7:44pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 1,985
(( lolz karrienne you always put jake XD )) Jimmy cracked his jaw in response, "Well, i've already carried this bas.tard everywhere, i might as well stay here with him..." He said. Reverend shrugged, "I guess that answers it." He turned his head, thinking he heard the screeching of tires, but tryed not to think much of it. i mean, what are the odds it's the ambulance? he thought Scourge bit back her tounge. Her eyes narrowed as her claws sank into the bark of the tree with anger. Her eyebrows furrowed in horror. You dumbf--k! she hissed.
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
7:44pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 1,985
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
7:44pm Feb 22 2010
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Posts: 1,985
DX lag
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
7:44am Feb 23 2010 (last edited on 7:44am Feb 23 2010)
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Posts: 3,991
((Yeah, I always get to lazy to type Jacoby XD And Lol, I just realized Kari doesn't know Scourge she was never there for any of the encounters XP)) Karienne she cringed when Jimmy cracked his jaw. She hated those cracking noises. She nodded at him. "If your okay with that." she said. She�turned towards the noise of the when she tires sreech. Wonder what the car almost hit. She thought. She looked back at Reverend "Let's go." She said. She started walking up the street. "How much m,oney do you have one you. I have 20 dollars."
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
1:19pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 1,985
(( XD lazy bum, you can just call him coby ^^ and wow, XD maybe she should meet her >:D )) Reverend started walking as well alongside Karienne, and he shrugged, "i dunno... maybe a few hundred." He said simply. Jimmy watched as they walked up the road, and he turned and looked into the trees, wondering where scourge was. He sighed, "I think i'm gonna sit down, alright?" He asked, turning to look at Jacoby Jacoby nodded, "M'kay, jus don't dorp me, please?" He asked back, laughing once. He looked into the woods as well.
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
2:21pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((Lol, I guess I'll put Coby instead of Jake XD)) Karienne nodded surprised. She never walked around with over a hundrered dollars. Wait, thats a lies, she did just it wasn't in her wallet. She quickly stepped into the store and talked to one of the guys who worked there. He pointed her towards the hockey Section. "c'mon Rev." She said as she headed to the aisle. She looked at the bags there was Blue and black. "Which one? I like the black one." (Pshaw, thats a fail.)
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:05pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 1,985
Reverend looked at it. "Well, it doesn't really matter." He said, chuckling. "Yeah, i like the black too. Hopefully it'll fit Jacoby's big butt." He joked (( fail post, win joke XD ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
4:33pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((lol.)) Karienne giggled at the last part. She shook her head. "anyways the black one it is." she pulled the hand;e towards the front desk. "You're paying Rev."
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
4:38pm Feb 23 2010 (last edited on 4:40pm Feb 23 2010)
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Posts: 1,985
��Reverend sighed, "aww, fine." He joked the cashier... person rung it up. "That'll be $41.75 sir." He said in an obviously fake joyful tone. Reverend dug in his pocket, sticking out his tounge for a second, before pulling out one 50. "Wait, i have the 75." He said, and pulled out three quarters as the cashier suddely rolled their eyes, and handed him back the change. "Thanks." He said, "you carry the bag though." He said to karienne((sorry it's bold XD couldn't get it to go back O.O� same witht the size XD ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
5:05pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 3,991
((O.O Thats funny. And theres so many of these things XD)) Karienne forwned. "But I don't want to." She picked up the bag and followed hims out. Towards the group. She said Jimmy sitting with Jacoby on his lep. "alriight guys we're back. Get in the bag."
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
6:12pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 1,985
(( XD i guess it looks pretty funny =P sucks because we can't put on pics or links anymore though XD )) Jacoby looked up as soon as he heard a voice. Karienne and Reverend had come back. "Wow, that was fast." He said in surprise. He blinked nervously once, in case the plan didn't work. Reverend nodded. "Yeah, we has supapowers." He said, and made a superman pants look. "Well, anyway. get in the bag you fluff ball." Jacoby laughed. "Well unzip it first, and i'm gonna need a little help." He said simply (( don't ask about the superman pants look XD it's a long story ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
6:43pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((Um, I am bored. o.O))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:43pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 1,985
(( lol, then post XD were's dusteh anyways? O.O ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
6:47pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((I can't much post now. Have ta wait for Dusteh.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:48pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 1,985
(( damn! ...wanna do a 1x1 or something? XD ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
7:11pm Feb 23 2010
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Posts: 3,005
((No. One on ones eat pie. ;C))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:11pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,005
((No. One on ones eat pie. ;C))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
7:16pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,985
(( i know XD but pie is good =O i just didn't think anyone else was on, but apparently i was wrong XD =D *i use smileys too much* ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o
7:24pm Feb 23 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,005
((I don't wanna. 'Nuff said.))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:36pm Feb 24 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 1,985
(( XD dusteh! where are joo? ))
Really really really need a Silver Jaaku for Kir. I will trade you an Unnamed Silver Kayoki for it. Please help, I’d really appreciate it o3o