9:12pm Jul 20 2011
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Posts: 783
((Eh. I don't mind starting but I personally think we should hold out for one more person. Just an opinion. Your call.))
9:14pm Jul 20 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((I think we should wait for one more person too. I just wanted to know if you guys wanted to start right away. =P))
9:32pm Jul 20 2011
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Posts: 834
((I agree with Queen, but I have to say I'm pretty eager to start. Just my opinion but, yenno.))
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
1:58pm Jul 21 2011
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Posts: 783
3:15pm Jul 21 2011
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 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
5:53pm Jul 21 2011
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Posts: 783
((Someone join this. >:S )) ((Bump.))
9:59pm Jul 21 2011
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Posts: 834
((Bump :>.))
 want roleplay o3o / OFFLINE
7:08pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((Bump! lD))
7:12pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Is alpha female open? Along with one loner. and a pack member...))
7:15pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((Yah. ouo Feel free to have those positions, if you like.))
7:25pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Username:Call me Angel, dear. But I am mercyme6 Name:Angel Gender:Female Age:Young adult-adult Appearance:Angel is a pure white wolf, with very soft, and somewhat medium-long fur. She has over grown 'bangs' over her left eye. Angel has sapphire blue eyes. She has a sleek, she-wolf figure, with some...curves, as it were. She has a longs, somewhat fluffy tail, and is a normal size, if not shorter, height Personality:Angel is rather trustworthy and leaderlike. She prefers to handle other's problem's before her own. This can make her seem somewhat weak. Angel can be sarcastic, and rude at times, but she is usually very sweet, and outgoing. Rank:Alpha female Crush:Alpha male? Mate:Alpha male? History:Pack born Other:
Username:merme6 Name:Taro Gender:Male Age:Young adult Appearance: Personality:Taro is a muscular dusky white woilf. He has some slight overgrown hair on his head. These kind of act as bangs. He has a mediumly muscular build, and normal slightly, very slightly long legs, just a little larger than average size.
Rank:Loner Crush:Open Mate:Open History:He was banished from his other pack for being the son of a rogue. Other:No. (( I decided to keep the gender ratios even, sorry. I had it a little confused. United~))
7:32pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((Oh, you don't have to make it exactly even. I just want it to be at least pretty similar. :3 All accepted! *dance*))
7:41pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Yay! Should I start?)) Angel was laying in the den. She stared out at the bright sun touch the glistening dew of the morning. This always made her smile. She liked it when it was somewhat damp in the morning. She stood up and stretched, and looked at her mate. Angel smiled. She shook her fur, her bangs going in their normal place over her left sapphire eye. She turned and nudged her mate. " Morning, dear." she said, her voice soft and warm. Taro was sleeping under an oak tree. Large drops of dew fell on his head, causing him to wake. Taro looked up and muttered under his breath. He sighed and streatched his muscles. Time for another day of fighting t survive. Woohoo. He paced around the oak tree, not even noticing he was. " Hmm, I think I'm gonna go to the Rabbits Hill today....But its awful close to the nearby pack's camp...Maybe...Maybe today I could ask to join." He pondered.
7:47pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((Yeah, you can start. ouo Yay! Finally! After all this time, this RP can start! 8D)) Gavaar gave Angel a lazy smile and yawned widely, blinking. Stretching luxuriously, Gavaar tossed a wink at Angel and said, "Good morning, Angel," Gavaar stuck his head outside of Angel's and his den. He saw Millie, always the early wolf, already going off to her den, her mouth full of herbs like burdock and watermint. "I can't believe Millie always wakes up at the crack of dawn to collect herbs. It's crazy. I could never wake up that early. The only reason I can get up is because you wake me up." Gavaar smiled teasingly at Angel and trotted outside, sniffing the crisp air. It was springtime, and it was pretty warm today. There was a light breeze, and the temperature was very comfortable. It was going to be a nice day today!
7:54pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel chuckled. " Your probably right, if I hadn't of woken you up, you'd still be in there, in dead sleep." she chuckled, before nuzzling him.She smiled at Mille. " I've been up at the crack of dawn with her before, asking what she was doing a long time until sunrise. " she said, smiling. " Very confident and eager wolf, that Mille." Taro started heading towards the pack. (( Maybe Millie and Taro could have a romance? :3 ))
8:01pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((If you want, sure! Unless someone else wants a romance with the daring loner. ;D That probably sounded really creepy. The daring loner part, I mean. ouo)) "Not really," Gavaar said, smiling at Millie too. "She's not that confident. She's more shy. You should hear her talk. It's like a whisper! She's so sweet though, it's hard to get mad at her. You just have to be her friend." Gavaar chuckled lightly. "Although, sometimes, she can be pretty confident. She's eager to heal, that's for sure. She's pretty darn good at her job. And she's pretty eager to wake up early and collect a whole bunch of herbs!"
8:11pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel smiled. " True." she said. She turned to Gavaar. " Well, state todays duties, alpha." she said in a deep voice. Angel winked at Gavaar and laughed. Taro was treading closer. He came upon a very pretty she-wolf. She looked harmless enough, and too shy to be alpha. He decided to stay in the tall grass, and wait for the rabbits to hop, but he was very obvious in Millie's sight.
8:27pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((rabbits to hop? I'm so confused. xD What does that mean? =P)) Vermillion placed the herbs in her den on a large shelf in her den. The shelf was very convienient and allowed for easy storage. She went out of camp again to collect some more herbs. She froze, pausing. There was another wolf that was probably a loner. They didn't carry the scent of the pack. She saw him then. It wasn't anyone she knew. Hesitating, she paddled her paws on the ground and decided whether to fight or flee. Blinking, she ran. Flight rather than fight was her motto! She dashed in the opposite direction of the camp, just in case the wolf might attack the camp itself. Even though she ran, she was just trying to lead the stranger away from the camp. --- "I dunno," Gavaar replied blankly, confusedly glancing at the fleeing Millie. He glanced at the prey pile. "We need to hunt. Would you mind gathering some others to hunt? I think I might have to go check up on Millie and find out what made her run so fast..."
8:37pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Rabbits to hop- Rabbits to show themselves lol.)) Taro heard the movement. He dashed into the tall grass and waited. He tried to cover his scent with the earthy smeel. No use. He just sat and waited. Angel did as wtold. FAILL.
9:34pm Jul 23 2011
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Posts: 1,391
((=P Ohhh... And I have fail posts all the time too. :3 You're not alooone! *glomps*)) Millie had only ran away for a few seconds when she realized that she wasn't being followed. Relaxing a little, she decided that maybe the loner was simply hunting and she had accidently disturbed him. She headed back to camp, picking up many herbs on the way. Then, she saw the wolf again! She spat out her herbs in alarm. "Uhh... Who are you?" She asked cautiously, for the loner didn't seem to mean any harm. --- Gavaar overheard Millie speaking to a loner. He padded forward softly, glancing at Vermillion. She smiled at him faintly for a moment, and then flicked her tail to show that she was okay. Gavaar dipped his head and looked at the loner. Although the grass was tall, it didn't conceal him completely. "I am Gavaar, alpha of Pack Honor. Who are you?" "I already asked him that question, Gavaar." "Uhm, oh. Okay then. Answer the question!" "I'm uh, Vermillion. I suppose you can call me Millie, like everyone else does."
