3:27pm Jun 5 2011
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Angel could see what she was looking at. It was her brew she had made. She got a cup and filled it. " Here, don't worry, it won't matter." She said, knowing what she wanted. " We havecreamer over there." SHe said, pointing
3:34pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 411
Her eyes widened in shock, the cup in her mouth shaking from the trembles her body made. Sipping from the cup, she started to trot in place, finishing the coffee off and setting the cup down. "Holy Canoli that was just amazing! Man, I am pumped I am happy and I feel as fit as a filly!" Strawberry shouted, galloping around in quick circles.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
3:37pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel giggled. " Family recipe. Used to wake me and my sister up." she giggled. " Atleast your not standing there randomly." she said. Her tail swished.
3:41pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Pelt(Skin) Color: Soft black (It's like black, but not as dark. Just a few shades lighter. c:) Style of Mane: Uh...Straight and messy. I guess like DJ's. P: Style of Tail: Long and messy. :U Mane and Tail Color: Deep violet. Secondary Mane and tail Color: Neon green. A single stripe down the center. Eye Color?: Bright green. :U Young Pony or just a Pony?: Pony. :U Cutie Mark?: He has a vibrant green dragon roaring with its wings flared out. P: Accessories?: A single red band on his right back leg, as well as a pair of black glasses. :U Pony Name: Dragonwing Bronie (Male) or Mare (Female): Bronie Breed?: He's a unicorn. c: Personality?: He's pretty rough around the edges. :U He's blunt and comes off as rude at first until you learn how he was raised. P: Do you work somewhere?: Mm. Not really. He helps out nearby dragons, though. :U ((Yar~!))
3:45pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,296
((@Rika; Could Dragonwing chat with Whispdragon? I don't know where everypony else is, so I just popped her in Sugarcube Corner.))
3:46pm Jun 5 2011 (last edited on 3:47pm Jun 5 2011)
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Posts: 411
The pony put a hoof to Angel's mouth to silence her completely. "Shhh... ShhhHhHHhhh... do you hear that?... it sounds like... fun! Lots and lots of fun! Let's foal around!" She whinnied in a happy way, giggling wildly. (Accepted Rika)
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
3:49pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel chuckled nervously, but, didn't decline. "Eh heh heh heh, okay.." she said, nervously, following her. HEr ears were folded back.
4:00pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 411
"Man, you need a big helping of that coffee yourself Gal! Come on, be more hyper and free!" The limegreen pony shouted at her friend, yanking at her tail and fleeing. She wanted to play, and just have fun! Angel was just being a negative nelly and her opinion.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
4:02pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel got a cup, drinking it. It had little affect on her. She bounced fakely qith her. "Yay..." she cheered softly.
4:07pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 411
The pony pouted, looking at Angel. "Oh come on, that was so fake! Don't you know how to have fun and just live? Huh, huh? Do yah, do yah?" She asked with a wide grin, poking a hoof at Angel and giggling.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
4:10pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel chuckled nervously.She bounced again, with more feeling and smiled. ((FAIL))
4:14pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Buckwheat let out a soft sigh as he returned to standing awkwardly in the corner, his first attempt at socializing turning out to be a kind of failure. He felt like he'd offended that pony somehow, though he wasn't sure how. He sat down were he was, simply enjoying the music as it played instead of dancing now. ______________ Dragonwing stretched out, shaking his messy-looking mane that he was sure Rarity would have complained about. He sighed softly, his black horn glowing lightly as he floated above the ground. Noticing somepony at Pinkie Pie's place, he ventured closer, ears perked. "You do know DJ's throwing a party, right?"
4:25pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 411
Noticing the pony that had offered to teach her how to dance, she trotted over, dragging Angel along by her tail. "Come on mister Wall-Flower and get on those hooves of yours! Let's have fun and just um... yeah have fun!" Strawberry shouted at him as loudly as she could, dragging him out from his corner and giggling hysterically.
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;
4:25pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"AUGGGHHH!" Whispdragon screamed, throwing down what she was holding and diving behind the shelves. When nothing came over to eat her, she peeked out from the shelves. It was a unicorn pony. Whispdragon slowly relaxed and took a tentative step towards him. "Really?" She whispered, hoofing the ground nervously. "I don't like parties." She said it so quietly, she wasn't sure the pony had heard.
4:42pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 11,785
Buckwheat's ears perked straight up as the nervous pony from earlier was suddenly hyper and dragging him out of his little courner. He pulled his ears back again, trying to escape and do things at his own pace. He was now getting forced out of his comfort zone! He wanted to go back to his beloved comfort zone, and he kind fo regretted leaving it. __________________________________ Dragonwing rolled his eyes, moving closer. "Then I guess you're all alone on that one, Everypony else is there, so good luck on finding somepony besides me to talk to," he stated, left ear twitching once.
4:47pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,165
Angel whimpered in embarrassment. ((EPICER FAIL))
4:54pm Jun 5 2011
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"Mhmnmnhmm..." Whispdragon mumbled. She didn't want to be alone, but there would be too many people. "I-I-I might come..." Whispdragon decided, finally. "I-I-I'm W-Whispdragon. Who a-are you...?" Whispdragon gulped. She wanted to bolt, right now, but a little voice in her head spoke to her firmly. You NEED to make friends! It insisted, pushing Whispdragon to stay.
5:55pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 11,785
"Dragonwing," he stated, turning to show the Cutie Mark on his side. His ears perked up. "So, are ya goin' or not?" he said rather bluntly, scraping a hoof against the ground.
(Burgh is such a whack-job. XD)
6:00pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 6,296
"I don't know. Why are you so interesed?" Whispdragon asked, looking at Dragonwing suspiciously. She was now really ready to go. She would leave her shopping for later, and ask Snowy if she should go to the party or not.
6:05pm Jun 5 2011
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Posts: 411
(BURGH IS SEXY.) "Oh come on... this is a party right? We should all be laughing and having fun right? What's the whole point of going to a party if you're just gonna be all shy?" Strawberry Mocha asked with a very bright smile, releasing their tails from her teeth and giggling. "Come on ponies and bronies, let's have fun and paaaartay!~"
YAOI GODDESS IS: Lacking some yaoi ;A;