9:13pm May 4 2010
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"Our new brother's coming today," Mollie told Dawn excitedly. She had been waiting for this for months and she couldn't wait to finally be a big sister. "Can you believe I won't be the youngest anymore?" A smile crossed over Mollie's face and she picked up her hair brush, slowly running it through her golden curls. She sat down on the bed next to her best friend. "And he's even bringing a puppy with him!"
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
5:59pm May 6 2010
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 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
7:32pm May 6 2010
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Dawn smiled at her "A puppy and a little brother?" she asked her. "Youre sooo lucky!" Dawn told her and looked down at her feet, smiling. "When is he going to be here? I can't wait to see him!" she said keeping her gaze on her feet.

7:44pm May 6 2010
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Posts: 480
Mollie bounced on her toes for a moment, a little over excited. "He should be here soon. A driver is supposed to be dropping him off in less than an hour." Mollie turned her large eyes back to Dawn and looked at her questioningly. "I wonder what he's like. I just hope he doesn't like pulling hair.." she quickly gathered her golden hair up and pulled it over her left shoulder, her lower lip stuck out just a bit. "You know how I hate it when people touch my hair."
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
9:28pm May 7 2010
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 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
4:11pm May 8 2010
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Dawn looked at her hair, she had always been jealous of how georgeous it was. "Yeah I know how that is....do you know how old he is?" Meanwhile while Bryden was getting his bags in the car, only a 20 minute drive to his new home. He grinned to himself, ecstatic about his new home.

4:36pm May 8 2010
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((Sorry, I kinda forgot about this XP)) Mellisa rushed around the kitchen, multitasking. She was on the phone, while mixing the icing for the cake. Suddenly a timer went off. She put the phone down along with the icing she ran to the oven., she turned it off then almost burned herself. She had forgotton to put on oven mitts. "Shoot." She said as she ran her hand under cold water. She put her mitts on and pulled the cake out, and put it on the counter. She wanted everything ot be perfect when the little boy came, she wanted his first day at his new home to be amazing. When the cake cooled she smothered the cake with vanilla icing. She smiled and licked a little icing off her finger. She headed towards the stairs. "Mollie, Dawn, do you two want the extra icing?" she called up the stairs.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:42pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 480
The smell of cake wafted up the stairs and Mollie closed her eyes, sniffing the sweet scent. Her mother's voice followed and her eyes snapped open. "Come on, Dawn! We get the left over icing." mollie skipped to the door and waved her friend over. She smiled as she walked dwon the stairs and said, "I think he's six." Her mother stood in the kitchen, icing a large cake. "Hi, Mommy. When is my new brother getting here?"
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
5:46pm May 8 2010
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( May I join as a daughter?)
7:03pm May 8 2010 (last edited on 7:04pm May 8 2010)
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Mellisa smiled at her daughter then, looked at the clock on the wall. Her smile suddenly fading. "Oh my god, he'll be here soon, I've got to change, and find you brother and Amy!" She exclaimed. She moved the cake from when she was decorating to the island. "Mollie, Dawn, you can throw some sprinkles on the cake if you want." She said. Then she pointed to the two bowls near the stove. "That, one of you or both of you can eat the rest of the batter and the icing. Now, I'll go find your father." she exited the kitched and ran up the stairs. "Kevin!" She called, as she looked for her husband. "Kev?"
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:45pm May 8 2010
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((sure mercy))
Dawn hopped up and bounded down after her. "yummy..." she said looking at the icing and left over batter. Bryden looked out the window, bubbling with excitement and holding his dog close, grinning. The driver pulled into their driveway and parked the door. Bryden, was home.

10:56pm May 8 2010
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Posts: 480
Mollie grabbed a handful of colorful sprinkles and tossed them on the cake, then stuck a finger in the icing bowl. "Mmmmm." She giggled and p*censored*ed the bowl to Dawn. "I'm in here!" Kevin yelled to his wife from the bedroom. He undid the first couple of buttons on his shirt and then looked out the window. A car had pulled into the drive and he knew who was inside. "Melissa, Bryden is here!" He found his wife in the hallway and lightly kissed her cheek. The sound of tires on gravel made Mollie freeze while licking the cake batter from her fingers. Her large blue eyes fell on Dawn and she quickly set the bowl down on the table. "Mom! Dad! He's here! He's here! Come on, Dawn, let's go see him!" Mollie's tiny hand found her friends and she gently pulled her towards the door.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
11:20pm May 8 2010
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Dawn managed to stick her finger into the icing bowl and get a little before she dashed off with Mollie and stuck her icing coated finger in her mouth as the approached the car and a boy and his german shepherd puppy hopped out of the car. Bryden looked at them shyly, he was shy when first meeting people so he simply waved at the two girls. Brad however was very social and greeted the girls by jumping up and attempting to lick them, his tail going a mile a minute.

1:35pm May 9 2010
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Keving clomped down the steps and joined his daughter and Dawn outside. "Hello there, Bryden. Welcome to your new home." He smiled down at the small boy and laughed at the hyper puppy. "I'll just get your bags. This is Mollie," he said, throwing a thumb at his youngest daughter, "And her friend, Dawn. They'll show you in." Kevin grabbed up all of Bryden's bags and paid the driver for his services. "Hi, Bryden!" Mollie rushed over to the boy and wrapped her small arms around his neck. "I'm your new sister. Come on, I'll show you to your room. You'll like it."
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
1:54pm May 9 2010
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Brydens felt his face get warm as he returned the hug to Mollie. "oh...uhm...ello." he spoke softly to the two girls "Thank you for allowing me to stay here...hope im not a burden..." he trailed off. Dawn looked up at him, squatting and rubbing Brad's belly as he rolled in the snow. "You talk kinda funny" Dawn pointed out. Brydens face turned red, embarr*censored*ed. "Thats because Im British..." he spoke softly as Dawn watched him curiously.

2:04pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 480
Mollie bent down and rubbed Brad's belly too, laughing as he licked her fingers. "I like it. I want to speak British, too!" She stood up, brushing the snow from her jeans, and focused her large, blue eyes on Bryden. "Mom made a cake for you. Wanna see it?" Kevin watched as Mollie, Dawn, and Bryden talked, a smile playing on his face. They're going to get along so well. He walked past the children with the boy's bags in tow and opened the door to the house. "Let's go, guys. Don't want any of you getting sick. Dawn, are you staying over tonight?"
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
8:51pm May 9 2010
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Bryden smiled at Mollie "A cake?" he asked her softly and shivered as a snowflake landed on his nose. Brad stood up and shook himself off, he sneezed and looked at Bryden. Dawn stood up and looked at Mollies father. "Yeah, if thats alright with you, Mr. Cameron." she smiled at him.

10:34pm May 9 2010
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Posts: 480
Kevin smiled down at Dawn and nodded. "You know your welcome whenever you want, Dawn. You're like another daughter to me." He laughed and then patted the top of her head. "Call your parents to make sure it's alright, though. We don't want your mother worrying about you." "Yeah, a cake," Mollie echoed. Her bright eyes shined in the sun and she scratched Brad on the head again. "Mom makes the best cakes, Bryden. They're bester than any boring old store bought ones." ((Hey Dani, when's he gonna start acting evil-ish? XD))
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
5:15pm May 10 2010
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- Name:Angel Arokial
- Gender: (Female)
- Age:4
- Family Member? (:Hopefully sister, han't been adopted yet
- Appearance (Clothes/hair/eye color):Angel has long, black hair, and deeep, loving, brown eyes.She wears capris and a light blue shirt. he rface is like... SAelena Gomez :D
- Personality:Sweet, kind, caring, shy.
- Friends/Relations:Her puppy, teddy. He's a chihua hua. She dearly wants a home.
9:23pm May 11 2010
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Posts: 480
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)