12:04am Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 411
(Derp.. that didn't work as I expected XD) Blinking in surprise as the music went from hardcore to soft and pleasant, the young mare sighed shakily, attempting to at least move her hooves to the beat. Of course, she had four left hooves, so trying to do so failed completely. Poor Strawberry stumbled over her hooves and tottered about the dance floor, a hazy dark blush of embarrassment creeping onto her face. "I-I... u-um..." her magic magenta eyes went large, and she shuffled off to a corner; getting a few snickers from other ponies and bronies. Of course... she was a wall flower again.. just like at her old Pony Academy dance...
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
12:05am Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 411
(Actually, Fillydelphia and Manehatten are only briefly mentioned, so they aren't very important to this roleplay ^^; )
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
12:08am Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel was near her. " I'm not a very good dancer either." she tried to comfort. She sat down, still serving the punch. " Do you want a glass?" she asked. Her tail twitshed.
12:41am Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 411
Strawberry blinked and rubbed a tear away from her eye, looking up at the voice's owner. "I-I'd appreciate that very much..." she answered in a soft tone, rubbing at her eyes more under her glasses. Oh boy... did she feel crummy now..
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
12:46am Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel smiled and handed her a glass of punch. " My pleasure." her soft voice rang, wuith a warm smile. " Dj tries to make everybody comfortable, but, sometimes it doesn't work." she said, smiling.
10:38am Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 11,785
After a while, Buckwheat moved over towards the pony that had exited the dance floor after stumbling, his ears pulled back and his head lowered. "Um...would you...like me to teach you....how to dance to this...?" he asked softly, shuffling his hooves in a shy, nervous fashion. His pale blue eyes focused on the ground as he sighed softly, tilting his head in a fashion that caused the forelock of his mane to cover half of his face.
10:50am Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((I( feel the need to make another bronie. xD There's not enough dudes!~))
10:55am Jun 5 2011
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Angel looked over to him, first realizing he was talking to Mocha. " Oh, hello. Would you like some punch?" she asked, shyly. She held out a glass of red punch, offering it. She looked to the ground.
11:03am Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Buckwheat's ears perked up, then pulled back when he was offered punch. He cocked his head, visible eye lifting up to focus onto Angel. "Um...s-sure..." he replied softly, looking back down. He was pushing himself outside of his comfort zone, the awkward little Bronie almost desperate to make some friends. All he had was his family...but friends seemed like a lot more fun... He reached out to take the glass in his mouth and set it down, drinking from the straw.
11:07am Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel smiled, and continued looking around.She was shy aswell, only reason to come was because...she had nothing else better to do. Fluttershy was out of town, helping some birds in Cloudsdale.She shuffled her hooves nervously. " I-I...could show you around...only if you like." she said, quietly.
12:49pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 17,364
Chain Wing fluttered his wings as he washed off the dirt on his hooves. He looked over to a few ponies rushing over to Dj's place. he looked around his shop and sighed. it was pretty boring there... he shook his bangs out of his eyes and followed them. he soon found himself at some sort of party. figures, he said to himself. he stood there awkwardly. parties just wasn't his thing...
Sky Dancer followed them gleefully, flying just above the ground. she ran overv to get somne punch, where some ponies were talking togetger. Thunderstrikebfollowed.
1:14pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Jazz followed, her face filled with happiness and excitement. She took every step with Sky dancer, though it was rather harder, due to her size. She flew a little lower than her, her wings still premature. Angel handed her some punch. " Enjoy." she said with a smile. Dj stopped the song. " Vinyl Scratch, known as DJ PON-3, is taking requests!" the announcer boomed, and Dj started playing techno.
1:45pm Jun 5 2011 (last edited on 1:46pm Jun 5 2011)
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Posts: 411
(You do have two more characters you can make Rika-chan x3) Of course, the still pretty embarrassed pony couldn't work up any response to the offer of learning how to dance, so she just shrank more into her little wall-flower corner and sipped her puckery punch. Strawberry wasn't really used to having a bronie speak to her. That and she wasn't sure if he was just making fun of her skills. Dang... she really wished she had some of the coffee from the cafe. But all she had was the punch... Silly, non-caffeinated punch.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
2:06pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Buckwheat seemed to droop a little bit when Strawberry shrank back. The dark-themed bronie stepped closer, nudging her once before taking a step back. "If you don't want to...I understand...I just thought...you'd like to learn..." he said softly, before he turned away. Not everyone can have the same interests, after all...maybe she just didn't like his kind of music... ((I need to come up with a good design first. xD))
2:32pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
(( Lol, I have millions of designs you can steal. XD)) Angel smiled at the awkward situatin. (( Uh, left me hangin' there....))
2:47pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 11,785
((Sorry. xD; And I wanna be creative and make my own. ^^;))
2:51pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 411
She blinked in confusion at the nudge, adjusting the apple red glasses on her face. Of she wanted to learn... but she didn't want to fail again either. The lime green pony looked to Angel, and smiled sheepishly. It was gonna be hard to break the awkward silence. "S-so.. um... how about that DJ?"
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
3:01pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel giggled nervously. " Oh, he's taking requests, so, uh, I guess you guys can play what you want." she stammered." Other than that, oh, did you know his realy name is Vinyl Scrathc? N-nice name."
3:17pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,296
Whispdragon quietly walked into Sugarcube Corner, hoping Pinkie Pie wasn't there. Pinkie Pie scared the daylights out of her.
((Faail post, i know, ut I have to post something and not get ingnored.))
3:23pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 411
Strawberry tilted her head and smiled, swishing her tail a bit from side to side. "I-I don't think I could make a request. I'm not one to ask for things." She started to speak, when suddenly... her eyes met heaven. They met a coffee machine... a lone coffee machine... Did she dare risk getting hyper? No, no... she couldn't,,, she didn't... but own it was teasing her. The limegreen pony turned away from the machine, sniffling a bit.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;