2:58pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 930
"Thanks, Jaryn!" Natalie replied. She loved hanging out with this human. He was so nice and funny. Grabbing her reference sheet, she attempted to fix the smudge. After 5 minutes of working on it, the smudge was gone. Blast those smudges... I really shouldn't be such a perfectionist though. Natalie thought as she headed to the supplies table. Grabbing a cup of purple paint, she asked Jaryn, "Would you mind sharing a cup of water with me? I'd rather not waste more by using my own to clean my brush."
3:00pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 3:00pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 6,216
((Lol, true. xD)) "I didn't push you, you merely decided to collide into me like fools like you do and attempt to make people hate me." Her face showed little emotion, but then broke out into a smile as she smirked at the other girl and jogged ahead, being able to outrun all of them and kill them all if she could... She hissed lightly under her breath, and continued her run. *** "Here are your paints," Jaryn said, plopping the tray of already filled cups. Noting Halien already had his, he sighed, "Sorry, didn't know you already got yours. And sure, Natalie. Saves water." Not expecting an answer- Halien, he thought, was too cold and unpredictable to speak to people such as him- took the paintbrush in his hands and dipped it in water. After coating the brush with a pale yellow- the base color of the sand- he began painting it, carefully applying the thin strokes.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
3:02pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Delicately painting the wing of his raven, Halien dipped his brush into a bit of navy blue, and began working on the highlights of the feathers. Looking by his side, he saw Jaryn and... Natalie was it? Tapping Jaryn slightly on the shoulder, Halien asked quietly, one of the few times he spoke up willingly, "Mind if I use your yellow? Mine's run out and there's no more." Felling like he should say something about the beach picture, Halien said, after some eternal turmoil, "Nice picture"

3:07pm Apr 1 2010
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Slightly surprised, he nodded, handing over the cup of paint so it was situated between the two painters. "Feel free. I'll probably take a while just to paint an inch of sand. And thanks- yours looks nice too." Envy coursed through him as he looked at Halien's dark but stunning picture. How could he do it so easily, and without even talking so much? It had taken Jaryn forever to get this far, and he had consulted nearly everyone in the room for their advice on getting the right textures when it was time for paint.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
3:07pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 930
Natalie beamed. The smudge on her hummingbird wing was basically unnoticeable. Dipping her brush into the gray, she carefully finished the left wing. Sighing, she stared at the picture with only a wing painted. I may be a dragon, but this is taking me forever... I wonder why. Natalie thought to herself. Suddenly, she realized her appointment with the nurse was in just one minute. Jumping up, though not spilling the paints, Natalie quickly ran to the teacher. "May I please be excused?" Natalie inquired. After the teacher's nod, she dashed to the nurse's office. The nurse smirked and said, "You were almost late." Natalie dived under the covers and prepared for the morph.
3:10pm Apr 1 2010
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"Natalie...?" Jaryn blinked, watching her run off. She did this at times, and he wondered why. Then again, some people had to take time off because they didn't have the full amount of energy other people had to make it through the day without a break. He was concerned, but there was little he could do. Carefully moving her painting towards the front of the table as not to accidentally flick paint on it, he continued, hating his slow progress.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
3:15pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,216
Bata felt a shifting sensation in her legs, and she cringed. Jogging to one of the teachers, she looked at them, and made an ex pression of pain. "I need to go to the bathroom," She replied, knowing they'd forget her leaving as soon as she left- it was an advantage having uncaring teachers sometimes. "May I please go?"
Her teacher nodded, dismissing her, before returning to conversation with the other two gym coaches.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
3:15pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 930
Feeling her body stretching and twisting, she held herself steady to prevent the blanket from slipping. After morphing back to human, she smoothed her hair and calmly went back to the cl*censored*. "Sorry..." she murmured to the teacher. "Bit of a stomach issue..." Sitting down again beside Jaryn, she watched Jaryn paint the picture so carefully. "Jaryn, would you like a tip for painting?" Natalie asked.
3:19pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Whoo! Det was gone and now you lost meh...what happened >.>))
3:21pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,216
((Det, they're in second period. Bata was all rude to the teacher and stuff, Natalie went for her brief visit to the nurse, Jaryn's all ">> Wut's with all these people running randomly lulz?", and this snobby girl is pushing Bata around. |D xD)) "More than ever," Jaryn replied eagerly, placing his paintbrush down and glancing, also with envy, towards Natalie's project.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
3:22pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Staring at the girl with bemused eyes, Halien thought, Thank goodness I took my break just before cl*censored*. I would have DIED to burst out of my seat like that little mortal girl. Hmph, she probably has a little illness or something. Nodding brusquely at Jaryn, Halien worked on his raven's beak, concentrating only on his fury, and lost himself. Dipping his brush slightly in the white, he went over the highlights of the beak, carefully thinking of the one time, when he was a little boy, he saw a raven. Speaking in his own tongue, Halien murmured softly, "Only creature besides the dragon to admire. All predatory birds have a grace of their own" Raising an eyebrow, Daniella glared at her. "If you know what's good for you, you stay out of my business. I know for example, that you and a certain group of students always go to the nurse's. Frail little children huh? Don't pretend your cool when you're not. I'm watching you worm and I'll find out what you are. Oh wait, I already know! You're SCUM." She hissed before Bata jogged off.

3:22pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((Tis art right?))
3:24pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 930
"Well, what I do is paint in all the base colors before putting in the shadows and highlights. It tends to help me go faster, cause I have more time to do details later." Natalie explained to Jaryn. "Don't do your base colors sloppily though." Smiling at Jaryn, Natalie sat down and continued her base colors.
3:24pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 3:25pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 6,216
"Find out what I am?" Bata laughed as she skipped out the gym. "Yes, I may go to the nurse for rest, but that doesn't mean I'm frail when I do have my strength. And remember, the only scum here is you, and also remember, you little hypocritic snob, that you were the one who intruded on me first." Her eyes flashed, and she kept in note if she was ever allowed to, she'd kill that girl first. She was still laughing as she pushed open the doors to the stall, feeling herself transform in the privacy of it. *** Jaryn gave the boy a skeptical look. "What did you say?" He asked, only hearing a jumbled mumbling noise he could make nothing of. ((Yes, Det. Bata's in gym though, while the other characters are in art. ;o))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
3:25pm Apr 1 2010
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Soul stared at her canvas intently, still trying to figure out what was worth drawing. She frowned and picked up her painbrush, dipping it in the purple paint. I'll just paint myself, she thought as she carefully outlined her body.
3:29pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,216
"Thank you," Jaryn said gratefully, going over the sections of canvas neatly but quickly- it all went a lot faster without having to stop and shade first. The brush glided over the surface, and he couldn't have been happier. Surprisingly, he finished one section of the sand in about ten minutes. It was neat, and he smiled. Looking around, he noted other students works and wondered what they were drawing. The guy two seats ahead was drawing a gigantic pumpkin, a rather short girl on the other end of the room was drawing a chicken, and that girl...Soul or something...he squinted at her canvas from a distance, and saw her drawing a person. How does a person just paint a human body so easily without any references? He demanded, already seeing the perfection of it.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
3:31pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Jerking upwards, Halien blinked, caught completely off guard. "What? Oh, I was just talking to myself." Halien said, for once in his life, completely confused. Leaning down again, he resumed painting his raven, losing himself in his hate of humans, their kind, and everything they've done to his home. Finally, within a few minutes of cl*censored* ending, Halien finished his raven, gazing at the bird with a practiced eye, then leaning down and fixing a miniscule problem. Finally adding the white of the eye, Halien set it down for it to dry. Glaring at Bata, Daniella muttered, "Why can't you rest during Study Hall? Why the nurse? Every time someone goes down there, you're ALWAYS there. Get a life. Hoping the nurse'll give you some medication to fix your looks? Huh. Get back to Earth scum, your looks won't improve unless you get plastic siurgery."

3:32pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Soul smiled as she carefully put in the black highlights of her hair, going over them with an opaque white. Next, she moved to her eyes, making them glint mischieviously in her painting. Squinting, she leaned closer to her canvas so she could paint in the tiny eyelashes, her tongue pointing out of her mouth as she concentrated.
3:33pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 930
Natalie's stomach suddenly did a somersault. "Unngh..." she moaned. "I don't feel so good. Rushing to the bathroom, and to call her parents, Natalie covered her mouth. ((Pet, I'd like to take a break. xD Here's my exit for now~))
3:34pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( I didn't realize that I could be so rude! 8D And Moe, dragons get sick? o3o Never knew that))
