4:36pm Feb 22 2010
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(( Wait.... Rainbowpelt doesn't have any siblings in this clan! XD lol She came out of nowhere one night when she was a kit )) Rainbowpelt focused just as Wolfstorm walked away, "hi..." she said meekly, though she knew he couldn't have heard her and padded off in another direction. She felt bad that she hadn't replied to wolfstrom, but she had been thoinking about something, but now she couldn't remember what that was.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
8:37pm Feb 22 2010
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((But all the five powered cats are supose to be siblings.. But I guess Rainbowpelt could just be a cat found somewhere near the the other four powered kits.)) Wolfstorm stopped then watched the two cats they didn't know face he and Rainbowpelt, their fur bristling. "What are you doing here on FireClan territory?" Wolfstorm demanded, the fur on his shoulder rising. "We don't care if we're trespa$$ing your territory," one of the two cats growled. "We go where we want." ((Tsunade, you replied to the r-mail I sent you, right? The one 'bout the wolf rp?))
4:01pm Feb 23 2010
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(( D8 Sorry! DX )) RAinbowpelt turned around when she heard Wolfstorm confront someone behind her, her fur bristling at just the tone in his voice. Two cats were there, challenging the caln borders. She immediatlly arched her back and moved up beside Wolfstorm, "Then you'll better 'want' to be leaving." Rainbowpelt answered. (( Yeah I replyed to it, why? Did you not get it? ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
12:07am Feb 24 2010
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((I did get it, but there wasn't any message in it. Oh, and I was supose to put "he and Dragonsaber", but we can just say Rainbowpelt was there with them.)) One of the two cats curled his lip into a snarl, but the other touched his shoulder with the tip of his tail. "Come on," he growled. "Let's get back to the others. We can have a fight some other time." The other DeathClan cat didn't look pleased. He flicked his tail angrily. "But we can so take on them." He complained. Wolfstorm bared his fangs. "You wouldn't stand a chance against us," he growled, unsheathing and sheathing his claws angrily.
2:19pm Feb 24 2010
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Dragonsaber growled from where she was and lashed her tail. Her sharp claws dug into the ground and her fangs were slightly exposed for she had opened her mouth only slighty. "No, they wouldn't," she agreed with her littermate.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:46pm Feb 24 2010
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((Sorry again garcia D; )) "If you even try it, you won't make it back to the others." Rainbowpelt added, getting ready to spring if she had to. She loved a good fight, especially if it showed the rest of the clan who she was loyal to and how she helped the clan.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
9:27pm Feb 24 2010
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Wolfstorm nodded in agreement. "You better leave now." He growled. He left his claws unsheathed then took a warning step forward. Suddenly, another cat poked out from behind some trees. "What's taking you two so-" the other cat cut herself off as she saw the three warrior cats. "I didn't think you clan cats would take a patrol out here now." The DeathClan cat who complained took a quick look at the arriving she-cat of DeathClan. "Three against three," he told the tom beside him. The tom bared his fangs then glanced at the she-cat as she ran over to he and the other tomcat. With a little sigh, he lunged at Rainbowpelt and the other two DeathClan cats sprung for Dragonsaber and Wolfstorm. Wolfstorm jumped to the side and raked his claw on the tom that sprung for him. The DeathClan cat landed then let out hiss. Wolfstorm lunged himself at the tom then sank his teeth into his right ear. ((You guys can control the DeathClan cats, too.))
11:07am Feb 26 2010
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Dragonsaber growled and lunged forward with her sharp claws out streatched. She snagged the she-cat DeathClanner at the corner of her mouth and ripped open the flesh. The DeathClan cat hissed and spun around at Dragonsaber. But Dragonsaber was a little to fast. She dodged and spun around, raking her claws down her opponents side. Then, Dragonsaber jumped onto the she-cat DeathClanner, dug her claws into the flesh and fur before sinking her teeth into the other's scruff.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
11:26pm Feb 26 2010
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The DeathClan tom let out a hiss again then scratched Wolfstorm's shoulder, but it wasn't deep. The black warrior jumped away then jumped onto the DeathClan cat's back, sinking his claws into the DeathClan cat's fur. The DeathClan cat got down then rolled onto his back, trying to squish Wolfstorm under him, but Wolfstorm was able to jump away. "You DeathClan cats should get out of here while you still can," Wolfstorm hissed.
7:31pm Feb 28 2010
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With hardly any warning a tom flung himself at Rainbowpelt, a second before he would have hit her, she leaped high into the air above him and landed softy behind him as he glanced from side to side, confused. "Soory, missed." SHe said she she landed on his back, raking her clams down his sides and sinking her teeth into his scruf. She snarled as she did so.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
2:13pm Mar 1 2010
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Dragonsaber quickly detached her claws from the DeathClanner's fur and half-fell off the back. But she didn't really. Dragonsaber used the momentum from the semi-fall to flip the other she-cat over. Her fangs removed themselves from the DeathClanner's scruff. Then, Dragonsaber launched herself at the She-cat DeathClanner and raked her claws at the other's ears. A hiss of pain was Dragonsaber's responce.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:20pm Mar 1 2010
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The deathclan cat yowled in pain and somehow managed to flip RAinbowpelt over, now he was on top of her. RAinbowpelt snarled, and clawed his face. The deathclan cat hissed and sank his fangs into Rainbowpelt throat. She battered him with her tail, audible thumps resulted from the beating. Grabbing his head in her claws, she managed to bite at his ears and he let go of her throat just as she was running out of air. She jumped up but the deathclan cat was already retreating into the bushes from where he came.
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
3:19am Mar 2 2010
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The DeathClan cat Wolfstorm was fighting glanced at the cat that ran back to the bushes then launched himself at Wolfstorm, knocking the black warrior down. Wolfstorm pushed the tom off him then sank his claws in his leg, a little startled by the sudden yowl of pain the DeathClan tom let out. The tom scratched his unsheathed claw on Wolfstorm's face, letting Wolfstorm let go. The tom hissed angrily then took a few steps back, his leg obviously hurt but he kept his eyes locked on Wolfstorm.
2:13pm Mar 3 2010
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Dragonsaber snarled with satisfaction and raked her claws down the DeathClan she-cat's belly when she quickly dove underneath it. When she was at the other side, Dragonsaber latched her fangs into the other's shaggy tail. Yanking her head downward, Dragonsaber bounded forward a few steps and brought the DeathClanner with her. The other yowled in pain.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:59pm Mar 9 2010
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Posts: 7,187
Rainbowpelt panted, drooping her head and tail for a few seconds, then bounde up behind Wolfstorm, promising backup if it was needed. (( Lame. =/ ))
Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
10:33pm Mar 9 2010
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Posts: 1,597
The DeathClan cat who fought Wolfstorm glanced at Rainbowpelt. With a hiss, he fled to where the first DeathClan cat had fled. Wolfstorm watched him go then turned to the she-cat Dragonsaber was fighting. His sibling didn't look like she needed help.
2:09pm Mar 10 2010
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Dragonsaber snarled as she let go of the she-cat she was fighting. Her eyes narrowed until they were slits and she was crouched down with her two forelegs outstreatched. The DeathClan she-cat's fur ruffled with fear before fleeing after her comrades. Dragonsaber watched her flee with her tail between her legs before turning to Wolfstorm and Rainbowpelt.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:28pm Mar 10 2010
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Posts: 1,597
"Maybe that will teach them not to mess with us." Wolfstorm murmured, closing his eyes as breeze of winf blew his way. He could see the rogues, they were hissing at each other whiel making their way to the thunderpath. "Those DeathClan cats are heading for the thunderpath."
2:09pm Mar 11 2010
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Dragonsaber nodded in agreement before padding over to the small stream that they caught the DeathClan cats at. Lowering her muzzle into the water, she let its smooth ripples was the blood off her white fur. When the blood was gone, she quickly lapped up a few mouthfulls of water before licking her paws.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:45pm Mar 11 2010
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Posts: 1,597
Wolfstorm went to the river and lapped two or three times before pulling his head up. "Have you tried looking into the water today?" He asked Dragonsaber, curious to know if she's seen anything.