7:14pm May 31 2011 (last edited on 6:18pm Jun 1 2011)
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Pelt(Skin) Color: Dark red Style of Mane: Uh, kinda like Rainbow Dash, only longer. :U Style of Tail: Um, a bit fluffier than Rainbow Dash's would be. :U Mane and Tail Color: Black. P: Secondary Mane and tail Color: Ice blue tips. c: Eye Color?: Mm. A soft baby blue. c: Young Pony or just a Pony?: POny...Bronie...whatever he is. XD Cutie Mark?: He has an old'fashioned scythe because he harvests wheat. c: Accessories?: He has a silver piercing in his left ear, and a black band on his right front hoof. Pony Name: Buckwheat? I might change it later. Bronie (Male) or Mare (Female): Bronie. :U Breed?: Pegasus pony. Fkying helps him harvest. xD Personality?: He's a real quiet, shy fellow and is used to harvesting rather than socializing, so he has a rather hard time making friends because he never knows what to say. He has a good heart, though, and loves little fillies and colts. <3 Do you work somewhere?: He harvests wheat and grain on his family's farm. :U Wheat Way. 
Picture done by Mercy. <3
7:47pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 411
(Accepted. X3)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
7:48pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((He probably won't stay named as Buckwheat for very long. I need to think of something better. xD;))
7:49pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 411
(That's fine x3)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
7:51pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((xD Like his color scheme? c:))
7:58pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 411
(Yuh X3)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
8:21pm May 31 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Derp. I dunno how to bring him in. P:))
5:03pm Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Sent the pic, now, will someone post, please?))
6:34pm Jun 1 2011
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((I'm not sure what to do with Buckwheat. xD))
7:27pm Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Make him interact with jazz, or dj, or angel. I dunno.))
7:36pm Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 411
Like everypony is or was doing, Strawberry Mocha was strolling in Ponyville, magic magenta tail swishing at the crisp clean air and lime green ears wiggling. It was such a pretty day for a lovely walk. As she trotted past the library, Mocha waved a hoof at another Earth Pony, and continued on her way. Adjusting her scarf she smiled, speaking to herself a bit. "I heard we had a famous pony living here, but I don't believe it. I think Princess Celestia and the Wonderbolts are the most famous. Or Steven Magnet the serpent. I mean, Pinkie Pie's pies are pretty famous too... Or Applejack's apples... or Rarity's outfits and decorating skills... Yeesh. We do have a lot of famous ponies..."
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
7:42pm Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Jazz was still flying, but a little faster. She charger forwards, trying to accomplish a trick she had seen the older pegasi practicing. She had almost done it until a lime green figure came into her view. Jazz screeched to a halt, tumbling over with her tail over her mane. She shook it off, then looked up at Mocha. " uh, heh, sorry about that, miss." she said, scratching the back of her head.
7:55pm Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 6,165
8:08pm Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 411
(Sorry XD) Mocha out a little yelp, stumbling back in surprise. "O-oh, that's just alright! You didn't mean to." She replied with a giggle, wiggling her magic magenta tail and trotting in place for a moment. "You're flying's pretty good though. I can't fly, sadly enough. I wish I could though. It looks super fun.~" the lime green pony added, smiling brightly. This pony seemed cool enough. "So what's your name? I'm Strawberry Mocha. Just call me Mocha or Strawberry. Either's fine, really~"
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
8:13pm Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Jazz smiled with newfound confidence. " Jazz, nice ta meetcha! I think Dj might be able to help you with the wing-thing. He trained with Twilight.So, he's almost as skilled, if not even, as her." Jazz said, smiling. She wiggled her tail. " Oh, and thanks, but, my flying's not as good as Sky Dancer's, or Angels."
8:21pm Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 411
Strawberry blinked and smiled, shaking her head. "Nah, I like being on the ground." She remarked, kicking at the ground sheepishly. The Earth Pony did sort of have a fear of heights. Probably because she had never been off the ground before (Except jumping of course) "Man, you know a lot of ponies. I only know the ponies who work with me at the Cafe." she smiled, looking around for a moment. She did need to get to the cafe soon... not know of course but soon.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
9:11pm Jun 1 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Buckwheat hefted his load of wheat onto his back, heading over to his cousins so they could turn it into flour and such. He then took the floud that they had made already and hefted it onto his back, exhaling softly before he started towards Ponyville, his long black and blue mane moving to partially cover his face. He was a rather strong bronie, if he did say so himself, but he didn't really look like it. Noticing two ponies he knew of, his ears perked forward as he eyes dropped to the ground. He'd heard that one was Strawberry Mocha, and the other was simply known as Jazz. He sighed softly, his tail flicking once as he lifted himself off of the ground to drift by without a sound. ((Derp.))
8:29am Jun 2 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Sky Dancer zig zagged through the sky, leaving a blue and yellow streak. After afew quick seconds, it dissapeared. She landed swiftly on a low cloud, just above a lime green pony and Jazz. “Mornin'.” she said, grinning happily, fluttering her wings.
Thunder Strike looked around, obviousy bored. she spotted Buckwheat, and walked over. “who're you? do I know you? are you new here?” she asked quickly. Chain wing worked in his tool shop.
((0n dsi. gotrgrounded.))
9:52am Jun 2 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Buckwheat's earw perked up as somepony approached him. He dipped his head, ears pulling back. "Ah...um...I'm....Buckwheat..." he answered softly, baby-blue eyes focusing onto the ground. "I'm...the harvester from Wheat Way...I'm um...taking flour to....Pinkie Pie..." he murmured, landing on the ground and shuffling his front hooves. He wasn't used to talking to other ponies...
6:59pm Jun 2 2011 (last edited on 7:00pm Jun 2 2011)
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Posts: 6,165
Jazz's attention was caught by Sky Dancer. " H-hi!!!!!" she said, a grin on her face, showing her loyalship. Her eyes widened in amusement. She zipped by Sky dancer. " Hi, Sky Dancer!" she said, her purple tail swishing happily. Angel looked down. She was on a cloud once more. One of fluttershy's bunnies had got out. It hopped into Buckwheat's wheat baskey. Angel opped down, trying not to attract much attention. " Um, mister, Buckwheat, is it? I think one of my aunt's rabbits is in your...wheat basket." she said, nervously. DJ was posting fliers for the dance-off at his job. He had his sunglasses on, and some small earbuds, still able to hear others clearly. His white horn twinkled with a purple aura as he posted the fliers. He handed on to the ponied gathered, including Buckwheat, Sky Dancer, Mocha, and Jazz. " Dance off, be sure to be there," he said, smiling " Free food, including some of Pinkie pie and Applejack's best dishes."