2:11pm Apr 2 2010
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Soul sniffed disapprovingly as Daniella managed to fight off the effects of her magic. Well, if this doesn't work, thought Soul as she got ready to use her 'fright magic' on Daniella, then being a human is worsening my skills. She closed her eyes and sent images and feelings that would make your skin shiver and your hair raise, mind you, these were Soul's own experiences. ((Powers Soul can do with Night: -Control inanimate objects -Sense emotions and feelings -Effect slightly how the person is feeling, though it's easiest with fear -Kind of fade into the shadows))
2:15pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Daniella stiffened, eyes flashing, seeing nothing but horrendous, hair raising images. Sweat beading out on her forehead, she fought the urge to scream. No.. musn't.. be a wimp.. What if Halien comes in? Can't.. show feelings.. Stupid. GIRL. With a look of extreme pain, Daniella broke out of the trance with some difficulty, heart still beating fast, adrenaline pumping through her veins. (( I suggest you send images of Halien in numerous rejecting situations. it's pretty much the only thing besides becoming ugly that TRULY makes her scream))

2:17pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Soul snarled quietly, "Try this," she hissed, now sending images of Halien rejecting her in numerous situations and images of a truly horrendous Daniella. Those inamges of an Ugly Daniella weren't so hard to imagine, though Soul, amused.
2:21pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Suddenly, images raced through Daniella's mind, Halien, dumping her. Halien, rejecting her invitation to a party, Halien, always Halien rejecting her, dumping her, and then. HORRORS! Daniella saw her, an ugly old woman while that accursed scum, Bata laughed with Soul, Jaryn, and Halien. Daniella clutched her head and screamed as loud as she could, forgetting she was in the middle of clas.s "AAAIIEEEEEEEEEE!" She screamed, falling out of her chair.

2:23pm Apr 2 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Soul started to laugh in her mind uncontrollably, Poor little mundane, that too harsh? she thought mockingly as she shaded in the last bit of her dragon. She giggled as daniella fell to the floor, smiling. The reaction was better in real life.
2:24pm Apr 2 2010
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((G'bye Fluffy and Reeses))
10:11pm Apr 2 2010
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7:48am Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 6,216
((I FOUND INTERNET CONNECTION! >8D Bahaha, you can't stop me, fail connection of motels with dead flies littering the bathroom floor and mysterious dark substances on the wall...-twitch-)) "Puppy love?" Laughing harshly, Bata stared at him with a smirk. "I already have someone, for your information. They just don't have the same type of parents who want them to come to school with me. Anyway, I would prefer to love someone, and though all of us- yes, you, Soul, Natalie, everyone- are young, I still know it's better than to like a stranger." She jabbed him in the shoulder, grinning. "You should meet him. He'd teach you a thing or too." *** "What the?" His concentration collapsing, Jaryn watched in alarm, as did most of the clas-s, as Daniella did a miniature freakout on the floor. It was the most random thing ever. In the silence of the clas-sroom, her scream seemed to echo off the wall. He raised an eyebrow- some people were just crazy. To be honest, he never liked Daniella. One too many times he had seen her be cruel to people- especially Natalie. Perhaps all her sins were catching up to her and giving her early senility issues.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
12:52pm Apr 3 2010
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Soul watched Daniella, a fake incredouleuse look on her face, "What was that about?" she asked, trying not to break into fits of laighter at the sight.
2:07pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 2:08pm Apr 3 2010)
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Posts: 1,446
Raising an eyebrow, Halien grinned dangerously, a deadly light in his eyes. "I would love to meet another male of our kind.. Tell me, what's his element?" Reaching into his pocket, Halien pulled out a pocket watch, it's surface covered with small icicles. "Hmm , almost time to leave. Let me know if your.. boyfriend ever comes into town. I haven't seen a male of our kind in absolute AGES." Shaking his head, Halien snapped himself out of his cold stage. "Teach me a thing or two? Is he a better poker player than I? Or perchance, he can play the electric violin? I've always needed a mentor for both of them.." (( YAY! 8D Pocket watches that show Halien's mood! WHOOHOO! Let's just say.. He has a vendetta against a certain male dragon of a certain trait of a certain clan/tribe/family. >:D EXPLOSIVES FTW!))

2:08pm Apr 3 2010
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((Electric Violin?))
2:10pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Hey. A man should always know how to play the electric violin. D8< It's a pet peeve of mine to have RP charries that are guys, and don't know how to play an electric guitar/violin/cello/know how to corkscrew while dodging rocks in midair. ))

2:11pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Does anyone? Where are they anyways?))
2:24pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,446
((Uhm.. the nurse's office 8D Yeah, real romantic place to be 'eh? XD))

2:28pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((xD, very romantic))
2:37pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( I know! One of the most romantic places to be, the school's clinic! XD))

2:39pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((All those health posters, warning you about deceases, wonderful))
2:40pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( People deceased in the nurse's office?! D8 Try diseased Det, I'm not sure if Halien wants to hang around dead bodies. XD And it's more like posters on mono/ washing your hands.))

2:42pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((At my clinic at school, there were...awkward posters on the walls...and don'[t amek un of my speeling >:O Oh, you wanna join my almost done Pokemon RP?))
2:44pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Amek? Speeling? We should make a dictionary of your spelling errors XD))
