{We've got a problem..} Wolf Rp

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12:03pm Oct 20 2009 (last edited on 3:59pm Oct 22 2009)

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Posts: 5,835

Bio :

Name :Aurora

Age : (Pup, teen, young adult, adult, or elder)Young adult

Gender :female

Pack :entu

Rank :Alpha female

Power(1):Has a purple vapor that comes out of paws and fangs that melts anything And I mean anything even air.

Crush :open

Mate :open


Normal wolf or Gem wolf?:Gem wolf

Gem descrption :It is a purple gem in the shape of the wierd mark on the mid. of her head

Gem placement :In mid. of forhead where the wierd shaped marking is

Other :nope


8:31pm Oct 20 2009

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Posts: 1,597


11:00am Oct 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,117
((I've updated my bios; added two more charries.))

3:06pm Oct 21 2009

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Posts: 7,187
  (((When can we start? :) And are we starting from where we stopped on the last one?)))

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

9:08pm Oct 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,597
((Uh yeah, we can just make the fight with the hunters over. You can start.))


11:47am Oct 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 283

((Here come mah bios. XD))

 Name : Kin

Age : Adult

Gender : Male

Pack : Entu

Rank : Beta male

Power(1): Turning into a hellhound

Crush : Open, ;)

Mate : none

Looks :  (no wings or collor)

Normal wolf or Gem wolf?: Gemwolf

Gem descrption : Pure black with a red swirl in it

Gem placement : On his forehead

Other : Is Kira's brother


 Name : Kira

Age : Adult

Gender : Female

Pack : Entu

Rank : Warrior

Power(1): Controls Shadows

Crush : Open

Mate : None

Looks : 

Normal wolf or Gem wolf?: Gemwolf

Gem descrption : A bright baby blue gem

Gem placement : On chest

Other : Is Kin's sister


 Name : Tami

Age : (Pup, teen, young adult, adult, or elder)

Gender : Female

Pack : Entu

Rank : Med. Wolf

Power(1): Healing

Crush :None

Mate : Can't

Looks : 

Normal wolf or Gem wolf?: Gemwolf

Gem descrption : Bright white gem with blue in the center

Gem placement : On the tip of her ear

Other : 


11:49am Oct 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 283

((Is anybody going to be Cain? The old alpha make of Entu?))

((I'm copying and pateing my last posts))

 Kira looked at the wolf and noticed that he was the alpha, And Kin was already Beta. "Kin is my brother...I need to talk to him about his old pack, The one I came from." Kira looked at the wolf hopefully. 


Kin looked at Tamara and chose his words carefully "No, We are just friends" thats when a strong scent of Smoke filled his nose. Could it be? Kin blinked and peered through the bushes. There he saw Cain looking like he was about to bite his sisters head off.  


11:58am Oct 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 5,835
((What are we doing to start?Ending a fight with the hunter?I wasn't on the other wolf RP thing you made so sorry.))


2:42pm Oct 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 283
((The hunters had just left the Entu camp and everybody is just kinda talking. Scoot yourself in lol))


3:58pm Oct 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 5,835
((I couldn't read all of the post you made,the page is being stretched.))


4:06pm Oct 22 2009

Normal User

Posts: 283

((you don't need to really, My charaters are just talking to Tamara.))

((What is streching the page for you? My page is fine)) 


7:03am Oct 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 677
((aaaah!! oh no!! please can I keep Cain and Tamara? DXX I loved Cain as Alpha male!! Hmm... maybe I can make Shane alpha of Death X3 like he was heartbroken by Necilia and turned all evil-ish XDDDD I'll post my bios as soon as possible if accepted ))

Photobucket "Nobody ever stumbled on luck while sitting down."

7:28am Oct 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,117
((Are my other two bios acceptable, Garcia? May Asita be the Alpha male of Death? :3))

3:34pm Oct 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 283
((Rawr, ello Kyreesha your just in time. Your allowed to post your bios of you read the first page.))


12:26am Oct 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 7,187

(( Hey! Wow wow wow Why is shane heartbroken by Necilia?? o_0 ))


    Ariana overheard Kin and Tamara's words as they echoing into the hole. She layed back her ears, sinking into her own pool of blood. It was very large now, and she didn't have any strength left. The weather clanged again, the air began to get thinner and thinner, and the clouds blotted out the sun. Ariana gasped violently for air. Fear, lose of blood, and hurt overcame her entire body. Now she couldn't breath, she thrashed weakly with her lags and tail. The wether copied her, and the clouds turned purple, the sun wasn't visable now.


Necilia started running, trying to make the air thicker, that was definatly something wrong and Necilia started to panic. She breathed hard at the almost non-existant air. The pain throbbed all over but she kept going, moving forward. Shane hadn't come back for her, and she couldn't sit around waiting while she knew that something was going wrong. She saw hunters fleeing the camp and the smell of blood and fear and rage was thick in the already thining air. She was working her hardest to resupply the air, but Ariana's power was stronger at the moment. It was nighttime, Ariana's powerpoint.


    "Can't breath...." Ariana panted, her chest heaved in and out as blood kept coming as well. She could hear the retreating of the hunters and a few howls of triumpth.

"ARIANA!" Necilia screamed, hoping that Ariana was still concious.


     Jazz swivveled her ears, trying to catch all the sounds that were coming from the Craw and Entu borders. The air that was blowing over from there was cold and thin, she knew something bad was happening, but it was none of her business. She took a deep breath, there was a large mix of emothions and the smell of blood carrying on the wind as well.


Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

1:09am Oct 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,597

((Shadwolf : Accepted

Wolfwinx : Your charries are accepted but I need to know if Kyreesha will make Shane the alpha male of Death before I will make Asita the leader of Death.

Kyreesha : You may still use Cain and Tamara if you want, just post the bios of your charries. ))

Dethal looked around, the hunters were almost gone. He spotted Necilia calling for Ariana and wondered were she was. He padded over to his son, Lucian, who was standing beside Rhein, and also talking with her. "Lucian, take Rhein and go back to camp." He said.

Lucian didn't really want to but he just nodded. "Okay.." He said then turned to Rhein. "C'mon Rhein, I'll show you my pack's camp."

Rhein gave a nod then padded off with Lucian back to camp. She was right behind Lucian while looking at the other wolves and remaining hunters, although there were very few now and most of them were already getting onto their trucks and leaving.

Felan sat on a rock, looking at the borders of Craw and Entu pack. He was well aware that hunters had just been there but he didn't realy give a care as long as they didn't go to the camp of Death.

((Gotta go.))


1:25am Oct 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 7,187
(( Bye garcia. ='[ *hopes someone else shows up* ))

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

1:39am Oct 24 2009

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Posts: 7,187

     Jazz turned dug into the ground with her back feet, reinforcing the borders so that anyone that was moving down there could clearly smell the new scent border. She padded away, heading towards Felan. She nodded in his direction and sat down a little ways away, giving him some space if he wanted. She wached lazily as the clouds rolled in dizzying patterns around the othe two borders.

     Ariana could hear someone calling her name now, it sounded like Necilia. "Necilia!" She called back more weakly. She waited for Necilia to get closer.

     Necilia heard  Ariana's reply and headed in that direction, the pain forgotten. "Ariana..." Necilia said as she spotted her down in an icey hole. "What happened?!" She asked reached into the hole and grabbing Ariana by the scruff.

      "A hunter.... shot me,...thought...I dodged it..." Ariana breathed. The air was so thin, and not only that but she was having a hard time breathing anyway. 

     "Ok." Necilia said, putting Ariana down, she didn't look it, but she could have carried Ariana for miles more if she had to, and Ariana wouldn't touch the ground. Necilia created a visable dome of clear and breathabl e air around the two of them as they sat together. 

     Ariana breathed in the air greedily, gulping as if she were drinking in water. 

     Necilia leaned down and inspected the wound. She glimpsed a glint in the fur, the bullet was still in there. "Hold your breath." Necilia said, as she went in to grab the bullet from her chest. It came out smoothly, and she dropped it to the ground. 

     "thanks." Ariana said, looking down at the bullet.

     "NO problem." Necilia said, inspecting the wound again. She breathed icey air onto the wound, covering it up so that no more blood was lost. "Wheres your healer's den?" Necilia asked looking at Ariana;s eyes now.

     Ariana nodded in the direction of the den, having gone back to gulping down air.

     Necilia grabbed Ariana up off of the ground again by her scruff and make her way over there. 

     Jazz sighed. It was so boring around here lately, she wanted to have a good fight, or even go out on a nice hunt. But she new that neither of these would happen most likely.

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~

3:14am Oct 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,597

Felan gave a little nod to Jazz then looked back at the borders of Craw and Entu. He sighed. He was bored. He stood up then started to walk to the part of the forest where neither Craw nor Entu went. "Want to go a little hunting?" He asked Jazz. He was aware that his fur was smoking slightly but he ignored it. As long as he dosen't end up burning the forest down he's fine with it.

Dethal watched Lucian and Rhein go then turned his attention to Necilia and Ariana. He looked at the dirention on where they were going and after awhile figured they were going to the healer's den.

Lucian and Rhein were already at the entrance of camp. Lucian padded in, giving a nod to the wolf that was on guard at the entrance. He could see that the wolf on guard was looking at Rhein.

Rhein looked at the guard then looked around the camp as they went in. She saw a den that had some other pups in them and other wolves were eating and bringing back animal that they had killed for food.

Lucian nudged Rhein then looked at a den near some bushes. "The pups of craw sleep there." He turned his head to the biggest den, which was the main den. "That's where the alpha male, my father, and the alpha female stay in..and sometimes I do too." Then he looked at a den that was smaller than the main den and had the perfect view of camp. "That's where the warriors and scouts sleep in," He turned his head to a smaller den near the den the warriors and scouts slept in, "and that's where the medicine wolf stays in."


3:48am Oct 24 2009

Normal User

Posts: 7,187

    Jazz practically jumped up. "Yes." She said, walking over to him, her wings pressed tightly to her sides.

     Ariana was somewhat amazed that Necilia could lift her completely off of the ground and carry her, she was injured herself. Her tail automatically curled inbetween her lags, and her legs lifted from the ground. 

    Necilia grunted as she almost tripped over a rock on the way to the den. Once inside, she place Ariana down gently, minding her still broken leg. "I want to find Dethal." Necilia said. Looking around, she hadn't seen him for a while. 

     "Why?" Ariana asked, audible spite in her tone. 

     This startled Necilia. "Why? Because. He's my alpha. " Necilia said simply.She turned and headed towards the entrance of the cave like den. 

     "He has a mate now you know...." Ariana said, licking her hurt leg now.

     Necilia stopped, just before leaving the den. "since when?" She asked.

     "Since you were out cold." Ariana said, her voice like sharp ice.

     Necilia shooke her head, trying to keep back tears and sprinted from the den. She saw Dethal as she ran, but she couldn't look at him right now. She turned her face from him. She ran al the way down to the stream, threw it, and up the hill towards the main den.

     She stopped just outside of it, breathing hard. She lowered her head and tail and walked around the den instead of going in.  She layed down back there, crossing her paws and putting her head on them.  "I didn't have a chance... I shouldn't be upset...." She said. "i didn't have a chance..." She whispered.

     Ariana  couldn't stop Necilia if she wanted to, she was badly hurt and couldn't move her broken leg. And wether anyone believed her or not, she knew how Necilia was feeling now. She didn't realize she likes Kin so much until she overheard himtalking to Tamara. "Maybe I should have a master plan. " Ariana said, thinking about how everyone thought that she didn't feel anything and that she was part of something bad. She didn't understand why they thought this though. She put her head down on her paws.

Red is the colour of fiery passion and I. Am. Flaming~
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