6:52pm May 31 2011
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((Scourge XD It's been so long XD Anyways once. My parents leave my bios will be up. ))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:07pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 1,985
(( alright, where not going anywhere so ^^ ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
7:08pm May 31 2011 (last edited on 7:10pm May 31 2011)
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He laughed briefly at Fox's small attention span, but shook his head. "I didn't see. Sorry..." His murmuring voice trailed off gradually, and he felt a pang of guilt for not noticing her achievement. "Good job, though. I'm, uh, glad for you," he stuttered, trying to make amends for his ignorance. He nodded at her when she truly absorbed the scrawny kid's identity. "I am surprised, as well," he responded. "I mean, male werewolves are usually kind of, well, big." He gestured at his stature, which was pretty enormous. Alpha pursed his lips at Kaitlyn's comment. "I know. I can't believe it, either. I mean, yeah, it's a big school and all. But..." He mumbled, wondering if his nose was defective. It had always worked as an unfailing radar for him, as he used his sense of smell even more than sight. Matthew watched as the scrawny kid made an effort to walk away. "I suppose he knows about us, too..." He said, now audible. "Hey, kid! Wait up!" He exclaimed, addressing the werewolf he would later find out shared his name. He outstretched an arm towards him, and attempted a weak smile. Alpha wasn't horribly alert, as he could not imagine the kid actually injuring him, especially at school. Eros narrowed her eyes at Alpha. What's going on? She wondered, as he was greeting a smaller guy who she'd never actually met. His appearance wasn't so strange to her, since it was only the beginning of the school year, and lots of families come to San Antonio for whatever reason. She decided to watch what was happening, to see if she could get a better understanding of what was going on. She noticed another guy watching the exchange in the distance, who looked just as curious as she did. However, Eros was the kind of girl that didn't know everyone, but everyone seemed to know her.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:36pm May 31 2011
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Matt turned his head to look back at them once again, and his eyes focused on the very large male that was the first to catch his attention not much of a moment earlier. His approach seemed quite, friendly, or at least was an attempt to be friendly, and that was enough to drain to uneasy tension and paraonoia that was troubling his thoughts when he first was aware of the presence of other werewolves. He turned his body slightly towards him, just to make whatever conversation that may follow a bit more direct then if he was just standing sideways, and glanced over Alpha carefully for a short moment, making sure he got a good look at him, "Hmm, Yes?" He replied simply, but felt slightly embaressed by how innocent he had made his tone sound, especially towards such a large person. Alpha had close to a foot on Matt in size difference, and even though this other Matthew was thin himself, he still appeared to be a twig compared to him. Kaitlyn watched suriously as Alpha took a step up to greet this small 'newcomer'. She couldn't help but wonder if maybe he had just moved here, and that's why they've never noticed him before, or maybe he was just good at hiding it. She was almost tempted to jump up next to Alpha and say hello as well, and in any other case she probably would've. She glanced over at Fox once, wondering quietly to herself for once, if she was thinking the same.
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
8:00pm May 31 2011 (last edited on 8:18pm May 31 2011)
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Name: Karienne Jackson Gender: Female
Species: Werewolf
Age: Seventeen
Grade: 11
Personality: Karienne is an extremely friendly girl, really the social butterfly of the school. Being friends with almost all groups of people. Altogether a likable girl, though not totally up in your face cheerful. She is rather laid back tending to go with the flow, and do pretty everything last minute, unless she actually cares about what she is doing. She is the type of kid, who will not do her homework because she doesn't like the teacher, and does projects the day they are do. Which kinda makes her seem like a bad kid, although she's not really that bad just lazy. She is very into the arts, joining both the art club as well as drama. She also wants to help people which is why she ran for SC. It's kinda of hard not to like Kari, considering she'd be willing to do any one a favour even if she didn't really like the person. As long as it wasn't to illegle. She enjoys parties but she does't drink, considering how wasted she got at a party a couple of years ago, which her friends won't let go, although she doesn't even remember half of what she did, so she's pretty sure half the outrageous stuff is lies. She also is very quick tempered, and tends to spazz easily. And when she does she get violent and will lash out. Although she also forgives people way to quickly, tending to forget what they did to her ten minutes later. Also this girl has a sick (perverted) mind. She thinks of everything in the worst way, if you say 69 she giggles or if you say 'Oh it won't fit.' she'll be the first to say 'That whats she said'. So mind what you say to her. Also due to her military upbringing she does whatever someone comands much alike a dog. She knows when to keep her mouth shut and may also tend to keep things to herself and not spek her mind. ((Some Stuff May be irrellivent(spell failXP) XP))
Appearance: Karienne stands at a height of 5'6'' and her skin is a milky chocolate brown.She has black curls that fall to her shoulders and frame her pretty face. (Hair looks similar to this, just black) Her eyes are a deep forest green and framed by dark, naturally long, eyelashes. She has few scars except for one that she hides under her side bangs. Her little nose fites nicely on her face. She has semi-full lips and straight white smile that is ever present on her face. Her body is thin and surprisingly curvy, and she has a smaller chest than other girls. Not non-excistant small, but just enough that it natrual on her thin body, so maybe a B cup-size. She wears whatever she feels like, but always wears skinny jeans over her long legs. Now, although you wouldn't think it, Kari has a tattoo. A large one in fact. She has a dragon across her entire back, although she never really shows it considering she got it when she was drunk. She is a rather attractive girl although she really think nothing of it considering she never wears make-up or anything to define any of her features. Wolf: As a wolf Kari is smaller than most, although still bigger than your average wolf. Her pelt surprising, is a mix of browns, the only other colour being white around her muzzle, under belly and paws (giving a sock like illusion) and she has big forest green eyes. She looks more delicate and is not really built for fighting but speed. Which can sometimes be a help in battles, but mostly she would run.
History: Karienne was born to a rather normal family. Her mother was once a french model, but moved to the America after she met a soldier who was over there on vacation. She moved in with him and they got married and a year later they had Kari. When Karienne was young, her parents went though a rough patch so her mother moved them to France where KArienne grew up until she was around five and her mother moved them back. Life was fun, she was definately a daddies girl joining him on everything when he was on break, whether is was shopping, fishing or hunting. Hunting being the one she enjoyed the most. But it couldn't last forever, when she was around thirteen her father died in a roadside bomb. Although you'd think this would somehow dampen her mood, it didn't but she tends to act more violently than she used too, and get angered by the littlest things.
Other: Karienne is fluent in both French and English. - - - - - Name: Jethro Reagan
Gender: Male
Species: Werewolf
Age: Eighteen
Grade: 12
Personality: Now Jethro isn't what most would call nice, He has the whole bad boy feel to him. Sure he has his moments, but that will be quickly followed by something mean. He is the type of boy who will refuse to call a girl by her name, most likely giving her an annoying nick name or calling her a different name that starts with the same letter. He is a rather easily irritated, violent guy, not to mention head-strong. He will never back down from a fight and will most likely fight to the death, unless someone interveens. He tells thing exactly like it is, and when its rude or mean, he says 'I'm simply stating the truth, if you don't want to hear it, don't ask.' There of course is also a playful side to him. He can be rather coy at times, not to mention he makes inuendos and is the first the drop sexual jokes or pick up on them. Sure he may come across as a jerk but those who decide to stick around tend to see hs true colours. He really is a loyal friend, helping you when you fall, or kicking the guys ass who pushed you down. And although most may never see it, seeing as it is a rare thing indeed, Jethro has a soft side to him. He will do anything for a friend, even if it ment killing someone. Although he hates tears, he will be the first to ask the ever so annoying question 'Are you alright?' even though you clearly are not. And he will be your shoulder to cry on. And although its unbelievable, the boy loves kids, even though he calls them little brats and will swear that he hates them till he's blue in the face, he does. He likes small animals and children, he has some sort of maternal instinct (if that what you could call it) to protect. Oh yes, there are many layers to Jethro, do you think you can unwrap the all? Appearance: Standing at an above average height of 6'3'', Jethro is a surprising good looking guy, in the bad boy sense(Although, once he opens his mouth, all thought of attractiveness disapear). He has black hair, which really has nothing special about it. Its short and just sits on his head, a typical hair cut, nothing special. Now Jethro is pretty in shape, considering the boy works out alot. Unlikesome other guys, he doesn't work out to get girls, mostly because he likes being fit. Also, he doesn't work out enough for any bulk, but he clearly has a six pack. His eyes are a clear cornflower blue which tend to stand out against his dark hair and pale skin. His mouth is always in a crooked grin, (although some might call it a sneer) which show off his white teeth and his deep dimples. The shirts he wears are normally long sleeves which shows his broad shoulders and how built he is, also he is normally always wearing a leather jackets. On his legs are dark blue jeans, simple as that. The boy also has quite a collection of tattoo's. Nothing stupid or ridiculous, like some of the biker gangs. He's more classy than that. On his upper back, he has a tattoo that says Affliction and underneath that he has a tattoo of three dragons shaped in the trinity knot, the sign of the gang, underneath that, he has on that says Evil is just a point of view. on the inside of his left forearm he has another tattoo that says Carpe Diem.While on his right, along the side of his forarm it says We are our own devils; we make this world our hell. Wolf: As a wolf Jeth has the same imposing stature that he has as a human. He is huge, but then again not to big and muscular, perfect for fighting. Which is good because he gets into alot XP. His fur is a dark black but in the sun it almost has a rainbow reflective light on it (Like gasoline on the sidewalk). And has the same stunning blue eyes.
History:Jethro had a good, exceptionally good, upbringing. There is really no explanation to how he got the way he is. His father was a buinessman, divorced from his mother seeing as he prefered to sleep around while he was on buisness trips. His mother was kind, giving Jethro everyhting he needed. He went to a private school, several actually, seeing as he was kicked out of many. This upset his mother, and he tried to be good, he really did, he even managed to graduate even though he really didn't have a plan after that. He just assumed dad's money was going to get him everywhere. It wasn't until his mother died in a drive by that he was hit really hard. She was a social worker, she was in a bad area checking up on her kids when a stray bullet hit her as she was walking out the door. He went to his father, a man he barely knew, a man who had a family, another son, one he actually wanted. Jethro always assumed it was just him in his life, seeing as he got a birthday card with a large check every year (it wasn't until later he learned it was his mother) His father told him he was sorry and offered to pay for the funeral which Jethro refused. Although the man did pay in the end, he might have actually loved hiis mother, or it was the last of what he was going to waste on the family.
Other: Jethro being as athletic as he is, is a member of quite a few school teams. Belonging to football, basketball, volleyball, and pretty much whatever else.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:10pm May 31 2011
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"Well," Matthew said, carefully to choose his words carefully, "I was wondering if you were new here? You kinda, erm, stand out to me, and I was surprised I have never seen you before. My name is Matthew, but most friends call me Alpha." He said, putting emphasis on certain words, in an attempt to confer the scrawny teenager's inevitable suspiscions that Alpha was indeed a werewolf. "Usually I can tell when a person like yourself attends the school, but for some reason, I had no clue you even existed," he said, trying to make the double-meaning behind his words obvious to the guy without making it noticeable to the humans that encompassed them. He realized he sounded a bit strange, but he didn't care. If the person he was addressing had any sense about him, he'd understand and wouldn't care. As a pivotal pack member, Alpha was and had to be powerful, agile, and intelligent, and sure enough, he was. Even if this new werewolf became hostile, Alpha was confident he'd have the situation in control. "Me and my friends wanted to know if you'd like to hang out with us." He smiled warmheartedly, hoping this new werewolf would agree to join their small but potent pack. Eros dissected what Alpha was saying very carefully. To the full extent of her knowledge, it sounded like he was introducing himself to the scrawny one and inviting him to join them and his clique, but he was emphasizing strange, seemingly random words. It didn't make much sense. Also, this new guy didn't seem to be the same type of person that hung out with Alpha, as he generally spent his time with jocks, cheerleaders, and a few close friends, like Kaitlyn and Jessica. It was all over her head, and her mind pondered what could possibly be happening. ((I just love how clueless Eros is. It's nearly hysterical.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:12pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 3,005
((Accepted. Please fill them in before you begin, Ser.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:16pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 3,005
((Oh crud. I didn't realize that Kaitlyn was a human. Can we just assume that she already knows about werewolves?))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:18pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((What did you think I was gonna leave you hanging XD Anyways, I'll be back gonna take a shower.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:20pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 3,005
((Or actually, just edit her to be a werewolf, too. Scourge, you seemed to confuse her for a werewolf as well. I'll change the tally on the first post so that she is also a werewolf.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
8:34pm May 31 2011 (last edited on 8:36pm May 31 2011)
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Posts: 1,985
(( It really is hysterical heart XD and alright... I am aware the whole time she's a human, but it'd probably be better if Cats a werewolf XDD edit- Alright, I edited the Bio ^^ )) All Matthew could think of replying with was a quick bl ink. He knew exactly what he was trying to say. He knew it, Alpha knew it, his two 'friends' probably knew it too. Though, he was quite impressed with how this guy could choose his words so that only people like them could truly understand. Maybe some others like them wouldn't get it so easily, but Matt did. "O-oh..." He started nervously, glancing around as he thought of where he could start, "That's funny, my name's Matthew too." He started slowly, but calmly, "And that seems... Like a very kind offer..." He added, his neck almost starting to hurt from the uncomfort caused by having to look up at this very large Alpha... Maybe after while he'd get used to... If he was to 'Hang our with them' A lot, that was. Maybe it wouldn't be as much of a strain as a wolf... It took him a long minute to think of whether or not he should agree, and he almost felt like he'd been quiet for hours, but he spoke again quickly, "I'm not very used to hanging out with folks like you... I kinda just hang around on my own." He explained, pulling his left hand out of his pocket and motioning slightly with it, trying to be subtle, "But... It may be... a nice change to make quite a few very close friends..." He hinted his interest. Not entirely agreeing right off the bat. But maybe he'd have a chance to see how they work together. He's had plenty of friends in his life, but none that were quite like himself. Maybe he'd feel a bit... normal with them. Kaitlyn glanced back to where Alpha and the other kid, apparntly also named Matthew, were standing. She could very clearly hear their conversation, and she almost chuckled slightly at the way Alpha had started. She understood entirely what he was saying as well, but to other normal people walking around who caught the conversation, considering the emphasis he was usig, they'd probably think he was a bit crazy. She pushed her little giggle to the side and smiled slightly. It would be nice to have another pack member... Maybe everyone'd mess around with the new kid a bit as apposed to her. Seriously, whats up with messing up the hair guys!? She was almost tempted to yell out loud. (( XD ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
9:25pm May 31 2011
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Alpha nodded to this new Matt, and smiled. "I am actually glad that you aren't too eager to become one of our group. In fact, it shows that you are independent, and picky with who you hang out with, which is actually a positive quality, if you look at it with the right light. Regardless, though, if you choose to join us, you'll be able to find me through my... I mean, you'll be able to tell where I am." He wanted to say that Matt would recognize his scent, which is unique to each individual werewolf, but he couldn't exactly say that without getting strange looks. Alpha was told he smelled of freshly-cut, dew-covered grass, which is a very recognizable scent, at least to the acute, keen noses of werewolves like themselves. "Or, if you'd prefer..." He, without explanation, tore a strip of paper from a notebook in his bookbag, and wrote his phone number on it. "Here," he said, giving the paper to Matt. "It may be unsecure to say too much over the phone, but you can tell me if you ever want to meet with my friends and I." He smiled politely at Matt, hoping he wasn't coming on too strongly. By this point in time, Eros decided what was going on between Matthew and Matthew was over her head. She had her opinions, one being that they were romantically involved, but decided she had better not ask. ((Fail. I had an amazing, long post, but it was eaten by Res. Yeah, yeah, use Notepad, I know. I usually do, but this time I neglected to. I guess it was trying to teach me a lesson. Also, how should humans be transformed into werewolves? I tend to like the idea that it happens through being kissed by another werewolf, but I am open to suggestions.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:33pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Alright, I will try and have a bio up. And Kissing? I prefer biting, or scratching. Kissing is too, careless, It would suck if you got wasted at a party and then made out with some guy and its like. Oops, I accidentally turned you into a werewolf XD I love how I'm probably the only one who thinks like that XP My mind is messed.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:39pm May 31 2011
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((True, so I'm gonna say biting. Pardon me, but it kinda sounded like an STD, the way you said it. XD If you kiss this dude, you have a chance of contracting werewolf-ism. The only sure-fire way of remaining human is abstaining from kissing.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
10:04pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 1,985
(( Hrmm, Kissing would be very sweet and all... but like serenity said, it's too careless... I think eerrbody would be a werewolf if it was through kissing XD So I agree with biting, but not too sure on scratching XD And ahh... hate when res eats posts >.< And wait whut. 'being that they were romantically involved.' LOL XD I honestly just rolled on the floor. laughing hysterically. XD Not sure exactly what you meant by that, but all my friends commonly ask me is my Matt is homosexual, so, I found it funny XD )) Matt carefully reached out his hand and took the strip of paper, and he glanced at his hand, and started to feel a bit embaressed. His fingernails were slightly dirty, like he'd been digging a while ago or something, and he quickly went to put the paper in his bag, hopeing no one had noticed it all to much like he had. "uhm, alright..." He mumbled, glancing at the two girls standing slightly behind him for a moment, one about his size, surprisingly, and one with dark pink hair. He glanced back at Alpha and nodded once to show him he had heard everything he said. Jacoby leaned against a very near by tree and watched the whole scene quietly. By this point he was aware of the fact that this kid, who he hasn't seen before, was a werewolf. There would be no other reason for a big guy like Alpha to be talking to such an odd kid as this one, except if they had something so drastically in common. He had been for a long time aware of the fact that Alpha was a werewolf, and Alpha probably knew about the same of him, luckily, he's managed to avoid any real contact with any other werewolves aside from Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn smiled big and wide for a slight second when she noticed Matt glance at her and Jessica. Alpha was friendly enough, so why shouldn't she be the same? After all, He may just end up joining them... (((minipostismini))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
10:08pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Lol I was sooo cheesed but the STD thing made it funny. I had a post typed but my parents came in so I hit post then my stupid Internet went down and It takes forever to come back....
Enough of the dramatics I shall try and post an intro on my iPod XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:14pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 3,005
((Scourge- Yeah, it's an Eros-style way of saying homosexual. Lol. Haha, your Matt sounds uncomfortable. I find that hilarious. Also, I want the school bell to ring, but Shaste still hasn't posted... Should be just wait now?))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
10:22pm May 31 2011 (last edited on 10:23pm May 31 2011)
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Posts: 1,985
(( hrmm, tough... I really want to wait for Shaste... but i don't think it would be to terrible to go on for a little. The only thing is the posts may get tiny, and maybe waiting for shaste's intro could lead to bigger posts XD And yes. He's very uncomfortabe XD Being almost a foot shorter than alpha and having the most feminine body a male could possbly have could lead to that sort of thing ;3; XD ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
10:23pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 6,409
Fox, wanting to follow Alpha, had appeared behind his left shoulder. She waved shyly at the newcomer, Matthew. She pulled some of her hair behind her ear to get it out of her face, and sighed. She hoped that the boy would join their pack. It would be good to have a new face to talk to. Of course, she hadn't heard a word that Matthew had said, due to her short attention span. She had been watching her new 'pet', the cardinal, in a nearby tree instead of listening to Alpha and Matthew talk. Although, she was happy to finally see a guy that wasn't much taller than she was.
Love is all we need~
10:31pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Yoo wait my post is commit soon XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.