5:55am Jul 22 2010
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[[AWSHUM, Feyth! 8D I just went. The Reveng of the Mummy was freakin' AWESOME. Though it wasn't that fun... But it was the best ride in the place! And the Battle Star Galactica rides were down... POOP.]] Jeraud looked around, to see a floating human. Since he knew what the scientists were up to, the boy wasn't so surprised. Bored, he got up, and lifted off again. Hiding behind another rooftop, Jeraud watched the girl. "Hmm... wonder what kind of Creatu she is." Jeraud thought, still in his Ebilia form. His glowing yellow eyes narrowed at the girl.
9:46am Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 6,948
((The harry potter ride was soo fun, but it had technical difficulties. It was sooooo worth it however and was amazing to be on. The line for Olivanders was two hours long and we didn't feel like waiting that long.))
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10:38am Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 115
Tia paused. Someone was watching her. She whistled, wandering away in the opposite direction. Then, she quickly turned, shifting in Kioka form. "What do you want?" she asked the person.
10:40am Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Dusk felt as someone transformed, but she wasn't ready too. It was hard to turn into her ebilia form and it hurt. Things sticking out from places no human should have to expierience. She had only done it once and she had lost control, killing her closest friend in nthe process. She vowed never to transform again....
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10:46am Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 12,418
Akila shifted to a Black Iluvu. She looked around. She finally saw Shane. Shane padded over to Akila. "Hey sis."He said. "Hey Shane. Where were you??"She asked. "Walking."He said.
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5:53pm Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 5,998
'Eugh. Spotted.' Jeraud thought. He slowly emerged from behind the pillar he was hiding in. "Ooh, a Kioka. You don't see many these days." Jeraud spoke in his Ebilia voice. "I am Jeraud Wiplash." He nodded his head. "And you are?" His yellow eyes focused on the small little Kioka.
6:05pm Jul 22 2010
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Akila heard somevoices. She walked twards them. "Hello!"She said.
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10:08pm Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Um, by voices, do you mean Jeraud and Tia? Please be a little more specific, Tribecka.]]
10:09pm Jul 22 2010
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((Can Jeraud see Dusk?))
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10:12pm Jul 22 2010
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[[Um, you didn't mention anything about Dusk seeing/meeting/contacting Jeraud in any way, so, no. He is only talking to Tia, and I'm stationing Marco in the forest, so if nobody talks to him, I'll move him to the city.]]
10:14pm Jul 22 2010
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((She felt someone transform. She is right above on the rooftops near Jeraud and Tia))
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10:32pm Jul 22 2010
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((Sorry, yeah. I ment Jeraud and Tia.))
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11:09pm Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 5,998
[[Alright. But please be a little more specific. Like, putting in notes that look like this, which will be in my post.]] Jeraud's ears pricked. Another shifter. Two more, in fact [Akila and Dusk]. He decided to ignore them, perhaps they would be surprised if he whipped around and slashed their faces, if they were stupid enough to get close. 'No harm done.' He thought, smiling a little.
11:12pm Jul 22 2010
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Posts: 6,948
Dusk climbed over the rooftops and looked down below through sightless orbs. "Hello." she called softly into the night. She wasn't sure if they knew she was a shifter, she had never shifted anywhere except for the first time in the middle of a deserted town. She sighed and stared blankly at her cl-hands...
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12:42am Jul 23 2010
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"I have a question."She said.
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12:57am Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 3,141
[[My post is really late sorry. >_< I've been really slow with all but a few of my RPs]] Zelric had been taking a nap on a low level of a building fire escape when he was awoken by the sounds of voices. He sat up and rubbed his eyes looking around for the source of the disturbance. It wasn't surprising that he didn't see anyone. His nightvision in his human form was terrible. Not wanting to disturb anyone or be noticed, he climbed down the ladder and landed down in the alley below, looking around to make sure no one was around. [[-fail- I can't really figure out where you guys all are... I thought some of you were on the roof.. so I just decided to be vague :P]]
1:17am Jul 23 2010
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Jeraud looked around him. His nose told him that another shifter was near. Jeraud sighed, lashing his tail. 'I guess this is what I get for bothering people.' He thought. Bored, he hovered over to another rooftop, eyeing another Ebilia. "Good evening to you." Jeraud said, regaining his posture. "And what do you want." He glared at the other shifter [Akila], making his question sound much more like a statement.
9:43am Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 115
"I'm Tia" , Tia responded to Jeraud. "Who are all of you?" she asked the others surrounding her. "Are you all..like me?"
10:07am Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 5,998
"I am... Jer." Jeraud said, unwilling to give his full name. He gave himself a mental eyeroll when she asked the question. "Yes, I think most of us here-" He flicked his tail. "Are like you. Shifters." He murmured, his eye on the other Ebilia. It had been sometime since he had seen another Ebilia like him, and Jeraud wasn't feeling easy around this one.
10:19am Jul 23 2010
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Posts: 6,948
"Wait, how do you know I*m an ebilia, I haven't transformed since I was in the forest and I'll never do it again." When she said this, she choked and tears streamed from her sightless eyes. She looked away and rubbed them. When she turned back, they were red, but no longer wet...
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