10:57pm Jun 28 2010
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Posts: 2,895
Plot: There is an evil king who is short on gaurds and people in his army. Because of this he captures innocent people that have no family or loved ones and kills them. Once they are dead the king resurects them and turn them into half-dragons. Some of the half dragons can even breath fire! How are they going to escape? Will they escape? Rules 1 listen to me 2 this is a semi-literate RP, no one liners 3 You are either, a normal human, a human guard, a person captured, half-dragon guard, half-dragon forced into the army or the king. 4 ask me to be king 5 to join post your bio Bio Name Gender Age Personality what you are (in the list on #3) Appearance History Can you breathe fire? (if you are a dragon person) Other
11:00pm Jun 28 2010 (last edited on 11:06am Jun 29 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 2,895
Name: Aaron Ryuin Gender: Male Age: 17 Personality: he is the opposite of his father, he is kind and caring and only fights when he needs to. what you are (in the list on #3) Prince Appearance:  History: normal life of a prince, gets everything he wants. Although he does he rarely asks for anything and perfers to ride on his horse. When his father began killing people and turning them into half-dragons the king won't let Aaron into some parts in the house. Aaron doesn't know about the half-dragons yet. Can you breathe fire? he is not a half-dragon Other: none
7:26am Jun 29 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Name: Dusk Gender: Female Age: 14 Personality: (Coming) what you are: Half Dragon Appearance: (Rp out) History: Hisss Can you breathe fire? She breathes ice, not fire. Other: She is blind.
 <-- Click me
8:29am Jun 29 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Name: Brann Lynrask Gender: female Age:18 Personality: Headstrong and stubborn, she fights for everything she has...even her life. what you are: Captured human. Not dead yet. Appearance: Long shocks of red hair tumble to her waist. Her eyes are a emerald green in a slightly angular face set on a body of 5'4''...taller than a average female, but still short History: Brann means 'fire' and lynrask means 'blazing'. During the time of her birth, her parents, who died when she was 5, were in service to the king; her mother a maid and her father a food-taster. Her father died of poison and her mother was pushed into a large fire and died of severe burns three days later. As you can guess, it wasnt hard for the king to take her in without suspicion. Can you breathe fire?: No.... Other: Doesnt know she's 'on the list' Name: Lucide Wulph Gender: Male Age: 17 Personality: Easy-going, kind, and clumsy. what you are: Half dragon guard Appearance: second to right at the top. You can ignore all but his name and appearance. ^^ History: Not much is known about Lucide. He showed up in town one day and was randomly accused of brawling. Though he protested otherwise, his feet got in his way as he turned to leave and he was arrested for public drunkeness and refusing and officer. He was then taken to the king, killed, and turned into a half-dragon guard, though he cant see why they put someone of his type in to guard the king. Can you breathe fire?: Yes. Its scary. Other : N/A
Resident mounted archer
11:06am Jun 29 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((accepted, both of you))
4:51pm Jun 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,963
((Alright cool. When do we start?))
Resident mounted archer
4:57pm Jun 29 2010 (last edited on 9:29pm Jun 29 2010)
Normal User 
Posts: 12,384
Name Ash Gender Female Age 18 Personality Rp it out? what you are (in the list on #3) Half dragon Appearance  ta:image/jpg;base64,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*censored*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" border="1" alt="" ti tle="http://profiles.friendster.com/61840796" width="125" height="94" align="middle" /> History *Growl* Can you breathe fire? Breaths lightning. not fire. Other No.
6:11pm Jun 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 3,141
Name Shiro Pawn Gender Male Age 18 Personality He's a trouble maker, always sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. He's playful and tends to be lighthearted, if not a bit annoying. He's been known to act out and cause problems but somehow never get's caught and is never punished. He is quite stubborn, but knows his place. What you are Half Dragon Guard Appearance
 History Shiro's father left before he was born and his mother raised him as best she could. She had always been ill since his birth and died when he was only five. He lived on the streets for years, learning how to fend for himself and fight, until he was captured and brought to the castle. When he was killed then resurrected, he thought of it as more of a second chance but still hates the king for forcing him into it. Can you breathe fire? Yes, he often allows small streams of smoke to drift from his mouth. Other None -------------- Name Alec Roark and Kite Roark Gender Male/Male [Alec is a few minutes older] Age 14/14 Personality Alec has a dark, don't mess with me, personality. He's stubborn and will fight to the death to make sure he stays safe. He's quiet, determined, and cold./Kite has a softer and kinder personality than his brother. He's usually shy and quiet, but has a bit of a hyper side. He's incredibly childish as well. what you are Captured Human, not yet dead/Half Dragon Guard Appearance
 [They're twins so they look identical. Alec has blue-gray eyes while Kite had green-gray ones and the tattoo appeared on Kite after being resurrected (if and when Alec is resurrected, the tattoo will show up on him too.)] History Not much they like to reveal. Kite had been captured before Alec because he had heard the guards coming and forced Alec to hide before they were found. Kite was killed and resurrected and several months later Alec was captured as well. Alec believes Kite is dead, but Kite knows of Alec's capture but has been unable to personally talk to Alec. Can you breathe fire? Not yet/Yes, green fire. Other None
9:15pm Jun 29 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,895
((we will start after someone joins as the king))
10:14pm Jun 30 2010
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Posts: 2,895
6:52am Jul 1 2010
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Posts: 6,948
 <-- Click me
10:41am Jul 1 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,963
((I p*censored*ed over this, like, 2 times just now lookin for it. *facepalm* Anyway....I cant be the king. Im already Teh Leprechaun King))
Resident mounted archer
10:04pm Jul 1 2010
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Posts: 2,895
((okays, I will just wait for someone to join as him then we can start))
12:44am Jul 2 2010
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Posts: 2,963
Resident mounted archer
1:21pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 2,895
1:22pm Jul 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 7,620
((may i join))
1:27pm Jul 3 2010
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Posts: 2,895
1:28pm Jul 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 7,620
((oh can one of my charries be the evil king i see you need him))
1:31pm Jul 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 2,895
((yea, thanks. That's what is keeping us from starting))
1:33pm Jul 3 2010
Normal User 
Posts: 7,620
NameZukokinsu Shirozu Gender male Age 14 PersonalityHe is very determined and persistant.Hee never backs down and is very skilled with swords and fire.He is a fast learner and is mystrerious and sneaky. what you are (in the list on #3)half dragon Appearance History:he doesnt like to talk about it. Can you breathe fire? (if you are a dragon person)Yes blue fire but with crystal ice swirling around it. Other none