3:36pm Apr 1 2010
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Soul groaned in frustration as she accidentally scorched her canvas, stupid powers, I can't even control them, she thought angrily as she covered the black mark with white paint. Hoping no one had noticed, she finished the clothes, though she thought they looked ill-fitting on her painting.
3:36pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 3:36pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 6,216
"There are more people who don't care about their looks than you know," She laughed, back from the bathroom and feeling refreshed. "Besides, even if I did want it, you'd take up all the plastic surgery in the world. People like me need study hall to STUDY. You're likely not smart enough to understand what that means, so I truly apologize for confusing you. Hey, at least I'm ill and smart. Sadly, YOUR disease is stupidity." *** "Oh, all right," Jaryn answered, slightly skeptical. His attention returned to the girl painting the person, which, by now, he could as-sume was herself. Standing up slowly as not to shake the table, he casually walked over to her, already seeing the wonderful details in the painting. Was everyone in this clas-s better than him? The thought was dark, but he couldn't help but pity himself for being as artistic as he was compared to everyone else. A sigh escaped his lips, and he looked at her. "How do you do that without a reference?" He asked in wonder, and he suddenly stared at the random scorch mark. "Where in the world...? Did that come from?" ((Okay Moe. :3 Lol Fluffy. xD))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
3:38pm Apr 1 2010
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Soul looked up, "Huh? Oh, I dunno, drawing people seems so easy to me. As a matter of fact, I find painting and drawing easy in general. But I can't do oil pastel, I get more on myself than the paper," she said, realizing she actually liked someone, and a human at that.
3:40pm Apr 1 2010
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"Lucky," He muttered, "I never get things right without references. Makes me feel a bit irked as it takes me hours just to even UNDERSTAND it, much less be able to use it for my own advantage," He rubbed his head, taking the empty seat next to her before realizing he was procrastinating again. Shoot. Oh well. "Oil pastels are annoying though."
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
3:42pm Apr 1 2010
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Soul smiled, "I know, they're annoying and the smell makes me nausous," she said, but yours doesn't, I actually feel the urge to eat you, she thought, feeling ashamed at the thought. Most humans came across to her as slovenly and disgusting, but this one was different.
3:44pm Apr 1 2010
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((XD)) "So, where'd that burn mark come from?" He inquired, pointing at the now-covered burn mark. "The one you just covered with white paint." As odd enough as it was, he could always imagine how it happened as he did as a child. How did the tissue box empty when they just bought it yesterday? The vampires took them all to wipe up excess blood. Where did the tulip in our garden come from when we didn't plant it? A fairy dropped one of the seeds on the way to delivering it to a demon out of love. Where did the random burn mark come from? A dragon swooped out of the skies in an invisible cloak and burned it. Dragons. Ha. He chuckled to himself.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
3:45pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Impressively, Daniella didn't twitch, nor falter. "Huh. You think life's all work, work, work? There's something in the world called FUN. Anyways, I thought you, being Ms. High and Mighty, wouldn't want to talk to low cl*censored* citizens like me? Just shows how cool you think you are. Talking back to the teacher? Puh-LEASE. You think you have every person at your beck-and-call, glaring at people like they all owe you something. And I'm afraid you're wrong Einstein. Your disease is an attitude problem. You're going to grow old, with no one to help. Your family tree dies with YOU. And I believe I'm smart enough to know what Study Hall means, but apparently you don't know the meaning of your words. Imbecile." After that rant, Daniella stalked away, seething in anger.

3:47pm Apr 1 2010
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((I know, imagine her shoving him into her mouth, omnomnom xD)) Soul blushed, "I dunno, it was on it from the beginning and it bothered me," nice try, it hardly sounds convincing, she berated herself. She shifted uncomfortingly in her seat and started to color in the skin of her drawing.
3:50pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,216
"Maybe because I'm right, and you walking away definitely shows YOUR bravery," She laughed, and yanked her bag off the stands before joining the crowds outside, lunging towards third period. *** "Ah, okay," He replied, not really believing it but feeling no need to push the subject. "Bell's about to ring. Put everything back and place your work on the drying racks," The teacher called out, clapping his hands to hopefully gather their attention. Smiling, he waved his hand and turned around, "See you later," He said simply, and ran to his table, gingerly placing his work on the rack and scolding himself for letting himself get distracted by others' works.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
3:51pm Apr 1 2010
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Soul stood and picked her painting up, careful not to touch the still wet paint. Placing it on the drying rack, she hurried out of the cla$sroom, running for the nurse's office. Darn it, I should have gone long ago, she thought angrily. ((Gotta go again))
3:52pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 3:53pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 1,446
(( HOMG. That would be so funny! XD Hey. Stand here kid. "Why?" Cause I wanna eat you >:D)) Shifting on one leg, then another, Halien felt oddly, bored. Already done with his painting, he wandered over to Jaryn's picture, admiring the inner peace he showed in his picture. Seeing that Jaryn was partially done, Halien once again spoke, not out of kindness, but out of pity for the slow human. "Need help? Period's almost over, and it's due soon. AS I'm already done... well, let's just say I'm bored. I'll carry the picture over" However, on the inside, Halien thought, I might as well take this, "learning' experience to heart and learn about these disgusting, slow creatures.

3:54pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 9,641
((yes Fluffy, but you'd do that if the person was covered in coffee xD, I can totally see that // Gotta go for REAL now ^^))
3:55pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,216
((Yes, Fluffy, and I'm sure you'd be the one laughing hysterically in the corner while the poor kid gets eaten. Bye Det!)) "Thanks- you can help me mix paints tomorrow," Jaryn answered, shocked that Halien wasn't, well, trying to kill him or something. Something about the guy made him feel like it was an eternal turmoil just sitting next to him and NOT slice his neck open.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
4:00pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Pssh, Halien slicing Jaryn's neck open? He's to sophisticated to do that. Halien would most likely slit Jaryn's HEAD open. ;D And Yus. I would be standing there laughing while the poor kid gets eaten. Unless it's you. Or Fizzeh. Or Karma. Or a bunch of other numerous friends. 8D)) Nodding coldly, Halien replied, "Sure. See you tomorrow I guess?" Without another word, Halien strode out of the cl*censored*room, seconds before the bell rang. (( Well that was a FAIL post o3o))

4:08pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,216
((If I was being eaten, you'd grab my profile, and be like ">8D BAHAHAHAHAHA. SCRIBEEEE, YOU GOT WHAT YOU DESERVEDDDD." /jk ;o!)) Jaryn pushed open the door, the first one in the clas-s as usual, being as there was no second history math clas-s. Though he was an overall optimistic person, math clas-s was the bane of his day. He hated it with a pas-sion- sort of like how he as-sumed that Bata girl hated life. Taking out last night's homework, he set it out in front of him and began working on the day's starter math equation written on the front board. People began trickling in, including Bata, who had her usual scowl on her face.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
4:09pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( No I wouldn't. I'd steal De and the others, run away, THEN grab your profile and say those things. THEN I would ask you in a motherly voice, "Petty, you okay?"))

4:12pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,216
((XD By then, I'd be dead. And I sent De to military school. He bugged me. And you have better pets than me, so. Don't know what you'd want with my pets. ))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
4:23pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Soul sat in her chair in math, head hanging low as she contemplated if she would have to will power not to shift and eat that absolutely delicious smelling human only a seat away from her. She growled lightly as she pulled her mathbook out, her hands shaking slightly.
4:28pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 4:28pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 6,216
((XD Eat himmmmmmm!)) "You okay?" Turning around, Jaryn blinked with a slightly confused ex pression. "Sick or something?" He cuoldn't help but notice her tenseness, hands shaking.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
4:30pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Soul glanced up, "Nothing," she muttered, her hands stilling as she fought to keep herself under control. "I'm fine,". She opened her textbook and turned to page 6782 (big books 8D) so she could study algebra.