10:39pm Apr 30 2010
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OoC: I had pizza for lunch o-o
10:47pm Apr 30 2010
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Josh only growled at her, and nibbled at his plate of, well, people scraps. He narrowed his eyes and took a sip from his drugged water. Clearing his throat, he muttered, "So...How's everyone this fine evening?" He said it sarcastically, but he was trying to break the awkward silence.
wuss poppin jimbo
10:53pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 2,036
Poppy gave Josh a dirty look and then growled, "Fantastic." her voice dripped with sarcasm. "Today couldn't have been better." She smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile; it was almost a grimace, twisting her face and making her look almost not human. Why, Josh? Why? Poppy thought just to him and then stood up, making her way out of the kitchen before her temper went out of hand. I bet the doctors are gonna come and give me more drugs, or do tests on me again because of this. She thought to herself, and so she locked herself in her room.
10:54pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 6,511
"Tired," Raphael answered automatically, standing up and putting away the crackers. He took a drink from his water bottle, then stopped before he walked upstairs again. He tilted his head, thinking for a moment, then trotted back upstairs.
Seasons are changing and waves are crashing and stars are falling, all for us.
10:56pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh twitched at her thought to him, but didn't say anything, or think anything for that matter, in response. He finished off his rather disgusting meal and stood up, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He blinked slowly, suddenly feeling groggy. "Damn drugs..." he muttered crossly, pushing his chair back in.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:01pm Apr 30 2010
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OoC: Who plays the doctors? Or can everyone just play them?
11:06pm Apr 30 2010
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( Um.. sure. xD )
wuss poppin jimbo
11:19pm Apr 30 2010 (last edited on 11:21pm Apr 30 2010)
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OoC: Thanks. Why you think it's funny? xD Poppy heard the doorhandle rattle and her eyes widened. The doctors! Poppy thought to herself and with all her might moved her bed over to the door with her mind. Then she clumsily curled into a ball in the corner of her room. Go away! She thought to the doctors with all her might. I don't want your drugs! As she watched the bed move slightly away from the door as the doctors pushed against it, tears formed in her eyes. Poppy had always hated them. The door finally opened and five doctors walked in, dusting themselves off like they hadn't just forced themselves into someone's room. "No - No!" Poppy saw the needle in one doctor's hand, and cried out in fear. "We have to, Poppy." A dotor told her. "Or you'll get sick." Anger swept through Poppy and she stood up, tears streaming down her face. "You told me that when I first came here! And I've been sick many times even though you give me this stuff!" Quickly the doctor jabbed the needle into Poppy's arm.

11:21pm Apr 30 2010 (last edited on 11:25pm Apr 30 2010)
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Alyx rubbed his violet eyes and yawned. "Oh, god, you don't know tired until you have insomnia. You can't even take a nap." he said, pressing his face into the table. "Man, I can still smell the peanut butter." He groaned, and his body tensed as swirls of red swarmed into his vision, mocking him. He growled, his face still pressed to the table, and dug his nails into the wooden surface. "Chewing away, never stops, boring holes in my skull." He rocked back and forth on his chair, then stood up suddenly, his anils digging into his head, drawing tiny beads of crimson. He snarled, small strings of drool hanging between his long canine teeth. His eyes were unfocused as he snarled, thin streams of blood tracing down his fingers.
He focused on one of the five doctors in the room and snarled again, his eyes boring into the lead scientist, and hooked his hands into claws, then lunged, digging them into the sides of the man's head. The man went down screaming and writhing as Alyx laughed loudly, before digging his nails under a cut he has already made and ripped off a peoce of flesh, leving the scientist writhning next to him. He hissed at the rest of the doctors, his smile bloody.
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
11:34pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 2,036
Poppy writhed in shock and then sunk to the floor, taking a tissue from a doctor and dabbing it absent-mindedly on her arm, where the needle had been stuck in. She felt drowsy already, and all her anger had disappeared. The doctors left and a pillow flew over to her as she lay down, falling asleep.
11:42pm Apr 30 2010
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Posts: 9,944
Josh growled, lunging at one of the nearest doctors. His hard muscled body slammed into his with a thud, and they went flying across the room. The man's back was rammed into a wall, and just kneed him in the second. A snarl escaped him as he whirled around and narrowly dodged a tranquilizer dart. He cursed, and flung himself at a young male doctor. He was growling and snarling like a wolf in a fight as he bit down on his throat to get him to stop thrashing around. He pelt a sharp prick in his back, and then everything started to get black and fuzzy.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:55pm Apr 30 2010
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Alyx snarled again, and lunged at the second to last doctor, digging his canines into one of the man's neck tendons. As the man went went down, Alyx felt a slight prick behind his ear. He whirled, snarling, as his eyes rolled back into his head, and the rapid, confused thoughts stopeed rinngin throughout the room for Rapael to hear. He crumpled to the ground, dried blood and bits of flesh stuck under his long nails, although three of them had snapped. The last reamaning scientist sighed shakily, and said to Raphael, "This is what happens when you get out of control."
 "Never bring that horrid drink here again." "It tastes of blue, not the river-dwelling reptile, as I had thought."
2:08am May 1 2010
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Posts: 2,036
Poppy woke not long after, and, sensing a strange quiet, walked down to the kitchen. "Oh my!" Poppy cried and kneeled at Josh and Alyx. Wake up! She thought to them shakily and sensed herself being watched. Looking up at the hidden camera on the roof that only she knew about, she made a roll of tape fly up to it and taped it over the camera. "There." She said. Then she waited paitiently for Josh and Alyx to stir.
10:00am May 1 2010
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Kitty sat silently in the corner. She watched the tape fly over her head and crash into a camera she hadn't seen before. She looked back at the girl and narrowed her eyes. "H-have you seen my sister anywhere?" She asked not paying any attention to the doctors. Aurora smelt the blood. She closed her ice blue eyes andtook in a deep breath, "Someone is hurt...Something happened." She said. She opened one eyes and looked at Ash. Ash yawned. He stretched and looked at Aurora, "I hope Hiccup is okay...Maybe we should go back." He said. "No. I promised myself that I would escape and that is just what I want to do. Hiccup and Kitty can take care of themselves...You need to trust your sister like I trust mine. We will come back for them when we find a way out." Aurora said stubbornly. She opened her other eye and glared at Ash, waiting for him to argue. "I don't know...What if we don't find a way out! We could put both of our sister's in trouble." Ash said.
12:59pm May 1 2010
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Josh rolled over, gurgling softly. He faced the ceiling, watching fuzzy shapes fly through his vision. It took him a moment to realize what was happening. "....Mmm?" he murmured, squinting his eyes against the light above him. "Whaaa....?" Pain flickered through his back, and he reached around to pull the needle out of his back. Blood welled up, but he ignored it and threw the needle aside. "...ow." Josh propped himself up on one elbow, hair falling over his eyes clumsily. "What...happened?" he asked Poppy gently.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:12pm May 1 2010
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Lucas turned to look at Aurora and Ash for a moment. "An escape plan?" he asked, a small smirk playing on his lips. "How interesting. Say, how do you plan to get past the cameras, rigged windows, and alarms that go off whenever you open a door?" He added in a pleasant voice, "Plus, the yard is fenced in with electric fencing." He glanced back at the ceiling and added, "But of course, I know how to get out." _______ Sarah glanced at the Simon boy, and watched as he faded away. Her breathing finally slowed, and her heart stopped beating wildly. She sucked in a lungful of air and looked at Ash, Aurora and Lucas. She bit her lip and listened in silence.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:29pm May 1 2010
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Aurora let out a forced laugh, "I have a few ideas..." She said. She looked over at Ash and sighed, "Of course I don't know if they will work or not but it is better then being stuck here." She added. Ash blinked. He didn't like any of her plans but he wanted to get out of here and would do just about anything to do that.
1:45pm May 1 2010
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Lucas nodded. "Isn't it cold in here?" he asked purposely, standing up. "Let me light a fire," He walked over to the fireplace, and stuck his head in for a second. Then he pulled it out, grabbed a match, and lit a fire. It crackled loudly as he sat down. "Fireplace leads right to the roof," Lucas whispered to them, nodding his head to a NannyCam position on the top of a Grandfather clock. His voice was too low for the cam to pick it up. "All we have to do is shimmy up. Simple." _______________ Sarah stared at the NannyCam with a frown. Very deliberately she said, "Gotta go." and stood up. She walked into another room, hugging herself to keep warm. ________________ Jason walked into the commonroom, looking at the fire for a moment. "How pleasant," he mumbled, flopping onto the chair Sarah once sat in. "Nice and warm in here now,"
wuss poppin jimbo
1:55pm May 1 2010 (last edited on 2:07pm May 1 2010)
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Aurora looked at the fireplace, "This might be easier then I thought." She said. She looked over at the nannycam and sighed, "That may be a problem though." She said. She looked over at Ash, "Well?" "It is a lot better then your idea." Ash said, "But what about Hiccup or Katherine?" He asked worried, "They might get into trouble for something we did." "Like I care! If you want you can go rot in this place, I wouldn't mind." Aurora snapped. Ash growled, "So you don't care?" He asked. Aurora rolled her eyes, "You wouldn't understand so just stay out of something that isn't your problem." Aurora said calming down. She narrowed her eyes waiting for Ash to ask her something stupid.
1:59pm May 1 2010
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Posts: 9,944
( dude... he lit a fire. o__o She would get her hair like, caught on fire if she poked her head in there >___> ) ( And if she hit the NannyCam with her shoe; someone would see it, because the cams are monitered at all times. Dx )
wuss poppin jimbo