Ƭнɛ ƬαѴɛяи {Walk-In Roleplay}

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2:09pm Jan 21 2013

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Tykir had just arrived in town, having just finished a job.  He looked around wondering where he should go for food and drink.  He heard people around him talk about a newly renovated reopened tavern.  He decided to check it out and headed off.

When he arrived he entered and looked around.  He had been impressed by the outside, but was just as impressed to the inside.  It had an air of welcoming to it, and had a very nice set up.  He noticed the dragonkin and nodded.  He then went over to the bar.

He signaled to the elf bartender who was there.  "Give me your strongest."  He called, planning to order a good amount of food once he got his drink.

In his mind he thought about the job he had just finished.  He never questioned the jobs he was given...at least until now.  He had been ordered to kill someone from the royal family.  It had in fact been the heir to the throne.  The current queen had just had a son and he would not get the throne as long as the heir was alive.  Now her son would one day get the throne.

He sighed as he wished he could get drunk so he could forget about the job and the games the royals played, just to stay ahead.  -Game of houses.-  He thought.  -No...Game of thrones more like it.-  He gave a sigh as he waited for his drink.  -At least I got paid a good deal.-  He wondered if having taken that job and completed it, if it would come back and bite him.


2:10pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 2:16pm Jan 21 2013)

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Posts: 4,754

Lily received a wave from what she assumed to be one of her coworkers, which she promptly returned. She saw some more customers file in (well, not really file. More like shove), and she walked over to someone who had just seated himself. He appeared to be about seven feet tall, and he had rather large wings. In her travels she had never met someone like this, and she wondered what type of creature he was. He seemed to need a waitress, maybe she could ask him.

She walked over to the man and flashed a dazzling white smile. She dug around in her pocket for her notepad, and eventually found it along with her pen, which she promptly dropped, and it made a large clanking noise on the floor. She was embarrassed that everyone was seeing how truly clumsy she was, but she managed to hold back the furious blushing that was threatening to show itself.

Come on Lily, at least try to make it through the day without making a fool of yourself.

She straightened up from picking up her pen and notepad, and sighed.

Hello there. May I take your order?


2:19pm Jan 21 2013

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The Owner

"Ahh yes. I think we are all glad those days are gone."
Damon had nodded to Aravel, watching as he scurried off to go get changed for work. It was good to see how enthusiastic he was about his job. The good vibes were contagious, and it was hard to keep from being cheerful and smiling around Aravel. Putting his hands in his pockets, he idly wandered around the tavern floor. He wondered if more of his old employees would be back. Aravel and Elzaio were still here. There had been a girl named Lotus who used to work for him, but he was uncertain if she would come back. Probably not, considering how cross she had been about the whole...incident. There was Halien though...

Oh goodness. 
HIM.  The walking bundle of flirtatious testosterone, and mouthy enough to make Damon's hair stand on end. But he seemed to get the job done. For whatever reason, many of the patrons loved the attention. Damon rolled his eyes. There was more to being a good host than toying with the patrons' heart strings.  Aravel was quickly ready for business, to which Damon gave him a nod of approval. And then that girl came in. 

"An angel?" he wondered, a little bewildered.  He wasted no time in greeting her though. Walking up, the dark-haired vampire with pale eyes and white skin bowed to her, removing his top hat and placing an arm over his chest as he did.
"Hello my dear. Welcome to my tavern. You look a bit weary, can I interest you in something to eat or drink? The bartenders and Waiters and Waitresses will be sure to take good care of you. Oh, and I am Damon, the owner.  You are?"


2:36pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 2:43pm Jan 21 2013)

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Posts: 3,828

Oh, if Damon hadn’t fired her yet, he sure might now. This would be the third time this week that she’d be late (though it wasn’t exactly her fault, what with her not getting enough sleep…at all). Her scraggly auburn hair fell out of its messy bun and she slapped her rearview mirror down a notch, expressive wide eyes narrowing as her flitted gaze met the reflective glass. She stuck a few of her runaway curls back through her scrunchie and tugged her lip gloss out from the cup holder to her right. 

One hand on the wheel and mind certainly not on the more important task at hand, Lotus quickly did all of her make-up, mascara included, and finished with a bit of powder to her face. Another quick look in the mirror proved that she was otherwise presentable. Smiling and dipping her head to herself, she fixed the mirror. 

Almost clipping another car as she clumsily pulled in, Lotus drew her keys out of the ignition, threw them underneath her car seat, locked the car behind her, and ran (well, it was more of a twitchy sort of fast limp seeing as she was in heels) to the bar. Before opening the door, she smoothed down her white shirt and tucked in her duck tail in the back, and pulled her black skirt just a teensy bit higher. The fabric hugged her curvy hips and the white shirt definitely helped show off her bust. 

Well, a girl’s gotta make tips.

As soon as Lotus stepped through the door she eyed the bar owner and waved, offering him an apologetic smile. "Yes, yes, late again, Damon. I can assure you it won't happen again," she said, though she'd been showing up at least ten minutes late to work every day for the past few years and her little lie had become more of a joke now. "You know how busy life can be, right? Right, you're a busy man. I'll just go and set up the tables." She looked around the bar. It certainly seemed to have attracted a few people already, but it wasn't a full house yet. 

"Anything new?" she said as she went to fetch some wrapped up silverware. 

hello my name is elder price

2:37pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 2:38pm Jan 21 2013)

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Posts: 243

It was really great to be back, Halien mused, sauntering back into the Tavern.
After working as a bartender for ages, serving all sorts of creatures, he finally decided to take a good, long break from doing anything mentally and physically exhausting.
Finally returning to town, hair shortened (it was a disastrous story), and flirtatious smile in place.

Thank god for small mercies

He sighed, swinging open the great wide double doors and flashing a smile at all his old co-workers. 
Even that old cranky vampire.
God, he wanted to give Damon some happy pills or something, loosen up a little. 
Today though,he seemed happier than normal, even giving a couple employees a hug and smile. 
Sauntering over, Halien clapped the Damon on the back and grinned.
" 'Sup old man? Heard you were opening up shop and I just couldn't resist the temptation of coming back and giving you the pleasure of my wonderful presence. Nice work you've done with the place, by the way. I like your sign." He winked, and blowing kisses to everyone in sight, strolled to the back to get his apron.

Then nearly tripped as he remember one last person he needed to tease before getting back on track.

Cataphobic little Aravel, how could he had forgotten?
Making a sharp turn, Halien set sights on his prey and slowly approached him.
Unnoticed for the moment, Halien quietly purred his delight - for all intents and purposes, his face was one of a feline delight.

"Miss me, Ara? I did."
He whispered teasingly, blowing a teasing breath of hot air over the shy waiter's ear.


2:37pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 2:39pm Jan 21 2013)

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Posts: 1,789
((LOLOLOL. I'll have to drop out I'm afraid. I had 7 posts to read and then respond. LOL

During me typing my response, another 7 posts. xD

I can't keep up. <3))


2:39pm Jan 21 2013

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The dashing elf bartender

 "Hey, Aravel! Good to see you!" called out to the familiar waiter and waving. He would have liked to catch up with the man a little bit, but he was otherwise occupied. Ah well, there would be time for that later. 

Elzaio watched as this new comer downed his drink. 
"I'll just leave the bottle here for you i you like," he said, placing a dark purple bottle beside the man.  He was pleased to see that his grumpy demeanor softened as the drink settled in. 

""If this bar is a meat market, you must be the prime rib."

Erp. He was definitely talking to him. The elf was uncertain how to respond to that. He bit his lower lip, but was glad that the man had gone on to say his thanks. 
"Oh it's not problem. It's good to see people still come in. I'm sure the boss will be pleased about it." Damon was 'the boss' he was referring to.  Not wanting to be rude, Elzaio went on, "So I don't think I've actually seen you around before. This your first time in the tavern?" He hoped the man wouldn't be annoyed by the conversation. Some people really hated to be spoken to. Either way, ther seemed to be someone else who wanted a drink.
"Strong stuff, huh? Coming right up." Placing a glass on the bartop, he produced another bottle. This one was long and slender, a deep red color. The liquid that came out was the color  of dragonfire. 
"This'll put hair on your chest." 
A little curious to see how the man would take the drink, Elzaio watched from the corner of his eye. He saw Lotus come in. Lotus? She was back? Well that was a surprise. She quickly started to busy herself, though. It felt like a family reunion to the elf, and it was a little upsetting he couldn't go mingle at that time. Oh well. 
"So how is it?" he asked the second man.


2:40pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 2:43pm Jan 21 2013)

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Posts: 1,372
{{ Awn okay Nyght. If you want to jump back in any time feel free. 'm also afraid I have to go for now, loves. Ciao </3}}


2:42pm Jan 21 2013

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Posts: 1,789
((It's an awesome roleplay. xD It really is.

But it's just way too complicated when there's so many people and characters. xD))


2:51pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 3:02pm Jan 21 2013)

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Posts: 243

Dammit. A chatty elf. Benny quickly took back everything he ever thought.

"Did the sun come out, or did you just smile at me?
No, I've been in here once, right in the midst of that whole furry fiasco. Didn't exactly entice me to come back, but the alcohol was good enough, despite the flirtatious and annoying bartender."

He spat out in his rage and humiliation, quickly taking the bottle and taking a long drag from it, relishing the buzzing feeling it generated in his skull.
He was going to have a dog of a hangover in the morning, but it would be worth it, as long as he could forget the walking social embarrassment he had just become. Poor bartender, having to deal with his terrible pick-up lines.

Taking a longer drink, he sighed.
The day was going to the pits, that's for sure. 
He was going to need more alcohol, and maybe an elixir to wipe his memory.
Maybe a spell, to wipe the memories of all he'd interacted with that day. He could start afresh, actually find a replacement for his horse, and maybe find a place to stay that was clean enough to see himself in the mirror.

Finishing off the whole bottle, he dropped his head to the counter and sighed morosely. 

2:59pm Jan 21 2013

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Posts: 2,290
Tykir thanked him and handed him the money for it.  "Keep the change."  He had clearly over paid but didn't care.  He ignored the glass and opened the bottle.  He soon down the whole thing, chugging it.  He put it down with a sigh.  "Not bad...is there a chance for more?  Plan to savor the next batch with my lunch."  He looked around briefly before looking back at the bartender.


2:59pm Jan 21 2013

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Posts: 4,873
The fearless...2nd bartender.


Spirit bursted out laughing by the way her partner was being treated. Good thing no one was ordering from her, or even talking to her. She felt as if she was already on break...
I guess you get the orders and the lip, ehh?
She laughed and shoo her head.
If you want I can take orders now?
she asked, her accent getting lighter, then heaveir. She looked at the grumpy man and then at the other man who had ordered from her partner. 
If he gets hateful, that's because of th' little grumpy man over their.
she giggled towards the second man.

I\'m The Slenderman\'s wifey <3 Batman\'s our kid <33

3:01pm Jan 21 2013

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Posts: 11,785

The faithful waiter
Aravel looked up as another customer walked in, heading over towards her with Damon until he heard a familiar voice speak his name. He let out a small squeak when he felt hot air blow across his ear, a pretty blush crossing his cheeks as he spun around. "Ha-Halien!" he muttered, startled as he took a few steps away. "A-as much as I'd...like to catch up again th-there's a customer!" he stated before scurrying off to greet the angel with a bow and a smile, calming himself down before he straightened back up. "Hello, miss. Is there anything I could do for you? Get you a drink? Maybe help you to one of our tables?" he asked gently, offering his hand to the tired-looking angel. He hoped to be able to aid her in some way, since she looked exceptionally exhausted and in need of it.


6:18pm Jan 21 2013 (last edited on 10:25pm Jan 21 2013)

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Posts: 827

The tavern was starting to pile up with employees, one after another. It almost seemed like they were having a reunion the way they greeted each other. From what Annette saw, only a few customers were presently in the tavern while the rest were employees, and suddenly she felt like she was imposing. Maybe she misinterpreted what a tavern was, or maybe there was an event going on that she was unaware of, since she truly didn't belong in this town.

Annette was pondering on the idea of leaving the warmth of the tavern and venturing else were to find refuge when a gentlemen approached her. He gave a low bow, removing his top hat and placing his arm over his chest with such precise that she knew that he must have done this several time. This man in front of her took her by such surprise that she doubled back a few steps, her back thudded against the wall behind her.

"Uh-" was all Annette was able to manage to say before a man came up to the gentlemen and clapped him on the back. This new guy had such an impulsive and flirtatious way about him that was almost alluring. However, it seemed as if his personality clashed with the gentlemen who bowed before her. This tavern was strange beyond belief, and then a sickening though came into her mind, Maybe this is why my village is so cold to non-humans, their existence together is rather unusual. But as soon as that thought came it was gone, and Annette shook her head to rid the remains of the thought.

Her newly cut, fiery red hair bounced around her shoulders as she shook the thought away. "Annette, pleasure to meet you." Her voice was small, she was unsure what to say, though she couldn't help but stare at the man before her. His eyes and sink were so pale, yet his hair so dark. Just like the personalities of the two men, this man, Damon, his appearance clashed. Though the it wasn't necessarily a bad thing, again Annette found this to be some what alluring.

Her eyes immediately flashed over to the blue hair waiter who approached her next, asking her if she wanted anything. The questions he asked was what Damon had asked before the flamboyant guy had appeared, question of which Annette had forgotten to answer. Annette felt a little bewildered by so much attention (yes, two is a lot) that she forced herself to look at the floor to steady herself. It wasn't just her bewilderment but how fatigue she was, also. 

I wonder if they would let me drink some of that strong stuff father always drinks. I'm nineteen, so that must be old enough, right? "Er-" Annette was on the verge of asking, but then she suddenly realized that she had no money on her. She had left her house so abruptly that she forgot to take her savings with her. Her hand quickly flew towards her forehead as she thumped her hand with the palm of her hand. "Oh, um, I don't have any money on me..." She let her voice trail off and her hand resume its place by her side. Annette quickly shot her head up and looked both of the strange men in the eyes, "But would it be alright if I just sat here and rested for a while, then I promise, I will be on my way." She pleaded lamely. She was so tired of sitting on rocks and in the dirt that she would kill to rest in a comfortable chair.


7:31am Jan 22 2013 (last edited on 3:31pm Jan 22 2013)

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Posts: 4,754
(( *blink blink* don't mind me I'm just subscribing. ))


2:18pm Jan 22 2013 (last edited on 2:21pm Jan 22 2013)

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Posts: 243

Flirtatious jerk of a waiter

"Oh don't mind me, I won't get in your way while you flirt with customers, Ara. Though granted, I am hurt. I thought we had something special?"

Halien teased, gave a mock pout, and winked flirtatiously before following him towards their latest customer. Like Aravel, he bowed, more so to impress than truly humbling himself towards a stranger. Service was service. So he pushed a chair behind the weary girl, and guided her down into the chair. Couldn't have another guest faint on his behalf. 

"You don't have money? Don't bespeak such lies to us girl? What is this treachery?"
Halien scolded with mock severity, before pulling out several gold and silver coins from behind her ear. Dropping them into her lap, he smirked.

"So, what will it be? Ara here is a top notch server, and he'll fetch you anything you please. He's such a good guy you know? Once, I just couldn't handle serving the furry folk alcohol so I convinced Ara-bear here to serve them all. Such a good guy." 
Halien sighed wistfully, wiping a fake tear away before collapsing into the chair across the table in mock exhaustion.

He needed his beauty rest, after all.

3:30pm Jan 22 2013 (last edited on 2:25pm Jan 23 2013)

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Posts: 1,789
((Okay. LOL. I'm going to try this again. Because I'm a total sucker for an awesome roleplay. And it has slowed a little. ;-;))

The fiery Head Chef.

It really was crowding in here now. And the place had been open all of ten minutes. At least Damon wouldn't be at all disappointed with the haul. Money-wise, anyway.

Rene snorted, finishing her glass of water before placing the empty container in a nearby sink; Flashing Spirit a quick smile in response to the woman's question. "Most certainly." She answered, using a towel to dry her hands once she'd rinsed out the glass she had used. She caught Elzaio's subtle smile, and raised her eyebrows at him in a questioning manner. Pff.

It was a pity she wasn't able to catch up with him. Maybe later. No doubt the buzz of the Tavern's opening would die down a little... Hopefully.

Rene took a moment to glance around. She noted a few old faces besides Elzaio, and made a mental note to be sure to speak with them if she was able. It was about halfway through making this note that the elemental caught the exchange between the Elven bartender and his eccentric customer. She tried not to laugh at him. Really she did.

Shaking her head, Rene quickly pulled her attention a little closer to home. After all. There was work to be done.

Throwing a final smile in Spirit's direction, Rene left the bar and slipped back into the kitchen, rolling her sleeves as she went and exhaling a breath that disturbed the strands of hair over her eyes. She paused before the main stove, and then quite suddenly, with a subtle flick of both wrists, promptly brought the thing to life.

The flames belched up, licking the ceiling in a flare of seeming excitement, fleetingly lighting up most of the Tavern with a warm, fiery glow. The flames quickly died down, settling themselves on a decent cooking temperature as Rene settled herself by the barrier, holding a small flickering ball of fire negligently in one palm. A couple of the kitchen helpers, at Rene's command, began the preparations for the menu, all ready and waiting for the orders to pile in.


4:07pm Jan 22 2013 (last edited on 7:54pm Jan 22 2013)

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Posts: 11,785

The faithful waiter
Aravel blushed again at the other male's comments, rubbing the back of his neck before he straightened himself back up and offered their angelic guest another smile. "Feel free to order whatever you like, as well as rest here for as long as you wish." He slipped his hand into the pouch at his waist so he could produce a pad and paper, glancing over at Halien with what appeared to be a slightly impressed expression. That was pretty generous of him, to give the girl money to purchase food like that. He would have done the same of course, but this time Halien actually beat him to it. That was certainly a new feeling towards the other male, but he didn't dwell on it too long before his attention was returned to the girl before him, a warm ex[injection]pression on his face. "Take your time."

((I'm bad at rping hurdurr.))


9:31pm Jan 22 2013 (last edited on 9:33pm Jan 22 2013)

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Posts: 827

A chair swept her off her feet, well with the help of the flamboyant waiter, and silver and gold coins dropped in her lap. Her eyes widened at such generosity, and a faint smile displayed on her face. "Oh, th-thank you." Annette said hesitantly. She wondered if she should keep the money or give it back. It had been a long time since she had slept in a bed or had anything other than rabbit to eat. She sighed and relaxed in the chair. Her wings were splayed out wide and she was self conscious about them that every once in a while she would glance at them to make sure they weren't a nuisance to anyone.

Annette watched the flamboyant and flirtatious guy take a seat. He was one of the three people who currently held her curiosity. She wondered why he was so flirtatious and what his relation was to this waiter who seemed so kind, Ara was it?  The thought of the blue-haired waiter reminded her that he had just asked her a question. Oh, how oblivious could Annette be? She suddenly turned to Ara, "Oh, sorry! Uh-" She pondered on what she wanted. A bed would be nice. She thought. She wondered if they also had a place to stay here. She couldn't recall if she had seen a sign that had stated that the tavern also had places to sleep, Annette thought it best to ask, for if it didn't she would have to find another place to stay. "Um, Ara was it?" She glanced at the flamboyant for conformation but her gaze didn't linger long, she turned back to the waiter, "Does this tavern also have a place I could stay the night?" She placed the silver and gold coins on the table in front of her, "And will this be enough?" Annette's grumbling stomach would have to wait, she was in desperate need of a comfortable bed. 

She glanced over to Damon, who also held her curiosity. She remembered what the flamboyantly flirtatious guy had said when greeting him. He called him an old man, but from the looks of it he didn't seem that old. His hair wasn't grey and no wrinkles appeared to flaw his skin. How strange. How strange these men were, how strange this tavern and town were. A waiter with lively blue hair, and a ironically flirtatious and lively the other guy was, who's appearance seemed drab and lifeless. Annette was determined to ask them all about their strangeness and satisfy her curiosity, she just didn't know when.


2:01pm Jan 23 2013

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Posts: 2,290
(if i don't reply often it's because im sleeping a lot.  had a bad seizure yesterday so im still recuperating.  Ill check this as often as I can.)

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