10:43am Apr 2 2010
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"But she is one...I feel rather sorry, but understanding," Nibbling her lower lip, the dragon-tongue flowed out of her mouth fluidly, without any issue. How was it one could be so...hesitant to use the gift their ancestors gave them?
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
10:47am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Bowing while still sitting Halien grinned, "I thought only pheonixes could be reborn? Ah, the woes of a maiden." Halien shook his head. "Jello was inspired by whale fat. And they dump terrible artificial flavoring onto it to." Shaking his head, Halien neatly flicked wrappers into the trash can. "You lost your pas.s? What a shame. Guess what I found amongst my destroyed cards?" In between Halien's index and middle finger was Bata's p*censored*. Smirking Halien, handed it over. "You shouldn't lose things like that" He commented mildly, "Disgusting Daniella might find it."

11:07am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Soul smiled, "Disgusting Daniella, what a...suitable name for her. As for what you just said about jello, that gave me the most amusing image in my head." she said, snorting and shaking her head, "But as for actually being made of whale fat, I find that unbelievable, humans have forgotten what organic foods taste like, soon they'll invent artificial meat,"
11:11am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Raising an eyebrow Halien shook his head. "They already have. This school LUNCH is artificial meat. There's no way on earth a rolled up piece of ox can bounce like that hotdog. And some have done away with meat entirely. Vegans, Vegitarians, and uh.. whatever you want to call Disgusting Daniella and her little posse. Disgusting critters, aren't they?" Shaking his head in disgust, Halien stuck his index finger down his throat and gagged.

11:12am Apr 2 2010 (last edited on 11:12am Apr 2 2010)
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Surprised, she gratefully took the card. "Thanks, you creeper. And yes, when fueled by desire, a maiden may be the phoenix- ready to be reborn." Her stature collapsing, she laughed. Of course, jello wasn't the worst thing humans had made. Artificial meat...Soul must've not have realized they already made meat. Out of tofu...some wiggly stuff made out of beans. Her face screwing up with distaste, she could only imagine how horrid it must taste. To try and replicate the natural taste of meat with SOY wouldn't do any good, unless they added numerous amounts of unhealthy, artificial ingridients. But what did she know? Humans weren't worth learning about. "They already did. It's called meat-shaped tofu," She commented, smirking. ((D8< Bah, posted too late!))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
11:15am Apr 2 2010
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Soul giggled, 'That white stuff? I had some, mother had to call the healers in and I was bedridden for days, unatural," She plucked at her lunch, gazing with distaste at the strangely smelling 'hotdog,' "And what sort of name is Hotdog? It is neither hot nor a dog," she said, poking the lukewarm bundle of...stuff.
11:15am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Solemnly, Halien muttered, "Next thing you know, humans will be making bean-shaped meat. What terrible ideas these humans have. So.. unoriginal." Shaking his head sadly, Halien sighed dramatically, "Give me a dead possum any day over meat flavored jelly beans"

11:17am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 9,641
"Rancid raccoon is better than this deep fried unspecified, er...meat?" she said, "But enough about the food, have you seen the concoctions they've come up with for drinks? Their worse than wizards,"
11:21am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( You mean They're Det? XD)) Looking solemn, Halien replied, "What about their drinks? I absolutely LOVE drinking bubbly, sugary water. It's almost as good as barf! I'd like to see wizards do better, all they come up with is blood-water." Pretending to stroke his beard, Halien mimed stirring a big pot, looking away with playful distate. Daniella watched the table with narrowed eyes. "This has honestly been the first time I've seen Halien talk so much.. I swear, I will get him as my OWN. Those two, the scum and the mongrel, they must be exterminated. Especially scum-girl. Bad influence" She muttered, sneering coldly.

11:22am Apr 2 2010 (last edited on 11:24am Apr 2 2010)
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"You mean the fizzy stuff that makes you feel all funny and likely would kill your fire?"a rough laugh escaped her throat, "Ah yes. The oddest things they create- it burns their teeth out and yet they continue to drink them to no ends." (DX< STOP POSTING SO FAST. lol.)) Pausing, Bata turned her head to stare directly at annoying Daniella. Her eyes flashed, and for a moment, she wondered if she'd be able to pas-s off blowing a...rather ARCTIC wind in her direction without getting in too much trouble. It would be easy, as she sat near the windows... A smile plastered itself on her face, and placing a hand beneath the table, she made a few motions. With the windows already open, nothing barred the wind from soaring in, sending the loose papers of whatever that Daniella's was holding fly into the air. "I win." She replied in an icy voice, satisfied.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
11:24am Apr 2 2010
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Soul giggled, "I saw Ragnarok (Random name 8D) mixing up a potion to fix scale rot...when he demonstrated the effects, the scale disintegrated and started to burn," she giggled, her eyes bright, "Poor mother was staring at him in horror,"
11:24am Apr 2 2010
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"Best to avoid wizards then, though I'd rather go to a wizardry school than this one," she remarked, still glaring with utter distaste at Daniella and her friends.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
11:25am Apr 2 2010
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Looking thoughtful, Halien put his chin in his cupped palm. "That'd be a sight to see, walking humans with neat little circles burned out in the middle of their teeth. Soon, they'd probably think it'd be popular, and then we'd see humans staggering around with designs burned through their teeth. Hmm.."

11:26am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Soul shook her head, "They already stick precious metals on their teeth, what a waste. We dragons ought to tithe them for their gold and silver, we can put it to much better use," thinking about how a good handful of gold coins woud really bring back the sheen in her scales.
11:28am Apr 2 2010
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"And the way they go on smoking, like they have unlimited teeth to spare," she continued, glancing at Daniella, who probably smoked in alley ways after school, from the look of her poor teeth, no doubt fixed up with that repulsive surgery.
11:30am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Looking at Bata, he smirked. "And I thought I was the one that controlled ice. Nice one. I'm thinking snowstorm right now.." Exhaling softly, the temperature around Daniella dropped around to 10 degrees Celsius. "Well, in a way, the wizard DID cure scale rot. With no scales, there are no scales to be rotted." Nodding wisely, Halien chcukled.

11:34am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 9,641
":And look like Daniella's feeling that," said Soul wisely, feeling Daniella's now infuriated emotions with her powers over night. "I'd feel sorry for her if she wasn't so crude,"
11:35am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 6,216
"Such a shame we couldn't all just unleash our full powers at her at this moment. But it wouldn't really be fun either way- fragile child would collapse after 1 second." Still laughing, she amused herself with a mental image of Daniella screaming while flailing in a cold sea, being tossed and turned by raging winds and waves.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
11:37am Apr 2 2010
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Soul felt Bata's joy and smirked, imagining Daniella's hair burning with large flames and being attacked with the feeling of utter fear, "Oh, but what a shame we can;t kidnapp her. Then we could toy with her for as long as need be," she whispered,
11:39am Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 6,216
"Our parents wouldn't be too happy...mine would like me to befriend humans and be nice. I don't see how though- some like Daniella give her whole race a bad name," Annoyance written clearly on her face, she poked the sandwich her mother had packed. "Luckily, my mother gave me real meat...though instead of bear, it's chicken. At least it's raw...though she placed it in between slabs of grainy stuff and lettuce. Bah."
Wat. ಠ_ಠ