8:32pm Dec 30 2010
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((Damn I gotta catch up. Might have a post tonight or tomorrow XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:42pm Dec 30 2010
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((Psh. Ser. xD))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
9:29pm Dec 30 2010 (last edited on 9:31pm Dec 30 2010)
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Posts: 1,682
Julian laughed and replied, "Omg, of course I am! I look fabulous in an isty-bitsy teeny-weeny yellow polka dot bikini!" He laughed in a shrill, over-dramatic voice. If you dug past the shrillness, you would hear the test in his voice. He did this with every new person he met, to see how they would react. This was how he knew how to choose friends from....ah, not-so-much-friends. Then with he sigh he said, "Yeah, I'm as.sistant boy's counselor this year." He observed Matthew, who fit the part of "lifeguard" to a t. It was actually extremely stupid how much he looked like one, but Julian decided not to say a thing. Looking up and past, he scanned his surroundings for signs of life, finally seeing some movement. ~ Spice smiled. "Oh yes, I'm fine." She laughed, a gentle, quiet laugh when she saw Kas.sidy's embaras.sment. "Hm, I haven't, actually. Though I do believe it's time for him to show up soon, I need to do a briefing with the both of you." Spice walked past Kas.sidy and opened the door, letting the bright sunlight stream in. She took a moment to take in the as.sistant, a jumble of dark-red hair and fair skin, her brown eyes showing concern. Thinking, Spice decided to get some air; it was a bit depressing in the mess-hall. Striding outside, Spice turned back to face Kas.sidy. "Ah, step outside a moment. No use staying in that dank place while the sun's still shining." She walked a little ways and sat down on a dusty log, crossing her legs at the ankle. Poor Kas.sidy seemed so nervous. Well I can relate, Spice thought with a tiring sigh. Messing with her hair yet again, she said, "....and about the can't-cooking thing, I'll teach you to cook." with those words, the first hint of pride flushed Spice's mild voice. ~ "Umph." Raena grunted at the slight bump, and turned her head to see a chick with white-ish blonde hair murming something apologetically. "Ah, quite all right. I'm Raena, the girl's head counselor. You are?" Her smile was bright, and her voice was happy. Raena just felt glad to be at camp. Then, she felt something land on her knee, and looked down to see a wasp. Not moving her lower half, Raena scanned for something, and upon finding nothing, swiftly clamped her hand over the wasp. With a swift motion, she released it, but its capture had angered it, leaving her a welt of a reminder. Facing the girl, she smiled once more. "Anyway, I believe we were still at introductions." ((Gosh, I need some inspiration. xD))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
6:20pm Dec 31 2010 (last edited on 6:22pm Dec 31 2010)
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Matthew smirked playfully, the corners of his mouth veering up in response to Julian. He decided to act a bit risky around this new acquaintance, because he figured it led to a speedier friendship. "I am sure," he laughed, sarcasm richly slathered over his voice. Sure, the response might lead Julian to avoid him at all cost, but it could also be well-received for the witty remark it was. If Julian disproved of his comment, it just showed he'd be a bit too normal to be Matt's friend. Matthew smiled kindheartedly at Julian's other remark. "Well," he beamed, "consider yourself the first other counselor I've seen this year. We must be early, I guess." He gazed over to the moving beings in the distance. "On second thought..." He mused, dipping his hands in the shallow water on the pondshore. --------------------- Ka.ssidy's blush faded a few degrees, so she just appeared to be mildly sunburned. She usually wasn't so shy, but the element of authority did humble her. And Spice seemed to be authority, regardless of how mild she seemed to be at first glance. Briefing. Sounds kinda, er, professional. She envisioned army men trudging out in a desert landscape. Briefing. "Ah, step outside a moment. No use staying in that dank place while the sun's still shining," Spice called, and sat over on a log. Ka.ssidy's eyes betrayed her agreement, and stood just outdoors of the mess hall. When Spice said she could teach Ka.ssidy to cook, she laughed politely and exposed her dimples. "We'll see. Trust me, I can't make a sandwich without burning something down," she warmly smiled, and her sienna eyes lit ablaze with warning. ---------------------- Avery looked at the welt, and shuddered, but she attempted to faintly smile. "I'm Avery, the Health Counselor." She examined the welt offhandedly. "Speaking of health, do you, uh, want some ice? By the looks of the welt, you also need some Hydrogen Peroxide, but, since that was a wasp, the stinger won't be lodged in there..." She arched her eyebrows, her ivory eyes blaring apologetically. "Heh. Sorry about that. It's this whole health counselor thing, I guess. I'm usually not this much of a health nerd." She blushed rose, her cheeks betraying her embara.ssment at how weird she was. She tried to make her mouth stop, but it wouldn't obey. "I'd also use Neosporin and a band-aid, so there won't be risk of infection. Or if you are in pain, I have some ointment that has some acetaminophen in it, if you'd prefer. But you definitely need ice... It may swell..." Her blushing cheeks reddened.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
11:02pm Dec 31 2010
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((I'll reply when others post their openings, considering it'll give my charries more to do which equals longer posts~ ))
 Made by Ian (Renaissance)
2:19pm Jan 1 2011
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Posts: 3,005
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
2:26pm Jan 1 2011
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((I've been kinda busy. I'll post intros here in a bit. |D))
6:21pm Jan 5 2011 (last edited on 4:49pm Jan 6 2011)
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((Sorry for taking so long. Been really busy. But Heres my intro. I might not finish it thought so I may edit it XP)) “You missed the turn!” Karienne yelled as she leaned forward in the back seat. She had taken of her seat belt and was sitting in the middle watching her younger brother drive. “I did not.” Owen said defensively as he looked into the review mirror at her. “Eyes on the road!” She yelled at him as she leaned over and smacked him upside his head. “Ow!” He said as he reached up to rub the sore spot. “Hands on the wheel!” she yelled. He quickly moved his hand back down but she hit him again. “That’s why you should have let me drive.” She said. Jessica, who was the same age as her sister even though they weren’t twin, smiled to herself as she looked out the window. The bickering between the two was hilarious. She turned her head and pulled on a strand of her purple extensions. “Just pull a u-turn stupid.” she said as she reached over and punched his arm causing the wheel to turn and move to car towards a tree. Owen quickly moved the car back. “Geez guys what is with you two and hitting? I should have called child services when I had the chance.” His blue eyes looking from sister to sister for a second before he focused on the road. “Plus this is your first year at the camp while its my second. So I think I know the way.” “Well obviously not considering I have the direct and the directions say you miss the turn.” Karienne said as she leaned forward and waved a piece of paper. “Now turn around.” Owen smiled. “Fine but remember that you asked for it.” HE turned the wheel quickly causing Karienne to fall side way and Jess pinned to her window. When he finished turned he was met but a punch and a slap. “I said make a u-turn not try and flip us over!” Jessica said angrily and rubbed her shoulder. “I think that’s gonna bruise.” Owen smiled but frowned as he saw he was nearing a sign. Saying ‘WELCOME TO RIVERDALE CAMP’ Karienne smiled. “I told you you missed it.” “Dumb @ss” Jessica muttered. - - - - - When they had put all their suitcases away in their cabins the girls made their way outside. “So you got life guard right?” Karienne said as she fell into step beside her sister who had changed out of her darker clothing and now wearing a loose light blue blouse- which she didn’t even bother to button up fully and you could see her blue bikini- which was tucked into her short dark blue jean shorts. She had also taken out her purple streaks and just left the blue so it would match. “Yep.” Jessica said as she put one of her earphones in and left the other hanging. “Least I don’t have to hang out with children most of the day.” She said as she places her ipod touch into her pocket. As she was putting it in she noticed her sister had also changed and was wearing her combat boots. “I see you like my boots Kare, makes sense in a way, You probably will be fighting with those kids.” Karienne rolled her eyes. “Well while we’re at it you look like a *censored*.” she said as she pointed to her shirt. Jessica laughed. “Its just to check to see in the other life guards a perv that’s all. I’ll button up later.” “Wait you are my sisters right?” Came the male voice from behind them. Owen looked rather surprised to see Jessica in something not so her. “Wow Jessie you look almost normal.” he said smiling. Then he looked at Kari, she was still wearing her dark blue skinny jeans but she had changed her shirt and was now wearing a black bando under lose green tank top thing. (One of these shirts, just the armpit holes aren’t as low). “Wait, why’d you two change?” He asked. “We’re going to the beach.” Jessica said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Karienne nodded looking at him as if he was stupid. He raised an eyebrow. “The beach?” He shook his head and smiled. “You two are the only girls I know who don’t wear flip flops on a beach. Look at you. Converse Jess, and Kari, you’re wearing army boots.” “Thanks for noticing sweetie.” Karienne said smiling, using the pet name she always used for him. “You wanna come with us?” she offered smiling fakely. He raised his hands defensively. “Nah, I’m gonna explore. And just so you know, its not a beach, its a lake.” He said before moving off towards one of the buildings. Karienne sighed and her and Jessica started walking again. "Its a lake..." Jessica mocked as they started walking again. "And I can’t believe he mention flip flops.” She said. Jessica nodded. “I know right. Absolutely no arch support. They’re bad for you feet.” As they started walking along the shoreline they noticed two guys. “Hey you think they’re the life guards?” Karienne asked as they got closer. Jessica shrugged. “Lets see.” She smiled and looked at Kari. “Hey Boys!” she called and she walked up to them. Kari shook her head. “So which one of you two is the male life guard?” She looked one boy to the other. “I’m guessing its you.” She said looking at Matthew.
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
7:00pm Jan 5 2011
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((Wow, that looks really long XP It mostly dialogue though XP))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:53pm Jan 6 2011 (last edited on 11:32pm Jan 7 2011)
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Matthew smiled crookedly at the two girls, nearing the lakeshore, his cornflower blue eyes expressing subtle interest. "Yep. I'm the life guard. What's it to you...?" He smiled, sarcasm emnating from his entirety. "Unless, just guessing, that you happen to be one as well?" He scrutinized the girl carefully. Cerulean streaks ribboned through strands of her dark hair, her mocha-toned skin enveloping her being, a loose shirt and swimsuit beng the scanty clothes she wore. She had a nice figure, he took notice of quietly, and her face was quite pretty. When his eyes drifting to her mouth, though, he noticed a... falsity in her. He couldn't tell what it was, but this wasn't her average self. Or the heat was getting to him. He had been through the loops before, and had proved you could teach a bad dog to look good. So, he decided to play it safe. He kept his gaze stationed at her face, and wore a careless ex pression. "Well, nice to meet you, then. Schedules were put in our stations this morning..." He handed her an agenda. He was a good actor, but it was tempting to show his true colors. He feared a streak of rebelliousness shone through his pale, made-up personality. Of course, that wasn't bad. He hoped it would make them think about him... Them. He looked over at who he supposed to be the first girl's sister. Not for long, though, as he didn't want to look too suspiscious. The second girl wore darker clothes, slightly bundled up for the warm weather, and unconvential shoes. She looked similar to her sister, and he wondered if they were twins. The words slipped out. He heard himself asking, "Hey. Are y'all twins or something?" Crud. Now they know I looked at them. He decided to be quiet, so he wouldn't ruin it any further.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
4:25pm Jan 7 2011
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"Yep. I'm the life guard. What's it to you...?" Jessicawatched the boy smile. "Unless, just guessing, that you happen to be one as well?" "Oh, lookee here Kare, a smart lifegueard." she said sarcasticly as she turned her head towards her sister causing Karienne to smiled slightly. She looked back to noticed his eyes trail her for a moment and she raised an eyebrow. But before she could say anything he had turned his gaze back to her face and handing her an agenda "Well, nice to meet you, then. Schedule's were put in our stations this morning..." She nodded and took it and flipped through it nonchalantly before turning to point something of to her sister. But once again before she could even finish her sentence the boy spoke up again. "Hey. Are y'all twins or something?" Hearing him say that caused Karienne to smiled and she opened her mouth for the first time. She wrapped her arm around her younger sister's neck. "Oh yeah we totally twin,dont you see the resemeblence?" she grinned. Jessica rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah totally. I was born in december and she was born in February." Karienne shook her head and pulled her arm away. "No we're not actually twins. But we're the same age, but im the older one." She said as she looked to her sister. She thought they didn't share much of a resemblence considering her eyes were a darker green than her sisters olive green eyes. And her skin was also slightly dark than her sister, but they got that alot. "And anyways twins can havedifferent daddies." Jessica looked at her. "Well they are the same in some ways considering they both walked out after they heard mom was pregnant." "Not true. My daddy was good. He didn't walk out, he died remember. Roadside bomb. It was you and Owen who had the dumb retarted ones." Karienne said matter of factly, causing Jessica to glare at her, not wanting the two guys to here that much about their mother. The woman was dependant and tended to jump from one person to another. Karienne pulled on one of her curls. "So we didn't catch your name." "Oh c'mon care. It doesn't matter what his name is, we won't be talking to him anyways."Her earlier playful friendliness leaving her voice. She began to button up her shirt. "Just because we work here doesn't mean we have to be nice to everyone. PLus you'll be in the arts froom so it doesn't even matter." pulled her ipod back out of her pocket and put both headphones in. "NOw I'm gonna go find that idiot we have for a brother. You don't have to come, you can to Mr. LIfeguard here.." she turned her ipod on and you could fully hear what she was listening too, and made her way back towards the building. Karienne was surprised at the sudden outburst but she knew her being nice to anyone other than family for longer than a hello wasn't really Jessica. "She turned towards the boys. Uh sorry, she's normally like that." ((Oh I failed so badly there.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
11:44pm Jan 7 2011
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((It's alright, Serenity. :3 By the way, if any of you want to join my Res Family, the thread is in the Off Topic Forums, called "The Tree of Yggdrasil." Just putting it out there. ;D)) "Well, I'd tell you my name, but your sister seems sort of content with Mr. Lifeguard. It works. Has a nice ring to it," he snickered, turned partially to the second sister. Now that she mentioned it, the two didn't look all that similar. He started to notice the difference in facial structure, but honestly, all girls looked the same to him. It was more of how they acted that made the difference. "I'm Matthew, or Matt. But most people call me Alpha, for whatever reason. I caught your name was Kare, from your unbelievably kind sister," he mused. "Is that Kare as in Karrie, or what? Or is it just Kare?" He inquired quietly. "And Arts and Crafts. Good luck with that," he said muffledly, between his lips, which were pursed comedcally. He fingered one of his bouncy ringlets, nudging his ma.ss of hair. He smiled at his meeting of the two. The first sister was... no exactly pleasant, but he was determined to break that. And the second one, she was either nice, or really freaking gullible. Either was enough for Matthew. ((My other charries are lonely. React, people. D:))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
11:25am Jan 8 2011 (last edited on 11:26am Jan 8 2011)
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((Res family?)) "Well, I'd tell you my name, but your sister seems sort of content with Mr. Lifeguard. It works. Has a nice ring to it." Karienne rolled her eyes at that. "I'm Matthew, or Matt." He added quickly. "But most people call me Alpha, for whatever reason. I caught your name was Kare, from your unbelievably kind sister, Is that Kare as in Karrie, or what? Or is it just Kare?" "Oh it's Kari." She said. "enne." She quickly added. "My names Karienne it's a pleasure to meet you Matthew." she said as she reached out her hand for him to shake. ((Fail, again. And I could have Owen or something run into on of your charries. Or they could run into him.))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
5:46pm Jan 8 2011 (last edited on 5:58pm Jan 8 2011)
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((They should run into mine. I can't desert the charries I am talking to. And yes. Res Family. xD A bunch of people, like Dustfeather, Fizzyizze, Det, etc. are in my Res family, and we made a family tree.)) "It's a pleasure to meet you, Matthew," Matthew mimicked, a friendly undertone in his voice. "The pleasure is mine, Kari-enne," he chirped quickly, so that the comment meant nothing out of the blue. He wasn't trying to sound suave, as it was completely out of his nature. He felt no love for Karienne, but he couldn't help himself being flirty. It was part of his nature. He looked at Julian briefly, trying to see what he thought of the 'innocent' discussion that went on between the two. He smiled automatically, at the thought of how innocent it really was so far. It was unusual for him. No perverted comments, manifestations of falisified love, or extreme signs of wanting. Just a simple, innocent, semi-flirtatious discussion. Matthew arched his eyebrows, feeling a sudden change is the atmosphere around them. A gust of brisk wind cascaded through his being, causing him to involuntarily shiver. "Did it just get cold for you, too?" He nearly laughed aloud at what he'd usually do by now, probably try to huddle closer to her to 'retain heat.' It was cheesey, but girls usually caught on, and reacted just the way he wanted them to. Now, though, he saw Kari wouldn't fall for that. She seemed too... noble. So he stood still, the wind stroking his hair embracingly.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:02pm Jan 8 2011 (last edited on 6:03pm Jan 8 2011)
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Posts: 3,005
((Woah. Just realized everyone is 19, except for Maria, who is 20, Owen, who is 18, and Matthew, who is 21. ouo I am making him twenty. Editing bio...))
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:47pm Jan 8 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Psh Owen is so young XP)) "It's a pleasure to meet you, Matthew," He said. Karienne raised an eyebrow at that. Was this bpy mocking her? Maybe Jessica was right, she probably would not be talking to him. "The pleasure is mine, Kari-enne," he added quickly. Oh. he was definately mocking her now. She pulled her hand away and shoved them into her pockets. She pursed her lips for a moment and looked towards the lake. It looked nice, she figured she like to come for a swim later, maybe when Matthew wasn't on duty. A cool breeze suddenly blew and she shivered slightly. She rubbed the goose bumps that just prickled her arms. She wasn't that cold considering she was pretty bundled up considering it was summer weather. Most girls didn't wear jeans, they'd jump at any chance to wear short short and other skimpy clothing. "Did it just get cold for you, too?" His voice drawing her from her thoughts. She looked back at him, he seemed to find it pretty funny considering the smirk on his face. "Uh huh. She said as she tugged on one of her curls, She looked at the other boy who still hadn't said anything she smiled slightly before looking back at Matthew. "Whats so funny?" she asked, she was really one of those out going people. the social butterfly, she could strike up a conversation with about anyone, but this boy made her feel awkward.he hoped that Jess didn't storm off. ((Now who shall i run into?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
8:41pm Jan 8 2011 (last edited on 9:36pm Jan 9 2011)
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((I dunno. Pick. xD)) Matthew read her ex pression, which was somewhere between nausea and getting run over by a steamroller. He winced, realizing she misunderstood his sarcasm, and frowned slightly, the skin on his throat tensing. "I was being sarcastic, Karienne." He murmured apologetically at Karienne. "I am not purposefully mean to anyone, I promise," a twinge of bitterness glazed ' his voice, because he couldn't believe someone would think he was unfriendly, despite his attempts to be welcoming. He solemnly breathed, the flaxen hair upon his arms standing on edge, even though the wind had become increasingly subtler, his umber freckles blaring prominently across the thin bridge of his nose. It was silent for a moment, and then Matthew spoke up. "Camp starts soon. I suppose you should make your way to the arts and crafts center," he decisively allowed her to leave, not especially wanting to talk to someone who made him feel so awkward. It was as if she had this... expectation that everyone she met was supposed to be so perfect and whole at first glance. And Matthew wasn't perfect or whole. He was really just a fun-loving, easygoing person who was way too lonely for himself to handle.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
10:06pm Jan 8 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Psh Kare has no expectations. She likes who ever and whatever. I have no idea why that conversation came out like that XP)) Karienne pulled on a curl nervously. "Yeah, I'd better get going. I'll send Jessica by if I see her. But I'd doubt she'd come." she put her hands back in her back pockets. She nodded at Matthew and then at the silent kid before she turned and truged back up the beach. That was the oddest conversation she had ever had. She pulled her hand out of her pockets and scratched ehr forehead. He seemed nice enough but she didn't understand why that had come out so weird. She shook her head. "Whatever." she muttered to herself. She eventally found the arts and crafts building and was surprised to see her little sister sittin and waiting for her. "So how was Mr. Lifeguard?" She asked *censored* he stood up. "Was he everything you imagined?" KArienne raised an eyebrow at that. |Whats thats supposed to mean?" Jessica raised an eyebrow. "Nevermind. So is he nice? Rude? A total jerk? Will I like him, aw what the hell I dont like any one." Karienne shrugged. "I don't know, He was odd. We didn't really get along." she said as she went to go look at some paint brushes in the corner. Jessica raised an eyebrow once more. "Oh, my, gosh. Miss Social Butterfly, I-can-get-along-with-anyone, dikdn't get along with a stupid blond life guard. Oh this is precious. This is too much." Jessica laughed as she walked closer to her sister. Karienne gave her a look. "Hey, I'm just saying." Jessica said defensively. "He said that camp was going to open soon, you'de better get to the lake." she had moved away from the brushes and made her way to the glitter and paint, from the tone of her voice Jessica knew the conversation was opver. She turned and left the screen door flapping behind her. ((Ah which character is free or are they all talking to someone?))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.
9:57pm Jan 9 2011
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((Eh, sorry Karebear. I just figured it'd be better if they disliked each other. At least at first. xD And all are talking. Pick the personality you prefer.)) But I'd doubt she'd come. Wow, Matthew thought, Nice going. You handled that one well. Matthew's fingers tiredly prodded his temples, his eyes shut so they formed deep grooves. It was obvious he felt disappointment, and a twinge of anger. Not anger at Karienne. Anger at himself. Matthew examined a titanium clock that hung beside the elevated lifeguard chair, annoyed to find it so close to when the kids arrived. Ten minutes until they ran in. Ten minutes he would surely regret. He realized his nails were peeling away the skin on his thumb, subconsciously. He shuddered when he saw the first few crimson stains against his tan skin. He sighed, and grabbed black swim trunks from his Under Armor backpack, and ran to the dressing room to change into them.
Love is unconquerable. For love needs not the pleasure of outward beauty, as it takes great pride in the inward. Love needs not the cushion of luxury and riches, for lovers tend to grow closer in strife. Love needs not fame, for those true to love will not host greed.
6:57pm Jan 11 2011
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Posts: 3,991
((Hey is everyone ready for an epic fail.)) Owen wondered around the camp, remembering all the memories he had had here. He walked around aimlessly and bumped into a girl. He spun around "Oh sorry." he said as he cheeks went a slight pink. (FAIL, he walked into Avery) - - - - - - - - - - - - Jessica made her way once more down to the lake. She had come prepared, she had changed her shirt and she was just wearing a zipper hoodie over her bikini. She shook out a beach chair and dropped it down, and she leaned herself back and pulled out a book from the bag she had brought with her, she didnt see anyone else around. ((FAIL XD))
Its been a while but im back~ If youre an old RP buddy hit me up Id love to reconnect.