6:06pm May 2 2010
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( I dunno either Milo. xD But we should wait for the escape. :3 )
wuss poppin jimbo
6:07pm May 2 2010
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{Hmm...did Moo see my BIO?}
6:24pm May 2 2010
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{Ok, wait, this has already started right? What could Kiru do?}
6:26pm May 2 2010
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{ Jason is sitting on the couch, Lucas Aurora Kitty and Ash are in the other room, Josh and Poppy are talking... Sarah crept off somewhere. xD So the only people free to talk to are Sarah and Jason }
wuss poppin jimbo
6:26pm May 2 2010
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{Hmm...what's the setting? I take it that it's a room seeing as there's a couch and all...}
6:46pm May 2 2010
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{ It's like a group home. Y'know, a boys floor, a girls floor, a commonroom, a kitchen, backyard, bathrooms. But it's all monitored closely. There's cameras, and the doors and windows are rigged with alarms. :3 }
wuss poppin jimbo
6:50pm May 2 2010
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{Cool, <3} Kiru walked down the stairs, heading for the common room. She stopped at the very end of the staircase, peeking over the edge to see what the others were doing. Jason seemed to be sitting on the couch and she could slightly hear the others in the enxt room over. She sighed and steeled herself, remembering the pomise she had made. I won't act so reclusive, I promise myself that I'll try to be better friends, go out and socialise...Obviously I wasn't thinking then....but I did swear I would do so...crap, she thought miserably, stepping off the stairs and standing in frnt of the open door.
9:05pm May 2 2010
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Jason looked up and smiled slightly when he saw Kiru. "Hi there," he chimed, flicking the hair out of his face. "Who're you? My name's Jason." He stood up, stretching, and mumbled something about the furniture being uncomfortable. He looked back at Kiru again.
wuss poppin jimbo
2:13am May 3 2010 (last edited on 2:15am May 3 2010)
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OoC: We’ll make the escape awesome ;o Poppy leaned against the wall as she looked at Josh, watching his every move. She realised a while ago that she felt calmer with Josh, safer. Like the doctors won’t be able to harm her while he’s there. “What time is it?” She said, worried that the silence between them was becoming uncomfortable. Sooner or later Poppy was going to have to admit, she had a crush on Josh.
1:56pm May 3 2010
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Kiru started to scowl at Jason before composing herself, "Uh, Kiru Okazawaya," she murmured, keeping her head down so her long black hair could cover her face. "I...uh, am not used to people really," she said in an apologetic tone, blushing slightly.
3:43pm May 3 2010 (last edited on 3:45pm May 3 2010)
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Name:Angel Arokial Age:16 Gender:Female Power:Psyhcic Original problem:She was bleeding black blood ( Moo, you MUST remembah this!) Personality:Sweet, kind, caring. Status: (☺ , ☻or � ) ☻ Other*:She has a crush on Jason Looks:oks:click="return DWait.readyLink('jms/pages/art/deviation.js', this, 'Deviation.zoomIn()')">
7:20pm May 3 2010
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Jason bobbed his head. "Nice to meet you." He added with a childish grin, "I can leave, if it's making you uncomfortable. Just say the word." A strand of hair fell in front of his eyes again, and he frowned a little. He desperately needed a haircut. __________ Josh checked the sports watch on his wrist. "It is...about 4:00ish. Why?" He blinked at her, eyes fathomless for a moment. He wondered what Simon would say to her at the moment. Probably something sweet and romantic that totally set the mood. Well, sorry to say, he wasn't going to say something like that. He didn't roll that way.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:09pm May 4 2010
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Kiru shook her head, "I made myself swear to stop benig antisocial, this is sort of like a test of my will," she muttered, feeling rude. "There's no need for you to leave," She desperately wished she was able to just...disappear from here. This room in general, but mostly the whole place, Kiru hated it. {It makes not much sense, I cant really think >.<}
4:16pm May 4 2010
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{ Makes sense~ 8D } Jason shrugged, a wry smile forming on his lips. "Well then, I'll be here all week." A low chuckle. "Well, actually, all year if my luck keeps up." He grinned moving his hair out of his face. He glanced at her, "Why're you here?" he asked lightly, leaning over to grab his flat coke. He took a sip from it and waited for her to answer.
wuss poppin jimbo
4:19pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Kiru shrugged, "I don't really know," she admitted, "I just...woke up in this place. I can't remember anything before this life. You probably haven't seen me, as I locked myself in my room ever since I arrived." She cast her eyes down, glacing at the couch, "Mind if I sit?" she asked, rubbing her arms, which were covered in goosebumps.
4:28pm May 4 2010
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4:42pm May 4 2010
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{ sorry. x3 } Jason shrugged. "Don't mind at all," he said, flopping onto an old rocking chair. He pulled his legs under him, and propped his head in his hands; his elbows rested on the chair arms. "I'm here because I'm an insomniac," he said, unfazed. "Or so that's what the doctor people told me." He grinned. "I doubt you've seen me around either. I'm usually in the room I share with Lucas, painting or sketching or something." He blinked.
wuss poppin jimbo
5:51pm May 4 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Kiru nodded, "I do that occasionally, I've got ADHD, or so I've been told. But it seems to be the only logical explaination for why I can't sit still," she said, sitting on the couch across from Jason, putting her elbows on her knees as she watched Jason with her head in hand. "And i don't share a room with anyone, seeing as no one offered,"
5:57pm May 4 2010
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Jason shrugged, "Lucas seemed pretty..." he searched for the right word to use. "desperate to get me to room with him. like he knew something that he wanted to tell me when no one else was looking." He frowned, amber eyes focused on his coke as he took a sip. "Not that he's told me much." His mind started to drift off, as he totally spaced.
wuss poppin jimbo
1:45am May 5 2010
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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Um. I dunno what I should write ;c