4:26pm May 16 2010
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Blinking, Mew-Umbreon tilted it's head and chirped, "Mew?" And with a small pop, it turned back to Mew. Sighing, Kerey picked up Mew and told it sternly, "Go back to the hull, and tell Charizard to guard starboard, and Dragonite hull. Gottit?" With a small chirp, Mew drifted lazily back to Charizard and Dragonite, forming bubbles of psychic energy along the way. "Sorry about that" Kerey said abruptly, "Charizard has a ferocious temper. Good fighter though, but he's quiet possessive about his shipmates" Looking at Drake for a minute, she added, "I'm Kerey by the way, but some call me Kitty."

4:29pm May 16 2010
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"Well hello Kitty.I'm Drake"He said."We were out for our morning jog when Arcanine just ran off"He sighed.
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6:03pm May 16 2010
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Sighing, Kerey shook her head ruefully at the use of the nickname. " Sorry I interrupted your training, I'm off to find Jasmine, the gym leader. Tough fighter, she is. I'm here for my rematch with her. She wants to fight me once more."

6:13pm May 16 2010
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"I already battled her"DRake said.
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6:23pm May 16 2010
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Nodding, Kerey allowed herself a small smile. "I have too. I was offered position of Champion of the Elite 4 in Kanto, but I refused. I value my freedom too much for that." Shaking her head, she asked Drake, "Want to have a battle? It'll help you train along with giving me a chance to test out my new technique with Charizard and Dragonite." (( Can I win this one? Or at least, manage a tie?))

6:23pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 6:24pm May 16 2010)
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((Ignore this double post o3o))

6:33pm May 16 2010
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Dusk whistled happily as she walked out of the Pokemon league as the new champion. She smiled and then tossed a pokeball, out popped a pidgeot. "Bell, take me to Kanto-Saffron City please." Her pidgeot whisteled in reply and crouched down to let Dusk on. Dusk held tightly toBell's feathers as they flew and then she came to her destination. She wandered into the pokemon center, of course the first place any trainer goes, and saw her old friend: Drake. "Hey Buddy!" she said, trooting over to him. "How have you been doing" she wondered...
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6:37pm May 16 2010
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"Pidgooot!" Pidgeot screeched happily and started performing acrobatic tricks to show off to Dusk's pidgeot. Heckling Bell, Pidgeot screeched once more, and took to the air. "Pidgeot! Captain's Wheel! Now!" Kerey commanded, and at once, Pidgeot performed a dizzying spiral at top speed, then suddenly stopped and twisted the other direction, maneuvering through the air with unnatural speed. "Good boy! You're getting good at this!" Kerey praised him, and offered a cheri berry to him.

6:42pm May 16 2010
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"Bell, Dragon Twist." Dusk's Bell started to watch Kerey's pidgeot with lovey eyes and then flew into the air with an amzing speed while using dragon dance at the same time and then she spiraled downward. If it had been a battle, she wouldn't have pulled up at the exact moment when the ground came inches from her feathered face, but since there was no opponent, she did.... "I a mso glad you learned that move."
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6:47pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 6:54pm May 16 2010)
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(( o3o I never realized Pidgeot's could learn dragon dance. Twister, yes. Dragon Dance, I didn't think it was possible)) EDIT: Pidgeot chirped cautiously at Kerey, she smiled, and said, "Go on, impress her. Show her what you can do. But I suggest Mast Watch first" Nudging Kerey's ear in affection, Pidgeot took to the air, and spiraled up dizzily high, then plunged dangerously fast down to the ground. Extending one wing, Pidgeot jerked upward in a series of spins, then made a X in the air with it's beak, slashing a cloud in half. Screeching loudly, Pidgeot dived, just barely skimming the ground and went up in a nice line. "Bravo! Bravo! Good job Pidgeot! You'll defeat any land or air opponent like that! Just tilt to starboard side a bit more on that Slash, and you'll defeat your attacker in no time!" Kerey clapped, lost in the beauty of Pidgeot's flight.

6:49pm May 16 2010
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((Mine did, it was the coolest thing ever, but it might have been because my sis hacked my game :( ))
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7:13pm May 16 2010
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((that's epic))

7:28pm May 16 2010
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Bell chirped, obvioulsy impressed. "Changling!" Dusk said to Bell and she crouched low to the ground. She used dragon dance and then arial ace, while the opponent was distracted by the dragon dance, Bell lept out with ariel ace...
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7:34pm May 16 2010
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Dodging neatly, Pidgeot did a quick Mast Watch, then used Metal Claw and Steel Wing at the same time, gently pulling away before the attack could harm Bell. "Good one" Kerey clapped, proud of her Pidgeot. "You're Bell has good moves" She called over to Dusk.

7:40pm May 16 2010
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"I am champion after all." she smiled and held out her hand, "I*m Dusk. She knew the battle with her and Lance had been recorded, but trainers didn't often watch tv. She sent out all six of her pokemon, "This is Bell, the shiny eevee over there is Feyth, the lugia is Lania, My typhlosion is Flare, the espeon is Psy, and finally, last but not least, my shiny Glaceon is Violet." she smiled as she pointed to each of her prized pokemon in turn...
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8:03pm May 16 2010
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Nodding, Kerey smiled. "You're the one that recently defeated Lance? Nice going. Lance and I have a yearly competition to see which one of us will win champion ti tle. I've won all, but I still let him keep Champion ti tle. After all, I'm not suited to that lifestyle. Pointed to Charizard, Dragonite, Pidgeot, and Ampharos in turn, she said, "That's Blaze, Lyre, Swift, and Flash. Though I refer to them as their pokemon species in general. It's too confusing since sometimes when I battle other trainers, they have the same nickname as my pokemon, and then the battle gets chaotic. My Espeon's in the Pokemon Center and er... here's my Me-Sandslash." Kerey fumbled over accidentally almost calling Mew by it's real species.

8:07pm May 16 2010 (last edited on 8:08pm May 16 2010)
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"That's no Sandslash, it has an extra talon, it a mew." Dusk pointed out. She wasn't pokemon champion for no reason, "Hey, don't worry about it, I have lived with pokemon my whole life, I*ve learned their language and they are my family, I know a pokemon when I see one and plus, I have a shiny mew in the pokemon center. She doesn't like to come out much, she is a bit shy. the only reason I managed to catch her is because she was hurt and she took a liking to my Typhlosion." she said with a smile...
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9:45pm May 16 2010
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Drake smiled and ran over to Dusk."Hey Dusk"Drake smiled.Arcanine ran over to dusk and licked her hand.
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10:28pm May 16 2010
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Dusk patted the arcanine, "Did you hear the news?" She asked excitedly, this was about her championship...
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10:36pm May 16 2010
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"No"Drake said."Whats the news?"He asked.
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