2:19pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( I'm confused. Since Det's post was right under mind, I thought Det was asking about Halien. Mind if I create like, this total snob that makes you want to punch her fais out charrie? 8D))

2:20pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,216
((Sure, Fluffy. xD Just be quick. ))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
2:21pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Yeah, um, how big are they? o.O)) Soul walked up to path to the school doors, clutching her books in her arms. She looked around and sighed as she heard some kids screaming, god, human children are so noisy, she thoguht.
2:22pm Apr 1 2010
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Name: Daniella Clark Gender: Female Age: 16 Boyfriend/Girlfriend; Too good for those peeps Believes in dragons?; Pssh, who believes in dragons nowadays? It's all about the fashion Physical Deion: Blonde. Little red highlights. purple eyes. Just your typical Hollywood looking cheerleader Personality: Snooty. Snob. Actually smart for a blonde o3o Must I say more? Other: She makes people want to hate her 8D

2:24pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Gotta go >.<))
2:25pm Apr 1 2010
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((As a dragon, on average like, the size of a full-grown horse. O3O -nodnod-)) "STOP BUGGING ME!" Bata scowled, smoke tendrils curling out of her nostrils, and unraveled her long body from its sleeping position. Her mother gave her a cross look, annoyance written all over her face and adding to its worn features. "Yes, you may have a dislike for human children and adults, but that doesn't mean you're dismissed from the education. Be glad that you're not dying like my grandparents were." She turned around and launched herself into the air to do whatever it was she usually did, leaving no room for an argument with her daughter. Huffing, she stretched and padded outside of the cave, taking a deep breath of the foresty air. In time, she predicted, all of this would be gone, the lush Earth would be turned into a dead thing the humans thought they could claim. Why would she have to go and LEARN with them? Half of the stuff she probably knew. Her body changing, she closed her eyes as the discomfort of bones and joints stretching overcame her as she changed from dragoness to human. Only minutes later, she stood there, a rather normal-looking human child. Slipping in her contacts, she ran down the worn path leading up the mountainside. Her bookbag felt like nothing, and as she caught glimpses of other students, hatred burned inside of her.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
2:26pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,216
((Det; Ah, okay. I'll try not to go too far without you. ><))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
2:29pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 2:33pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 930
Brrrring! Natalie's alarm sounded for the seventh time. "Uuungh, what time is it?" She rolled over to look at her alarm, and gasped. She was going to be late! Jumping out of bed, Natalie quickly transformed into a human. Grabbing whatever clothes she could find, she threw them on before grabbing her backpack and leaving. "Bye Mom, bye Dad!" Natalie yelled as she rushed out the door. Quickly, shetransfromed only partially so that her wings could come out of the holes in her raggedy T-shirt. I should've worn a different shirt... she thought. Diving at the school forest, she ran into the building just as the bell sounded.
2:33pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 2:37pm Apr 1 2010)
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Walking down to school, Halien's normally cold face showed intense hatred as he remembered how his parents had forced him to go to school, with HUMAN children! "Disgusting, abnormal freaks. They're the ones destroying my home!" He hissed as he strode on, regardless of the many looks from humans as they took in his strange, yet slightly handsome, haughty look. Sliding into his cl*censored*room just on time, Halien's face showed no emotion as the teacher called roll. As Daniella haughtily walked into clas.s, many whispers broke out. Suddenly, a high-pitched giggle reached her ears. "Daniella! Daniella! Come here!" Smirking, Daniella stroed in, and took the only seat left, pushing some nerds out of the way, and sat down haughtily with her best friend. However, secretly, her mind churned out thoughts, Stupid, why did I have to sit next to that FREAK. Sheesh, I deserve the best seat, near the window. Stupid teacher, Stupid girl. I'm the best, and WILL be respected!

2:35pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 2:36pm Apr 1 2010)
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Coming in seconds late, Bata threw her bag on the desk rudely and sat down, glaring at everyone around her. She fought the urge to wring their necks- the children of the foul people who nearly obliterated her kind. Sighing and shaking the death-related thoughts out of her head, she focused her attention to the teacher ahead. The contact lenses, which did more damage than good, bugged her out of her wits as dragon sight was much better than any eye-aiding trinket the humans could make. Withdrawing a pencil from a case and her binder, she began taking down notes, writing as sloppily as possible to show how much she didn't care. After all, she'd have to show she'd care a little bit. The words on the board, signaling what they would be learning that day, irked her. *** Jaryn scowled with annoyance at the dark-haired girl sitting two seats away from him. The calm, peaceful morning atmosphere always had to be ruined by her, didn't it? There he would sit, eager for once to start first period, and she would storm in with her angry cloud of arrogance and put everyone into a whole different mood. Shaking his head with disbelief, he too began notetaking, jotting down every bullet carefully and neatly. It was the start of the lesson, and he intended to enjoy it even if that bottle of gloom was near him.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
2:37pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 2:38pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 930
Natalie strolled down the hallway, searching for her correct cl*censored*room. Humans had such a complicated way of doing things. Finally ending up at the right room, she headed for the last seat in the back behind a pale-skinned, black haired boy. He didn't look happy to be there. Natalie rolled her eyes. Humans think they have such a hard life... Pfft. They don't know the meaning of hard. Her thoughts swam around her as the teacher called roll. Suddenly, she heard her name and yelled, "Here!" quickly. She stared at the blackboard hard, trying to free herself from dragon thoughts. "Natalie, why aren't you taking notes?" The teacher called. Natalie scrambled to find a pencil and began writing away.
2:40pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Coldly taking notes, Halien muttered to himself, so low that only dragons could hear. "Stupid mortal humans. Killing my mountain home... Gotta escape.." Sighing rudely, Halien tossed back his hair and glared at the teacher called his name. Grudgingly, he raised his hand and called out in a voice of ice, "Here"

2:41pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,216
Bata blinked up wearily as they called her name. She raised her head slightly, staring at the teacher in the eye, and said firmly, "I'm here, can't you see? Or are you too old and frail to see me sitting here two feet away?" The teacher narrowed her eyes, but said nothing. Most of the teachers knew that there were some kids they couldn't reckon with, and Bata was one of them. Even the English teacher found himself fumbling when Bata happily insulted him using words he himself had troubling remembering. The attendance list continued, and Bata only laughed slightly, done writing down the ti tle of today's lesson. Rolling her pencil between her fingers, she wondered how quickly it would take for it to turn into a pile of ashes if she lit it on fire. *** "Jaryn." "I'm here." He cast another scornful glance at Bata. She couldn't be polite either- sometimes he wondered why she wasn't in some group therapy program for kids with issues. There wasn't a day that went by without... He shook his head, and placed his black pen down, staring in approval at his neat note heading. Next period was art- he'd find sanctuary there, and luckily wouldn't have her to go ruin his moments every five seconds.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
2:43pm Apr 1 2010
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Pausing in the middle of her thoughts, a look of concentration crossed her face as a whispery voice reached her ears. While she only caught the words 'mortal', 'killing', 'home', and 'escape', she knew it was dragontongue, or at least, dragon-sound. Nibbling her lower lip, she looked around the room. Either she was hearing things, or the humans created odd devices that worked horribly and sent out fake dragon messages. She shook her head.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
2:45pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 2:50pm Apr 1 2010)
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Brrrrriiiiiing! The bell clanged out it's annoying ring, signaling the end of clas.s. Without a sound, Halien plced everything into his bag and strode off to Art. Huh. What do these humans know about art? Nothing. They themselves didn't realize the best and most reknown artists of the time were dragons. Leonardo DaVinci. Fire Dragon. I'll show them a thing or two about their ART. Flicking his hair out of his eyes, he realized he left his favorite pencil, which wasn't actually a pencil. It was his life jewel in disguise. "Dangit!" He hissed, and jogged swiftly towards his homeroom to retrieve it.

2:47pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 2:49pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 930
Natalie looked back and forth from the black haired kid in front of her to the black haired girl to the right of her. One had started mumbling, and the other was being rude to the teachers. Can a day ever go by without being abnormal? she thought. At last, attendance was over and cl*censored* had started. Natalie eagerly waited for the lesson to start. Even though she didn't like school much, she had fun learning about their history. All of a sudden, after looking at the mumbling boy's hair again, Natalie remembered that she didn't put her contacts in this morning. "Oh crap..." She muttered. "Everybody's going to wonder why my eyes are black" She sighed and tried to think of an excuse while effortlessly writing down the notes. The bell rang just as she copied the last word. Her excuse was made. Anybody who asked would get a straight answer. Straightening up to her full height, she strolled into the art clas-s. It was her favorite subject; history was her second favorite.
2:48pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,216
((XD Leonardo DaVinci...)) "Thank you," Jaryn replied politely, walking out the door. His feet immediately took him to art, where a rush of excitement washed over him as he realized what they were finally doing. After weeks of sketches and remodeling, they'd finally be able to begin painting their final copy. He had looked at that picture of a beach so many times, it seemed to be burned in his memory. Eagerly sitting in his seat, he watched as his teacher began pas-sing out the parcially completed projects. *** "Gym." An edge of disdain edged its way into Bata's voice as she found herself running rather slowly among the other children, but somehow still ahead. They're all so slow...
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
2:52pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 2:55pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 930
Natalie smiled as she sat down by the boy. She could tell he was very eager to finish his beach picture. The entire year, Natalie had been sitting by Jaryn. She liked him as a friend, possibly even more, but he was human. As the teacher handed Natalie her hummingbird picture, she stared at the smudge on the wing. "Oh no..." she muttred. Clearing her throat, she turned to Jaryn. "How's your project coming along, Jaryn?"
2:55pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,216
"It's doing well," He smiled. "Yours is coming along nicely." He reprimanded himself silently- for some reason, he was always behind in this clas-s. However, his teacher always told him- "The best artists spend a lot of time pushing their work the closest it can be to perfection." That simple phrase kept him going the whole year, and it was true, as while most of the clas-s started painting, he was just finished with the base. A light thunk from the other side of the room brought his attention, and another boy placed the period 2 art supplies box on the table. He stood up, eager to grab his reference picture, and the cups needed to pour the paint into.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
2:55pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( What!? I had to incorporate SOME famous artist to make Halien's disgust legit! D8)) Tossing her red streaked blonde hair, Daniella jogged at the front of the mob at Gym, just barely behind that girl, Bata. Putting on a bit of speed, Daniella rudely pushed into her, then purposefully tripping and wailing. "Bata! How could you!? Why'd you push me? What did I ever do to you!?" Halien, after choosing to sit next to that kid, Jaryn. Surly, and seeting with resentment, Halien took his half painted canvas, and started working on it, cold disdain etched on his face.
