1:59pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 2:28pm Apr 1 2010)
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Dragons of the Dakotas
In North and South Dakota, dragons have become more and more succesful in breeding. They're no longer endangered...well, humans never really knew of them in the first place. Besides, they were only 'mythical creatures that only petty children believed in'. One clumsy mistake, however, and the whole dragon population could be sent plummeting to their dooms (again), and hunters will emerge to attempt to exterminate them like they did a hundred years ago.. The humans are now oblivious to the fact they live among them, time having worked its ways, especially with the fact that evolution has granted them wings and shorter legs. The magic of happiness they received when it became obvious they were no longer dying out actually gave them power, bestowing upon the dragons the gift of transformation. Each dragon can transform into a human form, sort of like traditional werewolves. However, they can only be in that form at the maximum of an hour, and if they come into a ten foot radius of fire, they will instantly transform. Their confidence growing, dragons begin to proceed into the world of humans- disguised as humans themselves. Rules ^o^ - Moe (Supermonky) is co-owner of this roleplay. ^o^ Listen to her. >O
- I'd prefer there to be no cursing.
- Keep things PG-13, please.
- Romance/violence is allowed as long as it goes with rule three. -points up-
- You can only have one element. If you want to have a non-elemental ability, you have to check with me first, and you may only have one. If you have a non elemental ability, you may not have an elemental one. ;)
- This takes place at a highschool in South Dakota.
- All dragons live in caves bordering the mountain areas of the town. They are still somewhat tied to old traditions despite the new ways of joining humans.
- Be nice. If you want to argue, take it to rmail.
- Post a lot, even if I'm not here. ;)
- There should be some humans too.
- Have as many characters as you can handle. Be sure to keep them all active.
- No powerplaying.
- No godmodding.
- Read the rules. I will be sad and probably slap my neighbor if you don't. ;3;
- Have some form of out of character.
- Don't kill someone else without permission. D:
- If you're going to leave the roleplay, please somehow make your character exit the plot and be sure to tell us.
- Be at least semi-literate.
Character Skeletons For dragons; Name: Gender: Age: Mate: Element: Dragon Physical Deion: Human Physical Deion: Personality: Other: For humans; Name: Gender: Age: Boyfriend/Girlfriend; Believes in dragons?; Physical Deion: Personality: Other: Characters Dragons - Bata (Reeses)
- Natalie (Supermonky)
- Soul (Detneth106)
- Halien (Fluffy88999)
Humans - Jaryn (Reeses)
- Daniella (Fluffy88999)
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
2:01pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446

2:02pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 2:04pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 6,216
((Sure, Fluffy. ^^)) Name: Bata Clifton Gender: Female Age: 16 Mate: Open Element: Air Dragon Physical Deion: As a dragon, she is usually a very light silver with dark silver blotches on her hindquarters and a bluish silver hair line. For the sake of good appearances, she keeps her thin mane straight and her claws short but long enough to do good enough damage when needed. Her wings are normal sized and the membrane is surprisingly scarless, seeing as most dragons her age have usually made themselves a scar on their wing membrane from a careless fall or accident. Human Physical Deion: As a human, she has black hair and silver eyes. Since silver eyes aren't very common, she uses contacts to make them appear blue. To blend in, she wears what's 'in' and tries to look like a normal person who just likes to keep to herself. Personality: She absolutely hates busy bodies and prefers to keep to herself, even when among other dragons. Will roleplay most of it out. ;p
Other: When annoyed, she'll blow a cloud of dust in your eyes.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
2:04pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 9,641
For dragons; Name: Soul Ito
Gender: Female
Age: 1600 (16 in human years) Mate: Looking
Element: Night and Fire
Dragon Physical Deion: Human Physical Deion:  Personality: She is very lonesome and prefers to spend her time alone. If she has to talk to another person, she can be argumentive and slightly mean, though in reality she is a very shy
Other: No
2:05pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,216
((Hello Det. ^^ I think we'll start when Moe appears and we have at least two humans joined. Though I suppose I'll make a human character quickly.))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
2:06pm Apr 1 2010
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((oK :D))
2:10pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 2:11pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 930
Name: Natalie
Gender: Female
Age: Teen, doesn't really keep track because of how long dragons live.
Mate: None, open I guess. Not particularly interested. Element: Fire
Dragon Physical Deion: A black and purple Japanese dragon. Her body is elongated and thin, with a short, blonde mane down the middle of her body. She is muscular all the same however. Natalie's claws are curved, thick, and sharp. They are 5 inches long, if not cut. Her head is a wolf head, and she does not have scales. Natalie has thick fur, black on top and purple on her belly. She has a pair of dark purple horns atop her head. They are not very long. Her ears are long like a Roditore's. She has thin, spidery wings that let her glide with ease. Unfortunately, they are not very strong. Natalie's eyes are a deep, deep black. She almost looks soul less. Human Physical Deion: A scrawny, long-legged teen of about 5'8". She does not tend to spend much time as a human outside of school, and therefore does not get much excercise. Natalie has hair that touches her shoulders, but she keeps it up in a ponytail often. Her side bangs tend to cover half her face.Because her eyes tend to be very dark, she wears contacts to make them look green.
Personality: A shy girl, very obedient. Not gullible, just someone who wishes no trouble. Other: ...
2:10pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 2:31pm Apr 1 2010)
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Name: Jaryn Seafield
Gender: Male
Age: Sixteen Boyfriend/Girlfriend; Nope- open.
Believes in dragons?; Heck no, after he was made fun of in sixth grade for still believing in them, he gave up on their existence.
Physical Deion: Dirty blonde hair that's more brown than blonde, bright blue eyes, and a quirky smile that gets a laugh out of anyone. He's usually found wearing a jacket as he's sensitive to the cold, and wears mild colors as he prefers not to attract attention. At times he may seem sloppy, but he's usually organized. Hates wearing socks, so usually wears his footwear without them. Personality: Roleplay it out.
Other: He has a twin sister.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
2:10pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Name: Halien Gender: Male Age: Who knows? Mate: Uh.. o3o No clue Element: Ice count as an element? Dragon Physical Deion: Slightly like this: http://el-grimlock.deviantart.com/art/Dragon-Rival-71232788, though the colors are lightly, more white blue than dark blue. Human Physical Deion: Pale skinned, he keeps the same color of his scales in his eyes. Black hair, very messy. Always seems to wear a single article of clothing that containes electric blue. Personality: Cold, like ice. Can fire melt his harsh demeanor? Other: He breathes ice 8D Who knew? ( only in dragon form though)

2:10pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Can Soul like him when in her human form?))
2:12pm Apr 1 2010
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((Det; Sure, if she doesn't mind he's a human. :3 Okay, Fluffy- ice counts. Should we wait for one more human or start?))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
2:13pm Apr 1 2010
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((She thinks it's wierd she likes him but... xD // No wating >:o))
2:14pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 2:15pm Apr 1 2010)
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(( I can create a human if thy Petty wishes ;D)) EDIT: (( Det; you talking about Halien?))

2:14pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 2:14pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 6,216
((Very well then. >o WE SHALL COMMENCE! -lights Olympic torch- xD Anyone want to start? And Fluffy, that'd be great. :D Jaryn wants normal people too. xD))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
2:14pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Where are we?))
2:15pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( WAIT. I'm confuzzled about who likes who and stuff o3o))

2:16pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 2:16pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 6,216
((We can take place starting the school day and waking up...or you can be one of those people who come to school really early in the morning for no apparent reason. xD EDIT: I thought Det was talking about Jaryn...xD))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
2:17pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((xD..wait, can't they only be human for an hour?))
2:17pm Apr 1 2010
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((I am Reeses >.>))
2:19pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 2:20pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 6,216
((Yeah, but that's why their parents usually arrange them to have time to take a period in the nurse's office. The nurse doesn't know though, lol. So they learn to stay in dragon form in the office like, under a blanket, but are prepared to change if someone is about to come close enough to them. Usually they also have permission for pas-ses to be late to clas-s- they only need about 10 minutes in dragon form to get their energy back, but it consumes more energy and eventually takes more and more time to stay in human form. The one period rest usually helps to keep them in human form longer, as it's a break. o3o )) ((Edit: Sorry. D: I'll start now, if that's fine. ^^;))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ