7:31pm Jun 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((Because I am so cheesed. I don't feel like buying tickets to the show, and I was just about to hit Reply then my computer randomly shut off XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:36pm Jun 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,985
(( aww no!! D: That sucks XD And i'm guessing it was all deleted, huh? :/ ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
7:40pm Jun 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((Yeah damn straight XP I am soo angry, but I shall try to post again. But I have to practise my skit line, or I can hide them in my text book for tomorrow. I like that one better XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:50pm Jun 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,985
(( alright well good luck on it ^^ ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
8:04pm Jun 1 2011 (last edited on 8:52pm Jun 1 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
Jethro laughed as his friend mocked him. They had the oddest relation ship that consited of teasing, bantering and physical harm. A relationship that most would call abuse. He slide back when the foot reached his shin. "Woah there!" he said backing up laughing. "She's a tough girl, huh, Jeth?" Jethro raised an eyebrow. "What the hell are you talking about?" he said rubbing his chest in the spot he had been elbowed in. He had abo*censored*ely no idea what the guy was talking about but had already moved on and was now flirting with Kari. "The pleasure is all mine, ma chérie. Actually, that's the only phrase I picked up from two years of taking French." Karienne grinned as the taller male said that. He had some sort of animalistic look to him, but it was cute. She couldn't quite place it though but she wondered if it had to do with the whole tough girl thing, but that might just be because she looked like a hard ass like Jethro. "S'all good man. From what I heard you are like Jethro's only friend." She laughed before she heard another girl pipe up. A pretty blonde one, now she could see why Jeth would wanna hang out with her. But he probably did more harm than good. Jethro smiled, as if sensing what she was thinking and looked down at Eros and grinned that deep dimpled smile before nodding at the others. Nearly jumping when the girl Kaitly started jumping around waving to some guy. "Jesus Christ." he muttered. ((Actually I'll just leave that. I gotta practise my lines.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
11:46pm Jun 1 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,005
((I say we just don't pay attention to it, Scourge. XD And I'll post soon.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
12:42am Jun 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,985
(( Yeah that probably be the best idea XD and mkay ^^ ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
1:30am Jun 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 6,409
Jessica rolled her eyes at how Jethro's and Matthew's frienship went along. She thought it was funny. Others thought it was abusive. Of course, you get over the 'abusive' state of mind when your one-hundred and twenty pound great dane tackles you every day when you get home from school. The wind ruffled her hair, so she pulled it back into a low hanging ponytail. She wondered what her dog, Samson, the great dane, was doing right now. She sure hoped that he wasn't destroying her room like he had for the last few days.
Love is all we need~
8:00pm Jun 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 3,991
((Bumperoo! I failed my skit by the way. Because someone decided not to show up XP I hate group presentations XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
10:23pm Jun 2 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,985
(( aww! thats terrible!
Waitin' for shaste or heart to post though :ninja: ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
7:47pm Jun 3 2011 (last edited on 7:47pm Jun 3 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 3,005
Alpha returned a laugh as Jethro sprung back, a shocked, yet humored ex pression plastered on his face. “What, Jeth? Not as tough as you were on Friday? The new week brought us a new man, huh?” He jested, and followed his taunting with a smirk that only Alpha could pull off. The sides of his mouth hung over, his eyebrows lowered, his eyes formed wrinkles in the folds, and his nose furrowed. It looked as if he was about to start crying, and all of his tension was locked up in his face, but rather, he just bursted out into yet more laughter. Matthew stared intently at Jethro, his eyes piercing like thorns, and the hilarity from his face disappeared. “She’s unique, Jeth. Different,” he said, once more emphasizing sporadic words. He nodded at Karienne, and a tilted grin spread from an ear to his chin. “Well, yeah. I guess we can’t all be as popular as me,” he sarcastically huffed, a prima donna tone tainting his voice. He cocked his head to the left, much like a puppy does, and gently bit his lower lip briefly. “Ah, well, he’s got Eros, I suppose.” He gestured to the blonde girl, chuckling, and then craned his head over Karienne’s ear, so he was able to whisper. “Then again, I doubt Jethro thinks of her as a friend.” He pursed his lips, but his smile soon returned. “Ah, I’m kidding. Pretty-boy here could honestly be friends with anyone, if he really wanted to. I guess it’s just his choice that he didn’t run up and take my Homecoming Court crown.” He teased, his taunts aimed at Jethro. Honestly, Eros was fully aware that Jethro was handsome, if not more so that most other girls. And, he was at his cutest when he smiled that deep-dimpled, adoring smile, when his eyes seemed more lit than usual, or when he was goofing off with Alpha or some of his other “close” acquaintances. Being herself, Eros was surrounded by the handsomest Seniors at the school throughout the day, due to the clubs she was in or used to be in, and the friend groups she was a part of. However, Eros’ naïve nature tended to expose her to all kinds of problems, and she often misled these Seniors to believe horrible things that were certainly untrue. Luckily for Eros, her friends looked out for her; if they didn’t, she’d be in sticky situations constantly. Eros read the digital clock that hung from the courtyard wall, and recognized that the bell would be ringing in about fifteen minutes. This morning seemed to progress fairly slowly.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.