2:06am Nov 12 2010 (last edited on 8:06am Nov 12 2010)
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Plot ... None :p
Clans Sage Clan Pebble Clan Ash Clan Setting Pebble Clan's camp is located near a stream, with pebbles in it. Fish swim in it, and it leads to a rather large lake. Near the camp, there is a lush forest, shared with Ash Clan. And in the opposite direction, westwards, there is a rather open moor, shared with Sage Clan. Be careful! There are borders. Rules - ohboy!
-No Mary/Gary Stues. I will check. -No same character romance. This goes without explanation needed. -To prove you have read the rules, post the word ‘Gem’ in your bio. -No cats with fantasy names, such as dragon, phoenix or voodoo. How can a cat know that? Also consider suffixes. No Ladybug or Dragonfly. -No joining with a hoard of female cats. This is unfair. If you join with 2 female cats, then you must post a bio of at least one male. 3 females = 2 males. You get the gist of it. Same applies with males, though I doubt this will be a problem. -More characters are encouraged! -Be active! I will rMail you if you haven’t posted in 2 days -Don’t post two pages ahead without a fellow RPer. Nobody gets left behind, and respect my rules, myself and fellow RPers. -No sob stories. I don’t care if your kitty’s mom died with in a violent fight. Too bad. -We RP Pebble Clan -Just kiddin’ about the gem thingy in your bio. Post the words ‘I will be active!’ -Romance is encouraged -No special treatment. No blind cat who can magically see blue waters. -I can add as many rules as I want later. Bios
Name: [If you are an apprentice/loner, please put in the warrior name you want.] Gender: [Please delete these messages] Age: [Apprentices become warriors at around 12 moons. Just saying.] Rank: [This goes without explanation needed] Deion: [Accurate. What fur color and length? Any markings? What eye color? What size? Wiry? Muscular? Small? Medium? Pictures are allowed] Personality: [At least 2-3 words summarizing. NO MARY/GARY STUS.] History: [This is optional. I repeat, no sob stories.] Crush: [Ask, but romance is encouraged.] Other: [Anything I missed?]

2:08am Nov 12 2010 (last edited on 9:03pm Nov 19 2010)
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Posts: 5,998
Characters Leader - Longstar [Aardwolf] Deputy - Thrushsoar [Tld] Medicine Cat - Ravenwing [Daisy98] Medicine Cat Apprentice - Lakepaw [Tribecka] Warriors Skyslash, Swallowtrill [Tld] Snowflare, Wildheart [Zozane008] Snowheart, Snakeheart [Tribecka] Aspfang, Ashwhisker [Detneth106] Feralclaw, Spiritmoon [Daisy98] Apprentices Sleetpaw, Daypaw, Nightpaw [Tld] Goldepaw, Silverpaw [Zozane008] Sagepaw, Fawnpaw, Harepaw [Detneth106] Queens/Kits- Starfrost [Zozan008] Mazekit [Tribecka] Loners - No more spots open Dementia, Amnesia [Daisy98] Spider [Detneth106] Recent Events RP just started Time of Day Early in the morning. Approximately 6 AM, human time. Pale blue sky, few clouds. Possible rain. Mentor/Apprentice Pairings Sleetpaw - Aspfang Daypaw - Wildheart Nightpaw - Feralclaw Sagepaw - Swallowtrill Goldpaw - Ashwhisker Silverpaw - Thrushsoar Harepaw - Skyslash Fawnpaw - Snakeheart Lakepaw - Ravenwing --- AshClan Leader - Hailstar Deputy - Marshweb Medicine Cat - Windsoul SageClan Leader - Yarrowstar Deputy - Cloudrain Medicine Cat - Rainheart

6:21am Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 134
((I can haz join? I was kinda hoping for a leader spot, but I think I'll toss in a queen or elder- no one seems to like them.))
5% of the internet loves Twilight.
94% hate it.
Only 24% have actually read the book.
8:32am Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Dewd, Aard, read rules :c You can haz leader spot, and it's alright. Elders are nonexistent in all warrior cats RPs xD]] Name: Nightpaw [Nightshade]
Age: 10 moons Gender: Female Rank: Apprentice Deion: Personality: Nightshade keeps to herself a lot. She does have an affectionate side, but she'll only reveal it to close friends. She's much more social than her sister, Daypaw, though. History: N/A Crush: Open Other: None. --- Name: Daypaw
Warrior Name: Daydream
Gender: Female
Age: 10 moons Rank: Apprentice Appearance: Personality: Rather soft-spoken and quiet. Also somewhat lazy and has her head up in the clouds often. She is agile, despite her looks, and is more of a strategist and a thinker than a fighter. Crush: Open Other: none --- Name: Thrushsoar Age: 22 moons Gender: Male Position: Deputy Looks: Thrushsoar is a medium-sized brown tabby with short fur. His base coat is a light brown color, and his tabby stripes are a dark brown, almost black color. His eyes are a light green, and have an inquisitive look about them. Personality: Thrushsoar has always been a confident, but hardships have caused him to not take things for granted. The only things he really trusts are his leader, and Clanmates. Thrushsoar, like his name, is quick and agile. He's not very good at clubbing and dealing great damage, but he can tire and opponent easily. History: Thrushsoar and his sister, Swallowtrill, have lost a brother. When they were apprentices, their brother, Hawkpaw, was fallen by a badger. Their father died in battle, and the only one left was their mother, who is now a frail old elder (Will be NPC :/ ) Other: You can call Thrushsoar and Swallowtrill bird kin xD Bird names, very fitting :d --- Name: Swallowtrill Age: 22 moons Gender: Female Position: Warrior Looks: Swallowtrill is a petite, pretty and lithe black she-cat. She's got sparkling blue eyes and a white belly. Her front left and back right paws are also tinged white, as if she dipped them in a bucket of white paint. She has short and sleek fur, and three dots of white that trail underneath her left eye. Personality: Swallowtrill, true to her name, is an excellent hunter. She, like Thrushsoar, is agile and fast, like a bird o_o Swallowtrill is a sharp-tongued and quick-witted she-cat, nothing like her looks. When she's around hurt cats, Swallowtrill can turn into something like a loving mother. She's not very patient, and can snap easily. History: Look at Thrushsoar :3 Other: None. --- Name: Skyslash Age: 20 moons Gender: Male Position: Warrior Looks: Skyslash is a large black cat with a jagged and rather ugly scar that resembles lightning on his left side. He has short fur, and blazing amber eyes. Personality: Skyslash is a gruff and aloof tom. He doesn't like rule-breaking, and he sticks rigidly to the warrior code. He's a bit soft around she-cats and kits for some reason, but tends to love kits more. History: Born with the name Ashkit, Skyslash attained the ragged slash on his side from a gruesome fight with a fox when he was an apprentice, straying away from his mentor. The wound barely healed, leaving that scar. He's pure DrownClan. Other: I shall be active, of course. --- Name: Sleetpaw [Sleetstorm] Age: 10 moons Gender: Male Clan: BurnClan Position: Apprentice Looks: Sleetpaw is a medium-sized silver tabby, large for cats his age. He has intelligent-looking grey eyes. His base coat is a hard silver color. Personality: Sleetpaw is a very logical tom. He's a bit headstrong and stubborn, and refuses to back down on a point he's made. Sleetpaw has a bit of a cold side, especially around boasters. History: Clanborn, and has never doubted his history. Other: None.

9:25am Nov 12 2010 (last edited on 9:25am Nov 12 2010)
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Posts: 134
(No worries, I'm so active that there's no possible simile for my activity. I a.ssure you, I will be active! The profile things aren't really finished yet, I'm tossing in an old-dude warrior guy a bit later.) Name: Longstar Gender: Male Age: 24 Rank: Leader Deion: Longstar looks strikingly similar to a siamese cat; long face, long body, long tail. He's white all over, except for the darker patches behind his ears, and his fur is short and fine. His two most striking features are his ears, which are large, triangular, and about the size of his head each, and his large blue eyes, which seem perpetually cross-eyed. Personality: He'd make a better medicine cat than leader, if it wasn't for his lack of judgement or poor memory. Though he is very polite and comp*censored*ionate, he also has all the wrong qualities; despite being zealously religious, he never punishes wrongdoing, or, indeed, argues with anyone. He basically lets his deputy run the pack, and quite a few times the deputy had to name a new apprentice or warrior for him because he was off somewhere else or forgot to come up with a name. He's a bit of a pushover, and he's part of the reason why the other clans believe Pebbleclan to be weak. History: He had a perfectly nice kithood, and had the special luck of being apprenticed to the deputy, who took a liking to him and got him into a nice position of power after he kicked the bucket. The old leader soon followed suit, and Longear, now Longstar, was left totally out of his depth. Crush: Open, I guess. Other: As stated, I will be active!
5% of the internet loves Twilight.
94% hate it.
Only 24% have actually read the book.
7:58pm Nov 12 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Alright, Longstar is added :p ]]
8:24pm Nov 12 2010 (last edited on 8:35pm Nov 12 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
Name: Starfrost Gender: She-cat Age: 16 Moons Rank: Queen Deion:
 Personality: Starfrost is a very 'happy-go-lucky' kind of cat. She is known to jump into things randomly, and do what ever it takes to stop a fight. She's very kind to other cats, and tried her best to hold in anger and hate. Every Cat is equal, is her saying. History: N/A, Crush: Open~ Other: I will be active. O.O Name: Goldpaw (Goldshard_ Gender: She-cat Age: 11 Moons Rank: Apprentice Deion: Personality: Goldshard can be stubborn and sarcastic, but inside she's very caring. She is known to jump to conclusions, and stick to her ideas. xD History: N/A Crush: Open~ Other: Nupe O: Name: Wildheart Gender: Tom Age: 15 Moons Rank: Warrior Deion: 
Personality: Will write later, :3 History: N/A Crush: Open~ Other: [Anything I missed?]
Name: Silverpaw (Silverwhisp) Gender: She-cat Age: 11 Moons Rank:Apprentice Deion: - Personality: Silverpaw is very curious, and observative. She has a kind heart and is most of the time shy. History: N/A] Crush: Skyslash? Other: [Anything I missed?] Name: Snowflare Gender: Tom Age: 15 Moons Rank: Warrior Deion:

Personality: Will write later? I'm going threough a brainfart. History: N/A Crush: Open~ Other: Nupe o: (( Crushes Accepted? ^^ ))
8:28pm Nov 12 2010 (last edited on 8:30pm Nov 12 2010)
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Posts: 5,998
[[Bios not accepted, Zozo. Read the rules? :/ And Goldpaw crushing on Sleetpaw... I think it's weird. Because the first time I RPed with Goldpaw, she was a he xD And the rules said if you join with 3 she-cats, you have to join with 2 males cats to even out the gender ratio. 3 to 1 is not fair :/]]
8:29pm Nov 12 2010 (last edited on 8:32pm Nov 12 2010)
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Posts: 17,364
(( Tld is wierd, I'll change that. xDD Oh, I thought I added Snowflare. O: Sorreh ))
12:51am Nov 13 2010
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Posts: 12,418
(Can I join? I won't be on much this weekend. I'm in a bad place in life at the moment, and my dad's home this weekend.)
 (Banner made by Kina)
1:04am Nov 13 2010 (last edited on 1:25am Nov 13 2010)
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Posts: 5,998
[[Nu-uh. I'm not weird :c You can join, Tribecka. You don't have to ask c: THIS IS AN EDIT;; You're welcome, Tribecka. If it's not too much to ask, could you please edit your bios into one of your already existing posts? I don't want to build up post count when a board is so young. This leads to potential RPers thinking that this RP is already full :/]]
1:24am Nov 13 2010 (last edited on 10:09pm Nov 16 2010)
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Posts: 12,418
(Thank you. My bios will come tomorrow, I'm on my DSi. EDIT: Here are my bios :D Name: Snowheart Gender: Female Age: 22 Rank: Warrior Deion: tle="View Full Size Image" width="209" height="250" /> Personality: Snowkiss if very sweet and nice. She's very sensitive and will bite your head off. She has a pretty bad temper. History: She was a kittypet, her name was Snow, then she joined the clan Crush: Open :D Other: She has a kit and a brother named Snakeheart. ~~~~ Name: Snakeheart Gender: Male Age: 19 Rank: Warrior Deion:  tle="View Full Size Image" width="250" height="168" />(He has a birthmark that looks like a snakebite by his heart) Personality: He's like his sister, Snowkiss. He's a bit more mean though. History: Same as Snowkiss. Crush: Open Other: Is Snowkiss' brother. He is Lakepaw's dad.
~~~~ Name: Mazekit {Mazetail} Gender: Male Age: 3 moons Rank: Kit Deion:  tle="View Full Size Image" width="250" height="245" /> Personality: Mazekit is a troublemaker. He has a good sence of humor. History: Clanborn. Crush: Too young Other: Is Snowkiss' kit.
~~~~ Name: Lakepaw {Lakeheart} Gender: Female Age: 7 moons Rank: Med cat apprentice Deion:  tle="View Full Size Image" width="250" height="188" /> Personality: Lakepaw usually takes cover for Mazekit. She gets in trouble too. Lakepaw is very confusing though. She has a bit of a bad temper. History: Clanborn. Crush: Nah. Not ready for one yet. Other: Is Snakeheart's daughter.
These pictures aren't mine!
 (Banner made by Kina)
10:30am Nov 13 2010
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Posts: 11,785
(Join as a male medicine cat and male warrior and female apprentice?)
6:55pm Nov 13 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Yushyush, Rika :3 ]]
2:00am Nov 14 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Bump D<]]
4:32pm Nov 14 2010
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[[bump :S]]
7:39pm Nov 16 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Snowkiss is a funny name, Tribecka. Cats don't know what kisses are :/ ]]
7:43pm Nov 16 2010
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Posts: 9,641
[Join with some of my charries? One male and two females? Two warriors and an apprentice. :3]
10:33pm Nov 16 2010 (last edited on 3:02pm Nov 17 2010)
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Posts: 2,046
Name: Currently Dementia, if Warrior Blackmist Gender: Female Age: 11 moons. Rank: Loner, If joined Warrior. Deion: She is a thin, Wiry She-cat with whiote fur. She has almost tiger-like Black stripes, and ma.ssive paws. Her ear is chipped and there is a Scar on her thigh. Her eyes and Seafoam green, and they had a gray foamy-looking mask around them. Personality: Very light and playful. She always looks on the bright side of things, and believes that a life not enjoyed is a wasted life. She often runs in a fight, or fights but never to the fdeath unless it's for the sake of her brother, or her clan. History: Her father died when she was young, in a battle, But she doesn't mind it. By what her mother todl her, he was a bloodthirsty cat and took it to far in the battle of his death. They were kittypets, but Dementia and her brother Amnesia ran away to be in the forest. She is now wondering about clan life, and curious about joining. Crush: Not sure yet. Other: Her brother is Amnesia, and they don't know what their names mean, because their curel old owner gave them to them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Amnesia, if Warrior Clawface. Gender: Male Age: 11 moons. Rank: Loner, Warrior. Deion: All black cat with tiger-like white stripes. he has the same gray mask as his sister, only his eyes are Brown. He's muscular and thick, with sleek fur compared to Dementia's Thick fur. He has a nasty scar from his father as a kit over his right eye, making it partially blind. Sometimes all he sees is black through it. Personality: Very strongly opinionated and ready to fight anyone. Dislikes talking out things, only does it for his clan or His sister. History: Same as above. Crush: Not sure. Other: ... ((More bios to come soon.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
2:45am Nov 17 2010 (last edited on 2:45am Nov 17 2010)
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Posts: 5,998
[[Alright, but please read the rules, Daisy. Your bios are lacking something. And I have a problem with Deathfur's name... what does the 'Death' signify? And Clawface also, he seems to have no features that relate to 'clawing on the face' or any scarring marks, like my Skyslash.]]