3:17pm May 12 2010
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Bryden smiled "Sure, that sounds lovely..." he said and smiled. He whistled for Brad to come with him as he walked towards the house. Dawn smiled at Kevin and ran into the house to call her Mother. (Mercy, we only have one orphan ;C)

5:40pm May 12 2010
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( Aww, I'll just go, then D:)
7:20pm May 13 2010
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Posts: 480
Mollie skipped inside and hugged her mother. "Here's the cake she made you," she said pointing a delicate finger at the iced cake. "Mmmmmm, it smells good, Mom." Her eyes glanced around the room, as if looking for something, and then smiled with satisfaction as she found it. "Look, Bryden. I just got this for my birthday a few days ago." Mollie walked over to the kitchen table and picked up her new pink Nintendo DSi. "Is'nt it cool? It can take pictures and everything."
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
7:35pm May 13 2010
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Mellisa quickly change out of her clothes and got down just in time as the boy entered through the door. She smiled and opened her mouth to say something when Mollie hugged her. She smiled and patted the girls head. Mellissa chuckled slightly as the little girl eagerly showed Bryan her DSi. She then looked at Bryden. "Its a pleasure to meet you Bryden." She said. "I'm Mellissa, you can call me that if you want."
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:03pm May 14 2010
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Bryden looked at the pink rectange in Mollie's hand curiously "What is that?" he asked softly smelling the cake and looking at it as his stomach let out a growl, his face turned red. He looked at his new mother and smiled slightly "Ello, Mellisa..." she smiled. Brad ran in and got on his hind legs, sniffing the cake and wagging his tail wildly. Dawn pulled up a chair and stood on it and used the phone in the Cameron's kitchen to call her mother and make sure staying over was alright.

10:51pm May 16 2010
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Posts: 480
"You play games on it. Look, I have a pokemon game and a dog game. Would you like to play with it?" Mollie pushed the DSi towards Bryden and smiled. Then she looked at Dawn who was talking on the phone with her mom.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
6:51pm May 17 2010
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Bryden looked down at her hands and carefully held the DSi in his hands, he looked it over a few times and finally opened it. He looked at it in awe as his mouth hung open slightly, he had never held anything this...awesome. "How...do I work it?" he asked quietly, looking up ay her.

9:03pm May 17 2010
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Posts: 480
Mollie smiled and showed Bryden how to turn it on and what buttons to push. She twirled a strand of her long blonde hair around her finger. "Careful with it though. I dont want it broken." Mollie let Bryden take the game from her and play with her new toy. She trusted her little brother.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
5:34pm May 20 2010
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 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
7:10pm May 22 2010
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Bryden held it carefully, he wasn't about to break something this valuble and have his new family hate him. He sat down on the floor and played with this new ob ject, smiling. Brad walked over and layed down next to him, his head on the floor, breathing out his nose, watching dust fly up with every exhale on the hard wooden floor. Dawn hung up the phone and smiled at Mollie "Mommy says it's alright." she smiled and looked at Bryden.

5:09pm May 23 2010
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Posts: 480
"Cool!" Mollie hopped up and down before running to her best friends side. "Let's go play in the snow. I want to make an igloo." She looked into her friends eyes and then to Bryden. "You can come too, Bryden, if you want." (When is he gonna start turning all evil? xD)
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
5:52pm May 30 2010
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Bryden looked up "I'm alright." he said quietly "I don't care too much for the cold." he looked down at his sister's dog and then back to the game. Dawn shrugged, grabbed Mollie's hand, and ran outside, Brad got up and ran after them, excited to play along with the new girls he met. (Soon, Soon...I had a plane out with EmoRotweiler but he needs to get him butt in here first >:U)

7:44pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 480
Kevin watched as the girls ran for the frint door. "Coats, mittens, and hats, girls. We don't need any frost-bitten fingers." He winked down at Bryden who was still playing with the DSi. Kevin also took note of the boy not liking to play in the snow. He had to learn as much as he could about his new son. "Bryden, would you like watching some TV with me in the livingroom? We have a nice fireplace you can sit next to to keep warm." The man put his hand on the small boy's shoulder and smiled. Mollie skidded to a stop at the door and looked around for her mittens. A small coat rack lined the wall by the door. She quickly grabbed her thick pink coat and slid her arms in before checking the pockets. The girl pulled her small matching gloves out and giggled. "Found them. Dawn, where are our hats? Do you know?"
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
8:16pm May 30 2010
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Bryden looked up at his new father and smiled "That sounds lovely, Mr. Cameron." he spoke and stood up, still carefully holding his new sister's DSi in his hands. He had always wished one day he'd be able to sit in front of a warm fireplace with a true family that cared for him. All he ever had to keep was was a thin blanket that his mother had made him when he was younger. Dawn slid on her gloves and slipped on her coat as she looked at Mollie. "I don't know..." she said as she fixed her gaze on a small german shepherd puppy that had two wool knit hats in his mouth, his rear raised in the air, ready to play. "Hey! Give those back!" she giggled as she ran after Brad who took off into the snow, wagging his tail wildly.

9:43pm May 30 2010 (last edited on 9:43pm May 30 2010)
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Posts: 480
"Hey!" Mollie ran outside after Dawn and Brad, making small footprints in the snow as she went. Her laugh could be heard all the way inside the house and she was having a wonderful time with Dawn and the new dog. Mollie chased and chased and chased him, making snowballs as she went and threw them at Dawn.She almost had Brad by the tail when she suddenly tripped over a large rock hidden under the snow and went face first into the ground.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
11:04pm May 30 2010
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Dawn quickly spun around and ran to her best friend, faceplanted in the snow. "Mollie! Mollie! Are you alright?" she asked frantically as she knelt next to her. Brad turned and awaited them for a moment but sensed she was hurt and walked over, dropping the hats and sniffing Mollie.

11:23pm May 30 2010
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Posts: 480
Slowly, Mollie lifted her snow covered face from the ground and focused her blue eyes on Dawn. Her cheeks were full of snow and she spit it out, coughing a little before she started to laugh uncontrolably. "Ow, my face is numb," Mollie said after her laughing fit was over. Her hand went up to touch her face and she realized she had a cut above her left eye.
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
11:33am May 31 2010
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Dawn let out a small scream and scrambled up to run inside "MOLLIE IS BLEEDING, MR. CAMERON!" she yelled and ran back out to her friend. Brad took a step towards Mollie and began licking her face, getting off the snow and attempting to clean up the cut she had.

1:40pm May 31 2010
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Posts: 480
Startled by Dawn's scream, Kevin ran through the front door and through the snow to where Mollie lay on the ground. He quickly pulled the girl up into a sitting position to check her out. "Mollie, what happened?" Mollie stared wide eyed at her father and touched a finger to her forehead again. When she looked down at her hand there was a small smear of blood on her fingers. "Daddy, it doesn't hurt. I'm okay, really." She blinked repeatedly, trying to keep herself from crying. Kevin gently wiped the blood from his daughters face and helped her to her feet. "Let's go inside and clean you up."
 Want a disco ball, like me? Rmail me and I\'ll make you one! :)
6:41pm Jun 1 2010
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Brad trotted alond behind Mollie and her father, still wagging his tail and leaving the girls' hats in the cold, wet snow. Dawn went to pick up their hats and as she bent down to pick them up, she noticed out of the corner of her eye, a figure, she jumped, startled. "May I play with you two?" Bryden asked politely. He stood in the snow wearing nothing but his casual clothes and a scarf. No mittens, no hat, no coat or jacket, not even the slightest bit cold. Dawn looked at him and attempted to calm herself after being startled by him sneaking up on her. "Uh...um...M-mollie got...er...hurt." she managed to say shakily and ran off to the house, closing the door behind her. Bryden just stood there, not moving for a few moments until her finally kneeled down in the snow next to where Mollie had fallen. He traced his fingers in the blood caked snow and pressed down his hand in it, he picked up his hand and looked at it, coated in bloody snow as a small smile came across his face. ((What a weird-o D: lol))
