9:00pm Apr 1 2010
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"Her," Bata replied casually, jabbing a finger at Daniella. "Kill the world, collect the remnants, and 'rejuvenate' your look!" Her voice took on a mocking tone. Jaryn groaned. "Every darn conversation of yours is so odd. I can't understand it half the time." "You shouldn't," The dark-haired girl laughed, "I'd be frightened if you did."
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
9:00pm Apr 1 2010
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Grinning, Halien replied back in drangontongue, "You see dear ladies, I go in between clas.ses, not in the middle of them. And Of course lady Bata, it's the best they can do. Between you and I, Daniella's getting on my nerve's." REplying back to Bata in normal tongue, Halien gasped in mock surprise, "You must be a very special child then Lady Bata, to offer to please me by wearing makeup. I'm sure that's obviously not the pinnacle of self restraint. Tell me, how are you doing with face creams?" Halien asked with mock sincerity.

9:03pm Apr 1 2010
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Soul laughed than turned to Jaryn, "Trust me, you don't want to know," she said, grinning, "oh, do you mind if I taste your jello?" she asked, curious to find out what this rubbery stuff tasted like. It reminded her of the fat from a long-dead whale.
9:03pm Apr 1 2010 (last edited on 9:03pm Apr 1 2010)
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"I bought ten thousand, just for you," She sobbed pas-sionately, as-suming a dramatic pose, "But...I didn't wear them for you today because I was fearful you wouldn't like them. Oh, the regret that lingers in the ever-growing crevices of my heart! Don't you worry, my wonderful knight- I shall do better tomorrow! Tomorrow, I shall be REBORN!" At this, she shoved a fist into the air, smirking. In dragon tongue, she said "I lost my pas-s a while ago, and my parents would throw a fit if I told them. Thus being, I can't risk being late for clas-ses." "Weird-people-oh-my-gosh," Jaryn huffed, "And sure, Soul. It's rather good if you get used to its gelatin-ness."
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
9:05pm Apr 1 2010
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Soul smiled, "Thanks, it reminds me of whale fat, from a whale that's been dead for moons," she clasped her hand over her mouth, her eyes frightened. God, I jusst gave myself awwy!
9:07pm Apr 1 2010
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"Whale that's been dead for moons?" Stopping in mid-spoonful, he stared at her. A second later, he burst out laughing. "You people and your odd references. What are you reading, Eragon? And what are you, someone who's roleplaying as a dragon or something?" He continued laughing. "Never read it, by the way." ((xD))
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
9:13pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 930
Natalie listened to the conversation. They were so... blunt? eager? Natalie couldn't find the word. They didn't stop using dragontongue, no matter how much people stared at them for it. Especially Jaryn. Natalie realized that she had come back for a reason and turned to Jaryn. "Eragon's a pretty good book, just very long. Anyways, I was wondering if you'd like to study together for the history test tomorrow. I work better in pairs and have heard that you are pretty good at history."
9:16pm Apr 1 2010
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"Ah, I should read it. Sure, history's one of my strong points," He smiled, and then elbowed her. "At least you're normal compared to them and their whales."
Bata rolled her eyes. "Eat some sushi, Jaryn."
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
9:21pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 930
Natalie smiled. "When would you like to study? I'm free all day." Natalie opened her agenda just to make sure. "Yep, completely free." Pushing her agenda back in, she heard an odd noise come from below the agenda. She shrieked at what she saw. "Oh my god... oh my god... A DEAD MOUSE!!" Natalie jumped up from her seat and stared at the backpack. Of course, her fear was fake. She still had to conceal herself though. Glancing at the others, she asked, "Would anyone mind pulling it out? I've been sick to my stomach once today already."
9:23pm Apr 1 2010
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((O.o What is it? ))
Jaryn blinked, "Any time between 5 and 7...and if it's dead, how come it made a noise?" He peered into her backpack curiously. "Dead things cry a lot," Bata remarked, "I would know."
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
9:27pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 930
(( I mean that it made a squishing noise. D8)) "It made a weird squishing noise! Eeew!" Natalie rushed off to find napkins and paper towels to clean out any mess. "Somebody take it out while I'm gone!" she yelled back. Natalie rushed to the backroom, only to find her face to face with the cafeteria lady. Grabbing some paper towels, she backedout quickly before anything else could happen.
9:29pm Apr 1 2010
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((Oh, lol. XD)) Jaryn made a face, but stuck a hand into the backpack, cringing as he pulled it out. Maybe he should've waited for her to come back with the napkins. Refusing to look at it, he shuddered at the deadness of the body, and thrust it into the garbage can behind him. It fell into it with a light thud, and he stood up. "I'm washing the dead stuff off me now," He announced, and ran out the door.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
9:33pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 930
Natalie bumped into Jaryn on her way back. "Oh, I'm sorry for not giving you a napkin sooner!" Quickly wiping any blood out of the pocket, she scrunched her nose. "Why do the smallest rodents smell so bad?" Tossing out all her napkins, she stared at the place Jaryn had been. "When he gets back, tell him that I'll meet him at 6:00 pm at the smoothie cafe to study. Right now, I have to get to my math tutor. We do just a little bit each day." Gathering up her stuff for what felt like the millionth time, she stalked toward the door. She hoped that if she lingered enough she'd run into Jaryn.
9:37pm Apr 1 2010
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"Ahm," After washing his hands, he began his way back to the cafeteria. Seeing Natalie, he waved- "All better now. Be careful not to let things die in your stuff, all right?" Bata, within earshot, laughed. "Humans. Think you can escape death...it goes where it pleases and leaves it debris where it pleases."
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
9:42pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 930
Natalie flinched at Bata's statement. Their blunt use of dragontongue and dragon references was beginning to irk her. Smiling at Jaryn though, she said, "I have to go to my math tutor. Does 6:30 at the smoothie cafe sound good to you?"
9:53pm Apr 1 2010
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Posts: 930
((Augh, Pet... I have to go to bed. D; Horseback riding early tomorrow, and then a bday party. I may not be able to get on :( Bye! ))
10:07pm Apr 1 2010
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[[I'll be traveling for a major part of the day. ;/ So don't worry, lol. Bye Moe! Have fun.]] Noticing Natalie flinch, Bata frowned. Returning to human language, she began picking at the food she had bought. "Eh..." Jaryn blinked. "I'll go now...bell's going to ring in a few minutes and I realized I left something in my locker. See you, Natalie. Don't let their oddness rub off on you." He smiled, and left.
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
6:47am Apr 2 2010
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Soul sighed and closed her eyes in aggravation, Natalie was getting on her nerves with all that fake scaredy-cat stuff. Opening her eyes she realized Jaryn had left his jello. Grabbing his plate, she tried a bit...and gagged, nearly brafing it up. "How do humans eat...plastic gelatin?" she hissed at Bata, her nose screwing up at the metallic taste.
10:13am Apr 2 2010
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"The odd texture and fruitiness amuses them," She replied simply, shrugging. "I don't understand him either, but hey, at least he's not one of the ones that appear to be a threat." To be honest, Bata, too, was getting annoyed. It was a wonderful thing to find others of your kind in this school of humans, and yet Natalie... She huffed, shaking a lock of hair out of her face. Perhaps her prediction of her being one of those who were clinging to new ways were true. Almost all of them had that deep, inner, dislike towards humans, but Natalie...Natalie seemed to want to forget all about dragontongue, and commingled with peaceful humans like Jaryn. "Bah," She shook her head, "I don't understand her."
Wat. ಠ_ಠ
10:32am Apr 2 2010
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"That girl, Natalie, it seems she's forgotten what a dragon is," sighed Soul in dragontongue, shaking her head ruefully.