3:05pm Jan 17 2010
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Lynxpaw froze. "How close is that?," he said hoarsely.

I just posted. Deal with it.
3:06pm Jan 17 2010
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Lillypaw shrugged. "I don't really know," she answered honestly.
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3:08pm Jan 17 2010
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Lynxpaw relaxed a bit. "Oh.. not that I care..."

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3:11pm Jan 17 2010
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Lillypaw laughed softly, pausing to pick up some watermint that had been dropped when she had ran back to camp.
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3:14pm Jan 17 2010
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Lynxpaw stared at her. "What's that?"

I just posted. Deal with it.
3:14pm Jan 17 2010
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Lynxpaw stared at her. "What's that?"

I just posted. Deal with it.
3:16pm Jan 17 2010
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"It's watermint," Lillypaw mumbled around the stalk in her mouth. "A healing herb that Pebblefur asked me to get. We're getting low on it," she admitted, dropping the herb by her front paws to air out her mouth of the strong scent. She tasted the fresh air, then froze. "RiverClan," she hissed. ((I have to go for lunch. D; I'll try and be back on soon.))
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3:17pm Jan 17 2010
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Lynxpaw got up, hackles raised. "What?"

I just posted. Deal with it.
3:32pm Jan 17 2010
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((Aha! :D Spare time! <3)) "You heard me," spat Lillypaw, alarmed. "RiverClan!" She saw a flash of sleek sliver fur just ahead of them. Bounding ahead, she wondered briefly if Lynxpaw would followed her. Leaping over a rock, she stopped short in surprise. "Runningpaw?" Lillypaw asked incredulously. "Great starClan, what are you doing here?"
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3:35pm Jan 17 2010
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Lynxpaw snarled and lept at Runningpaw angrily.

I just posted. Deal with it.
3:39pm Jan 17 2010
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"Wait!" Lillypaw yowled, steeping in front of Runningpaw to stop Lynxpaw. "You'll hurt him." Runningpaw just watched her, a shocked ex pression on his face.
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3:56pm Jan 17 2010
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Lynxpaw snarled. "That's the point."

I just posted. Deal with it.
4:14pm Jan 17 2010
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Before Lillypaw could speak, Runningpaw leapt up and stalked out from behind her, snarling. "Get out of here, Lillypaw." He ordered. "No!" screechedLillpaw, stepping between the two toms again. Turning to Runningpaw, she asked, "What are you doing here?" Runningpaw sighed. "I saw that... that... thing follow you over the border. I was coming to help--" "We don't need help," Lillypaw interjected, looking at Lynxpaw. "We were just going back, weren't we, Lynxpaw." With a pointed glance, she added, "Thank you, Runningpaw, but we're fine. Good luck." Runningpaw glared for a moment more, and then turned and stalked away. "Great StarClan," muttered Lillypaw.
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4:33pm Jan 17 2010
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Lynxpaw glared after him. "Yeah, we where just heading back," he mumbled swiping at some gr*censored*.

I just posted. Deal with it.
4:34pm Jan 17 2010
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Lillypaw sighed, and then looked at Lynxpaw questioningly. "Are you okay?" she asked, beginning to head back towards the ShadowClan border.
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4:37pm Jan 17 2010
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"Yeah. Just a bit lost," he said quietly.

I just posted. Deal with it.
4:39pm Jan 17 2010
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"I'm sorry," murmured Lillypaw apologetically. She sniffed the air and continued decisively, "Your territory is over this way, see? I can see the trees that mark the border jsut up ahead." She fell back in step beside Lynxpaw, suddenly feeling anxious. What had Runningpaw really been up to?
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4:42pm Jan 17 2010
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"No. I am not in Shadowclan apprentice anymore. The leader kicked me out."

I just posted. Deal with it.
4:45pm Jan 17 2010
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"W-what?" stammered Lillypaw, stopping in her tracks.
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4:47pm Jan 17 2010
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"They kicked me out for being a disgrace to their clan."

I just posted. Deal with it.