2:45pm Apr 3 2010
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((It ould be full in san hour, you dhsoueld see me on the Sb))
3:02pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 930
((I'm back! o__o I keep having stuff to do. :c)) Natalie woke up suddenly. She had just heard a piercing scream... Oh wait. She had just fallen asleep in cl*censored*. Facepalming herself, she poked the student next to her and asked, "Did I miss anything?" When the student shook his head no, she turned back forward to see where the scream was coming from. Staring in disbelief, she saw Daniella screaming on the floor. Her dream was exactly like this before she had the dream. Natalie couldn't understand. "What is wrong with my mind..." she mumbled. The student in front of her glanced back at her, and so she shot him a weak smile. Standing up, Natalie walked over to Daniella. "Are you hurting?" She asked calmly. Even though she didn't like Daniella, Natalie couldn't bear to hear her scream. She also had gotten into an honors cl*censored* in pschology, so this was one of her expertises.
3:04pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 3:05pm Apr 3 2010)
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Soul sighed as she saw Natalie, now dubbed in her mind the Heretic Dragon, helping Daniella. Even after being snubbed by her, she's still helping the human, typical, she thought ruefully, giving a slight sahke of her head.
3:06pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Blinking, Daniella shook the images away. "No.. I'm fine, thanks for asking though. You're Natalie right? Sorry I was being such a jerk at lunch, it's just.. family troubles y'know? That and the guy that I like won't even look at me" Sitting up, Daniella waved her hands care-freely, "Sorry teach, saw a spider. Terrified of those things" Giving a small shudder, Daniella lied carefully, getting back onto her seat, brain mildly confused. ((Oh look, Daniella's a nice ickle girl noaw 8D ))

3:12pm Apr 3 2010
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((What? D8)) Soul looked at Daniella, confused at her now nice demeanour, Maybe my waves were too strong, she thought, though she didn't believe that. She shrugged, unconcerned about Daniella unless she happened to be talking to Soul.
3:13pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( You know what they say, "When the mean girl turns nice, dragons sent too many funny brain waves into their heads, and now they're gonna turn mas.s murderer on you 8D))

3:14pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Yeah...I've heard that somewhere...*shakes head* Nope, doesn't ring a bell where I heard it))
3:25pm Apr 3 2010 (last edited on 3:26pm Apr 3 2010)
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"It's fine. I just tend to ignore insults." Strolling back to her seat, ignoring the hard stares from Soul and the other cla-ssmates, she sat down and sighed. Daniella's not so bad... She just seems to think that if she doesn't act 'cool' then people won't like her. Natalie thought to herself. Zoning out on the lesson, she began aimlessly doodling while looking at the ceiling. When the bell rang, she looked down lazily and was shocked at what she saw. Natalie had drawn Jaryn! Facepalming again, she crumpled the paper and shot it into the trashcan. Score!
3:26pm Apr 3 2010
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Soul glanced at Natalie's drawing right before it was chucked into the garbage, Jaryn? she thought, her anger rising. shaking her head to clear it, she sighed, Why am i jealous?
3:38pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 930
Natalie strolled out of the cl*censored*room swiftly. Hoping nobody had seen her drawing, she headed to the nurse's office. Stupid time limit... she thought. Going under one of the covers not occupied, she sighed and let her body stretch. Wanting to stay as a dragon as little as possible, she soon threw the covers off and dashed back into the hall.
3:40pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Daniella, carefully reviewing her face in the mirror, dreaded meeting up with the other girls that usually admired and hated her equally. She was sure they were getting a field day out of her reaction. " I'm sure they'll tease me for the rest of the century" Daniella murmured to her self dryly, already hearing their taunts. Well, it's not so bad, Halien wasn't here to witness this, and I think I might have gained a useful weapon against Scum-Girl! All I have to do is make sure Natalie doesn't see my true intentions...

3:45pm Apr 3 2010
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Soul stretched her legs out in the cubicle, her tail twitching as she rested. She sighed with regret as she morphed back, the uncomfortable human form feeling tight and non-fitting. Walking out she glanced down the hall, finding Natalie dashing down it. Damn Heretic Dragon, she thought almost bitterly as she headed for her next cl*censored*.
3:46pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( o3o I have no clue on how to get Halien out of the dang nurse's office without hearing Petty's reply. ANSWER PETTY OR I'LL EXPLODE! D8<))

3:47pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 930
((Is it the end of the school day or no?))
3:52pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((I think so...))
3:57pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Can we all skip to when we all go home, just to save all of us eternal embaras.sment?))

3:57pm Apr 3 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Sure :D))
5:47pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Anyone care to start? Dunno how to word Halien's feelings o3o))

8:31pm Apr 4 2010
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Posts: 6,216
((o.O Halien has grudges against everyone, does he not? And Jaryn...lolz, he's being drawn in notebooks. XD)) "Earth dragon. If he stops by again, you could meet him, though don't get your hopes up," Bata replied, her voice sounding almost gloomy and forlorn. "In fact, it's note possible, sorry. My father's good at poker though...no longer plays it now that he's found a new obsession with architecture." Her words hopefully concealed the truth. The boy she loved was already gone, and he wasn't coming back, no matter how much he, or she, wanted to. Smiling weakly, she stood up, taking the blanket off around her. With a yawn, she readjusted her shirt, which had twisted around her sides rather uncomfortably while resting, and walked to the nurse. "I think I'm fine now, thank you." *** Jaryn stared as he witnessed Natalie's kindness. It wasn't really surprising, as she was a forgiving person, but despite his usual ways of letting go, he felt that was a wrong decision. Daniella may have been a different person inside he didn't know, but it was of her own whim that she treated others. To be so easily forgiving to that kind of person...he shook his head, doodling a random square in the corner of his paper. Unbelievable.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
6:52pm Apr 5 2010
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Wat. ಠ_ಠ