2:00pm May 1 2010
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((He lit it? Wow. I really like...Didn't read that one right. Let me edit it.))
2:18pm May 1 2010
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Lucas said quietly, "Chillax, you two. You're going to attract attention to us; and we wouldn't want the doctors to show up, would we?" He scowled at the pair. "No. Now, whatever you two are arguing about, quit it." He glanced at the clock on the wall. "It's three thirty now," he mumbled, moving the hair out of his face. Lucas smirked a little bit. "That means we have about 9 hours to occupy outselves. They people who watch the Cams switch shifts at midnight; which means we have about three minutes to get out." Jason jumped to his feet. "I want to come!" he stated, grinning. "No," Lucas hissed. "My plan won't work for that many people. You'll have to stay here with the others before I come back the next day; and get two more people to come with me." He ran a hand through his hair, and ignored Jace's injured look.
wuss poppin jimbo
3:13pm May 1 2010
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Aurora nodded, "Can you make sure to get my sister too? She is probably freaking out right now." Aurora said. ((Writers block))
7:43pm May 1 2010 (last edited on 8:04pm May 1 2010)
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Poppy, who was listening to every word, stared at Lucas. “Can… Can I come?” She didn’t think that she could possibly stay in this place any longer than a day. “You can’t possibly leave us here!” She motioned to the others that Lucas had told can’t go. (That doesn’t even make sense XD –shot-) OoC: Yeah... Dumb post xD I just had pancakes and now I'm all warm and maply-syrupy. XDD EDIT: Hey, do you guys wanna do a private roleplay with me? :D Like, all of you? xD I really want to be in more than one roleplay, and you guys are really literate and stuff ;3
8:08pm May 1 2010
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( lol Milo. XD Sure. ) Lucas shook his head. "Can't. Maybe next time." He looked at Poppy, Jace and Aurora and sighed. "Look, I can't tell you who I'm taking next time. It depends who's where, when, and who's watching. So deal." Jace frowned, and sunk into his seat further. "Fine then," he snapped. "Be like that." Josh narrowed his eyes. "How come you get to pick who goes and who doesn't? What are you, God?" he propped himself up on an elbow, still groggy after being sedated. Lucas snapped, "Because it's my god damn plan! Now shut up!"
wuss poppin jimbo
8:16pm May 1 2010
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OoC: Yay! xD Poppy stared at Lucas. Her anger bubbled up inside her angrily and she stood up with clenched fists. “You can’t leave us here! You just… you just can’t!” Again, her anger became emotion, and tears ran down her cheeks uncontrollably. “You don’t know how much I hate this place! Everyone hates this place! And then when you have an escape plan, all you think about is yourself!” Then Poppy put her head in her hands and ran to her room. Just go! She thought angrily to Lucas. Let me stay here and get examined every day, get poked and pricked, and you get to run free! OoC: Oh my. Poppy needs some anger management o-o -pokes-
8:21pm May 1 2010
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((I will do one, Milo.8D)) Aurora growled, "Calm down everyone!" She said. All the emotions could bring her down a few times. She didn't have any emotions and it made her really jumpy and strange when she was around who was that emotional. That was probably why she wasn't around her sister too much. She took in a deep breath trying not to loose her temper. 1...2...3... She started to count in her mind.
8:27pm May 1 2010
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Josh narrowed his eyes at Lucas, and then jogged out of the room after Poppy. He ran up the stairs, blinking a few times as he tried to rid himself of the sleepiness. He knocked on her door. "Hey, Poppy?" he said softly. "You in there?" { Josh was real good friends with the Simon kid, who had a crush on Poppy. x3 So he's watching after Poppy for Simon, 'cause Simon's dead. -sudden thought- } Lucas sighed, and stared at the ceiling. He muttered a curse in another language before turning back to the group. "Alright; tonight, I'll take Aurora and Ash. Tomorrow, Jace and Katherine. After that, I'll take the other girl and Sarah. And the last day I'll take Josh and Poppy. Got it? Good." He flopped onto a chair, and sipped at the flat coke sitting next to him. _____
wuss poppin jimbo
8:49pm May 1 2010 (last edited on 8:49pm May 1 2010)
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OoC: What should it be about? ;D And good idea Moo, and I think Poppy might have a crush on Josh, even though she got angry at him before. xD Poppy looked up when she heard Josh’s voice from behind the door. “Come in.” She said bluntly. “Why do you want to talk to me?” Poppy flopped onto her bed and curled into a ball. “Lucas hates me. I know it!”
8:53pm May 1 2010
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Josh walked in quietly, without answering her question. "he doesn't hate you; he's just a jerk." He blinked, and sat on the bed next to her. "Don't worry about it; we'll all get out sooner or later." He added with a small smirk, "I hope."
wuss poppin jimbo
8:58pm May 1 2010
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Poppy stared at Josh. “You hope?” Her eyebrows crumpled and her shoulders sagged. Then she thought of an idea. Leaning forward, she said quietly, “We should escape, just us two. We’ll think of a plan. Then Lucas won’t have to think about us, and we’ll never have to think of him! Please?"
9:01pm May 1 2010
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((*kidnaps moo*))
9:09pm May 1 2010
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Aurora looked over at Ash, "See. Now everyone can escape including Hiccup and we didn't even have to kidnap anyone!" Aurora said. Ash shrugged, "Now I am going to go make sure Hiccup is okay." He said. He turned around and walked out of the room and into the kitchen where Kitty was sitting still crying a little, "Um...Have you seen my sister?" He asked. "N-no. Have you seen mine?" Kitty asked. "Yes. Aurora is just fine. I really need to find Hiccup though. Do you know where she is?" He asked again. "I think she went to her room or something." Kitty said. She swiped her tears away and looked up at Ash, "So Aurora is okay?"
9:22pm May 1 2010
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Something tugged at Josh's heart strings. He knew Simon would have taken her, but he wasn't so sure. "But how would we do that? The fences are electric, the doors and windows are rigged, Lucas will be using the chimney, and there are cameras everywhere." He frowned.
wuss poppin jimbo
9:28pm May 1 2010
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Poppy smiled at Josh. “I think you’ve forgotten my power…” She pulled a bit of cotton from her shirt as she waited for Josh to think. Finally she thought to him, privately, I can make anything move. Anything. We can get out easily. “Please can we?” Poppy said. OoC: Fail |D
9:36pm May 1 2010
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Josh snorted. "Yeah, and I'm overly aggressive near food, freakishly strong, and my hair grows too fast for me to keep up." He ran a hand through his long shaggy black hair and smirked. "Sure, we can. If you can think of a legit way to get out of this hell hole. I'm fresh out of ideas." His indigo eyes trailed over to a sweater laying on her dresser. ...where do they do our laundry? he wondered quietly. Could we sneak into the laundry and let them carry us outside with it?
wuss poppin jimbo
10:59pm May 1 2010
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Poppy followed Josh’s eyes to her sweater and grinned, having the same thought as him. Let’s sneak into the laundry. She thought to him. We’ll hide in the baskets! Poppy laughed at the idea and stood up. “When do they take the laundry out?” She asked innocently, so the cameras would have no idea what she was talking about. “I want to wear this sweater on Tuesday, but it’s dirty.” She winked at Josh. “Come on. We’ll go out to the kitchen now.” Poppy’s anger had completely disappeared and she skipped down the hallway to the kitchen, where she could hear the others talking.
11:05pm May 1 2010
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Josh nodded, standing up gracefully. He followed her, footsteps light and faint against the tile. He flicked the hair out of his face again, thinking distantly about Simon. He missed him sorely, but he knew full well that the Necromancers around here could contact him. I wonder if he's here now, he thought bitterly. As he stepped into the kitchen after Poppy, he blocked Simon out of his thoughts. He had more important things to focus on; like getting Poppy and himself safely out of here. He frowned and looked at the water he'd left on the table. He was thirsty, but he didn't want to consume anymore drugs. It was bad enough that they put it in his food.
wuss poppin jimbo
11:11pm May 1 2010
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OoC: I don't really know what to write... haha. Maybe some doctors should come in again. Ooh and ask for any washing... because the laundry was being taken today? ;D Quick escape. xD
1:17pm May 2 2010
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Name: Kiru Okazawaya Age: 17 Gender: Female Power: Phychic abilities Original problem:ADHD Personality: Cold, withdrawn, Kiru has the tendency to run into things without thinking, due to her ADHD and her personality. If someone tells her to do something in a commanding tone, she'll most likely do the opposite just to annoy that person. Status: (☺ , ☻or � ) �<---I'm kind of confused about this part ^^ Other*: Not really, though Kiru was once blind, but it was randomly cured... Looks: <--but without these giant wings. Her hair is pure black, kind of like ebony, and her eyes are bright green (her left eye) and ice blue (right eye). She typically wears skinny jeans (preferably black) and a tank top (preferably black or faded lime green) and a hoodie printed with skulls.