6:43pm May 25 2010
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((Your pokemon can talk? o3o Woah, new conception)) Lance shook his mop of fiery maroon hair out of his eyes. "So much for a dramatic entrance" He muttered, as he chased after his Dragonite, who had tripped over a Feraligatr wandering around. "So sorry!" he called to the owner of the pokemon, and finally caught up to his Dragonite, scolding another vaguely familiar Dragonite. " Nite Nite!" His Dragonite hissed, stamping it's giant clawed foot on the ground. "Hey! Break it up there Dragonite! Stop pestering other people's pokemon!" A suspiciously familiar voice called, a trace of a sea-accent tinging the call. Raising his eyebrows, Lance laughed, "It's Kerey!"

6:54pm May 25 2010
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Feraligatr turned, backing up, a hiss emitting from his throat. "THAT'S ENOUGH!!" Akai yelled.
7:09pm May 25 2010
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Starting at the yell, Kerey looked back at Akai furiously. "Stop YELLING! You're hurting my pokemon's ears, and how do you expect to gain your pokemon's trust, screaming at them like that!? Drako apologized to your Feraligatr, and so did Lance, so I'm not sure WHY your pokemon's being so aggressive! My Espeon, and numerous other pokemon need their rest! How do you expect them to recover when half the population here is screaming?!" Kerey hissed, eyes shooting daggers at Lance, who had enough sense to look ashamed of himself.

7:50pm May 25 2010
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Dusk wandered into the room where Lance was and stared at him with purple eyes. "Hello Lance." she said. Bell, all healed, peeked out from behind her...
 <-- Click me
7:57pm May 25 2010
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Nodding cordially, Lance spoke to Dusk, "Hello there Dusk. Beat me, several days ago? Nice maneuver with Bell. Caught my Latias by surprise, and not many can do that. Good technique, keep up the good work, don't get lazy once you've beaten me" Lance warned, a twinkle in his eyes. "Who knows, maybe I'll beat you. Probably in a double battle though. Hey! That's a good idea. Why don't you and someone else battle Kerey and I? We can have a nice warmup battle, then Kerey can go off and battle Koga for the 40th time this year" Lance rolled his eyes and shrugged. "So, what about it?"

11:57pm May 25 2010
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Drake grinned as Suicune stopped.
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12:04am May 26 2010
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"God.. Sorry." Akai said. Looking at Lance with disgust in her eyes. She looked over at Dragointe, giving him a Que to use fly.
12:07am May 26 2010
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((Im going pop up out nowhere)) DRake sighed as he watched Akai.
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12:09am May 26 2010
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Dragonite pulled on Akai's sleeve as he ran up to Drake. "So you're the one with the suicune.." Akai said, glaring at the suicune with awe, Never in her life had she seen a real legendary.
12:13am May 26 2010
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Suicune glared at the Dragonite and stepped in between Drake and the girl."Suicune down girl."Drake said."She belongs to my mother"Drake smiled.
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12:15am May 26 2010
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Akai nodded. "I plan to gain a Shaymin, Or a Lugia. With this--" She said, pulling out a master ball. "Four hard years at the poke-lottery got me this." She said, smiling.
12:18am May 26 2010
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Drake grinned and pulled out a pokeball."Come on out Kit"Drake said,releasing his newly caught Lugia."I have an egg if you want it"He smirked.
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12:22am May 26 2010
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(( Lol you didn't say in the bio he had a lugia. ))
"No thanks." She said. "I'm gaining more for a rayquaza anyway. Thanks; though." She said, flashing a quick smile.
12:25am May 26 2010
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(He just caught it xD)) Kit went over to Akai and nudged her.
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8:34am May 26 2010
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"Go Lugia!" Out of Dusk's pokeball flew a small lugia, smaller than most because it was young. "Go Mew!" Mew flew out of her pokeball, shimmering lightly as its blue fur ruffled in the wind...
 <-- Click me
3:35pm May 26 2010
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((Woah woah woah. Shouldn't we put a limit on all the legendaries? Cause er.. they wouldn't be LEGENDARY if half the population owns them. And I'm confused on who's Dragonite is who's. Anyone mind giving them nicknames? Just saying. ))
