7:12pm Jun 2 2011
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((He has flour right now. He's taking it to Pinkie Pie for her to use in her bajery. c: Then he'll go get Appeljack's share. :U)) Buckwheat' ears perked up when he had other ponies gathering around him. He dipped his head, then lowered himself down to the ground so the bunny could safely hop out if it so wished. "I-if the bunny is in the flour...I'll have to go back home to get new flour..." he said softly, then let out a barely audible sigh. The poor bronie would have to fly like Rainbow Dash at this rate to deliver the flour to Pinkie Pie and Applejack for them to use in their baking... When a flyer was handed to him, he carefully took it in his mouth and looked at it, then glanced up at DJ. "U-um...o-okay..."
8:04pm Jun 2 2011
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Angel placed the bunny down carefully, and looked up at him. " I'm terribly sorry, I'll help you, sir." she said, not taking no for an answer. She waited for him to show her the way. She felt sorry for the strallion. Her tail swished slowly. Dj handed one to Skydancer and the others. " Hope to see y'all there!" he said, then galloped off.
8:30pm Jun 2 2011
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Buckwheat shook his head, a small smile appearing on his muzzle. "A-ah...um...th-that's quite alright... I'm used to doing this on my own..." he said gently before he lifted himself off of the ground. "Wheat way is a little...out of the way....so not many ponies offer us a hand..." he said before he flew off, going to replace the flour that the bunny had gotten into. It was neevr good to use flour that had had a bunny in it, after all.
8:38pm Jun 2 2011
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Angel sighed. She felt sorry. She looked up, seeing the clouds. She hopped into one and looked in Buck-wheats direction, her head hanging down. DJ had raced to the Buckwheat Way farm. He put a flier on the first tree he saw, and saw Buckwheat coming. " Delivered them already, huh?" he shouted to the pegasus." I';m free, need some help, 'course ya do!" he said, smiling.
9:07pm Jun 2 2011
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((It's just Wheat Way. :U Buckwheat is the harvester, though. xD;)) Buckwheat paused in his flying to look down at DJ, his baby-bolue eyes focused onto the other bronie before he shook his head, ears pulling back. "N-no...I'm fine on my own..." he said before he flew off to replace the flour. Once that was done, he galloped off to Ponyville to head to Pinkie Pie's place so he could deliver the flour, then go back and get the flour for Applejack. He was going to be a little behind schedule, but if he flew back to Wheat Way and galloped to Sweet Apple Acres (I think that's the name. xD;), he'd be able to almost be on time. He was determined to do this right this time!
9:19pm Jun 2 2011
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Dj shrugged it off, and started towards his job. He opened the blackened door to see the band, the dancefloor highlighter with neon colors, and some of the treats coming in. He said a brief hello to Pinkie Pie and Applejack, then went to his turntables. He greeted Twilight Sparkle. " Hey there, classmate, long time no see!" he said, smiling, he hugged her neck, and let her continue. Jazz looked up at the sky. " Its getting dark, we should be getting ready!" she said, happily, still at Sky Dancer's side.
10:06pm Jun 2 2011
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It took him a bit longer than he had expected it to, but once Buckwheat was done he let out a soft sigh, a small smile visible on his muzzle as he trotted off to the party DJ had invited everypony to. His ears perked up as he slowly entered the area, then pulled back when he saw all of the ponies there. He moved over to one of the far walls, being the shy, awkward bronie he was, and stood there, shuffling his front hooves again in that same shy, nervous manner.
12:11am Jun 3 2011
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Posts: 411
So many things happened... but in the end she found herself with a flyer in her hooves, causing her to tilt her head in confusion. "Hmm... a party and dance-off? Seems interesting enough..." Strawberry spoke with a smile, making sure that the 'closed sign' was on the cafe after she had finished her hours there. Galloping toward her destination, she smiled brightly; taking her place near a wall to take in her surroundings. She spotted Jazz, but that was the only pony she could recognize in the end. So, the lime green pony shifted in place; waiting for the festivities to begin.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
10:50am Jun 3 2011
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Buckwheat looked up as another pony entered the building, only to glance back down when he saw it was one of the ponies he'd tried to sneak past earlier. He shifted again, baby blue eyes focusing onto the different areas of the dance floor. He sighed softly, briefly wondering just why he was here. It wasn't like he was going to socialize much...or at all...
11:35am Jun 3 2011
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(just graduated, XD)) DJ smiled as he watched the ponies enter. He greeted a few, a slight nod to some.He took his place at the turn-tables. The announcer announced his name. " DJ PON-3 in the HOUSE!!" the announced boomed. DJ scratched the record, then started the music. The music was up-beat and techno. The ponies were shuffling their feet and dancing to his music. He smiled at Buckwheat. Angel was serving punch.
11:50am Jun 3 2011
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Buckwheat jumped when the speakers suddenly started booming, the bronie looking pretty startled as he darted a little further away. Being raised in Wheat WAy, where everypony was calm and quiet, this sudden noise was very surprising and was starting to give him a headache. He lowered his head, swearing he could feel his heart racing in his chest from the scare. Was it always like this?!
12:11pm Jun 3 2011
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DJ saw Buckwheats alarm, and had an idea. He scrtached the record, changing it to soft, western music. Applejack seemed pleased, along with her visiting cousin Braeburn. He smiled, and looked over at Buckwheat.
10:07pm Jun 3 2011
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12:57pm Jun 4 2011
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Buckwheat let out a soft exhale of relief as he edged towards the dance floor, closing his eyes as he let the smooth western music calm him down. He moved with the music, hooves actually moving in time with the beat from the guitar and such. This was his kind fo music, the kind that even he could play.
12:58pm Jun 4 2011 (last edited on 10:49pm Jun 4 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((I might join, but I don't know how I could pop in. :3 ))
Pelt Color: Creamy white Style of Mane: Messy curly(? XD) Style of Tail: Short, messy curly
^ What her mane is like(not my art) Mane and Tail Color: Deep brown Eye Color: Dark gold Young Pony or just a Pony?: Pony Cutie Mark?: A curled up sleepy rosey pink dragon breathing a tiny whisp of smoke(thus Whisp Dragon). Accessories: Often wears a little necklace with a tiny almost-open pink tulip bud charm. Pony Name: Whispdragon Gender: Mare Breed?: Pegasus Personality?: Shy, very shy, but loves nature and animals. Defends her friends, and unusually is the best support. Her dream is to meet a real-live, full grown, big adult dragon. Likes to read books. If people kill a plant or torture an animal... DRAGONRAGE. The birds teach her different bird calls, and she has memorized four hundred twenty three. Is a quick learner. Do you work somewhere?: Not really, but has a huge (like, almost as big as Applejack's farm) garden she tends to, and people like to go and see it.
1:46pm Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Dj smiled. He wanted his new friend to be content. He let the music play a little while, then put on some soft, country pop, so, the others, and buckwheat, could enjoy. He noddedhis head to the beat.
10:40pm Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 411
(accepted full, but please turn your link into a clickable one so I can read posts? ^^)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
10:50pm Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((Thanks Bun. ^^ How do I pop in?))
11:53pm Jun 4 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( just post...))
11:59pm Jun 4 2011 (last edited on 12:01am Jun 5 2011)
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Posts: 6,296
((You forgot Fillydelphia and Manehatten on the places list. @Mercy; It's kind of hard, because I don't want my character in Sugarcube Corner when everypony else is in the park. /:))