11:19am Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 2:47pm Jan 23 2013)
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In the center of the old cobblestone town, there lies a well-known Tavern. Downstairs, merry making and fights occur routinely, and there's almost always singing or some interesting person to talk to. Upstairs serves as an Inn for weary travelers or husbands who've been thrown from their beds for bad behavior and need a place to lay their head for the night. All are welcome, be they human, elf, or some other fantastic breed of creature. We at The Tavern do ask that magic users refrain from abusing their powers while indoors; the last time we eased up, an entire wall was destroyed and everyone's hair set on fire. It was bad.
So what are you waiting for? The door's are always open, and the company's good. Welcome to The Tavern.
This is a "walk-in" roleplay. That is, you don't necessarily need a character bio and whatnot to join. You just walk in, at any time, regardless of how many posts are all ready up. You're always welcome! I haven't seen any of these on Res, and they're usually a pretty fun time. I do ask, however, to prevent confusion, to provide your character's name and an image of them in your post. If you have multiple characters, please use either a different post for each of them, or use some other way of distinguishing one from another; a different color, maybe? Try to keep one-liners to a minimum; while it is a totally open roleplay, I am going to set a few rules. Please post at least a paragraph, keep things first-person past tense. Use correct grammar and spelling, and don't stretch the page with your images. THIS IS A REMAKE. The old roleplay died a miserable flaming death. A lot of it was because of the ranging literacy level. Because of this there will be NO ONE LINERS. AT ALL. ZERO. I hate to be a stickler but it really drags things down. And just so everyone is on the same page, the setting is mediev[injection]al fantasy. No modern day stuff really. Well..maybe a couple things for convenience, but no cars or guns or cell phones or anything like that.
The Staff: If you want to have a character be part of the staff, Rmail me a brief profile, basically saying who they are and what position you want.
Waitresses: Lily, Belicia Cooks: Rene (HEAD COOK!) Bartender(s): Elzaio, Spirit
Others: Hane, Benel ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰ Character Blurbs
 The owner of the tavern, who also happens to be an immortal and incredibly powerful, ancient vampire. He is very suave and exhibits chivalry, seemingly quite the gentleman. However, getting on his bad side is probably not something anyone wants to do. He may not openly become aggressive (pray that he doesn't!), but there will certainly be much woe to come of it. He is cold and smooth, but generally friendly to his guests. He will not tolerate disrespect.
Elzaio http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/9b05e7d23ce13ee35343549734fa0f39/http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y61/sicone126/lunapic_134505732050349_4.jpg
Elzaio is the charming elf bartender. He is a bit on the upbeat side, and sarcasm is never in short supply. He has a silver tongue, and he knows it. The elf can be a little bit of a tease, and he is incredibly smart...even if he can be a bit of an idiot sometimes. He's the sort of person who is used to getting his way by just flashing a pretty smile. Don't start thinking he is only skin-deep though. While he may act like a shallow pretty-boy sometimes, he can be a very deep person. It could just be that after dealing with so much life, one tends to take things less seriously.
Hane is a dark and mysterious being. He doesn't really talk much, but has come to frequent the tavern nearly every day, or every other day. His race is that of a dragon, or half-dragon. One cannot be sure. He is a bit of a solitary being who has an air of darkness around him. Not necessarily evil though. Hane tends to be in his humanoid form, complete with large full-body wings, but if provoked he will transform into his true dragon form. If that happens, dear gods...hide and pray he doesn't find you. But that rarely happens. It takes a lot to set him off, as he is quite calm.
Aravel The faithful waiter
And uh to add to this, he's easily startled, has quite the feline phobia, can't hold liquor for anything, and all in all is kind of spazztastic when things go wrong. o3o
Rene http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=6808400 Rene is a fire elemental, and stands just under 5'9. Both ears are pierced twice, one a stud, another a small silver ring, and so is her belly button. There aren't a whole lot of specifics about her personality, She's blunt, though. And abrupt. Doesn't believe much in skirting around a point. She'll tell it how it is. She's usually pretty good at keeping her emotions in check, although has quite a temper if pushed that far. She's also very, very organised, and very good with time. Something she'd probably need being a cook and all.
 Lily is a runaway elf. She is shy before you get to know her, but a ball of energy and fire once she gets used to you. She is loyal to a fault, and that loyalty makes her overprotective and oversensitive. If you do happen to hurt someone or something that she is loyal too, you will be immediately hated by her, and you don't want to get on her bad side, because she won't hesitate to fight you if you do. She isn't used to getting her way in life, and she certainly is used to outwitting others to get out of tricky situations. All in all she is a pretty good person, just don't put her in a bad mood.
Belicia (Bel)
A tavern waitress in the guise of a typical human woman. Her true nature is that of the basilisk, a large, demonic looking mahogony snake. Approachable despite her nature, she is always ready with a welcoming smile, and will attend to the Taverns customers to the best of her ability. As accommodating as she can be, she will not tolerate being talked down to, particularly when it comes to the customers. Yes. She will put most things aside in order to provide an excellent service. No. She will not tolerate insults, or any other negative behaviour. Especially if it gets to the point where other customers are being effected. Bel is really very resourceful when it comes to dealing with drunks and utter morons.
Halien Species: Magical Bounty Hunter; Flirt Extraordinaire. Gender: male Sexuality: bisexual Appearance: Tall, at the grand height of 6'3, Halien strikes most as an imp***ive wall comprised up of sheer scorn. Naturally jet black hair is tied up into a short ponytail, or is allowed free in a messy tangle of locks. Rumors say he'd been mauled by a bear, or something far more dangerous, leaving three pale scars over his collarbone and chest. When he's barechested, a suspicious tattoo is seen on his left pectoral, and in the right light, seems to be a dragon snoozing, though it seems to change positions every time a person catches sight of it. On a casual day, Halien wears fashionable and expensive clothing (rumors spread as to WHERE he gets the money) and seems to have a seemingly limitless bank account.
Personality: He flirts with anything that moves. Maybe. He might flirt with statues. He flirts, he creeps, he eats. And he sasses Damon to no end, and probably stalks most of the clientele. He quit making drinks after phoenix dung was thrown in his face after a particularly nasty scuffle between furries. He prefers being a waiter, since he can hit on people easily.
11:31am Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 11:38am Jan 21 2013)
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Posts: 243
tle="" target="_blank">Benel (Benny)Patron-to-be
Benny hated witches. Especially obnoxious, giggling, teenage girl witches. So what if he was a little too tall, a little too awkward? Who's bright idea was it to curse him to speak only if he started with a cheesy one-liner? He couldn't go back to work, couldn't interact with society. Actually, now that he thought about it, he could shake the hand of whoever thought of that curse. He wouldn't need to speak again. He could stay, holed up in some bar, and drink himself sober. Too bad the Tavern closed months ago.
It was quite the tragic accident really; according to some sources (like that obnoxious bartender), some shifters had gone and spammed the whole place up with their foreign language and spells. Clearly no one had bothered to read the signs. Others(far more reliable and less flirtatious) said that the place was too old and Damon couldn't handle things competently any more. As he approached his "thinking spot", the location of the burnt down Tavern, he began pondering over if the tavern truly existed or not. Those witches did quite a spell on him. He couldn't even remember which foot was left. Lost in his musings, Benny shook his head and muttered,
"Girl, is your father a baker? Because you've got some real nice buns. Stupid witches. I need a drink, fast.
And then, still walking, he promptly ran into a horse.
12:16pm Jan 21 2013
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Hane The Dragonkin
It wasn't just any old horse that the spelled-up man had ran into. It was a massive, imposing, muscular warhorse. Its shoulder was higher than any man's crown by quite a bit, and its jet black coat was longer than a normal horse's, fashioned to be able to handle harsh mountain weather. It grunted softly in response to being smacked into, tilting its head indignantly towards the man. And on top of the horse...oh lord! It was a man that was also massive, imposing, and muscular.
"Pardon me."
His voice was deep, and held a strange accent. In fact, everything about this man was a bit strange. Although he was just sitting on the horse, it was clear he would stand well over six feet tall. Maybe even seven! He had hair the color of the horse, and it fluttered all the way down his back. His ears were pointed somewhat like an elf's, but the shape was a bit different. Most startling, perhaps, was the full length pair of wings mounted onto his back. The man peered down with glacier-hued eyes.
"I should not be so careless. I suppose I am just a little anxious. The Tavern has reopened, I have heard."
Hane motioned with a nod of his head to the large stone building just a few yards away. The sign was repainted, and there was even a new one up reading, "NO SPAMMING ONELINERS." The dragonkin dismounted. He was indeed well over six feet. Politely, he reached out with one of his clawlike hands.
"I am Hane."
12:26pm Jan 21 2013
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Damon The Owner ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰
Like any good owner, Damon had been in the old tavern long before he had reopened the doors. The vampire had taken special care to fix everything up all over again. This was the second time he had had to close and reopen. An army of strange little furry things had invaded, and he had put the whole place under a kind of quarantine until they had moved on. But now everything was back in order, and he was confident the time had come to reopen. The floors were mopped and tables shined. All of the glasses were shimmering, their stocks of exotic ingredients replenished. Everythign that had been broken was now fixed, and all was right with the world. Well ti would be, anyway, now that Damon's place was back in commission. He wondered what some of the frequent customers did with their lives when the tavern was closed.
His mind went wild for a minute, and he chuckled to himself. Ah yes, look at the time! It was certainly the moment everyone had been waiting for (maybe. probably not. Damon may have just been a little egotistical about his little tavern). He unlocked the doors and pushed them open. Ahah! That was that!
The tavern was back open for business!
{ Bleh, short post xP }
12:47pm Jan 21 2013
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Posts: 243
Still lying on the ground in a daze, Benny grunted out what possibly could have been interpreted like "Get your horse out of the way, you dirtbag" or quite possibly "You'd better direct that beauty somewhere else, you'll set the road on fire." Gesturing somewhere in the direction of that godforsaken warhorse, Benny hissed another unintelligible sentence or two; quite possibly another pick-up line followed by a string of the vilest curses he could manage. Along with flirty guys, and teenage witches, Benny also quite despised stupidly polite people who rode on stupidly tall and shiny warhorses. Glaring at the dragonkin, and catching an eyeful of sun, he smacked away the hand (or what he thought was a hand, it was all too possible he smacked something else) and stood up, nearly matching him in height, though without all the muscle. Blinking his eyes in earnest, Benny continued to grumble at his misfortune- brushing the dust off his far-too-tight pants and staggered over towards the Tavern (since when had it opened? Will wonders never cease) and brushed past a psychotically beaming vampire and collapsed at the bar. He needed a drink. It was a hell of a day, and frankly, Benny needed alcohol before he could feel comfortable about killing teenage girls.
"You must be a hell of a thief, because you stole my heart from across the room. Give me your most potent drink, and double, no triple the alcohol. Now!"
12:53pm Jan 21 2013
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Posts: 2,290
(XD. May I join, and is it alright if I do a short little bio? I just want to be sure of the 'rules' before I do anything. If i were to say a cuss word or something could i do *censored* like i do for another role play im in? im a stickler for making sure of everything before i do them...or at least i try to be ^^)
1:04pm Jan 21 2013
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Posts: 1,372
{{ Yes, please do join! c: I ask that you do your profile in little paragraph form. And censoring will be fine, yes. }}
1:10pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 1:15pm Jan 21 2013)
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Posts: 4,873
2 Bartender [She has panda ears.... And longer black hair...]
---__-- -- __--__---
Spirit stood behind the bar and twittled her fingers and looked over at Elzaio. This one's yours... She spoke with her British accent. Although, Pandas wern't from Brittin, she had a long family line behind her.... She looked down at her feet then back at the other bartender. I guess today's not going to be so boring as I thought... She groaned jokingly. She looked over at the person who had recently ordered. She took a deep breath in as if she were about to speak, but then let it out, deciding not to. She hated talking to a lot of strangers, but she had to do it, it was part of her job. So, where are you from? She asked bordly and squinted her eyes a the door, looking at all the people who barged in. She could handle rudeness, and people who had, or acted like they had no sence.
[Short... I know.... But at the moment I have wrighters block.
And I can't find a good pic... =( ]
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
1:17pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 3:02pm Jan 21 2013)
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Posts: 2,290
(yay and ok. so do it like you did your blurps? if so here's mine. ^^ if you want me to change anything let me know....ok redoing this since all of what i put is now missing *sigh*)
Tykir Artevus Shadowens
He is a mercenary who can control both water and ice. He stands at 6'1". Many people say he has a cold heart, but that was due to him having been betrayed to many times...that and the fact that he was an Ice dragon. He had kept that secret since a few incedents when he was young. He didn't always keep silent about what he was. When he was little, he had been proud of that fact and would tell everyone. That was when people began to try to hunt him down and take his heart. It is said that if you eat a dragon's heart, one gains eternal life. Since then he has kept silent, and trusts no one. He will take any job as long as he is paid the right price. If he does not get paid, the one who hired him has pretty much signed their death warrant. He loves meat and will eat it raw or cooked. He doesn't care. To him both ways are delicious.
(here's the website link to the pic. for some reason it hates my guts when trying to put it up. ill try again some other time. http://i1160.photobucket.com/albums/q495/LilChii/Anime%20Guys/5a927b3c.jpg )

1:21pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 1:26pm Jan 21 2013)
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Rene, The Fiery Head Chef.
Kitchen preparations. Done and done. It was about freaking time, too. The whole darn place had had to be completely stripped and redone. Gosh darn invasion. Rene couldn't put a name to the hateful little monsters, but she was in no way risking they didn't carry some sort of disease. The last thing The Tavern needed upon re-opening was some sort of mass food poisoning. Talk about throwing everything down the drain before they'd even set up shop.
Exhaling through her nose, the tall, slender woman tightened the white apron she had resting lightly around her waist; Eyes surveying the area with only a minor interest. It all looked very new. A little too new, even. No doubt that would be sorted soon enough, however. Once people started getting word the place was opening today. Speaking of...
Rene pulled her eyes from the glistening new tops of the kitchen to glance towards the main area, where the tables and such were located. The kitchen, for the most part, was cut off from this area, save for a small section where people were able to actually view the cooks in action, and where the waiters etc would take the prepared meals from the chef's hands. The usual thing.
Turning her head, the elemental caught a glimpse of the boss as he passed, listening idly at the quiet click as the doors were unlocked and light streamed into the building. Well. There we go.
The blonde snorted quietly, slipping out of the kitchen and into the bar a short distance from Spirit. "Ready?" She asked, helping herself to a glass of water, taking one mouthful before continuing her words. "Things are likely to get pretty busy here on out."
1:28pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 1:29pm Jan 21 2013)
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Posts: 11,785
Aravel The faithful waiter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aravel ran as quickly as he could, shoulder-length blue hair flying in the wind. Was it true? Was The Tavern really being reopened? He could hardly believe it, especially after how things had gone the last time...what with his strange phobia practically sending him into the arms of another man to be comforted, as well as being given alcohol to try to calm down. He shook his head, frowning. No. This was going to be different. No cats, no drinking for him..okay.
Once he reached the old place, he actually lit up with a full grin and ran faster towards the old boss he knew so well. Sort of.
He skidded to a stop just before him, panting and leaning forward with his hands on his knees, a tired grin plastered on his face. "Are you really reopening the Tavern? I heard about it and came running," he panted softly, seeming excited to get back to his old job as the ever-faithful waiter. Hopefully, he could avoid any...embarrassing things this time around...

1:30pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 1:32pm Jan 21 2013)
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Elzaio The dashing elf bartender
Well, this was certainly odd. Elzaio was unusually punctual to work, actually coming in before the official reopening. It was probably only appropriate, though, to be on time for the first day of coming back to work. If he hadn't been, Damon would surely be upset, and the elf didn't really fancy being the ob[injection]ject of the great and terrible vampire fury. That was more trouble than it was worth. Besides, it was too early for that. Far too early. The elf had rather liked his time off...still...maybe he did miss the old joint. He had been a bartender there for quite some time.
Elzaio had spent his time washing out and shining glasses, and organizing various bottles in pleasing ways so as to intrigue patrons and wet their thirst. He ran a hand through his hair, and as he watched Damon open the doors and proclaim it was back up and running, he tied an apron around his waist. It didn't take long at all for someone to come in. It appeared to be a human, and one who was not in the greatest mood. And...when did Spirit show up? . He bl[injection]inked a little at her, and was about to question where she had come from, when she deferred the patron to him.
The elf shrugged, turning to this grumpy man. "Ex...excuse me? " He stared in confusion at the comment. Was this man angrily hitting on him? "Uh..s-sure. coming right up." Weirdo. Elzaio grabbed a bottle that smoked as he poured it, sliding it across the bartop over to the man. "There ya go." Noticing Rene, he smiled a little. He always kind of liked the fire elementalist. She was...well, fiery. She said what she meant and meant what she said, not holdign anything back. There was something to be respected about that.
1:40pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 1:41pm Jan 21 2013)
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Damon The Owner ▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰▰
Oh yes, it certainly did stroke his ego to see patrons and employees come (sort of) flocking back to the tavern. It seemed to have a special effect on people, it just kept drawing you back. There was nothing wrong with that, though. Damon smiled a little to himself, fixing his hat on his head, watching as everyone went about their business. He was just a little concerned to see such an unhappy man come in, and then throw some strange pick-up line at Elzaio and Spirit (he was really uncertain which one the man was addressing). Oh well! A little drink would fix him right up. Damon chuckled, but looked up quickly as a panting waiter threw himself into the bar.
"Oh, hello Aravel!"
He smiled a wide and genuine smile, all of his trademark pointed teeth shimmering past his lips. Usually Damon was cool and very formal, issuing a bow or hand shake. But the vampire put his arms around the other man and hugged him.
"Yes, yes! It is true. As you can see, we are up and running again. It is good to see you again. I do hope this is a visit to welcome you back to work. You are always welcome, as you should well know."
He released the man from the hug and stood back a bit, smiling cheerfully. Damon had always been a bit fond of the waiter. He didn't prove to be stubborn or troublesome, and was generally in a friendly enough mood.
1:40pm Jan 21 2013
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Posts: 4,873
Spirit The fearless.. 2nd Bartender... ---__--__--__---
Spirit looked over at Rene and nodded. Hell yes I am! She laughed slightly and began to twittle her fingers once again. What about you? She asked and looked back at Elzaio then at the anyone little.... Thing... Who had ordered. She let out a sigh as she stood their waiting for something to happen. She Kitsune panda like girl took her hand and rubbed her furry black ears, another sign of bordome... She then all the sudden herd a crash.. Some dude had rammed himself against the door on accident while trying to walk in. She looked out the door and ignored that person who had done it, then straight at Damon and Aravel.
She wasn't all to excited to start work again, or to even see any of the people here... But, again, she was happy to start so she'd get paied...
I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33
1:47pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 1:48pm Jan 21 2013)
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Lily Lily stood at the threshold of the tavern, fingering the necklace she was wearing. This was going to be her first job ever, and she was more than a little anxious to start. She walked in and tied an apron around her waist, wondering what adventures the day would hold. She had heard a lot about the tavern from old patrons, and she was excited for the events she might witness, or even start.She looked around. There wasn't really anyone at tables that needed an order taken. In fact, the people who were actually in the place were mostly at the bar. She hoped someone would come in or come talk to her; she hadn't taken this job to be bored.(( Derp ))
1:49pm Jan 21 2013
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Posts: 2,290
(oh my gosh why does what i put keep disappearing on me? *growls*)
1:49pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 9:06pm Jan 21 2013)
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Posts: 827
Walking. Days and days of walking and camping out in the woods had better paid off, for Annette wasn't just running away from home just to find a world thick with trees. Back at her small village, her father forbade her to venture no further than the well that marked the southern end of the village and the start of the tree line that bordered the rest of her village.
Throughout the nineteen years of living the same secluded life, Annette finally decided it was time for her to expand her horizon and spread her wings and soar off to freedom (literally). Along with being tightly restrained from adventure, she also was not allowed to reveal her true identity to the village. Her father was frightened that if the villagers had known that she possessed huge feathered wings that they would not accept her and possibly sentence her to burn at the stakes like they did with any supernatural being they could get their hands on.
Yes, her village was small and afraid of the supernatural, that is why they were always so secluded and isolated from the rest of the world. A shame really, how simple minded humans could be; her father included. Although she loved him dearly, she couldn't take the isolation and the way everyone had negative intentions towards the unknown.
When Annette ran away, she did so in the middle of the night and ran into the forest. It had been a week, maybe two, since she left home. She unraveled the tight bindings that bound her wings to her body, and slipped into something more comfortable, a loose, silky-like material. It would seem that she would be cold in such an outfit, but the warmth of her wings wrapped around her body was enough.
However, those days running in the dark and damp woods, sleeping on the uncomfortable forest floor, and eating nothing but rabbits she barely managed to catch was starting to urge her back to go home. It wasn't until she stumbled upon a strange looking town built up of cobble stone, that a small relief washed over her.
Annette wandered into this town, lurking in the shadows, trying to find a place to stay. A tavern? She thought as she reached the center of the town. The tavern was enormous compared to what she was used to. She couldn't contain the curiosity that was raging inside of her. Annette quickly scurried out of the shadows. Her cream colored wings catching the towns yellow lights and making them shine dully.
Hesitantly Annette opened the door. A strong yellow light illuminated from inside and welcomed her. She took a step in and was immediately tranced by the warmth inside, and hypnotized by her sight. The atmosphere was welcoming, yet there were supernatural creatures and humans intermingling. What a strange tavern.

1:54pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 2:09pm Jan 21 2013)
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Posts: 243
Benny Benny, ignoring the curiously shy waiter, grumbled and downed the bottle in about three gulps before setting it down neatly. Much better. The annoyance of running into a warhorse faded into a comfortable buzz in the background, all thanks to this kind elf. Friendly little chaps, elves were. Never nosing into people's businesses (unless they sold cookies), never chattering. And they made the best ale - or were those dwarves?
The heady buzzing was effecting Benny more than he thought it would, though it had been ages when he had last imbibed enough alcohol in one go to make him drunk. But honestly, elves were great. Grimacing at the bartender-elf-chap, he muttered a shy
"If this bar is a meat market, you must be the prime rib. Thanks for the alcohol."
God. Benny hated teenage girls. Especially teenage girl witches. Who the hell named their child Sabrina?
1:59pm Jan 21 2013
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Posts: 11,785
Aravel The faithful waiter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aravel grinned at the news, returning the hug in a rather startled manner. "Of course! I enjoyed working here, even with the...odd felines that would manage to find me wherever I seemed to go." He lifted a hand to rub the back of his neck, chuckling rather sheepishly. "I honestly missed this place, and everyone here," he stated, turning to reach into the bag he'd had to pull out his uniform from the last time the Tavern had been open. "I even brought my uniform with me so I could return as soon as I got here, assuming you'd have me. I can go change now and start immediately!" he told the vampire rather excitedly, once again grinning from ear to ear. "I will be right back, in fact!" he said, dashing off to go change into his uniform, stopping only to offer a wave to his old coworkers as he passed.
Not even five minutes later he was walking out as he pulled back his hair into his usual short ponytail, happily returning to his spot near Damon. This was so exciting, getting to come back to do this. He loved this place!

2:01pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 2:03pm Jan 21 2013)
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Hane It had been a bit of a surprise to Hane, the way the man reacted. But he didn't let it bother him; not at all, really. The dragonkin just shrugged, watching the fellow stumble off towards the tavern. Taking the reins of his great beast, he tethered it outside of the tavern nearby a patch of grass that was growing on the edge of the building and along the road before walking inside.
Hane, as mentioned before, was a very tall man, and he had to duck his head and re-position his massive wings to keep from bumping the door fr[injection]ame. He wore nothing to cover his torso, and only an old dark gray cloth tied around his waist and fastened with a metal belt covered in strange runes for his lower body. With him he brought an air of mystery and power. A quick survey of the room, he noted Damon and a few of the others who worked here, as well as the man who had run into him outside.
The dragonkin avoided the bar, and instead sat down at one of the many vacant tables. The tavern was still just opening it seemed, and was mostly empty. He tilted his head, looking around to see if there were any waiters or waitresses about. While waiting, he saw a young girl with cream wings enter. She looked thin and tired. Hane quietly wondered what had put her in such a shabby situation, but for the moment, kept to himself.