorry, I just didn't know how to start xD I'll figure something out. EDIT: Shaste: I can't find our arrainged marriage rp. I saved it to my book mark, and it says the URL doesn't exist. Did you delete it? D:
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4:51pm Jul 21 2011
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10:56pm Jul 21 2011
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9:27am Jul 22 2011
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7:06pm Jul 22 2011
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[[Haven't seen him/her on in a while. Maybe an rmail would work? IDK D; Bumps :DDD ]]
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1:26pm Jul 23 2011
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4:21pm Jul 23 2011
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[I will rMail Anthro now. I don't want this to die.]