8:59pm Nov 19 2010
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(( Zozo's arts fail. :p ))
9:01pm Nov 19 2010
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[[Feinfeinfein D< Oh, by the way, Daypaw gonna laik Sagepaw >3 And Swallowtrill will laik Aspfang]] Nightpaw rolled over her nest onto her back, looking up at the dark ceiling of the apprentice's den. "Daypaw, wake up." She murmured, reaching a paw over to her sister and nudging her. Daypaw merely rolled to her side and breathed in deeply. Nightpaw rolled her eyes and heaved herself up onto her paws, and padded over to her sister. "Daypaw, wake up!" She hissed. Daypaw's eyes flew open and she sat up instinctively. "Danger! Intruder!" She mewed in a soft but alert voice. Her muscles relaxed when she made out the dark shape of her sister, Nightpaw. "Nightpaw! It's only you." She hissed back. --- Sleetpaw grumbled a bit when he was awoken by Daypaw's alert. "What intruders?" He asked, only to see that it was a false alarm. "Those two really need to tone it down a little." He mumbled. --- Swallowtrill walked alongside her brother, Thrushsoar. "How's the new deputy?" She asked her brother playfully. Thrushsoar flicked his tail grudgingly. "Alright, I suppose." He grumbled. Swallowtrill laughed. "No change, I see." She observed, as they neared the middle of the camp. "Well, I suppose it's time to wake up the rest, eh?" She asked. --- Skyslash was sitting outside the warrior's den. He had watched the deputy and his sister pad out alongside each other. "Good morning, Swallowtrill and Thrushsoar." He had purred pleasantly. Skyslash pawed at the dust impatiently. When were the others going to wake up? [[Mentor and Apprentice pairings coming up :3 ]]

9:18pm Nov 19 2010
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Silverpaw's eyes fluttered open, slight rays of sun through the Apprentice's den warming her pelt. She sat there, daydreaming, to confortable to get up, let alone apprentice duties. She wished she were a Warrior. a few more moons to go, she told herself. She got up with a grunt and trotted out of the den, a gust of wind battering her pelt. She shook it off and trotted to the fresh-kill pile, picking out a plump mouse. Goldpaw let out a hiss, morning already? She slunk out of her den sleepily, bumping into Silverpaw. "Morning," She mewed casualy. "Watch where you're going," Hissed Silverpaw, batting at her sister's ears. "Go back to sleep," silverpaw continued to munch on her mouse. Goldpaw's stomach rumbled, and Silverpaw let Goldpaw have the rest. "I'm full," Silverpaw explained, padding off. Wildheart and Snowflare padded out of the warrior's den, yawning. "Mornin'." They mewed to eachother before going they're seperate ways. Snowflare trotted over to Thrushsoar. "Do you thinkw e could go on a quick Hunting patrol?" He asked. "The Fresh-Kill pile it getting a little low," He explained. Wildheart nibbled at the mouse he had picke dout from the fresh-kill pile, but wwasn;t really hungry. He shrugged and finished it off anyway. Starfrost breathed in the milky, conmforting scent of the Nursery. -fail-
9:22pm Nov 19 2010
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Skyslash padded alongside with Wildheart and Snowflare. "Yes, I think a quick hunting patrol would be nice for the Clan, Thrushsoar." He mewed in agreement. "PebbleClan will need the food, and so will Starfrost and Mazekit." --- Thrushsoar looked at the three toms, and broke down into a chuckle. Wildheart and Snowflare were barely warriors, and they were already asking for duties. Skyslash would certainly be more mature than them. "Alright, you three. Skyslash will lead. Perhaps you would want to bring Daypaw along with you, Wildheart?"
9:23pm Nov 19 2010
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Sighing heavily Fawnpaw crept into the apprentice's den, her head bowed with weariness. "You guys are so loud," she meowed in a plaintive voice. Giving Nightpaw a quick glare for waking Daypaw like that the small dappled she-cat slowly made her way to her warm, comfy nest. "It's still so early in the morning. I can't see why you want to wake up."
Fawnpaw collapsed in her nest and placed her muzzle on her paws, blinking her eyes blearily as she scanned them across the den. Harepaw, as was typical, was snoring loudly in his nest, one paw slung over the edge and his head tucked beneath his tail. "Way too early," she mewed again softly, closing her eyes for a moment.
"You're always so sleepy," Sagepaw teased, prodding his littermate with one paw. Leaning over her the mischievous apprentice shook her again. "And you're wrong...as usual. It's just about dawn now, Fawnpaw. I'd get up if I were you." Shaking his head as his sister only murmured and snuggled deeper into her nest the tom padded over to the area just inside the entrance of the den and began to clean himself.
Brushing his chest with long strokes of his tongue Sagepaw wondered idly if Swallowtrill would let him do battle-training today. I hope so, he thought, letting out a small purr just at the thought.
Ducking his head to avoid the hanging brambles Aspfang stuck his head inside the apprentice's den, blinking his amber eyes as they adjusted to the gloom. "You're awake? Good." He meowed this curtly, sparing few words as he shouldered the rest of his powerful body into the den.
"Sleetpaw? Hunting today. We're going towards the two-leg place and I'm giving you an a-ssessment. You're getting at the age where you might be made a warrior." Gazing around the den his eyes settled on Harepaw, but the warrior simply sighed. The lazy apprentice was Skyslash's duty, not his. Somecat has to get that apprentice off his paws and working hard.
"How runs the prey?" Ashwhisker meowed brightly as she made her way towards the other warriors. Settling into the dusty ground beside Skyslash she curled her tail around her paws and glanced at Thrushsoar nervously. The cheerful exterior she was showing crumbled away as she sighed and looked towards the ground, twitching her whiskers awkwardly.
"I went hunting this morning," she began slowly. "But I didn't find any prey. I wanted to mention this to you and Lonestar alone...but I couldn't wait. I thought you might need to know before you started to make the patrols and such." Ashwhisker shrunk down and huddled her shoulders together, feeling as though this odd disappearance of the prey to be her fault.
"There's...nothing left out there. Not a mouse or rabbit or anything."
Crouching on the undergrowth Spider peered through a tiny parting in the leaves down to the camp. Blinking his blue eyes thoughtfully the rogue settled into the small dip he had created for himself the night before. Wincing as the fresh wound on his side brushed against a sharp twig, Spider licked one paw roughly and dragged it over his ears. What am I doing here anyways? he thought with a small sigh. Going into their territory...there's still no prey anyways.
Spider groaned and twitched his nose as the familiar scent of rabbit curled past him, but it didn't take a genius to tell it was old. Dinner, the tom thought woefully, the pangs of hunger already clawing at his belly.

9:29pm Nov 19 2010
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Wildheart shrugged. "Sure," He mewed, swishing his tail to and fro. He knew hunting wasn't his best skill, but he not dare say it aloud. Snowflare licked his paw, rubbing it over his ears. Wildheart let out a yawn, stretching his two front legs. ((Briandead))
10:13pm Nov 19 2010
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Sleetpaw twitched his ears. "An as-sessment already, Aspfang?" He asked, getting up and giving his pelt a shake. Sleetpaw weaved fluidly through the bodies of Nightpaw, Daypaw, Fawnpaw and Harepaw. "Wake up, all of you." He grumbled one last time, then ducked out of the apprentice's den before he could be hit by a barrage of complaints. --- Thrushsoar gave Ashwhisker a look of disbelief. "No, this can't be possible!" He said. "Yes, it's newleaf, but the prey shouldn't be all gone." He flickered his gaze to the forest that surrounded their camp. "Perhaps... the foxes have been hunting." Thrushsoar sniffed. "They were always the clumsy hunters." --- Swallowtrill gave Thrushsoar a skeptical look. "Skyslash should be busy training his apprentice anyways, Thrushsoar." She drawled. "Why not let Wildheart lead?" She leaned over to whisper into her brother's ear. "He needs the experience, anyways." Thrushsoar merely flicked his ear to acknowledge her. --- Nightpaw shrugged at Fawnpaw's glare. "Hey, you know Daypaw and Harepaw are always the last cats to wake up." She said pleasantly. Daypaw twitched her whiskers grudgingly and got up. Daypaw made her way to the entrance of the den, poking her head out to see the warriors. "You think Wildheart will do battle-training with me today?" She asked no cat in particular, although Sagepaw was the only one close to her.

10:32pm Nov 19 2010
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Posts: 12,418
(Sorry, I wasn't on all day.) Snowheart woke up by Mazekit. "Ugh."She meowed softly. "Good morning Mazekit."She said, streching. Mazekit pounced around. "Goood moorning, mom!"He meowed. "Sh....... don't wake up Lakepaw. Se had a long night. Same with Snakeheart."She told the young kit. Mazekit nodded. He padded quietly out of heir den, Snowheart not too far behind. (Fail)
 (Banner made by Kina)
10:55pm Nov 19 2010
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Ravenwing woke up to the dawn light. She sighed softly. She was having the most amazing dream, which oddly ended in 3 new cats, all of whic she had never seen before. (Spdier, Amnesia and Dementia.) She got up and padded out, hissing at the bright sun. She padded to the leaders den, then softly called out to her leader. Feralclaw had gone out hunting before it was even light out. He insisted one it. Now, he was stalking a plump Mouse. Fat and slow, He thought, but smart and simple. He made no sounds as he trailed the animal. Spiritmoon sighed softly. She was basking the a patch of warm sun before the camp began to awaken. She got up, shook her fur, and briskly licked her chest before walking over to the deputy for her a.ssignment. ~~~ Carefully, Dementia picked herself through the undergrowth. She flicked her tail. Currently, she was hunting breakfast for herself and her brother. While she hunted, Amnesia was scouting around, afraid that they werev surrounded by hostile catds. Dementia had tried to talk him out of it, but her brother would not back down. Yes! She thought in her head as she spotted a rat just big enough to feed them both. Amnesia was perched on a treebranch. He spotted another cat. Loner. He was on another branch higher up then his own, so as quietly as possible, Amnesia climbed up the tree trunk. He watched spider the whole time. ((Sorry, Fail.))
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
12:00am Nov 20 2010
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"Yes, well," Fawnpaw muttered to herself, knowing she was just being crabby and irritable. "It doesn't matter anymore. I suppose we should get out of the den before our mentors come looking for us." Shrugging her shoulders lazilythe she-cat stepped out of her nest yet again and ducked past her littermate, feeling her fur bristle when he poked her in the flank with his tail. "Don't be such a grump!" he called out teasingly.
"I am not a grump," the she-cat hissed to herself, slipping out of the den and stalking past Sleetpaw angrily. Holding her head high she padded over to the fresh-kill pile and settled down beside it, too mad at Sagepaw's antics to bother to choose anything to eat.
"She's always like that," Sagepaw apologized to Nightpaw for no good reason, tilting his head in a good-mannered way. "Just don't take offence and she'll be back to her normal sweet self soon enough." Chuckling slightly at Fawnpaw's attitude the tom nodded at the two littermates Daypaw and Nightpaw then crept over to Harepaw's nest.
"Wake up!" he meowed loudly in Harepaw's ear, stifling a purr of amusement when the apprentice woke with a startled yowl. "It's just me Harepaw." Nudging his friend Sagepaw turned his head and gave Nightpaw an exasperated look.
"Sagepaw, what in StarClan were you thinking?" Harepaw meowed crossly, opening one eye to glare at his denmate. "I was having a nice dream about catching a mouse and you just had to ruin it!"
Climbing from his nest stiffly Harepaw shook himself to rid the last scraps of moss from his pelt before pushing Sagepaw towards the exit. "Stop gawking at Nightpaw and get a move on," he muttered in Sagepaw's ear, ignoring the apprentice's quick flush.
Ashwhisker dipped her head shyly. "But if the foxes are lousy hunters..." she meowed uncertainly, confused at what Thrushsoar had just said. It didn't make any sense to her. "Wouldn't that mean that something else is killing all the prey?"
Lifting her head the warrior glanced around the clearing and her eyes lit up briefly as they landed on the apprentice's den. "At least the apprentices are awakening, but what will we do about the prey?" Ashwhisker tried hard, but even with her personality she couldn't keep that certain hint of anguish out of her meow.
"Apprentices these days," Aspfang mewed to himself irately, following in Sleetpaw's pawsteps. Using his longer stride to catch up with his apprentice Aspfang allowed himself one last sigh of consternation. "Don't move so fast. You'll miss all the important things," the warrior chided gently.
Flicking his tail at the fresh-kill pile he nodded at Sleetpaw. "Go get something to eat while I ask Thrushsoar about today's a-ssessment," he ordered quietly. Turning around without bothering to check if his apprentice had listened the tom hurried over to the growing group, glancing at Ashwhisker worridly. "Anything the matter?"
There's somecat...Glancing above him Spider stifled a yowl at the sight of two eyes staring down at him. "Who are you?" he hissed, already backing out of his little nest and crouching low to the ground in preparation to fight. Flattening his ears against the nape of his neck Spider sank onto his haunches and tilted his head upwards, knowing that this position was vulnerable.
"Get down from there and speak to me normally unless you mean me harm," he meowed in a harsh voice, narrowing his eyes dangerously.

2:26am Nov 20 2010
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Thrushsoar sighed. "I guess I'll have to tell Longstar when he wakes up. Something can't just kill all the prey in the forest, there's so many!" He looked over his shoulder to see Aspfang and his apprentice, Sleetpaw, nearing them. "Ashwhisker said that the forest holds little prey... Something is scaring them off." --- Sleetpaw rolled his eyes and followed his mentor, only staying long enough to hear the problem. "Well, that's strange." He commented, then hurried off to the fresh-kill pile before Aspfang could cuff him on the head for poking his nose in. --- Nightpaw shrugged indifferently. "Come on, Daypaw. Let's find Wildheart and Feralclaw." She said, brushing by her sister. Daypaw nodded and followed Nightpaw, giving the other three apprentices one last glance. "Shouldn't we wait for them?" Daypaw asked. Nightpaw shrugged. "Harepaw's always lazy like you, Daypaw." She purred.
2:50am Nov 20 2010
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"I don't think apprentices ever listen," Aspfang growled before giving Ashwhisker a curious look. "Did you see any signs of a kill at least?" he asked, his tone now slightly worried. No prey meant loss for every Clan, and soon rivalries would flare up if whatever was eating the prey wasn't killed or stopped. "Because there might be some sort of difference between the kills. That way we could tell what animal is doing this. Or...animals." There was a sense of foreboding in Aspfang's voice.
Bounding out of den in a rush Harepaw nearly ran straight into Daypaw. Skittering to a stop he panted heavily. "Oops, didn't see you!" he exclaimed loudly before shooting off again, this time in the direction of the warriors who were gathering around Thrushsoar.
"I think he's curious to know about what's going on," Sagepaw meowed drily. Flicking his tail he padded up beside Daypaw, careful to keep his wandering eyes of Nightpaw. "I think there's something wrong...judging by the look on Ashwhisker's muzzle." Sagepaw was right. Ashwhisker certainly did look dejected, her head hanging and shoulders sagging with some unseen weight.

3:09am Nov 20 2010
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Daypaw paused and instinctively side-stepped when Harepaw almost ran into her. "Look out next time." She called, lashing her tail and picking up her speed to match Nightpaw's pace. "I think we should see what's the big commotion about." She said, turning in one direction to head towards the growing group of warriors. Nightpaw twitched her ears. "I'm going to go talk to Sleetpaw. He doesn't seem very happy. Aspfang probably told him to go mind his own business." Nightpaw shook her head. "Sleetpaw just loves butting into conversations." She sighed. --- Swallowtrill nudged Thrushsoar. "You're sounding like you don't believe Ashwhisker, Thrushsoar." She said. Thrushsoar glanced at his sister. "It's practically impossible, what she's suggesting." He mumbled. Swallowtrill sighed and turned her attention to Aspfang. "What did Sleetpaw do now, Aspfang?" She asked. [[Almost done with the poster, Det :d It's kind of simple... >.> ]]
3:27am Nov 20 2010
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"He was curious about the news. I can't fault him though, not really. Only for disobeying me. But he did what I told him too right after, so it's fine." Shrugging nonchalantly the muscular tom turned to Thrushsoar. "Depends on the animal," Aspfang stated calmly. "Dogs, yes. A big enough pack could wipe out the prey source. Same goes for foxes."
Sagepaw shrugged. "I guess," he meowed noncommittedly. Turning his head to the side he glanced after Harepaw. "I'll come with," he decided with a sigh. After stretching out one leg with a small grunt the tom padded forwards a fews steps and signalled to Daypaw and Nightpaw to follow.
"But I'm not lying. And there wasn't any sign of any kills! The prey...they're just...gone." Whimpering slightly at Thrushsoar's disbelieving tone she shrunk behind Swallowtrill; Ashwhisker's normally happy attitude changed to annoyance and caution in a heartbeat.
3:50am Nov 20 2010
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[[Finished two banners, Det :3 I'll rMail them to you >_>]] Swallowtrill rolled her eyes. Aspfang was a bit uptight when it came to training, it seemed. She glared at Thrushsoar when Swallowtrill noticed poor Ashwhisker shrinking under his tone of voice. Thrushsoar sighed. "I'm sorry, Ashwhisker." He apologized. "I don't mean that I don't believe you... it's just that..." He shook his head and flicked his tail. "I think we should postpone the hunting party. We should organize a patrol instead to investigate the forest. Who wants to go?" "I'll go." Skyslash volunteered quietly. Thrushsoar gave the black tom a grateful look, and nodded. "Skyslash and... two more cats, perhaps?" --- Nightpaw shook her head. "You three go ahead." She called. "I'm going to Sleetpaw." She turned around and bounded towards the fresh-kill pile where Sleetpaw lay. "A bunch of us are going to see what the commotion is about." She said good-naturedly to the silver tom. Sleetpaw grunted his indifference. "Aspfang told me to come here. I guess he doesn't want me to stick my nose into places where it shouldn't go." He shrugged and tore at his mouse.

3:59am Nov 20 2010
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"I'll go," Ashfang volunteered slowly. Glancing at Ashwhisker he gave her a pitying look. "I think Ashwhisker's had enough though." Giving a quick shake of his body to fluff up his fur against the rising chill that was seeping through his bones the tom glanced at Thrushsoar. "If that's alright, of course."
Ashwhisker nodded shyly. "I can go train Goldpaw for today," she mewed gently. "I think she's ready for some new moves at any rate."
4:06am Nov 20 2010
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Amnesia gave a violent hiss of surrpise and batted at the cat with his paws instinctively. He narrowed his eyes, Ears flat as he pressed himself to the branch. "Who are you?" Amnesia hissed lowly, his csareful eyes staring down the loner hard.
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...
4:13am Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 9,641
"I've been here the whole night," Spider mewed testily. "I think that I should be asking you that." Backing up a little the skinny tom glared up at the stranger, his blue eyes slit. "And don't think my size will hamper me in a fight either."
The movement of Spider unsheathing his claws was accompanied by a soft schick. Digging his silvered claws into the soft earth and dragging out long furrows Spider raised one paw experimentally. "Don't cross me," he meowed softly.
8:49am Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 17,364
"What about rogues?" Wildheart asked, tail twitching. Snowflare glanced at Wildheart. "Thats a possibility," He mewed. Wildheart shivered at the thought of foxes. Evil things, he thought, pawing the ground. "I guess we could do the hunting patrol later, then," Wildheart shrugged. "Ooh! I wanna go!" Came Goldpaw's voice behind Snowflare. -fail-
3:26pm Nov 20 2010
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Posts: 2,046
Amnesia narrowed his eyes. "You think you can beat me in a fight?" He flexed his muscles, thorn-like claws extending from his paws. He twitched his tail and leaped to the ground as well. He towered over Spider by a few inches when at his full height, and growled. Dementia's mouse had led her to Amnesia and spider. Seeing her twin brother, she yowled and ran forward in between to two. "Stop!" Her yowl rang through the forest loudly. She bared her fangs at both the cats. "Remember what happend last time you challenged a cat, Amnesia?" She hissed at her brother cold-heartedly. Amnesia mouth opened a bit to speak, but nothing came out. He lifted up his paw to feel the scar over his eye, and looked down, sceathing his claws. He sat down, head bowed in shame "And you." Dementia growled. "What gives you the right to challenge my brother? Who are you?"
You gotta get lost if you want to get found...