10:58am Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 2,713
((I like baby and teen Ebbies. Not adult, though. They're creepy. D: Iluvu are my favorite seasonals.))
Officially the Albino Veram King.58/100 albino Veram
5:13pm Jul 19 2010
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Posts: 2,036
OoC: More characters :D But yes, we need more guys. I might make one later. xD
5:52pm Jul 19 2010
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ooc: I will make Rel.
 <-- Click me
6:35pm Jul 19 2010
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[[May I join?]]
8:53pm Jul 19 2010
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((sure zombie))
10:22pm Jul 19 2010
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11:55pm Jul 19 2010
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Bio Name:: Zelric Renzai Gender:: Male Age:: 19 Shifts into::  Personality:: Quiet, shy, and a bit timid. He's a bit awkward when it comes to talking to other humans but he seems to get along better with other creatu in his creatu form. Powers:: Electricity (Naturally); Phasing History:: As an infant, he was left on a church's doorstep. The pastor took him in and raised him, homeschooling him and raising him like his own child. Unfortunately, he didn't get out much and the kids who went to the church often teased him. The adults thought he was a servant of the devil due to his hair. Eventually, the pastor was forced to kick Zelric out onto the streets where he was soon taken by the scientists. Looks::  Other:: He had mild medical problems from birth that the experiments made worse, causing his body to be very weak and he'll occasionally cough up blood.
1:25am Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Let's start :x
3:44am Jul 20 2010
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[[Great! I think I may make another male too...]] Name: Marco Valone Gender: Male Age: 17 Shifts into:  Personality: Extremely zealous and confident. Marco would never stop once he starts something, and he also tends to be gullible and naive when he pushes it. Eh, I'm bad at making up characters on the spot. Powers: Abnormal strength and defense, average speed. Good for attacking.
History: N/A
Looks: Other: none
10:07am Jul 20 2010
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Name: Rel Gender: Male Age: 17 Shifts into:  Personality:Rp out? Powers: Abnormal speed and can manipulate minds of evil creatu (You know, like Obi-one-konobi does in the 4th star wars movie.) History: N/A
Looks: Credit goes to someone else and the necklace around his neck, pretend, has hearts around it.
Other: none
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5:17pm Jul 20 2010
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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Let me check the gender ratio now :D
10:37pm Jul 20 2010
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[[So... We can start, right? o.o]]
12:49am Jul 21 2010
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OoC: Yeah, but I don't really want to. I will if no one else wants to though. xD
2:24am Jul 21 2010
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[[Errm I'll try? XD But I need to know a setting. Like, forest or city?]]
5:24am Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 2,036
OoC: Hmm, maybe at night in a town? Or a city, because aren't the characters runaway mutations? XDD Or something like that. I'll probably have Poppy be out hunting :3
9:15am Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Hrr, alright! I'll make my characters be hunting too, and wandering around the town. Since I'm low on ideas x.x]] Jeraud was wandering aimlessly around the city. "Kind of dark..." He mumbled, considering shifting into his Ebilia form. The night was much more to his advantage when he was in that form. He quickly morphed into his Creatu form, a jet-black Ebilia, whose wings were torn and tattered. Jeraud used them to lift himself off the ground, landing neatly on a nearby rooftop, where he head a great view of the city. Bored, Jeraud started to clean himself, swiping his nose with his left paw and laying down on the rooftop, wondering if he should spend the night here, under the stars. --- Marco had brought down a deer. In his Meiko form, he felt much more powerful, so hunting was something easily dealt with. Plus, he could stomach raw food when he was a Meiko. In a few minutes, the doe was reduced to bones, as Marco picked himself off the ground, satisfied with the meal. [[Bleh. Short. Braindead, since I'm also excited to go to Universal Studios tomorrow 8D]]

9:29am Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 115
Tia sighed as her stomach growled. She'd better leave the city to find food soon, otherwise she'd be tempted to just steal some-something she'd decided never to do. She peeked out of the alley where she was sleeping. Good. This time at night no one was there. Tia crept out of the alley, floating over the pile of rubbish that she had piled to deterre curious p*censored*erby. She grinned. At least what the scientist had done to her had some advantages. Silently, Tia floated through the city, avoiding the few people and Creatu she saw. She considered shifting into Kioka form, but decided against it. People tended to go a little...crazy, when they saw a black Kioka, and she had no wish to be buried under a pile of people again. It was safer just to stick with human form, she decided. ((Umm... Kioka are herbivores, right?))
10:24am Jul 21 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((TLD, the week when I said I wasn't gonig to be here, it was because I was at Disney World, Florida's Universal Studios, and the new Harry potter place!!!)) Dusk hid quietly in the shadows, leaning against a wall. The night air whipped across her face and blew her hair over her sightless purple eyes. She sighed and chewed thoughtfully on her nail as she wondered what it had been like to be able to see. Before she had grabbed the light, an idiot move on her part, she had been able to see colors and read books, but now... all she saw was darkness. She knew something had happened and she could transform into this azure ebilia, but did it matter, she was even blind in that form and she still had the stupid markings that had gotten her parents to disown her...
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2:06am Jul 22 2010
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OoC: YOU GUYS WENT/ARE GOING TO SEE THE HARRY POTTER PLACE? O-O Sorry for the capitals. I live in Australia and I have told mum that we are going there. I didn't ask her, I told her. XD It looks amazingggggg. I want my own wand. >O Yes I am that obsessed with Harry Potter. I love it. And I'm not posting yet, I've still got to think of something. But I will, don't you worry. XD
2:24am Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Akila woke up. She slept in later than she usually did. She yawned. She looked around for Shane, her brother. "Shane!"She called. Shane wasn't around. She was worried. ((Sorry, It's late.))
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