8:35pm Apr 1 2010
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((Poor Natalie.)) "You both are interested in art, no?" He asked slowly, feeling tension. *** Bata blinked at them all. "Bah, awkward," She sighed, "Eating lunch in the bathroom again..." It was good, too. Her body tense, she ran out of the lunch room with her bags, already struggling. She hated that- struggling against her own self made her feel rather weak. The stall door slammed behind her, and she was glad that next period was the time she'd spend at the nurse. A weary breath escaped her lips, and she leaned against the door, claws clicking lightly at one of her keychains. Humans may have been annoying, but at least they made some interesting trinkets.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
8:35pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 8:44pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 1,446
Sneering at Natalie, Daniella asked, "Sick of sitting with the freaks? Think you're so cool, sitting near us? WEll think again. No matter how many times you sit next, you'll never be like us. We're the ultimate, the ELITE. And don't even THINK you can be in our group." Daniella sneered and flipped her blonde hair, making sure it came very close to Natalie's face.

8:37pm Apr 1 2010
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((Lol, you said 'you'll be like us' and forgot the won't. XD I actually do want to slap her.)) Jaryn stared at the snobby girl. "Rather stuck-up, isn't she? And likely doesn't understand the meaning of equality or personal space. Then again, equality doesn't exist, but she treats people at such a lower level than they're at. Given no more respect than the dirt she walks on, if any."
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
8:38pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Soul looked up, "Yeah..ish," she muttered, unwilling to take her attention off her drawing. "Uh, I gotta go," she said suddenly, standing up and running off, her insides feeling mushed and squashed. Running to the nurse's office, she hid in one of the cubicles and shifted, giving a sigh of relief as she felt her body stretch and twist as she became a dragon. God, this feels great, she thought happily.
8:40pm Apr 1 2010
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Jaryn moaned. "Must be something in the air that makes people do that," He said, watching her run off. *** Bata sat there, feeling grateful to be out of her human form. She removed her contacts, no longer fitting well now, and stared at...well, whatever was in the stall...happily. Though there wasn't much to look at besides the crude writing, ugly toilet, and cheap industrial toilet paper, she was happy for that brief moment to be herself. Shaking her head and letting a small bit of smoke curl out of her nose, she transformed, feeling vulnerable, and pushed the bathroom door open.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
8:41pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 930
Natalie rolled her eyes and turned her chair. She said nothing, letting the insults roll off her back. Quickly rolling up her trash, she shot it at the trash can. "Score, haha!" Grabbing her bags, she hurried off to the bathroom. "Anywhere but here is better than sitting with you..." Natalie murmured in Daniella's general direction.
8:44pm Apr 1 2010
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Soul transformed again, hating this human form. Stepping out of the cubicle, she walked back into the cafeteria, her face pale. "Sorry 'bout that," she murmured, "INdigestion,"
8:46pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446
(( Join the club. I KNEW I can pull off the, 'So snooty you wanna kill her' act)) Halien shrugged and looked at Jaryn. "Maybe it only affects girls. You don't see ME running out of clas.s doing that"

8:47pm Apr 1 2010
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Soul glared at Halien, "Just you wait," she hissed in dragontongue, her hands clutching her sketchpad.
8:47pm Apr 1 2010
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"Bathroom's boring, only things that talk to you are the toilet bugs," Bata said dryly, sitting down in front of Jaryn and nodding at Soul. "Sure, indigestion." A smile played at her lips. On her way to her seat, she watched Natalie hurrying to the bathroom. A suspicious look crossed her eyes, and she sucked in a breath, shrugging it off. If the girl didn't feel like talking with her fellow dragons, then let it be. Moments later, Bata found herself amusing herself with Jaryn's lunch. "It's bouncy!" She exclaimed, taking a fork and stabbing the gelatin he had bought. He shot her an annoyed look. "Stop playing with my lunch! You've seen jello before."
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
8:48pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 9,641
Soul giggled, "Actually, I haven't, but I'm not sure about Bata." she said sheepishly, great, now I can be known as the girl who's never seen jello, she thought.
8:51pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 8:53pm Apr 1 2010)
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Posts: 6,216
In dragon tongue, Bata explained, "Be glad the horrible results of humankind haven't dirtied your life." Twitching, Jaryn stabbed his jello and ate it, nomming away at it as if there was no tomorrow. These people were weird, but they were better than other weird people. For a moment, he wondered if it was legal to take someone and light them on fire as an act of good in saving the world from vile actions. A glare was shot towards Daniella. Jerk. Annoying. Snob.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
8:52pm Apr 1 2010
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((Soul? Charrie stealer >8o))
8:52pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 930
Natalie felt hard stares on her back. This was the third time she'd gone to the nurse or bathroom. Flustered with this human day of hers, she turned around and sat beside Jaryn. Huffing, she said, "I've had such a rough day. Everybody is so judgemental."
8:52pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,216
((XD Sorry, I got confused.))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
8:53pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 1,446
Snorting, Halien raised an eyebrow at Bata. "It's jello, what do you expect? Though granted, school jello is more rubbery, and thus... Indigestible. Anyways, don't all girls visit the bathroom every day of their lives to make sure their hair isn't messed up, makeup isn't smearing?" Halien teased, smirking playfully. Continuing on in a mock serious tone, Halien murmured earnestly, "I personally can TOTALLY understand why girls run to the bathroom every hour, even in between clas.ses. They just CAN'T go without reapplying another la yer of whateverit-is you girls put on."

8:54pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,216
"Yeah, kind of fails," He smiled, "Some people don't get things. I suppose they'll pay for their actions in the future when they're all alone and a hobo on the streets. Nobody will give them a penny. Karma's a wonderful thing, y'know?"
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
8:56pm Apr 1 2010
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Soul gave a quiet snarl at Halien, making sure no one else could hear. "Oh really? Trust me dragonboy, I don't go there for pleasure, as you would know. And please, tell me, why have you not gone like the rest of us normal dragons?" she hissed in dragontongue, her violet eyes glittering.
8:56pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 6,216
Bata took a finger and poked her eyelid. "I don't see any makeup here, sir," She replied in a very polite tone; "Unless you'd prefer that I wear makeup every day to please you?" A cackle roared out of her, and she prayed Daniella was watching. In dragon-tongue, she said "After all, petty humans need to find mates by smashing toxins and berry-colored medicine on their faces."
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
8:57pm Apr 1 2010
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Soul snorted, "You mean poisoning themselves and destroying earth as we know it. God, who wants to smear whale fat on their faces?" she laughed, though she was still mad at Halien for being a jerk.